Although the sage advocates learning knowledge, it is not forced learning but active learning. The church hopes that children can understand this.

"That's great, congratulations, Finny!"

Jenkins wanted to reach out and pat her head, but he estimated that it was not a polite gesture in public, so he restrained the impulse. This is a bad habit formed by raising chocolate. In the past, Jenkins and Jenkins did not have the habit of patting other people's heads.

"Sir, can you trouble me for a favor?"

The two talked briefly for a while, and Finny suddenly asked with a red face.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Can you help me send something to Louise? You know, I can't leave the church for the time being. If I choose to mail it, it will take too long."

"Of course, I will go back to my father's antique shop in a while. Tell me where Louise often goes to sell flowers, and I can find her on the way."

Louise is Finny's friend who is also a flower girl. Jenkins met her once last night. The girl had a similar life experience to Finnie a few years ago, but everything changed with the death of Finnie's parents. What happened next and the comparison of the two girls' situations could not be more appropriate to describe it as fate.

Finnie wanted to help her friend, so before she started to contact the extraordinary, she wanted to give her some things to help her improve her life.

After leaving the church, he went to find the little flower girl Louise according to the address provided by Finnie, but Jenkins did not see the girl near that intersection.

So he spent 3 pence to ask the clerk at the street corner. The young man with a heavy accent and acne marks on his face had an impression of Louise:

"Are you talking about the girl who often sells flowers nearby? Oh, I remember her. She shows up earlier than I go to work every day. The manager often criticizes me for this... Speaking of which, I didn't see her all day today. What happened?"

Jenkins was sure that he saw Louise come home last night before turning around and leaving. So the girl couldn't have an accident when she was going home. If she didn't go to another intersection to sell flowers today, then the accident could only have happened between last night and the early morning of today.

Thinking of this, Jenkins felt uneasy. He hesitated for a moment and did not return to his father's antique shop, but chose the opposite direction, to the girl Louise's home.

While walking, he thought about all kinds of terrible possibilities in his mind. When he was two streets away from his destination, he suddenly heard someone calling his name in the carriage:


The voice was familiar. He turned around and saw the church's carriage and Miss Bevanna in the carriage.

"Jenkins, why are you here?"

This is also what Jenkins wanted to ask Miss Bevanna. When he found out that the destination of the carriage was actually the alley where the girl lived, Jenkins' heart sank.

Because there were still two streets away from the destination, Jenkins got on Miss Bevanna's carriage to travel together. When he got on the car, because the movement was too large, he disturbed the cat who was taking a nap in his arms. He felt the animal on his chest squirming, and then a lazy cat cry came out.

When Jenkins sat down, the cat had tried to stick its head out of his chest. Because it had enough sleep time, it forgave Jenkins for waking it up without authorization.

"I want to go to the alley over there to deliver something to one of the families. It's the entrance to the third alley on Byron Street... Did something happen over there?"

In fact, Jenkins knew that there must have been an accident, otherwise the demigod Miss Befanna would not have been alarmed.

"There was an accident in that alley, but the casualties were not serious, so you don't have to worry. A case of corpse plague was confirmed in that alley, and the plague seemed to be combined with some very bad things. The symptoms were very terrible, so I came to see it myself.

For safety, the church has blocked the nearby blocks and is checking for people who may have been infected in the past two days. As far as I know, apart from the patient himself, there have been no other deaths, and the number of people infected with corpse plague is also high, so you don't have to worry."

Miss Befanna comforted, but Jenkins became more worried after saying that.

Chapter 1081 Chapter 1063 Plague Alley

The carriage was getting closer and closer to the alley where the girl Louise's home was located. Jenkins stroked the cat that was lying on his lap after waking up, and said in a worried tone:

"In fact, I came to this alley last night to send a little girl selling flowers home, but I didn't find any problems at that time... Did the patient who was diagnosed with the disease have a little girl named Louise in his family?"

"No, there is no child with this name in their family."

Miss Bevanna said very confidently, and Jenkins was slightly relieved. But such things usually don't bother Miss Bevanna to come in person, so there must be something Jenkins doesn't know.

He was no longer planning to go back to his father's antique shop now, but followed Miss Bevanna to the alley to confirm the situation before making plans.

So after getting off the car, he first asked someone to send a message to his father, telling him not to worry, and then stood behind Miss Bevanna to listen to the report of the sheriff and the apprentice of the keeper sent by Carfax's field.

