The departure of the old man means that the store now belongs only to the apprentice and his cat, and both the man and the cat are looking forward to tonight.

"This is the first time I've been in the store so late, it must be fun!"

Jenkins said this, and the cat nodded quickly, wondering if Jenkins would prepare a midnight snack.

In this era, there was no legal working time, let alone companies or factories that got off work on time. But the time for "decent people" to get off work was mostly fixed between six and seven o'clock, which was the traditional evening. The time for workers to get off work was completely in accordance with the requirements of the factory owners. There were countless people waiting to compete for jobs without knowledge and cultural requirements, and no one wanted to lose their jobs now.

After the old man left, Jenkins began to look at the flow of people leaving work outside the window bored. He patiently waited for the first customer to come, and then gave up this boring behavior after more than ten minutes, intending to find some fun for himself.

The old man estimated that Jenkins would soon get bored and bored, so he prepared two thick books for him in the store. But Jenkins had no intention of learning now, he wanted to read some other books.

Daddy's study is on the second floor, and Jenkins can borrow all the books there, because the books that cannot be read to him are in the secret room under the store.

In addition to history and religion books, there are also some traditional biographical novels on the bookshelf on the second floor. According to Jenkins' understanding, Daddy doesn't like this kind of books, at least not at this age.

"Maybe these are books Daddy bought when he was young."

His fingers rubbed the spines of those books, and the cat squatted at Jenkins' feet, raised his head and looked at those books with wide eyes.

Daddy's study is decorated more luxuriously than the bedroom, which is also a common behavior of sage believers. The bookshelf almost fills the entire wall. Before this, Jenkins really didn't have the opportunity to stand here and observe every book.

"Detective Knight Biography"? I didn't expect Daddy to have this book too."

Thinking in his heart, he took out the first volume and looked at the edition number, and found that this was the edition from five years ago, not the first edition he thought of.

Then he remembered that he heard two days ago that the next volume of this book would also be published, so he looked forward to seeing a new story.

"The Detective Knight" is the most famous novel of this era. It is a book that everyone from the nobles to the middle-class businessmen likes to read. Although there are occasionally some embarrassing descriptions in it, this is also a common problem of knight novels in this era. The open social atmosphere makes all aspects of society very open.

The original owner's batch of novels were all brought to St. George's Street when Jenkins moved away from Privet Drive. When he opened the novel in his hand, the original owner's memories of these books also came up, which made Jenkins interested in the follow-up of this book.

Putting the first volume of "The Detective Knight" back, Jenkins continued to observe the bookshelf, trying to find a good book to kill time.

He prefers to find a detective novel because his new book is still in the planning stage. He himself doesn't mind copying the content of those famous books in the past, but after all, he still has to have some stories of his own, so it is very necessary to learn how others write.

"Blood Valley? It sounds a bit scary. Don't read this kind of thing at night... Empty Hills? I've heard of it. It's a court love story disguised as a detective novel... Colors of the Stars? The fantasy of a crazy mystic. It's worthless... Beyond the Mountain? The autobiography of a mental patient..."

Chapter 1038 Chapter 1020 The First Visitor

Jenkins has read most of the books on his father's bookshelf, so he knows the general story of the book by looking at the title. The cultural penetration rate of this era is not very high, and the number of people who can write a novel that may not be published with the awareness of not having food to eat for a year is even smaller.

This has led to the fact that there are actually very few popular books available on the market. For example, there were no popular novelists among the writers who competed with Jenkins for the "Ritter Award" last year.

This is partly because this award is generally only given to those old serious literary writers, and partly because it is really difficult to find successful writers who can write popular novels as a career.

"The author of "The Legend of the Detective Knight" seems to be from the Kingdom of Cheslan..."

Jenkins thought to himself, and saw another novel with a black spine and a dictionary-thick title, "The Cat and Thirteen Fingers".

"Oh, it's this book!"

