After asking a little about the Kamel family, the father did not hide anything and told everything he had investigated today.

"The woman named Qiulun Kamel admitted that those rings belonged to the Kamel family and were cast before the divine punishment came to celebrate the birth of the future heir of the Kamel family."

"You seem to have said where should those rings be?"

"The youngest son of the Kamel family died in the third month after his birth due to the failure of the family's ritual. The ring and the body were buried in the tomb, and then there was divine punishment. Human beings in that era had a strange tradition, birth Children who died less than a year old could not be buried with the family, as this would bring bad luck to the family's future descendants, so the burial site was chosen individually. I looked up the map at the time and asked Professor Burns and his. Colleagues compared it with the current map and finally calculated that the approximate location of the tomb is around Nolan, but no one knows where it is."

If the tomb could be found, more information would undoubtedly be learned. In normal days, the church would definitely send more manpower to assist in the investigation, but now the evil angel is the main issue involving the safety of the city. The reappearance of the divine punishment object proposed by Dad and Jenkins did not attract enough attention.

Therefore, the only clue about the rings at present is the old elf's friend Mr. Rainsam. There were many problems with this man, and Jenkins even suspected that the ring Miss Yindi picked up in the tombs around the ruins was accidentally dropped by him.

"But in my eyes, he is indeed a human being. Why has he lived for such a long time?"

(Chocolate Run...)

The next day is Monday, which is also the 25th day of the month. Just as expected yesterday, I woke up at six o'clock and heard the sound of heavy rain outside. After opening the curtains, I saw the water on the roof falling outside the window like a curtain.

The city in the rain became even more blurry, and it was not yet dawn at six o'clock, making the outside world feel like the deepest night.

Strong winds and heavy rain washed the city. After breakfast, Jenkins hesitated for a while before deciding to go out. It doesn't make much difference whether or not to use an umbrella under such heavy rain. Jenkins originally planned to take the luxury of taking a carriage to his father's antique store, but found that he could not find the carriage at all.

Chapter 1136 Chapter 1117 Translation (7/10)

After pushing hard in the wind and rain, Jenkins was soaked when he opened the door of the antique store. The chocolate slipped out of his pocket, and Jenkins saw that a small patch of fur on the cat's head was wet.

Some unhappy cats jumped up on the counter and lay on the mat while shaking the wet hair on their heads. It seemed that they didn't intend to go out again during this windy and rainy day.

Just like yesterday, Dad didn't stop at the antique store for long before leaving with an umbrella. Currently, the church does not have enough manpower, so he can only do the investigation of those rings by himself for the time being. Jenkins suggested that he is very free now, but he immediately got the answer from his father, "I don't want to die today."

The meeting time agreed with the old elf was in the afternoon, so Jenkins had nothing else to do on Monday morning. He finished copying the photo of the stone tablet early, and while holding a pen to conceive of a new book, he waited boredly for the guests to come.

But judging from the seemingly apocalyptic weather outside, instead of expecting customers to come to your door, you might as well expect Chocolate to be a little more diligent.

The sound of pounding rain covered up most of the sounds of the city. Staying indoors, Jenkins was glad that he could stay in a dry and warm antique shop. He was also a little worried about what would happen if he visited the old elf in the afternoon.

At half past nine, a carriage stopped in front of the antique store. After the carriage stopped, Professor Burns protected his head with one hand and jumped from the carriage to the rain eaves in front of the antique store. But no matter how fast he was, he couldn't be faster than the linear raindrops. When he opened the door and walked in, the professor's shoulders were all soaked.

The apprentice quickly came over and handed him a towel. Professor Burns thanked him and wiped his glasses with his shirt. Although I protected my head with my hands, my hair was still wet from the rain. In this season, it is easy to catch a cold if you catch a slight cold.

The professor came to see his father. After learning from Jenkins that his father had gone to church, he directly handed the brown paper bag hidden in his clothes to prevent it from being soaked by the rain and asked Jenkins to pass it to his father.