The case here was confirmed earlier today. Byron Street is an ordinary street in the city. Opposite the alley is a private clinic. The first floor of the clinic is the work area, while the doctor and his family live on the second and third floors. The doctor was woken up by a knock on the door downstairs before he woke up this morning. Wearing pajamas, a coat and slippers, when I opened the door sleepily, I saw a panicked middle-aged man standing at the door.

He is one of the residents in the alley and makes a living by carrying luggage or goods at the dock. His wife is a female worker in a textile factory in the east of the city. She came home from the night shift last night and rested. When the man woke up this morning, he found that his wife, who was sleeping with him, was no longer breathing, and there were strange signs on the body. The markings and appearance of the corpse also seemed to have been dead for a long time, and the spots on the corpse were particularly prominent.

The man immediately panicked when he heard about the plague that he had often heard about recently. But at least his first thought was not to hide the matter, but to find a doctor to confirm whether his wife's death was related to the plague.

Fortunately for him, the doctor who was awakened by him recognized at a glance the strange features of the corpse and the resemblance to the plague. The two did not dare to rush directly into the street, but immediately told the police patrolling nearby about the incident. The police also realized the seriousness of the matter, so half an hour later both the church and the city hall received the news.

This is probably what happened. When Jenkins met Miss Bevanna and rushed to the entrance of the alley, a morning had passed since the plague was confirmed.

The entrance to the alley has been blocked by the barricades of Carfax Field, and strange people wearing thick black protective clothing and raven-mouth masks are walking around in the alley holding even weirder devices.

The device consisted of a thin iron rod and a brass-colored disc. The metal disc was fixed at the lower end of the iron rod and controlled to stop at a height of half a foot above the ground and sweep it around.

Jenkins thinks this thing is more like a simple tool for detecting landmines, but it is indeed a professional tool that has been processed by the church and can detect the terrible zombie plague.

After listening to the report, a team of apprentices led by secret keeper Colin Shir got off the carriage following Miss Bevanna. He is the youngest Keeper of Nolan and has the largest number of apprentices among the Keepers of the Diocese.

Because they had to enter the alley, no matter how confident they were, everyone still put on heavy protective clothing and crow's mouth masks like the police, doctors and patrol teams that shuttled through the alley.

Except for the last time he attended a masquerade ball invited by Hathaway, Jenkins rarely used masks. Because wearing such jewelry will block your vision and hinder your breathing.

Naturally, cats can’t follow in, because there are certainly no protective clothing or masks suitable for a chocolate figure. Without reasonable protection, Jenkins would not allow his cat to get into danger.

Although Chocolate was unhappy, it was too late to change Jenkins' mind in a hurry, so he could only lie on the wall alone and glumly watching Jenkins enter the alley, with his tail hanging low to show that he was in a bad mood.

Things were not as bad as Jenkins thought, or the flower girl Louise did not suffer bad luck because of her encounter with Jenkins. The resident with the plague case was half an alley away from Louise's house. Although they still had a chance of being infected, it was much better than living next door.

After talking to Miss Bevanna, the group of them went to check on the female body first, while Jenkins walked to Louise's home alone. In order to prevent nearby residents from walking around at will, there are patrol policemen wearing protective clothing every few meters in the alley, but Jenkins's protective clothing is a unique style, which is a symbol of status, even if you don't notice that he is coming in a carriage. , and no one stopped him from knocking on the door.

It was long after the knock on the door that a frightened man was heard asking:

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

The family probably guessed what happened in the alley. After all, although they were not allowed to go out, they were not allowed to look out through the crack in the door. The sudden knock on the door made the family very uneasy. They thought about the rumor that the city hall would arrest and burn all suspects with the disease.

"I'm looking for Louise. Her friend Finny sent her something."

Feeney was still very measured. The small package contained only clothes and no money, so Jenkins delivered it directly.

After he finished speaking, the person inside the door opened the door a small crack. In fact, Jenkins could kick open the old wooden door. The people in the low house didn't realize that it didn't matter whether the door could be opened or not.

"Hello, sir."

The person who opened the door was a middle-aged man, probably the father of the girl Louise. He was frightened by the tall man wearing strange clothes and a scary mask standing outside the door, but he still bravely said hello.

"Good afternoon, this is for Louise, I hope she likes it."

As he spoke, he handed over the bag in his hand. The man wanted to reach out and take it, but after thinking about it, he turned back and shouted into the house, and then a timid little girl appeared at the door.