Jenkins' face immediately showed a disgusted expression. This book describes a mystery that happened in modern times. The baron's family living in the valley villa mysteriously disappeared, and the friend who came to visit was a well-known detective. He found a domestic pet cat and thirteen fingers belonging to different people in the villa.

The detective went through a lot of hardships, fighting with the mysterious creatures in the valley, interpreting ancient murals in the big pit under the villa, and was almost suspected of being a murderer by the town police.

In the end, the detective came to the conclusion that the real murderer was the pet cat, which ate everyone.

The original owner Jenkins had read this story, and the current Jenkins had just read this memory and was immediately disgusted.

"There is no logical reasoning at all, sloppy clues and rough conclusions...and how could a domestic pet cat do such a thing!"

Jenkins couldn't help but mutter, running his fingers along the spine of The Cat and Thirteen Fingers. Chocolate, who was squatting at his feet, immediately nodded in agreement. Chocolate doesn't eat people, cats don't like humans, and Jenkins is not a human.

There were less than twenty fiction books on Dad's bookshelf, and finally Jenkins chose "The Rudolph Book", a novel that chronicled the story of the detective Rudolph.

He was looking through the book catalog and walking downstairs with his cat, and then he was attracted by the third story "The Case of the Corpse Hidden in the Antique Shop".

"This one looks interesting, that's it."

He noted the number of pages, then closed the book and returned behind the counter with the cat.

The sunset on the horizon disappeared little by little as the clock rotated. The street lights on the roadside flickered a few times, and the light spread out little by little, illuminating the stone bricks on the ground of Fifth Queen's Avenue.

In the store, Jenkins lowered his head and read a book in front of the counter. The chocolate beside the counter was holding Jenkins' ring that sealed the black stone of disaster, twisting around without knowing what he was doing.

Everyone and the cat have their own things to do, so there is no sound in the antique store except the occasional sound of turning books.

Jenkins has been completely attracted by the content of this book. He did not expect that such a thrilling detective story could happen in a small antique shop.

Ding dong~

The bell at the door rang, which meant that someone pushed open the store door. It's not yet eight o'clock, and the customer who agreed with Dad to pick up the goods can't come.

Jenkins raised his head with surprise, and then found that it was Miss Capet who came through the door.

"Good evening, William. Is dad here? I have something to do with him."

The woman greeted Jenkins familiarly, and then learned that her father would not be back until at least midnight.

She was wearing a very low-key linen skirt today. There was no decoration on the skirt, making her look like an ordinary female worker coming out of a textile factory. But ordinary female workers would not have such delicate skin and beautiful faces, let alone the unique temperament of clergymen.

"That's such a pity. I originally wanted to borrow a book from dad... I'll come back next time. I guess my luck won't always be so bad."

As she spoke, she wanted to wave goodbye to Jenkins, but Jenkins left her behind:

"Please wait, Miss Cape, have you heard about the dragon scales appearing on Miss Knight's body?"

"Of course I know. I recognized the lines on Miss Knight's body, but I don't know what happened next."

She was indeed interested in this matter and immediately put away her attitude of leaving.

"This matter is actually confidential. I mentioned it to you because we are all friends who are adventuring in the mirror world."

In fact, Jenkins just wanted to find an excuse to keep her and ask about his father's apprenticeship. Miss Knight's bloodline is of great importance because it may be involved in matters related to the dragon clan, so it is impossible for pagans who are just temporarily staying in Nolan to recuperate to participate in the follow-up.

"I just heard about this from my father. It is said that Miss Knight may have reawakened her ancient bloodline."

"Is that so? I knew she separated from us when she was in the Mirror Realm, definitely because she made an important discovery!"

Miss Cappe's guess was the same as Jenkins'. She also believed that the teammates who left the team early were not really in danger.

"I think Miss Knight must have made great gains in the mirror world to be able to awaken the blood of the alien race so quickly. Ha~ But that is not necessarily a good thing."

