The next day was Wednesday. Since he had agreed to go to the church to observe the borrowed [Fragment of the Cloak of the God of Death], Jenkins went to the antique shop to say hello to his father and went straight to the church.

Before leaving, his father seemed to be very worried that Jenkins would do something dangerous, and repeatedly told him not to be too curious like a cat.

But Jenkins didn't think he would do anything dangerous, and after all, he was in the church, so there would be no danger.

The gravekeeper team escorting the weird creature would arrive at the church at about ten o'clock. Before that, Jenkins still had to wait for a while, so he let the cat play in the church by himself, and he went to the Secret Library behind the Gate of All Things to find information about angels.

Interestingly, in human traditional culture and stories, angels have always occupied a pivotal position. They are the spokespersons of God and the embodiment of holiness and piety.

But in the field of the gifter, angels are rarely involved. Jenkins has not yet come into contact with any rituals or abilities related to angels.

Chapter 1089 Chapter 1071 [All Things Are Impermanent - Angels]

One thing that is beyond doubt about angels is that they are high-dimensional creatures that are different from the life in the material world. Although they are not as good as gods, they are also great beings that humans cannot imagine. Angels live beside gods, and angels are synonymous with holiness and piety. These are generally recognized views in religious scriptures and myths and legends.

There are many different opinions about the birth of angels. Jenkins believes more in the statement of the Orthodox Church, that is, angels are transformed by gods from the souls of devout believers, and devout mortals will have the opportunity to share the glory of gods after death.

This statement is certainly due to the need for church missionary work, but it should be very close to the facts, and it is the same as Jenkins' imagination and cognition.

The information and knowledge about angels are placed on a separate bookshelf, and there is no such thing on the first and second floors of the library. The material of the bookshelf on the third floor is different from the other bookshelves. Just by appearance and touch, Jenkins could not tell what it was for a while, but at least he knew that it must be very expensive wood.

Although the bookshelf was full of books, with more than 100 books estimated, a cursory flip through revealed that most of them were not detailed records or explanations of the meaning of "Angel" in mysticism. There was even a book that introduced the role of the "Angel" card in the "All Things Impermanence Card". The last page of the book openly drew the holy emblem of the righteous god "Fate Hermit".

"Is it really good for the church to put such a book behind the Gate of All Things?"

He hesitated for a moment, flipped through the book of less than 30 pages, and then learned that the role of the "All Things Impermanence Card - Angel" was to directly communicate with the angel of the user's belief in God without any cost.

Of course, this card is only responsible for communication. Whether the soul of a mortal can withstand direct dialogue with an angel after communication, and whether the angel will forgive this impolite spiritual connection, is not the responsibility of this card.


Jenkins couldn't rashly evaluate this gift, but it did fit the evaluation of "Fate Impermanence".

There are many books about angels, but there is no direct description of the image of angels. From the distant Lost Era to the 18th Era, which is about to come to an end, there are many mortals who have witnessed the advent of angels, but most of the memories are vague and unimaginative descriptions such as "It was a light", "It was an indescribable human figure, and that figure will become my lifelong memory", "At that moment I seemed to see the shadow of God", etc. Jenkins could not know what angels are from those descriptions.

But at least in the imagination of mortals, angels are sacred humanoid lives with luxurious wings. He can see this by looking back at the ornaments on the wall, or by looking at the paintings and statues in the church.

"I don't know if I will have the opportunity to see an angel in my life."

Jenkins imagined with the book, and then shook his head violently. He is a believer of the sage, and the angel he is most likely to see is also the angel under the sage's seat. Although he probably guessed that the sage already knew his identity, Jenkins still resisted communicating directly with this kind god.

He gave up his unrealistic fantasy and wanted to put the book back on the bookshelf and turn around and leave. It was about to be time, and he was going to meet the gravekeeper team escorting the cloak fragments.

But probably because no one had checked the books on this bookshelf for a long time, although it was easy to pull out the books, it was a bit troublesome to put them back. Jenkins tried several times and felt that the gap was too small, so he reached out and tried to push the books on both sides to the side to expand the space.

