The people attending the dinner today are all important figures from the Dolores faction, so there is no need to worry about an attack. As for the provocation that Jenkins has been looking forward to as a time traveler, it will definitely not happen.

While chatting with Alexia, he entered the door under the guidance of the waiter. Although the guard at the door seemed to want to stop the cat from entering, a beautiful maid quickly walked over and led the group of two people and the cat into the venue, then bypassed the banquet hall and went straight to the second floor. .

Dolores was waiting for the two of them in the study on the second floor. She looked a little tired, but her eyes were shining with excitement. Sometimes Jenkins really doesn't know whether to think of this princess as an adult or a child. She has both a mature side and a childish side, and the two sides blend well.

PS: One thing needs to be said. At the end of the chapter on the morning of the 19th, I said the bounty was enough because on the evening of the 18th, I saw someone throwing a huge number of blades that day. If there is no upper limit, I may have to update the calculation. By the end of the book or near the end. Then I looked again today, and the records of those blades were gone. I don’t know if I’m dazzled or if there’s something wrong with the Shuke’s background records, so for readers who see this, if anyone has submitted more than 200 blades on November 18th, please privately message the author. I want to Check to see if I'm dazzled...

Also: It’s enough even without those few blade bounties. There will be an update on the 26th.

Chapter 1125 Chapter 1106 Ability Test

"Just like you."

Alexia, who was standing next to Jenkins, said abruptly.


Jenkins was stunned for a moment before he realized that she was talking about his inner thoughts just now.

"You are the most understanding person in the world, Jenkins. If everyone were as simple-minded as you, life would be easier."

She said the words she had said many times again, and then generously took Jenkins' hand and sat on the sofa.

"Teacher Alexia, Mr. Williams, you are so early!"

Her Royal Highness greeted the two of them politely, and then made a gesture of throwing herself forward and trying to lie down on the table. But this action was immediately stopped by Julia. The maid's eyes were stern:

"Be classy, ​​Your Highness."

Jenkins and Alexia were just one of the participants in today's banquet and did not have any purpose or task. They only appeared here to get to know other people, so after staying on the first floor for half an hour, the two returned to the study on the second floor.

Dolores is no longer here, she is downstairs with Julia. He asked the maid who was standing aside to retreat to the door to guard her. Soon there were only two people left in the room.

"Show me your new abilities."

Alexia said calmly.

"No problem, it's easy."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and took out a wooden tube from his pocket. When he opened it, it was full of bone meal.

[Creator Pencil] cannot create living creatures, but theoretically it can draw the bones of dead objects. However, the bones created in this way cannot be used for necromancy spells, so the spell casting materials of [Body of Bones] can only be carried with you.

But fortunately, this ability does not require that the bones used are intact, otherwise there would not be so many wreckage flying out of the seabed during the day. Therefore, grinding the bones into bone meal and carrying it in a wooden tube is the most convenient option. However, be careful not to open the stopper of the wooden tube when there is strong wind, otherwise it is very likely that the powder will be smeared on your face.

After drawing the curtains and removing the plugs, and removing the carpet, he stood in the center of the study and carefully tilted the wooden tube. As the strange mantra was recited from the mouth, the small particles in the tube fell slowly and evenly downwards.

But the falling dust did not pile up. Instead, as if controlled by invisible forces, it piled up into an orderly shape on the ground, forming a complete skeleton bit by bit.

The amount of bone meal is much less than the mass of the skeleton, which obviously does not comply with the law of conservation of mass, but this is the characteristic of this world.

"Creating this skeleton soldier consumes almost no energy from me. To be more precise, it consumes less than my recovery speed. You see, I can control it at will..."

As he spoke, the skeleton performed a complete set of backflips and 180-degree turns in the study room. After landing, he opened his arms to embrace the sun. Not even chocolate could perform such agile movements, and controlling this behavior caused very little loss to Jenkins.

"Does it cost a lot of souls to maintain its existence?"

asked the short woman again, looking very interested in Jenkins' new abilities.

"It doesn't cost much to maintain, but it takes a lot of spirit to control. But this skeleton is very small, so controlling it is easy for me."

As he spoke, he controlled the skeleton to pounce on the chocolate. The cat, who was squatting next to the fruit plate picking fruits, ignored Jenkins' prank and just waggled its tail lazily in response.

"I know a lot of undead abilities, but I have never heard of this ability. But it is indeed very powerful, but it is a pity that you are not willing to develop more undead abilities. Otherwise, with this ability as the core, you can build Come up with a strong enough system.”

"Yeah, I'm always wary of the power of death, even though..."

He did not tell Alexia about his encounter with Mr. Augustus, because it involved his special affinity for the spirit of death, which might involve his "possession" of Jenkins Williamette.

Alexia did not think so much, she just glanced at Jenkins' slightly pointed ears, and then agreed:

"You are right, you really shouldn't get too involved with the power of death. Our energy is limited, and it is enough to specialize in one direction. However... [Embrace Death]... seems to have heard of it somewhere, I will continue to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon."