"Yes, it is indeed not necessarily a good thing. Dragons are not humanoid alien species, and awakening their bloodline carries considerable risks."

Jenkins also catered.

This is the fact. Humanoid aliens, such as elves, sea tribes or vampires, even if they awaken such blood, their bodies will not change much. At most, there will be some slight changes, such as ears becoming pointed. The situation is different for non-humanoid creatures such as dragons. Even if the extremely thin bloodline is reawakened, it may cause alienation or even deformation of the limbs.

For example, a few months ago, the woman awakened the mantis bloodline under the influence of Pompeii potion. Her madness and the alienation of her limbs are inseparable from her non-humanoid bloodline.

"But I'm more curious about what happened to Miss Knight in the mirror world."

Miss Capet said as she placed her handbag on the counter, indicating that she would not be leaving anytime soon.

Jenkins wisely prepared some hot tea for her before resuming the conversation.

"It's probably not because he accepted the power of the evil things in the mirror world, although those things are indeed very powerful. I think this should be related to his own mirror image. The mirror image reflects himself, and maybe it will reveal things hidden in the soul and body. "

Jenkins said casually. In fact, he wanted to discuss things about Dad's apprentice, but he didn't know how to start.

Chapter 1039 Chapter 1021 Dad’s Past

"The mirror world reflects itself?"

Miss Capet was startled when she heard Jenkins' guess, and then felt that it made perfect sense. This feeling was so unexpected, but she just felt that this was the truth.

"You're right, it's very possible!"

Miss Cape seemed to be deceived by Jenkins' words, and showed an expression of realization. Jenkins didn't understand what she had realized, but Nolan's Mirror Realm entrance would be permanently destroyed in the near future, and even if she wanted to do something, it would be impossible to do it.

Miss Capet seemed to be very interested in the world of mirrors, and later made many interesting speculations. Jenkins couldn't help nodding in agreement while holding his tea cup, thinking in his mind how to guide the conversation in the direction he wanted without being rude.

"Speaking of which, Mr. William's soul-origin ability seems to be of the green life type."


As he spoke, he released his own green sapling, and Miss Capet's soul emblem was similar to a leek.

"Mr. Williamt, I heard that you are the most outstanding healer in the Norland area. This is really amazing. In fact, I always thought that only believers of our Lord and the great [Earth Mother Goddess] would be born. Ability-like person.”

"This is the choice of God and fate, and we can just accept it passively."

Jenkins said vaguely, but he was actually very curious about his extraordinary healing talent. He had speculated that this was because the body was feeding back to the soul, but there was no evidence.

He wanted to inquire about the pagan in front of him, but he did not want to reveal the secrets of himself and the church. After this brief hesitation, the topic was missed, and Jenkins could only plan to inquire about the situation from the soothsayers when he visited Miss Audrey's house this weekend.

"Dad is also interesting. I have heard about his apprentice Miss Stivell. She also seems to have the ability of the life system..."

Even though Jenkins made no move, the conversation still turned in the direction he wanted. For a few seconds, he suspected that he was being read, but then he immediately suspected that [Stage of Destiny] was biasing his thoughts.

"Is that so? I've never heard anything about Father's apprentices."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at the woman sitting in front of the counter. Jenkins tried hard to project his curiosity through his eyes. Fortunately, the woman received this emotion:

"I'm not the kind of person who likes to reveal other people's secrets, but since you are also my father's apprentice, you can tell me."

An undisguised smile appeared on Jenkins' face, and now he was curious about anything about his father. And this was not something he took the initiative to ask, it was what Miss Capet wanted to say herself.

He asked the woman who was about to speak to stop for a moment, then ran to the second floor and took out the bag of more expensive tea leaves. He used [Life Source] to slightly stimulate some vitality, then brewed it with water, and then returned to the second floor with the saucer. building.

"Please tell me."

He placed the tea cup in front of Miss Capet, and then placed the cut apple next to the cat. Now even the cat was satisfied.

