Although he knew that Miss Bailing was Miss Hesha, it was definitely not the right decision to disturb her rashly. Jenkins didn't want to expose himself yet.

Jenkins sent the chocolate home first, and each of them ate a few mouthfuls of it. Then he summoned the spiritual black robe, this time transforming into a 16-year-old black and thin boy.

Instead of walking directly to the destination, he carefully climbed over several walls and arrived at a deserted street in the slums as agreed with Miss Bai Ling. The walls were messily smeared with all kinds of disgusting things.

Jenkins took out the ritual chalk, found a clean area and drew a standard five-pointed star, and then drew a simple bird underneath it.

Although somewhat like a chicken.

"Sage bless you, Miss Bai Ling must see it in time."

He prayed in his heart and entered the complex alleys of the slums from the other direction.

He didn't go too far, but walked around the neighborhood a few times. He even chatted a few words about today's "harvest" with a few teenagers living nearby as peers, and then returned to the garbage street where the wall was. He carefully hid behind the stacked abandoned metal pipes and waited for the night to come.

The only reason the metals weren't stolen was because they were too heavy.

Chapter 98 Chapter 95 Self-examination

The heat storage capacity of water is much stronger than that of air. With the rise of the red and blue moons and the arrival of night, the temperature of the land drops rapidly, forming a temperature difference with the sea surface. Under the influence of the gradient temperature field, the smog covering the city spontaneously flows to the ocean area where the air density is less.

Even from the corner, Jenkins could see the entire street.

The pocket watch clicked, and the disguised Miss Lark did not appear until eleven o'clock at midnight.

Jenkins deliberately made some noise first, and then walked out, placing his hands on his chest to reveal his soul emblem.

"Sometimes I suspect that you actually have the ability to transfer souls, just like the evil spirits that the Zhengshen Church recently wanted to deal with."

Miss Bai Ling's cold voice came.

Now that he knew her true identity, Jenkins could still hear the familiar voice no matter how hard she disguised it.

"Sorry, there is a party tomorrow and I have to call you out today."

He said in a somewhat apologetic tone.

"It doesn't matter. Do you want to trade now? No one wants to buy that chain ability yet. What kind of items can you come up with?"

She stood in the shadow of the brick wall, holding out her hand to signal Jenkins to stay away.

"I didn't find the item."

I feel embarrassed myself.

"Actually, I want to ask for your help today."

Miss Bai Ling did not move, quietly waiting for Jenkins to finish his words.

"I can't attend tomorrow's party, so I hope you can inform me how to confirm the time of the next party the day after tomorrow. I can pay."

Neither of them spoke anymore, and Jenkins stood there waiting for the decision of the woman opposite.

"Okay, but you need to help me with one thing."

After a few minutes, she said calmly.

"What's up?"

"I need you to test a man, William Jenkins, the writer of Tales from a Stranger. I want to know if he is the Giver."

Silence fell again, but this time for a different reason.

"How should I test myself?"

He had doubts in his mind. It seemed that the chance encounter at the corner that day made her suspicious. But then I thought, maybe this is an opportunity.

"I have heard of this great writer. But you should know that it is best not for illegal benefactors like us not to mess with such a public figure."

"Do me this favor. No matter what kind of item you find next time, we can trade that chain ability. Of course, I won't accept Class A items."

"It's impossible for me to find Category C."

Jenkins added that after much thought, he had already decided to agree.

"As a reminder, the set of chain capabilities I sold has certain hidden dangers. You should consider it carefully."

"We'll talk about this later. How can I prove my conclusion?"

"I just need results."

"Do you believe me so much?"

"...There is no way around it. But you must not appear in front of him. I hope you can use gentler methods to test."

"no problem."

Jenkins almost knew what Miss Hesha was thinking. Miss Michael didn't know what happened to the so-called Great Psychic's staff, but as the Giver, she might have known that it was a supernatural object through other means.

Combined with Miss Michael's many requests, her father never sold it to her, but Jenkins, the young apprentice, got it easily. She probably suspected that Jenkins was also the benefactor, so she tricked her father into getting the cane.

As for why he was unwilling to let Mr. Candle appear in front of Jenkins, it was probably because he was worried that Mr. Candle would ask him about the pursuit last evening, thus exposing his identity.

After discussing the specific details of the matter, Miss Bai Ling turned around and left.

"Please wait a moment."

Jenkins shouted again.

She took a few steps back warily.

"There is no malice, but I heard that you are currently wanted by the [Death and End of the World] Church. I am fairly well-informed, and you seem to be involved in the hospital affairs."

"You're not well-informed. I'm just implicated. And that's not a wanted warrant, it's just a pursuit."

Her voice was cold and she sounded angry.

"So you are implicated by that man in black robe?"

" can't say that. What, you want to buy information about that night?"

"Of course not, but I'm worried that Mr. Hood will refuse you from attending the party again because of this."

"I have known Mr. Hood longer than any of you, and he will believe me."

Jenkins nodded, "That's good. I came to this strange city by steam train and I don't know many people. I wish you peace and see you on Wednesday night."


Jenkins shook his head and walked away along the garbage street with his hands behind his back as if walking.

It’s easy to investigate Jenkins Willamette’s case, but what’s important is what should be the result?

Jenkins thought as he walked under the moon.

"Tell her that Jenkins is not the benefactor. The advantage is that this troublesome matter will be ended immediately. The disadvantage is that if the big one Jenkins shows his feet in front of Miss Hesha in the future, it will also reduce the credibility of the small one Mr. Candle."