There were no major accidents during the banquet, but Dolores actually introduced Jenkins to everyone in the end. This is completely meaningless. After all, he will only use this face once, and even if he wants to use it next time, the black robe may not be able to randomly produce an identical face.

"This is Mr. Hercule Poirot, who rescued me and my friends from the 'robbers' last week."

Jenkins really didn't expect Dolores to remember this pseudonym that he had only used a few times, but it didn't matter. What mattered was what Dolores was going to do.

"You'll know."

The sixteen-year-old princess said slightly playfully before leaving. This was certainly not in line with royal etiquette, but Julia on the side just pretended not to see it.

Looking at Alexia with an inquiring look, the latter maintained an elegant smile, but didn't want to explain anything to him. After a slight hesitation, Jenkins bent down slightly and kissed his short lady goodbye, and then returned to Nolan with the cat who was full and wanted to sleep.

Alexia smiled and raised her hand to touch her lips. She squinted her eyes and looked at the princess and servant sitting on the other side of the carriage. Dolores showed a guilty expression.

"Teacher Alexia, I found some information about the [Fate Unpredictable Card - Angel] that you are looking for. Can I summarize it for you tomorrow morning?"

She wanted to find some other topics, but Alexia would not care about such means. She gently picked up the apple fixed on the fruit plate in the carriage, and with a little force, the apple was immediately broken into two pieces.

"Dolores, your etiquette teacher Mrs. Tiffany, didn't she teach you the qualified etiquette of a lady?"

Her voice was very gentle, but to Dolores it sounded like thunder on a summer night.

"In love or battle, everything you do is acceptable."

The princess gritted her teeth and said the famous words written by Jenkins in "Frozen", feeling that the night wind in Loen in early spring was as sharp as a knife.


Alexia asked softly, and with a stroke of her left hand, a small piece of the larger apple in her right hand flew out, and she handed that small piece to her student.

Dolores didn't understand the meaning of this action until Julia touched her with her arm. Then she took the apple slice and put it in her mouth.

It was sweet, but she wanted more.

Section 1126 Chapter 1107 Follow-up

At least from the results, the new monster that appeared because of Jenkins' attack on the pirate king Devor did not bring much disaster to Nolan near the sea. Most citizens only had the impression that "another explosion occurred in the dock area" about what happened on Saturday afternoon, and thanks to this incident happening once last week, the citizens did not feel strange.

As for the steel and wood that pierced the cargo ship, or the battle between the gear monster and the bone giant, they had no idea.

Nolan City is a famous parish on the West Coast. The church actually solved the monster that Jenkins couldn't deal with.

It is said that the gifter of the [Church of Creation and Mechanics] who stayed in Nolan to investigate the damage of the gift clock, together with the church of the diocese, urgently contacted the Holy See of the [Church of Creation and Mechanics], and asked the son of the church with C-08-02-3091 [Gear Public Enemy] to come overnight, which eliminated the disaster on the coast.

"Oh, Son of God~"

Jenkins exclaimed exaggeratedly, and the old man sitting next to him patted him and signaled him not to do this.

This is the Sage Church on Sunday morning. The thick fog wrapped the city. In the church in the center of the city, Jenkins and the old man listened to Captain Binxi on the bed telling about what happened last night.

Considering his injury, Captain Binxi will stay here recently, so naturally he knows more new news than the old man and Jenkins.

"I remember that St. George Street and Fifth Queen's Road are both close to the dock area. Did you hear strange noises or see strange flashes last night?"

Captain Binxi asked the two, and Jenkins and the old man shook their heads. The cat lying on Jenkins' knees nodded, but no one noticed its movement.

"I didn't see the specific process last night, but the accompanying scribe said that the pagan son of God used a wrench to use divine power, and then produced a form similar to Jenkins' 'son of God's blessing state'. With the help of the five local demigods, the monster was finally sealed up."

"Just sealed, not completely destroyed?"

Jenkins just asked the question and realized that this was a stupid question. Weird things are never so easy to destroy, and being able to seal them is the best result.

"By the way, where is that thing now? Stay in this city, or was it sent to the Church of Creation and Mechanics?"

Dad grasped the key point of the matter, and Jenkins was also curious about this.

"That thing is now numbered and named A-04-02-9308 [Activated Mechanical Titan]. The reduced furnace core is contained in a square box made of lead plates to prevent its ability to activate metal creations from radiating outward. It was originally It was planned to be sent to the [Church of Creation and Mechanics] to study the reasons for its appearance, but later it was discovered that the seal was not stable and there might be problems with long-distance transportation. The steam airship itself is the crystallization of the gear industry, and using it to transport it is even more dangerous. Big. If something goes wrong with the shipping process..."

Captain Bincy shrugged at Jenkins and Dad, and then coughed violently. He was not in good health. And Jenkins and Dad could also imagine what a disaster it would be if an airship that brought together the most cutting-edge industrial technology of this era was activated.