"When I was very young, I used to come to Nolan with my nun, the father I met at the time. That was about... thirteen years ago. At that time, Miss Stivell was still working here. , I have the honor to meet her once, and I have to admit that Miss Stillwell’s appearance is extremely outstanding..."

After saying this, the woman looked up at Jenkins' face again:

"Of course, her appearance is outstanding and cannot be compared with yours. However, the soul origin ability of the green life system is rare among sage believers. Dad's fourth apprentice and third apprentice are both life-type Soul Power, it’s interesting.”

Jenkins would not doubt that he was Miss Stivell's substitute. He was not so bored. After thinking about it, he asked again:

"Then do you know where Miss Stillwell is now? I have never heard my father talk about this lady. I would like to talk to her."

"Sorry, I don't know that either."

Miss Capet shook her head regretfully:

"I lived in Nolan for three months that year. Because I lived very close to Miss Stillwell, I knew that she also had the original ability of the life system. Speaking of which, I was able to become a benefactor because of one time I broke my knee while playing, and when Miss Stillwell used her abilities to treat me, the spirit of life stimulated my soul to resonate, which made my soul ability appear... But after that, I just... Grandma left, after all, we are not residents here. "

"After this, do you still have contact with Miss Stiver? I think there will always be some letters sent every year, right?"

Jenkins felt like he was about to hit the finish line, and he was really curious about his dad's secret. Of course, it's a good-natured curiosity, just like Chocolate has a good-natured curiosity about the ring.

"We wrote and talked frequently for the first year, but then Miss Stillwell told me that she was going on a very confidential mission, and the writing stopped. After that, I sent a letter to Dad's Antique Shop , asking about Miss Stillwell, but dad always used various excuses to evade me. "

She also made the gesture of holding the cup with both hands, but Jenkins' lie priest has never prompted, which shows that there is no lie above.

"A highly confidential mission?"

"Yes, that was the summer 12 years ago. Miss Stiver only said she was going to Turin, and we never contacted her again."

Miss Cape said regretfully, her eyes full of despair. She probably misses the "big sister" from her childhood. After she met Jenkins by chance last time, she went to the antique store and she probably wanted to ask her father about Miss Stillwell in person.


While Jenkins was thinking, Miss Capet spoke again:

"However, dad has told me many times in letters that Miss Stivell is not dead, so I don't have to worry. I think dad won't lie to me, so one day, I will be able to see her again."

Jenkins also hopes to meet Miss Stiver and get information about his father's past from her. In Jenkins' eyes, his father is the most mysterious person among all the people he knows. Even the professor who was enlightened in his dream or the hooded man whose true identity is still unknown are not as mysterious as his father.

Only the secret hidden by Mr. Corpse may be comparable to that of his father, but Jenkins is not very keen on exploring Mr. Corpse's secret.

The story of his father's past must be very exciting, but people who know those past events are often very secretive. The most likely person to tell Jenkins everything is Old Jack in Shire City, but every time Jenkins mentioned this in a letter, he would ignore those questions in his reply.

Chapter 1040 Chapter 1022 The Second Visitor

Since Turin City was mentioned, Jenkins naturally thought of Mr. Corpse.

"The last time I sent a letter to Mr. Black Cat in Turin, I asked him to carefully investigate a manor belonging to Mr. Corpse within his ability..."

The manor was obtained by Mr. Corpse at the party, and Jenkins wrote down the address at that time. He was originally afraid that entrusting Mr. Black Cat to investigate would implicate him, but then he felt that Mr. Corpse would not come to Turin in person, and Mr. Black Cat was cautious and powerful enough, so he mentioned it in his heart.

"Maybe Miss Stiver's matter can also be entrusted to Mr. Black Cat, after all, the last place that senior appeared should be Turin... But entrusting so many dangerous things to Mr. Black Cat, isn't it too difficult for him? I don't have many friends..."

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