"Oliver asked me to translate some texts from the Carmelite period. It happened that my friend in Frank County came to visit me recently. He is an expert in this field, so I entrusted him to help translate it. He said that these texts were from the Carmelite Empire. The later text was specially encrypted, and it took us a whole day to translate a line before we could understand it.”

The professor placed the brown paper bag on the counter and winked at Jenkins:

"Although I don't know if Dad allows you to check the translated results, I can tell you seriously that this bag has no seal and can be closed again after opening."

He waved his hat goodbye to Jenkins and rushed out into the rain again. The carriage just now was still parked in front of the antique shop, so the professor did not have to run to the next street corner to look for the carriage at the risk of getting soaked in the rain.

"Ancient Kamal text? Dad indeed found other clues but didn't tell me!"

Jenkins watched the professor leave, then turned to look at the brown paper bag. Because it was hidden in the professor's arms, the bag did not get wet from the rain. It was now lying quietly on the counter, with the lower left corner still slightly hanging in the air, as if tempting Jenkins to check it out.

"It is very impolite to look through other people's things without their consent!"

Jenkins didn't like to do anything rude, so for the next half hour, he continued to do his own thing in front of the counter, only occasionally peeking at the bag secretly.

Of course, important documents like this should be stored away, but Jenkins was worried that he might accidentally damage the surface and open it when he picked up the bag, so he kept it in his sight.

"Why am I so curious? It's just a translated text, and it's not necessarily related to what we want to investigate. Even if it is related, dad can just investigate it, and there is no need for me to get involved."

He thought to himself, convincing himself to give up his unnecessary curiosity. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt like there was a chocolate scratching in my heart, and the desire to open the file bag became more urgent.


He squinted his eyes and played with the chocolate that sealed the Black Stone Ring of Calamity and let out a soft cry. Jenkins's constant tangled attitude also annoyed it.

So the cat stood up and came to Jenkins' hand, rubbed the back of the man's hand with its side face, and then followed his line of sight to look at the document bag.

"Chocolate, do you think I should open it?"

Jenkins muttered to himself, not really wanting to get an answer from the cat.


The cat responded immediately, and before Jenkins could react, he stepped directly on the document bag. With a wave of his little paw, the thin thread holding the paper buckle broke.


It looked at Jenkins proudly.

"Chocolate, I'm not asking you to open it for me...well, you probably don't even understand what I'm talking about."

He said as he reached into the paper bag and now it was Chocolate, not Jenkins, who opened it. Jenkins just wanted to check if the files inside were corrupted by the cat.

"I'm so shameless."

He said in his mind.


Chocolate agrees.

Although my father only entrusted the professor to translate a short paragraph, the professor wrote down the entire translation and puzzle-solving process because of his rigorous scientific research attitude.

So even if the amount of translation is small, what Jenkins sees after opening the brown paper bag is still a stack of documents. He turned the pages to the end and saw the Kamal text and the corresponding modern language translation:

[I woke up from my sleep, everything disappeared, God’s punishment had arrived, and fate did not protect me. 】

The original text is a black and white photo, and the black and white photo is another photo that was held in hand. The edges of the photos inside were cracked and the photos were reattached with glue. What was photographed above was an ancient tree, and the bark of the tree was rudely carved with such words by someone without a sense of public morality.

"Who woke up? Divine punishment? Is there anyone else in the Kamel family who survived besides the lovers?"

Jenkins thought in surprise, but he also understood that there was a high probability that it was the guy who carved randomly on the tree who made the ring that should not exist reappear, otherwise his father would have no reason to investigate this line of text.

Although there are many immortal races in this world, there are very few races that can easily exceed a thousand years of age. If there are really people who have survived from the end of the 16th Era when Kamael perished to the present, based on Jenkins's knowledge, only elves, dragons and elemental spirits can do it. And these are the most powerful races. If such alien species are mixed with the matter of divine punishment, no matter how you think about it, there will be trouble in the future.