"That thing is now said to be staying locally, but I don't know where it is being kept, but I think it should be a very safe place..."

Captain Binsi's complexion still doesn't look very good. The slight power of the Son of God's umbilical cord has an impact on mortals, which is by no means as simple as just the physical body. Even Jenkins cannot completely treat Captain Binsey immediately. Optimistically, he may have to lie in bed until the arrival of summer.


When I think of summer, I think of the sea in Nolan, and then I think of swimsuits, and then I think of past memories, and then I think of my distant hometown. Jenkins was a little sad for a moment, and he didn't even care much about the whereabouts of A-04-02-9308 [Activated Mechanical Titan].

He was right to do so, because then Dad and Captain Binsi chatted about yesterday's other protagonist, the believer of the God of Lies who holds a skull sword.

"Okay, I knew they must have taken that sword away! Those damn infidels!"

Captain Binsi said this with an expression that I had already guessed. Jenkins listened quietly, without any burden in his heart. Anyway, he was not a heretic.

"Although no one directly witnessed the appearance of the sword, judging from the large number of skeletal fragments recovered yesterday and the marks on the sand surface where the sword blade was inserted, it is undoubtedly a skeleton sword."

"Ah, I forgot to clean up the traces."

Jenkins thought in surprise, feeling annoyed for his carelessness.

But at least the church did not discover that there had been a brief confrontation between machinery and life before that. After all, the cabin was so damaged that the fragments could hardly be seen, and the huge spirit of death that appeared later even covered up Jenkins' spirit of life. .

There is no need to worry that the church will discover the strange traces of the battle, otherwise Jenkins will have to find a way to forge yesterday's action trajectory.

The cat yawned, wagging its tail and rubbing Jenkins' arm. It seemed to it that Jenkins was always thinking about such boring things.

Although the damage caused by yesterday's incident was very small, it had a great impact on the church. Without knowing how the strange thing appeared, people could only temporarily attribute the blame to the Gear Craftsmen Guild who did not know where to hide.

Although this idea is not wrong, searching for the cultists of the Gear Craftsmen Guild means that some of the already stretched manpower has been allocated again.

This is extremely dangerous for Nolan, who is facing the arrival of the evil angel.


When talking about this matter, Dad couldn't help but sigh. His eyes seemed to glow as he looked in front of him:

"I haven't seen a real angel yet. I don't know if I can see the angel under the sage this time. Although the angel of the sage descending to earth means that the angel of the evil god has really appeared, but I really hope To be able to see that sacred..."

Captain Binsi also held the same view, and couldn't help but be fascinated when talking about angels.

Jenkins doesn't have any special emotions, and he possesses the [Immanence Card] that can directly communicate with angels. If things really come to a point where he has to call for an angel, he may also take a huge risk by using the card that represents destiny.

"Destiny...all things are impermanent..."

This is the cat's idea. It has seen many similar cards appear at various destiny nodes. But it is also clear that the appearance of the impermanent cards does not mean that they must be used. After all, "all things are impermanent" and any possibility will appear.

Chapter 1127 Chapter 1108 Kamel


The cat's voice was surprisingly soft, and Jenkins had never encountered another cat that could make such a beautiful sound.

"Maybe that's chocolate's special ability too."

He stroked Chocolate's back, and the cat made a pleasant sound again.

I came to the church early in the morning just to help my father move some things, which were dozens of snuff bottles packed in cardboard boxes. If they were ordinary items, then just send Jenkins to pick them up, but the weight of these snuff bottles was more than ten times the visual weight.

It only had this specificity, which was not a big deal, so the church asked Dad to take it back and study it.

The box of snuff bottles was brought back to the store in a church carriage, and it took four trips to move them from the carriage to the backyard. After moving, Jenkins was too tired to move, so he slumped down on the chair behind the counter, not even wanting to pay attention to the chocolates standing on the counter looking at him.

"You still lack exercise."

Dad stood in front of the shelves and said while sorting the goods.

"That's because you just asked me to move it alone."

Jenkins couldn't help but say it, and then he felt that the strength he had accumulated with great difficulty dissipated as he spoke.

But he was young after all, and after resting for ten minutes, he stood up again with full energy and prepared to start a day's work.

Now the city-wide search has not ended, and the pirate king Diwo and the cultists of [The Whip of the Dead] are all gone. Recently, a lot of alien creatures of unknown origin have been caught, but none of them have tattoos.

The church is always worried that the angels of the evil god will appear over the city, so now, except for civil servants like Dad and Jenkins, most of the people who can be sent out are scattered all over the city.

Jenkins thought while sweeping the clean ground with a broom, and even the cat could see that he was absent-minded. At this time, Dad took out a box from under the counter. This was the one he asked Jenkins to pick up in Yorktown the day before yesterday afternoon.

Seeing this box, Jenkins remembered the almost identical ring that Miss Magic and Mr. Harama Linesam, a friend of the old elf, had taken out, so he came to the counter with a broom, and the old man didn't mind him getting in the way.

"What is this?"


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