"I only know that someone will find me, but I don't know which side... You don't smell like a sailor, huh, cough... It shouldn't be the men of my 'old friends' ...The gifter of the Righteous God Church? No, if it were them, you wouldn't be the only one...ahem...well, I don't know who you are."

"But you don't seem worried about my appearance. That's interesting. What other trump cards do you have? That gear on your body? That rudder-style pendant? The bottle containing the ship model hidden under the quilt ?still......"

The monocle has already appeared in the eye socket. At such a close distance, Jenkins can completely distinguish the shapes of all auras.

Generally speaking, Mr. Cautious Writer doesn't have the bad habit of talking nonsense with the enemy before killing him. It's just that he doubted the importance of the middle-aged pirate in front of him this time, which will be mentioned in future prompts.

After talking for a few words, Jenkins was a little disappointed. The other party was indeed seriously ill and troubled by serious injuries, and he did not show any connection with "Jenkins Willamt".

"It seems that you have investigated all my methods. Am I being sold? Ahem, but I remember that I did not tell anyone my whereabouts."

The seriously ill man on the bed started coughing again as he spoke. The coughing sound made Jenkins suspect that he would cough out his lungs. He would occasionally gasp for air, sounding like he was suffering from chest tightness. It seems that Jenkins' [Disease Curse] has really made a great contribution this time. As his level increases and he has a deeper understanding of the curse, this ability has become more than just a simple disease.

PS: Add an update, please vote.

Chapter 1119 Chapter 1100 Gear Activation

Under Jenkins' alert eyes, Devo struggled to get up from the bed. He saw the strange man at the door and glanced at the dark figure behind him:

"Twin devils? It should be you. I remember that the ability characteristics described in your report are this. Let me go, I can, ahem, give you treasures that are as rich as the country, or even the Zhengshen Church. I can also give you gifts that you have never heard of.”

"If you stick your head over and let me chop it off, I promise to put you to death."

Jenkins also spoke of the impossible, while pondering what kind of cards the terminally ill man in front of him had.

On the other side of the room is a working steam furnace, and copper-colored pipes of different thicknesses extend from the steam furnace. These pipes are criss-crossing the floor, in the air, and under the ceiling of the room, leaving the room with almost no place to stay.

A crackling sound came from the steam furnace. This was a rare phenomenon. After all, the coal required for the steam furnace rarely contained impurities, so such deflagration almost never occurred.

The room was very stuffy. Even if he talked with the door open, Jenkins could already feel the heat in his body in just a few minutes. He looked at Divo's pale face because of his serious illness, and became more and more curious about what other methods he had.

"Although I did come to Nolan without any subordinates, it does not mean that I have no support in Nolan."

"But there can't be an ambush nearby. I've already investigated this clearly."

"No, ahem, I don't need help. I met some friends in Nolan, and those friends are really amazing. I have lived, ahem, at sea for a long time. I really didn't expect you land-based people to Those who are able to use the wisdom of mortals to this extent are the ones who can see the future of this world..."

The two looked at each other. As Divo's words fell, the fuel delivery door of the steam furnace opened automatically with a loud bang. Immediately, the blazing flames inside illuminated the cabin, causing the densely packed pipes to reflect like spider webs on the walls.


The crisp sound of the cane hitting the metal pipe made people's teeth sore, and no matter how strong Jenkins was, it would be impossible to use the slender cane to resist the steam pipe as thick as his waist.

Under the influence of the huge force, he was knocked directly into the corridor, and his body hit the opposite wall heavily before he came to a stop. He raised his head and looked into the cabin. Divo, who was holding a gear on his back and twisting it in his hand, looked at him with a slight smile. The action of opening his mouth exposed the missing tooth.


Beside him, the steam furnace started to move with a heart-wrenching sound of twisted metal. Fine gear-shaped patterns appeared on the surface of the steam furnace, and then the entire furnace seemed to be broken down into pieces of small gears.

But it did not fall apart because of this. Instead, it relied on such a structure to deform in the harsh noise. At the same time, signs of gearing appeared on the metal pipes connected to the steam furnace. The gradually activated pipes were the culprit that knocked Jenkins away.

As the gear in Divo's hand glowed, the steam furnace and the adjacent metal pipes geared up and became active at a faster speed amidst a rather rhythmic noise. This is somewhat similar to Jenkins' Mechanical Light, except that the result of the Mechanical Light is that the target turns into gears and shatters, but here it is directly active.

Somehow, Jenkins remembered the alien species [Puppets] that appeared due to human creation when he was chatting with Captain Binsey. At that time, the captain boldly predicted that with the development of steam industry, creatures like gear people might appear in the future.