Chapter 1137 Chapter 1118 Stillwell’s Visit (8/10)

When Jenkins saw this piece of text that had been commissioned to be translated, his first reaction was to wonder whether it might be related to cultists calling on angels, but he soon realized that it was impossible. Now the connection between the three processes of calling the angels: Umbilical Cord Bridge, Blood Sacrifice Call, and [Alien Frenzy] is very clear, and there is no need for God's Punishment.

He quickly restored the contents of the brown paper bag to its original state, and then solemnly took it back to the study on the second floor amid the sound of heavy rain.

When I took the cat back to the store on the first floor, I suddenly found a young girl standing in the store.

She was wearing a brown coat that covered her entire body, and Jenkins could only see her legs wearing women's boots. She has charming long burgundy hair, which looks more like purple under the light of a gas lamp. Wearing a delicate silver crown-like hairstyle at the front of her hair, she clearly looks like a girl, but her smile has a mature charm that goes beyond her appearance.

Jenkins' eyes were still looking at the woman's well-shaped legs. It was not that he was lustful, but he was surprised that there was no muddy water on her shoes.

Unless the woman had just changed her shoes at the door, this was impossible.

"The Giver!"

He noticed this in the blink of an eye, and shook his left shoulder slightly. The cat on his shoulder immediately jumped down, and then scampered to the mat on the counter. Jenkins' eyes narrowed. Without knowing whether he was an enemy or a friend, he had to prepare for the worst for the time being.

The woman standing also saw Jenkins holding a large bunch of keys. She smiled at Jenkins but said nothing.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a moment, neither of them spoke or moved. The antique shop was unusually quiet. Standing here, one could clearly hear the violent wind and rain outside.

The rain flowed down from the eaves like a curtain of water, but Jenkins had no intention of watching this unexpected rainstorm. He nervously prepared for what might happen, and then asked tentatively:

"Welcome to Daddy's Antique Shop, what do you need?"

"Is Daddy Oliver here?"

The woman asked immediately, and then walked towards the counter as if nothing had happened. Although her words were short, it was easy to hear the strong Nolan accent, which was an accent that only those who had lived in the local area for a long time could have.

"Dad is out on business. Considering the current weather, I don't think he will be back before the evening."

Jenkins walked into the counter, not knowing what the Level 7 Gifter in front of him was going to do.

"Since Daddy is not here, I can talk to you, Mr. William."

"She knows me!"

Jenkins said in his heart, and then nodded gently:

"What do you want to talk about?"

He was ready to use [Profane Production], and now the strange girl was within the range of the ability. If the female creature in front of him dared to show any hostility, then he would definitely let her get a just punishment.

"But why should I think she must be a bad person? She may really be an ordinary gifter passing by here."

Jenkins whispered in a corner of his heart, then looked up at the woman, waiting for her answer.

"Before talking about things, I think I need to introduce myself. My name is Lena Stiver."


Jenkins never knew a woman named "Lena", but he happened to know a woman with the last name "Stiver". This is not a very common last name. Combined with the warning letter sent by Mr. Black Cat, the young girl in front of him is most likely Miss Stiver, Daddy's former apprentice.

"But why is she so young? Does she also have elven blood?"

Jenkins thought in his heart, and then looked at Miss Stiver in silence. The latter showed an expression of "as expected", stretched out his hand and summoned a ball of bright golden light, which was some kind of divine power, but it was not fully activated, only showing the light and shadow effect.

"It's the divine power of the sage."

Jenkins judged, and his vigilance suddenly relaxed a little. He coughed to cover up the embarrassment, and then pointed upstairs:

"I think we can go to the reception room on the second floor to talk, do you like black tea?"

From a long time ago...can't say a long time ago, after all, he has only been in this world for more than half a year. Since half a year ago, Jenkins began to be curious about his father's past, and tried to find out his father's unknown secrets through various channels.