But as soon as he reached out, he felt that there seemed to be a hard thing stuck on the book on the left. He was puzzled for a moment, and touched the thing again, but he didn't expect that the hard paper would fall off.

"Did I damage the cover of the book?"

Jenkins was startled, took the fallen paper, took it out from the gap between the two books, and then found that it was a card, a card with an angel image printed on it.


Jenkins knew that the Nolan Parish of the Sage Church had collected the specific information of three [Universal Impermanence Cards] for a long time, namely [Angel], [Water] and [Relics].

But this does not mean that the parish really has these three cards. On the contrary, the full set of 108 chapters of the Universal Impermanence Cards have never been owned by any force, and they will only appear where they should appear.

The fact that Jenkins could find and hold it does not mean that the card was really there a second before his hand touched it, but it does not mean that it was not there. Only those who should get it can observe it, otherwise even if everyone in the church comes to look through the bookshelf, the card will not be taken.

What he held in his hand was a hard card that was as long as a palm but slightly narrower in width. From the touch, it was not paper, but like metal.

The back of the card was a brown spiral pattern, and the most classic pentagram was outlined in the center with silver lines. The five corners of the pentagram corresponded to five different ancient runes. With Jenkins's knowledge, he could not tell what it was.

The front of the card was the card face, and above the center were nine thick curved lines. The first three of them were together, and the last six were together, which represented the number of this card: 36.

The main body of the front of the card was framed by an irregular square like a vine, and around it were golden light spots that flickered like stars.

The vine-like borders intertwine and twist together at the bottom of the center of the front to form a word representing the meaning of "angel", which is a common language in modern times.

The theme of the card is an angel with twelve wings, holding a sword in one hand and a golden horn in the other, flying over the city. The sword and the horn are ordinary, but when facing the light, you can see that the two objects are glowing.

The perspective of the card seems to be looking diagonally downward, so you can see the khaki composition below the angel. Square-like houses and sesame-sized pedestrians form an ordinary urban scene, and Jenkins even sees a carriage.

"What does this mean?"

He held the card for a long time without moving, for fear that a crazy man would suddenly jump out of the bookshelf and shout:

"Ha, if you take my things, you have to agree to my deal."

But this is really [The Card of All Things Impermanence - Angel], a real gift. Holding this card, Jenkins can even feel that a certain area on his forehead is faintly echoing the aura in the card.

"But why give it to me? Should I have it?"

All the Vientiane cards will only appear where they should appear, there is no doubt about that. But Jenkins does not think he needs the [Angel]. Even if it is very happy to get a new gift, it is not necessarily a good thing to get this gift that represents the trajectory of fate.

PS: It is recommended to re-read the prophecy of Chapter 1045.

Section 1090 Chapter 1072 Cloak Fragment

Jenkins has come into contact with the [Vientiane Card] in the past. It was the [Arsonist] in Miss Audrey's hand. I saw her using it when I was at her house last Sunday.

According to this lady, the appearance of the [Vientiane Card] represents the most real destiny, with a priority only lower than the [Epic of Destiny], but it is more difficult to interpret than the poems in the epic of destiny.

"Does this card mean that when I go to check the [Fragment of the Cloak of the God of Death] later, I will definitely encounter troubles that can only be solved by calling the Sage Angel?"

He thought suspiciously, checking the card in his hand over and over again.

"So should I find a better reason to avoid checking the black cloth?"

Jenkins scared himself, and his hand trembled slightly, and the card turned into a white light and entered the spirit. Even if he didn't activate its main function - that is, contacting angels, as long as he held this card, Jenkins would be immune to most of the vicious curses, and any divine power that he used in accordance with his faith would have a slight healing effect.

This is useless. Whether it is the identity of the Son of God, [Eternal Purification Candle] or [Origin of Life], he can achieve better effects than the passive effects provided by the card, so this card is actually not very useful.

"But why is this, why did it appear in front of me?"

He still didn't understand this, but seeing that the time was almost up, he stuffed the book back into the bookshelf and walked towards the exit of the library with a frown.