But there is no doubt that the means in front of him are definitely not the work of the Orthodox Church [Creation and Mechanic Church]. This is most likely to belong to the Gear Craftsmen Association, which has been doing something unknown recently.

The Mechanical Heart owned by the Craftsmen Association is the target of the Pirate King Destroyer Fermishu, but conversely, the latter's Ocean Heart may also be the target of the former. After all, there is a great possibility that the two will absorb each other. If you think about it this way, then it is not impossible for Diwo, who also targets the Ocean Heart, to cooperate with the Craftsmen Association.


The dense sound of gear deformation filled the entire cabin, and the white hot steam sprayed everywhere from the cracks in the pipes during the mechanical transformation. With the steam furnace as the core, the activation of the connected steam pipes proceeded rapidly. What was even more terrifying was that the pipes connected to the steam boilers were distributed in every corner of the ship, and Jenkins had to deal with more than just the big guys in front of him.

He rubbed his wrist and climbed up. He didn't care about hiding, and threw away his staff and summoned the Holy Sword of Bones instead.


The fist-shaped metal block made of three thick pipes directly knocked a big hole in the cabin, and the metallic color and bright color representing high temperature appeared in front of him in an instant. Jenkins didn't care about dodging and swung his sword. Unexpectedly, this sword seemed to be unhindered and directly split the fist flying through the air in half.

Although these metals were activated, it seemed that their properties had not changed.

In an instant, the tiny gears and bearings fell to the ground with a crackling sound, but only the front ends of the three pipes were split, and the metal behind them still smashed towards Jenkins like a broken bamboo.


He took a deep breath and turned the sword sideways to collide with the huge metal block. His body could not help but retreat backwards and hit the wall. His throat felt sweet and he almost vomited blood.

The huge force squeezed Jenkins, and together with the wall, it almost crushed him into a pulp. The gears in front of him were made of scorching high temperature. The gears in front of him suddenly deformed automatically and revealed a gap, and then a white steam was sprayed out.

The high-temperature gas rushed straight into Jenkins' face. The latter flicked the sword with his fingers with difficulty. Although [Frost Fist] did not fully work, at least Jenkins was not disfigured by the high-temperature steam.

But this also gave him inspiration. He gritted his teeth and resisted the impact of the metal. Then he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of dazzling orange-yellow flames.

The flames directly wrapped the gear metal arms in front of him, and quickly melted the metal with a sizzling sound.

As the force weakened, Jenkins used his right foot to push against the wall, and finally pushed away the half-melted metal gear creation in front of him with a strong force.

But after the metal block that blocked the view fell, more gear metal pipes with burrs that broke through the cabin wall appeared in front of him. Even the gears that fell to the ground due to the collision and sword slash were gradually absorbed by the metal pipes.

Section 1120 Chapter 1101 Ship Explosion

"Give up, you can't win. This is a secret treasure that the Gear Craftsmen have recently forged with the harvest from the underground. As long as there is a steam machine nearby, I will never lose!"

Diwo coughed and laughed wildly, almost dying. But he retreated step by step with measure, obviously knowing that as long as Jenkins killed him, he could completely ignore those crazy gears that were activated.

"Did you steal something from the Gear Craftsmen?"

Jenkins asked, he didn't believe that the group of people would be so generous to give such props to Diwo. And according to Diwo's nickname...

"Hahaha, cough, my nickname is a thief!"

The weak middle-aged pirate said proudly instead of ashamed, but he had no intention of getting close to Jenkins.

The current situation is indeed very bad for Jenkins. [Profane Production] is still out of the attack range. Although [Twin Demons] is powerful, it may be a bit difficult to blow up the dense metal pipes in front of him. The spatial angle range of [Mechanical Light] is large enough, but Jenkins is not sure whether it will interact with these strange things in front of him. As for [Frost Fist], it is better not to mention it.

"What did the Gear Craftsmen find underground? They have been causing earthquakes frequently in the past six months. What exactly do they want to dig out from the ground?"

Jenkins was puzzled, but the more important thing was to face the trouble in front of him first.

He leaned against the wall of the corridor, and the sword in his hand kept swinging to cut off the dense metal pipes in front of him like a spider web. These pipes are thick and thin, but they all carry huge kinetic energy and high temperature. Occasionally, white hot steam will spray towards Jenkins, but his left fist is always ready to use the power of ice to fight against the high temperature.

The flames continued to melt the gears and pipes that fell to the ground, but the endless fire was just unextinguishable, not infinite in area. It could not cover all metal objects, and could only deal with those parts that the sword could not cut in time.