Although it was very impolite to do so, Jenkins at least thought he had done nothing wrong. It's just that the more he investigated, the more he found that those who knew about it were very secretive, and even the senior brothers and sisters who should still exist (the third one who died in the undead disaster thirty years ago) had no whereabouts.

Now this beautiful woman suddenly appeared in the antique shop, and Jenkins himself couldn't believe that he had such luck. When accompanying the woman upstairs, he had been secretly looking at this senior sister, but he really couldn't get any effective information from her clothes and appearance.

The two sat down, Jenkins also got tea and snacks, and appeased the cat, and the conversation officially began.

The rain outside the window was getting heavier, and the raindrops hit the window and made a terrifying sound. Even if the glass was shattered in the next second, Jenkins thought he would not be surprised. There was no such heavy rain in late summer and the whole autumn last year, and there would be no rain in winter. This should be regarded as the largest natural rainfall he has seen since he came to this world.

Because of the rain, even the room without windows was a little damp. This is inevitable, after all, this building is also a bit old.

"I remember the night I left Nolan, it was also such a heavy rain. So many years have passed in the blink of an eye, and this place has not changed at all."

The woman said sadly, looking at everything around her naturally.

Jenkins did not comment, and then asked:

"So you deliberately did not intercept the warning letter my friend sent me?"

"Yes, I want you to know that I will come to you, otherwise it would be too rude. Dad used to tell me that my etiquette class ended with an unqualified grade. Now it seems that he has indeed found a very polite new apprentice."

Miss Stiver picked up the teacup but did not drink it. She just sniffed it with her nose and shook her head slightly.

"You didn't embarrass my friend, did you?"

Jenkins was very worried about Mr. Black Cat who was innocently implicated.

"Of course not, why should I embarrass him? But I really didn't expect you to know that I was in Turin, and I really didn't expect that your friend could find me easily."

Chapter 1138 Chapter 1119 Disturbance (9/10)

The woman who called herself Miss Stiver put down the teacup and sighed, then took off the coat on her body. The rain did not make the room cooler, but more stuffy.

Unexpectedly, what Miss Stillwell was wearing under her coat was not a regular dress, but a nun's uniform. Judging from the style, it was definitely not a nun's robe from the Church of the Sages, and because there was no holy emblem on the chest, Jenkins couldn't tell which church this unique robe belonged to.

"Is she on an undercover mission?"

Jenkins absentmindedly guessed that he originally had many questions to ask, but now facing the person he had been looking for for a long time, he found that he didn't know what the first question should be.

"Jenkins, okay, that's what I call you. Although we have never met, I have noticed you since the first edition of your book was released half a year ago. Dad's apprentice, this is different Ordinary status. I don't know what the reason is for you to become an apprentice in an antique shop, but it always reminds me of my past... Please don't guess my age, young gentleman, your eyes are very rude. ”

She said this to Jenkins, who also sighed and turned to look out the window. He knew the answer was right in front of him:

"Then why did you come to Nolan to find me? Just because I wanted to find you, so you returned to Nolan where you had been away for many years? To be honest, Miss Stiver, I am facing a lot of troubles now. If you come to see me for something else, please tell me as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be able to explain it clearly once it gets involved with what I am facing. "


The woman tilted her head slightly to observe Jenkins' expression. Only after seeing his serious profile did she believe that it was not a lie. Like Jenkins, she turned to look at the running water on the window and the strange and familiar Nolan in the distance. The burgundy-haired woman also felt a lot of emotion for a moment.

"I'm not here for anything. I just want to see you and find out what kind of apprentice my father has found. I didn't have the chance to see the young gentleman who died in the undead disaster. I don't know about this. I regretted it for many years.”

"Come to see me? So why haven't you returned to Nolan or corresponded with Dad after so many years? I found the bark you gave to Dad at the end of a certain year. I think if you still have contact in the future, , you should have told him about the bark instead of not being discovered by me until last week.”

"That was many years ago...Jenkins, what kind of person do you think Dad is?"

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