She also seemed frightened by the strangely dressed Jenkins at the door, but she bravely reached out to take the package and thanked her softly. Jenkins nodded and wanted to turn around and leave to chase Miss Bevanna and the others to see what was different about the plague here. Then he heard the man inside the door muster up the courage to ask:

"Sorry sir, I would like to ask, do you know when the martial law here will be lifted?"

"I'm afraid it will take a week."

Jenkins replied that this is also the most conservative estimate. After all, just comprehensive disinfection would waste a lot of time, not to mention thoroughly checking whether all people who may be sick are infected with the plague.

There are extremely densely populated slums nearby, and any mistake may cause Nolan to once again appear on the front page of the Kingdom's morning newspaper.

Chapter 1082 Chapter 1064 Plague and Strange Creatures

"Does it take a week to get out?"

Hearing Jenkins' reply, the man inside the door muttered in embarrassment, and then wanted to thank Jenkins again. But Jenkins, who had already taken a step back, did not leave. Instead, he turned back to the door of the house. Then he reached into the heavy protective clothing with great effort, took out a 10-shilling note and handed it to the man:

"This is also what Fini gave to Louise. She has to undergo closed training at the Sage Church and may not be able to see her friends for a long time."

The man was stunned for a moment, and then quickly grabbed the banknote in Jenkins' hand. Before he could thank him for the third time, Jenkins outside the door turned around and strode to the other side of the alley.

The family that had the accident lived near the exit on the other side of the alley. It was also a low-rise bungalow that looked no different from the flower girl's home. There were strict guards at the door to check the identity of the incoming and outgoing people. After Jenkins wanted to go in, he had to wait for a few minutes before the security guard in the room came out and led Jenkins in.

The body was located in the inner bedroom. Because the room was not large, the keeper had already seen the female body before he could introduce the specific situation to Jenkins.

The body lying on the bed did not look like it had been dead for less than half a day. It looked more like dried bacon. In addition to the conspicuous corpse spots, the corpse had shriveled and shrunk due to losing a lot of water in a short period of time. At the same time, some dizzying patterns appeared on the face and neck of the corpse.

Jenkins noticed that the body's limbs had been handcuffed to the bed, and magical runes were carved on the edge of the bed to prevent her from suddenly being "resurrected." In fact, the corpse has "awakened", but cannot move due to the suppression of magical power.

In addition to the faint smell of corpses, there is also the unique "smell" of the undead power in the air, which is very obvious to Jenkins who possesses the Bone Holy Sword.

The coroners of the Church of Death and the Last Day will have to wait for a while. Such a complicated corpse requires extra care, and it costs a lot to prepare the equipment. In addition, the church of the Church of Death and the Last Day is outside the city, not the Church of the Sages. In the city, the closing time is much later than that of Miss Bevanna and her group.

Only Miss Bevanna stood alone by the bed, while the others stood close to the bedroom door. The other simple furniture in the bedroom were all covered with white cloth and would be moved out and burned later.

"Jenkins, just stand at the door. This body is indeed unusual."

Although it showed the characteristics of corpse plague, the appearance of the corpse was still different from that of all other sick people. Miss Bevanna was right to be cautious, because Jenkins did see a strong black aura on the corpse. The woman's death may be related to other factors besides the plague.

"Is it a strange thing related to the epidemic?"

Jenkins' voice sounded dull because of the obstruction of the mask.

"Probably, but I haven't found any signs of uniqueness. There are many strange things that can fit the current situation...Colinsh'er, let your apprentices go outside to check the situation of the plague. They are of no use here."

Miss Bevanna ordered the secret keeper, who nodded silently, and then waved the already embarrassed apprentices to leave the room. Then she left the bed and stood with Jenkins and the Keeper by the wall near the door.

"How's the situation, Miss Bevanna?"

The secret keeper asked cautiously:

"I think except for demigods like me or holders of some unique abilities, anyone who comes near the bed will definitely die... Is the corpse's husband confirmed to be okay now?"

"Yes, it has been confirmed that he is healthy and still alive."

“This narrows the scope a lot.”

While the two were talking, Jenkins continued to observe the body on the bed with squinted eyes. There is no doubt that the woman is dead, and it is also something he has confirmed that the plague and some unknown mysterious thing remain in the body at the same time.