As soon as he walked out of the Gate of All Things, he saw his cat squatting in front of the door waiting for him obediently. Jenkins happily bent down and waved to Chocolate, and the cat immediately rushed over and climbed up his arm to his shoulder.

When Jenkins straightened up and said goodbye to the keeper, the cat sniffed around Jenkins' shoulder with its nose, as if it smelled a strange smell.

"We just finished breakfast, aren't you hungry again?"

He asked jokingly, and then the angry cat slapped his head with its tail.

The gravekeepers of the Church of Death and Doom appeared in the Sage Church on time. The team escorting the weird creatures consisted of five people, all wearing the iconic black robes and looking serious.

After Jenkins appeared, Miss Bevanna also came from the office. Just as Jenkins expected, in order to prevent accidents, she personally supervised Jenkins to check the rag this time.

In order to arrange this matter, the church prepared the room in advance and held a ceremony around the room for blessing to minimize the impact of the weird creatures.

When Jenkins entered the empty room from the door, he even felt that the temperature in the room was rising because of the intensive divine rituals.

The decoration of this room is extremely simple, or almost undecorated. There were three large windows on the wall facing the door, but they were all covered by thick purple curtains. The walls were painted a warm yellow, and there was nothing on them except gas lamps.

The crystal chandelier that was supposed to be above the head has been removed, and the closed gas pipeline interface can be seen. Above, there is only the mural of "God Says Everything" on the ceiling. As for the furniture, there is only a stone table placed in the center of the room, but Jenkins feels that it is an altar for mass.

"It is indeed an altar. It is used to contain divine items with a danger level of 5 behind the Gate of All Things. This time, in order to prevent accidents, I specially asked the apprentices of the Secret Keeper to move it from behind the Gate of All Things here."

Miss Befanna explained softly, and then turned around to arrange for the personnel who can enter this room.

The gravekeepers must come in, they have to determine the purpose of this strange object. In addition, only Miss Befanna and the Secret Keeper Smith are allowed to enter, and everyone else can only wait for good news outside the room... or be ready to rush in at any time to deal with possible troubles.

In order to prevent accidents halfway, A-12-4-6701 [Fragment of the Cloak of the God of Death] was sealed in a bone box and multiple security measures were imposed.

The box with the raised [Death's End] holy emblem on the front was not made of a whole piece of bone, but a disposable item made by re-melting some specially treated bone powder.

It took nearly an hour just to remove the seal and open the box. During this period, Jenkins and the cat watched with bated breath as the seals with the power of death were broken. Although he could not learn anything from this process, he could better understand the essence of the power of death.

After the lid of the box was opened, there was no terrible scene of the disappearance of the strange creature. The slightly worn black cloth was neatly stacked at the bottom of the box. When the lid of the box was opened, a cold wind inexplicably appeared in this sealed room.

Jenkins was still thinking about the Vientiane Impermanence Card, so when Miss Befanna asked him to come forward, he was a beat late to react.

"Oh, it's my turn."

He said awkwardly, fearing that something abnormal would happen after approaching the box. But until everyone retreated to the wall and only Jenkins was left standing in front of the altar, everything was safe and sound.

A-12-4-6701, [Death's Cloak Fragment] looks like an ordinary black rag, with some threads on the edge and dark stains on the cloth.

Jenkins is sure that this thing has not been cleaned for a long time, and no one dares to clean it.

A-12-4-6701, [Death's Cloak Fragment] has the function of killing a certain target creature at a certain price. In other words, this is a terrible item that can trigger a death curse by paying a price. The reason why the danger level is a low "4" is that as long as the body does not touch the cloth, it will not have any effect on the external environment or creatures.

"What should I do now?"

Jenkins knew the way to solve the corpse plague when he killed the female corpse. He borrowed this strange object under the pretext of solving the corpse plague, and wanted to explore the secrets of the ancient death god. But in fact, he didn't know what to do at all, and staring at the cloth blankly was obviously a very stupid move.


Chocolate made a lazy sound, and Jenkins realized that his cat was still on his shoulder.

"No, it's too dangerous here, go to the wall and wait for me."

He drove the cat away, and although Chocolate was unhappy, he still did it.