The wild cat leaped from the low roof, and Jenkins stopped to watch it run away into the distance.

"Tell her that Jenkins is an illegal benefactor. The advantage is that Miss Hesha will most likely take the initiative to contact this 'companion', and Jenkins can gain more channels; the disadvantage is that it would be appropriate to open a small account this time. The trumpet is: a fledgling and very immature writer."

Jenkins nodded, remembering that the kitten Chocolate at home didn't know whether he was sleeping or not.

"Tell her Jenkins is the church's scribe...unless I'm really crazy."

The next day, although Jenkins would not be assigned to the front line as a back-up treatment staff, night operations are always a dangerous thing. Dad would not participate in the night operation, but for safety reasons, he asked Jenkins to use the day time to visit the black market and be as prepared as possible.

In addition, he lent Jenkins a powder pistol that could fire repeatedly.

Jenkins had always planned to buy a gun. There were guns for sale both in his father’s business and on the black market, but he could never make up his mind.

In the afternoon, Jenkins put the chocolates at his father's place and then rode a carriage to the church.

Captain Binsey's team serves as the church's security team and spends most of its time here. This operation was not under his command, so Jenkins was assigned to another peripheral security team, temporarily numbered 092.

I don’t know if it was to take care of Jenkins, a newcomer who was participating in a group mission for the first time, but most of the scribes in the team were acquaintances during previous treatments.

PS: It is said to be on the shelves next Friday.

Chapter 99 Chapter 96 Credit

After the sun went down, they put on uniform black trench coats that were convenient for moving in the dark. Each person carried standard weapons, and the team set off.

From this moment on, things started to get weird.

Nolan City was extremely quiet tonight. There was no noise from drunken people or the sound of carriages running over large stone slabs.

Jenkins and his team were scattered around a three-story khaki building in the slums, and frontline combat troops had already entered.

The red and blue moonlight was exceptionally silent. Jenkins raised his head and stood in the cold night, trying to distinguish the subtle sounds coming from the wind.

This building has long been abandoned and is usually home to homeless people, and tonight's battle will definitely affect them.

"May the goddess bless you."

Jenkins drew the holy symbol on his chest.

Suddenly there was a dense crackling explosion, and a black figure jumped down from the roof.

As soon as he landed, he was surrounded by a team of scribes ambushing nearby.

In the moonlight, Jenkins saw the face—it was the disheveled Barnard.

He sighed, not expecting that he would meet this benefactor by such a chance with only a few tenths.

But the real Barnard died the moment the evil spirit possessed him. He had experienced the process of being driven out of his soul by evil spirits and knew that this result was inevitable.

There was no fierce fight between light and shadow. In just a few breaths, Barnard was seriously injured by one punch from one person.

He spread white mist around in embarrassment, but a scribe dressed as a black-robed priest raised his hands, and the gentle golden light dispelled all the abnormalities.

Rushing left and right in the encirclement, just when Jenkins thought the battle was about to end, a gap appeared in the encirclement, and Barnard's body immediately broke out. Staggering along the alley, the dirty black robe on his body was in tatters. His eyes were dull and he rushed straight towards Jenkins and the others.

The scribe downstairs did not pursue him and stood quietly in the moonlight watching him run. The teammates around Jenkins also retreated in tacit agreement.

"Go ahead."

Jenkins heard a familiar voice behind him, and was then pushed out of hiding, blocking the path of the injured Barnard.

"what happened?"

he was shocked.

Under the moonlight, the injured evil spirit possessed and Jenkins met on a narrow road. Unable to avoid it, he first threw out a few swamp charms held in his left hand. After the injured person who was advancing suddenly became sluggish, he swung out with his right hand with an extremely cold breath.

Ice fist!

Thin frost spread from the contact point between his right fist and his body. Only the whites of his eyes looked at Jenkins, then slowly closed, and his whole body fell backwards and collapsed on the ground.

"Mr. 092 has killed the target and the mission is over."

A man behind him shouted, and both the besiegers in the low building and the peripheral team members around him began to applaud.

A tall figure walked out from the scribe, took off the black tall hat on his head, grabbed the brim of the hat with both hands and gently flipped it, and a white stretcher appeared on the ground.

"Isn't this... a hat trick?"

Before Jenkins finished speaking, someone behind him patted him on the shoulder. The battle was over, and everyone started to move. In the corner of his eye, he saw several men in black with the [Lightless Moon] Hidden Moon Holy Emblem painted on their chests. They squatted down and carefully put Mr. Barnard's body on the stretcher.

"I'll explain to you."

The person behind him was Daddy, and at this time, a feeling of betrayal filled Jenkins' heart. The information that happened in the past few minutes was too much, and he really didn't know how to face it.

Pulling Jenkins to the carriage on the side, Daddy reached out and straightened his collar for him.

"You guessed right, the one who attacked you that night was our own church, and this matter was arranged by the church's upper echelons."

He deliberately paused to observe Jenkins' performance.


He casually threw the Silence Charm onto the cushion.

"In fact, the Grand Church had already prepared a reward for you, but because of that reason, all the rewards were temporarily postponed."


"Because of the strange thing in the Broken Islands."

The old man reached out and patted his face: "The Church and the Church were wrong in this matter. I hope you don't resent the goddess for this. There are many constraints on the actions of mortals... These explanations were told to you by the people of the Church, but... Dad also admitted his mistakes to you. Dad knew that it was his own people who attacked you the day after you were attacked, but I didn't tell you..."

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