The characteristics of the activated metal pipes, in addition to being able to directly absorb the power from the steam furnace and deform and reorganize under the action of the gears, more importantly, it seemed that each pipe had intelligence.

The more he fought, the more Jenkins could feel that the metals that were constantly attacking could gradually cooperate with each other. If this is not an illusion, then the gear that activates the steam furnace in Divo's hand is really something extraordinary.

Jenkins is actually not helpless. As long as he can accumulate power for three seconds, he can slash out a sword light that is enough to cut off the entire cargo ship. But this was obviously impossible. The overwhelming number of pipes coming out from all directions were about to crush him into a meat pie.

Even the floor under his feet and the wall behind him were unreliable. Now it seemed as if the entire ship had come to life, with endless evil thoughts and murderous intentions coming from all directions. A sword and a fist soon became unable to hold up. When the pipe above his head carried wood slag from the ceiling and fell from the sky, Jenkins suddenly thought of a crazy idea.

"Devo, I'll give you one last chance. If you surrender to me now, I promise to give you a chance to be tried fairly!"

While waving his sword, he said to Divo who was standing behind the steam furnace deep in the cabin. At this time, the huge steam furnace had melted too many pipes and deformed into a shape like a human face. The open fuel The door of the cabin is naturally a big mouth.

Obviously no one continued to throw fuel inside, but the bright flames burned brighter and brighter.

"Have you lost your mind and gone crazy?"

DeVoe answered to Jenkins, and then hid his body better behind the steam furnace that was full of mechanical beauty, like a work of art. It uses high temperature to change the impurity doping ratio of the exterior metal, and adjusts the color of all pipes to a uniform bright silver. Coupled with the natural gear bite and chaotic beauty, even Jenkins has to admit that this is a piece of cake. Unbelievable art.

Jenkins stopped talking and summoned the twin demons to bombard the pipes around him. Taking advantage of the chaos, he bent down and picked up the cane that had been thrown aside. It had almost fallen into the bottom deck just now.

"You forced me to do this!"

Mr. Writer roared angrily, retracted the Holy Bone Sword, then held the upper end of the cane made of a thousand-year-old wooden heart with both hands, spread his feet slightly, and thrust the cane hard into the wooden floor.

Dazzling green light overflowed from the man's body, and the spirit of life that had been transformed to the maximum extent was transmitted to the entire ship through the cane in his hand.

Fortunately, this ship is not a giant steel ship. It is a typical Fidicli-style two-masted three-story cargo ship.

Today is not a special day, an ordinary Saturday does not mean anything. Even on weekends, dock workers are still working as usual. They don't understand the word "exploitation", and no one will give them the meaning of the word in science, but at least hard work can indeed feed the whole family, which is a small happiness for most people.

The first thing that went wrong happened around ten o'clock in the morning. The workers, who were taking a three-minute break from unloading, accidentally discovered that there was no one moving around on the ship next door waiting for repairs while chatting.

This is abnormal. Even if the ship is completely empty, no ship owner would dare not arrange manpower to guard the ship. When you stand on land and look toward the ship, you can usually see smoking sailors cleaning the deck or doing other boring things.

But this thing that was wrong did not attract the attention of most people. After all, even if all the people on the ship died, it had nothing to do with the people on land.

The second thing went wrong ten minutes later. The porters walking close to the belly of the ship all heard strange noises coming from inside the bold empty ship. At the same time, those who were interested also noticed ripples in the water around the ship.

The sound was like metal being forged with a sledgehammer, and it also sounded like the sound of precision steam machinery operating. When the louder and louder sounds were noticed by more people, even the owner of the unloading cargo ship couldn't help but pay attention to what was going on here.

"It's not a steam bomb, is it?"

Not only one person in the crowd joked, but some people couldn't help but think of the amazing explosion that occurred in the early morning of last Friday.

Before the commotion could spread with the appearance of strange sounds, it seemed that a dull explosion had already appeared in the cabin of the empty ship.

Although the slight shaking of the trestle showed that the explosion was not very serious, the cracked ship planks and the voices of the porters shouting "explosion" still caused chaos throughout the dock.

Chapter 1121 Chapter 1102 Activating the Steam Gear Giant

Most people working at the dock are aware of the explosion that blew up the entire ship into the sky last week, and a week has passed, and the exploded dock has not yet been cleaned up.

Therefore, when the explosion of Jenkins' [Twin Demons] appeared in the cabin, there was no hesitation and everyone fled away from the coast at high speed. No one cared about what happened behind them.

Therefore, these ordinary people were not lucky enough to see the miraculous scene that followed.