It's just that Jenkins is very confused now. Ever since he entered the bedroom, the Holy Bone Sword immersed in his spirit has begun to become restless. If Jenkins hadn't intentionally controlled it, it might have appeared automatically and shot at the corpse.

"Does this sword still have the ability to swallow undead monsters?"

Jenkins guessed that he didn't want others to know about the existence of this sword.

Soon the coroner team of the [Church of Death and the End of the World] also arrived. They were a special team temporarily established in response to the Skeleton Sword incident. They were only responsible for dealing with the deceased related to the Skeleton Sword.

But the problem now is that no one except Miss Bevanna can get close to the female body. After obtaining permission, the leader of the coroner's army held the holy symbol of the righteous god [End of Death] and tried to approach the bed under the protection of the spirit of death. But if Miss Bevanna hadn't taken the third step, He pulled him back as he walked, fearing that another victim of the plague would appear in Nolan Parish.

After testing, it was found that the external lethal effect of the corpse was not caused by germs, but by the energy carried by the corpse itself. Miss Bevanna was able to resist because her own strength was enough to offset that weird ability, but no one else could.

Jenkins also wanted to step forward and give it a try, but just as he was about to speak, the secret keeper who discovered his thoughts tapped him on the shoulder. The secret keeper said nothing, but Jenkins also understood that Miss Bevanna could not agree to what he did, so he had to stand by the wall and think about the current situation. Then his thoughts gradually diverged and he began to think about where the lonely cat outside would be now. Do something.

Even though Miss Bevanna could get close to the bed, she did not dare to touch the body directly. It is obvious that Nolan should not dare to do this except the husband of the female corpse. The handcuffs and magical runes that restricted the female corpse's movements were made by the corpse's husband under the command of the church. It was only then that people discovered that the corpse could not be approached.

After confirming that the coroner's force was unable to handle the situation here, Miss Bevanna ordered them to contact Mr. Davis, the demigod of the Church of Death and Doomsday stationed in Nolan. Perhaps this was an eighth-level gifter who was proficient in the spirit of death. There will be a way.

While waiting, Jenkins briefly left the bedroom because he could not help even there. On the contrary, being too close would make the Holy Bone Sword restless. Jenkins had a hunch that this sword would definitely be able to absorb the strange thing.

But he didn't want to do that. On the one hand, it might break the fragile balance of life and death in the sword. On the other hand, if it polluted this precious sword into a weird thing, it would be more than worth the gain.

Chapter 1083 Chapter 1065 [Evil Epidemic]

Standing at the door of the house, I chatted with the secret keeper for a while about Nolan's epidemic prevention situation, and then asked in detail whether the corpse plague had mutated. Although the news received was not satisfactory, it was optimistic. Just as the church expected, more than half a month after Pompeii's failure, the number of plague infection cases increased almost exponentially. This means that the church's estimates of the morbidity and mortality of the plague are correct. That is to say, if all goes well, Nolan can basically declare that he is out of the emergency epidemic prevention alert in the second half of next month.

"But this is not the only influence of the Skeleton Sword."

The secret keeper said cautiously. Seeing that Jenkins didn't understand what he meant, he explained:

"We found some strange traces last week, which may be related to the whereabouts of the Skeleton Sword. It may not have disappeared, and has found a new owner in Nolan."

"What did the church discover?"

Jenkins asked cautiously.

"It was the clue discovered by Binxi. You may still remember that last Friday night, the team he led encountered cultists on Fifth Queen's Avenue. They were people from the Evil God Sect [Whip of the Dead]. They controlled some Bizarre-looking creatures. After the battle, we commissioned the Church of Death and the End to conduct autopsies on those monsters, and confirmed that they were all unnatural alchemical lifeforms, and they became so weird after being fused with the blood of some alien species. Xi may not have mentioned this to you..."

He looked around and then said softly:

"During the battle, a believer of the God of Lies appeared, and he had the ability to control the undead. The autopsy results showed that the unknown believer's method of manipulating the undead was very similar to the undead army controlled by Pompeii."

"You mean..."

Jenkins was glad that he was wearing a raven-mouthed mask so that the Keeper could not see his expression.

"That is to say, the skull sword is probably obtained by the believers of the God of Lies!"

"Oh, God!"

Jenkins suddenly shouted loudly, as if he was frightened. He raised his hand to draw the Holy Emblem on the chest of the protective suit, feeling a little regretful about using the power of the Skeleton Sword that night.

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