Chapter 1091 Chapter 1073 Mutations and Opportunities

Seeing Chocolate squatting obediently beside Miss Befanna, Jenkins turned around and continued to look at the cloth. At least just observing, the cloth did not have any strange characteristics, and the dirty appearance made no one interested in it.

But if you open the eyes of truth to observe, you can see a ray of golden light mixed in the rich black aura. Jenkins' first reaction was that he finally found the power related to the master, but he immediately realized that this was the power of the evil god's son.

On the night when the son of God was "prematurely born", this piece of cloth was used as a swaddling cloth after the son of God was born, so it was normal to be contaminated with the son of God's breath.

"If I take the umbilical cord, will it react to the residual power on this piece of cloth?"

Jenkins guessed in his heart, hesitated for a moment, closed his eyes, and used his soul to try to feel the cloth in front of him.

Of course, he knew that doing so was very dangerous, so he was always cautious when doing so, and was ready to jump back and escape immediately if things went wrong.

The black cloth in the perception had a cold feeling that made the soul numb, which was probably one of the manifestations of the power of death. Jenkins did not dare to relax his mind completely to investigate, but just felt it a little, thinking that the time was almost right, and immediately announced to the people behind him that he had obtained the means to fight the plague.

But he thought too simply. Now facing this piece of cloth, the fear of his accelerated heartbeat made him no longer have the courage to make more attempts.

After trying the cold feeling that paralyzed the soul again, Jenkins opened his eyes and prepared to turn around and speak, but found that the surroundings were not the empty room, but a cemetery with various tombstones. Under the black sky, there was desolation everywhere. No matter where it was, it could not be a church.


Knowing that he might be in trouble again, he closed his eyes again and opened them again, still in a strange place. Under the true eye, everything around him was completely normal, even without the black aura.

With a thought, he summoned [Angel of Impermanence], but the card did not move, so it had nothing to do with it. He turned around and looked behind him, and in the middle of the tombstone was a dilapidated gravekeeper's hut.

The door was closed, and only a shovel was standing by the wall. On the wall hung strange things such as yellowed skulls and bleeding broken arms, like old farmers in the countryside drying farm products.

When Jenkins looked at the door, it opened silently. The interior was not very spacious, the same size as the external observation. And next to the rotten wooden table, sat a person hiding his body under a black cloak.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jenkins felt that the cloak was very similar to his own.

"No, not very similar... just the same style!"

The man in the cloak hid his entire body under the clothes. At least it was not an immobile skeleton, because as the door opened, it changed from lying on the table to sitting up.

"Oh, God~"

The violent mental shock almost made Jenkins lose consciousness. When the black-robed man moved, all the dead things in the abandoned cemetery seemed to be awakened.

Jenkins retreated again and again and stretched out his hand to cover his forehead. But it was obviously not very effective, and the numb feeling of the soul appeared again.

"The noble soul touched the robe of my Lord!"

This was the first sentence of the black-robed man in the house. At the same time, [the fragment of the cloak of the god of death] appeared out of thin air in Jenkins' hand, and then immediately turned into ashes.

"The lucky man who was protected touched the robe of my Lord!"

This was the second sentence of the black-robed man in the house. Jenkins' black robe emerged directly under the effect of this sentence. He immediately felt that the discomfort was eliminated a lot, and the numbness of the soul was no longer so clear.

"The strong man who controls the undead has touched the robe of our Lord!"

This was the third sentence of the black-robed man in the house. In an instant, a white spiritual light appeared beside Jenkins, and the holy sword of bones appeared from the void and fell to the ground, inserted into the soft black soil.

"Strong man, you are qualified to enter the holy land of our Lord, make a choice!"

The voice seemed to be celebrating. Jenkins looked at this scene in disbelief, and then lowered his head to look at his black robe.

It did not transform Jenkins into a body as usual, but appeared directly on him in the original black robe, so at this time Jenkins and the people in the broken house were dressed the same. The black robe appeared in this form only once. That was the first time Jenkins became a god after fighting against evil spirits in the hospital, and the black robe was stained with divinity and changed.

"It turns out that this black robe is the dress of the messenger of death..."

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