The water ripples on the water around the ship became denser and stronger, and the slightly rocking ship caused the fish on the bottom to desperately escape to the ocean.

Amidst the loud bang, the flat deck was penetrated by a gear pipe shining in the sun, and then the vine-like wood came from all over the deck like a snake, shooting like a giant's gun. Pipe wrapped.

Those pieces of wood seemed to be alive. Even though the grains of the wood could be seen, they were as flexible as foxes.

A dull rumbling sound continued to come from the hull, and more and more huge metal pipes and wooden sticks pierced the hull and leaked into the air at the seaside, making the poor cargo ship look like it was pierced by dozens of steel nails.

The metal pipe itself was also active. When the wood climbed over, the gears deformed and turned into thinner metal pipes, entangled with the vine-like wood.

More and more metal gear pipes and vine wood drilled out of the hull. From the sky, it was like the whole ship turned inside out.

Amid the sharp creaking sound, the flat deck cracked into a huge crack, and the entangled wood and metal wires drilled out of the dark crack like tentacles. The hull was split from the center, but it did not fall to the sides.

The wriggling metal and wood were entangled, like a group of copper and brown snakes mating, and like the tentacles of indescribable terrifying creatures crawling.

The metal and wooden tentacles spread out to the sea and continued to fight. The hull kept getting shorter and wider, and finally turned into a huge boat-shaped floating board spread out on the water. In the center of the terrifying "snake group" was a young man holding a stick in both hands and a middle-aged pirate standing behind the steam boiler.

The former maintained this posture and was exposed to the sea breeze and fog. The floor under his feet was surging, as if hiding a huge worm; the latter held up the metal gear in his hand, and the black spiritual light that mortals could not see radiated in all directions.

A black figure appeared from behind Jenkins, and between him and Devo, there was only the steam boiler running at full capacity. Jenkins, who kept the entire ship alive, was almost overdrawn. He knew that he might only have one chance, so he tensed his spirit and injected the clearest spirit in his body into the black shadow behind him, and the roaring sound immediately became more ferocious.


With this order, the black demon shadow drew a black afterimage in the center of the battlefield of metal pipes and wood. It hit the front of the steam boiler without stopping, and then the terrifying explosion almost drowned the entire dock area.

Jenkins did not close his eyes because of the flash of the explosion. On the contrary, he stared in the direction of Devo without even blinking. In the flames of the explosion, the seriously ill pirate did not hesitate, threw the gear in his hand forward, turned around and jumped into the sea.

Jenkins frowned and wanted to catch up, but immediately found that something was wrong. He saw the metal gear thrown into the furnace of the almost blown-up steam boiler.

Black lightning silently cut through the sky, and dark clouds rolled in from the depths of the ocean with wind and rain. The whispers and murmurs that could not be found appeared in his ears, and the black aura rose into the sky. Right in front of Jenkins, a brand new weird thing was born.

"Damn, what did the gear craftsman come up with?"

The gears that Devo used to operate the activated steam boiler and pipes just now also had black auras, but their strength meant that they were not permanent props, but just artificial extraordinary items.

As Devo put the gear into the steam furnace, the black aura that was originally attached to the activated steam furnace immediately merged with the aura of the gear.

Jenkins heard the phantom sound of the gears running, and he seemed to see a very terrible thing born in this era of steam industry. But these were all illusions. After the explosion, his vision was still covered by the gushing steam.

And behind the white steam, a strange huge black shadow was rising little by little. From the height, it was already higher than the ship just now.

"What's going on?"

Without time to think about it, Jenkins, who was standing there unable to move, raised his cane and knocked heavily on the wooden board under his feet again. Beside him, the surging wooden tentacles and lines rose up all over the sky, twisted into a ball as big as the bow statue and smashed the black shadow behind the steam.


The strange sound shook the air, and Jenkins felt a headache and blood oozing from his ears. Above his head, the huge wooden ball that had just been thrown split in two with a loud bang, and was wrapped in flames and flew to the beach behind the battlefield like a meteor.

But fortunately, people had already fled far away, so the crackling sound that caused the sea and the ground to tremble and the crazy burning was only heard by Jenkins for the time being.

He finally saw what was behind the white steam.

It was a monster made up of tiny gears. Small gears formed neutral gears, and neutral gears formed large gears. Copper, blue, and black gears were closely connected to each other, and large and small gears were driven in turn, while white steam columns were gushing out from the gaps between the gears.

The rusty gears flowed with clarified oil of unknown origin, and the huge body seemed like a giant beast covering the sky. The image formed by the gears was still human, but there was no body. The huge face was directly connected to the arms, and the legs were huge wheels for easy movement.

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