Continuous thunders exploded in the rainy sky like festive fireworks. Even the angels who were fighting had to be careful to avoid this unusual continuous thunder.

In the fortune teller's living room, with Finny's simplest announcement, Jenkins finally noticed the golden light gathering around him. He subconsciously felt that something seemed to be condensed in his soul:

"Hmm? Priesthood?"

He had such a feeling, but when he felt it carefully, he couldn't really feel what it was.

Hearing a strange sound behind them, the two people who were fully engaged in the conversation looked in the direction of the sofa and found that Miss Audrey had fainted due to excessive sadness. When Jenkins and Finny woke her up in panic, they found that the woman had lost dozens of seconds of memory.

Of course, this is not important. After all, it is understandable that people are extremely sad no matter what happens. Now the projection of the righteous angel and the evil angel are fighting fiercely above the clouds, and the strong wind, black rain and thunder are the evidence; and the second angel is about to break free, and the action of resurrecting Miss Bronion must be carried out as soon as possible.

"Jenkins, I'll ask you one last time, do you really understand what price you have to pay?"

Although she wanted to save her teacher, Miss Audrey still confirmed it tirelessly. After all, the angel's resurrection feather is the only perfect resurrection method known to mankind that can be achieved in the hands of mortals.

"Of course I know what this is."

He nodded and picked up the feather on the coffee table again. Seeing Miss Audrey's complicated expression, he looked at Finnie's expression again. After the little girl said those words from the religious books of the church just now, she has gotten rid of the grief caused by the death of her friend. Even the thin and illusory spirit in her body has become more solid. Finnie is only one last opportunity away from becoming a gifter.

Ignoring the strong wind and rain outside, Jenkins calmed down and held the feather to feel the power in it. When the spirit was connected with the white feather, all the sounds in the world seemed to disappear, leaving only Jenkins, the feather and Miss Bronion's body.

He followed the guidance of the feather and infused a small amount of his own spirit into it. The feather automatically floated above Miss Bronion's body, and white light spots seeped out of the feather like raindrops and dripped onto the body below.

Jenkins couldn't understand the principle of this feather to resurrect mortals, but it didn't prevent the feather from playing its role. A faint white light emanated from the body, and while the feather became illusory, vitality returned to the dead body little by little. When the sound of rain and wind in the ears returned, the white feather in the hand had disappeared.

The woman lying on the sofa made a lazy sound, as if she had just woken up from a dream, and as if she had finally returned to a familiar place after a long journey.

She slowly opened her eyes, looked at the three people who were looking at her with concern, and then raised her hand to look at the back of her hand.

Finally, he looked at Jenkins again, his eyes still carrying the clarity and insight he had just seen when he died.

"So that's it..."

The fortune teller sighed, sat up with the help of his students, and then looked at the doomsday scene outside the window.

Miss Bronion, who was pulled back from death, seemed to be a little different. Although it was indeed her soul and her body had not changed, this woman had an inexplicable temperament compared to before.

This temperament was very similar to the ethereal and illusory feeling that fortune tellers would have when they were fortune-telling, but Miss Bronion now always gave people such a feeling.

"So what did she understand before she died? Or did death give her new revelations?"

Jenkins didn't understand, but it didn't matter. The woman who sat up from the sofa quickly adapted to the fact that she had life again. She stared at the sky outside in a trance, and the others in the living room didn't speak.

After a long time, she turned back to look at Jenkins. There was only white in the woman's eyes:

"Thank you for waking me up from eternal death, Jenkins. I apologize for my previous recklessness and rudeness."

The voice was still hoarse, but very pleasant.

"No, it's nothing."

Jenkins shook his head.

"I think I have understood that some things are not necessarily available if you want to get them, and fate is not a machine that can be easily manipulated by mortals. After this incident, I think I will leave Nolan..."

Hearing this, Miss Audrey's face was complicated but she said nothing.

"I want to participate in the process of fate, and I think I have seen the veins of fate clearly, but in the end, I am greeted with only a tragic ending. I have understood, Jenkins, you and Audrey are right..."

She turned her head to look at Finnie again. Obviously, she should not know what happened to Louise, but she still said:

"Little girl, I am sorry about this. If I hadn't been in trouble, it should be your friend who was resurrected."

"So, Louise is now..."

Finnie asked with courage, she still held a glimmer of hope.

"I just saw that she and everyone in that alley died at the hands of the Pirate King, the Thief Diwo. He wanted to find a cure for the disease in his body, so he went to that alley to look for clues. I'm sorry..."

The next moment, black lightning flashed across the sky, and everyone present heard the sound of the mirror breaking outside the window at the same time, but this had nothing to do with the two angels fighting above the clouds. In the west of the city, cracks in space were everywhere in the sky, and then the western angel representing the "air element" stretched out metal black wings from the cracks and descended to the world.

The mortals who had been prepared immediately attacked, but were forced to stay away by the energy shock generated by the vibration of the angel's wings.

"I'm going over there."

Miss Bronion said, and Jenkins and Miss Audrey knew what she was talking about.

"Jenkins, the death of that strange girl is not unchangeable. You also have the power of fate, why don't you try it?"

"I have tried, but it didn't work."

Jenkins thought she was talking about the power of [the future of fate].

"I still lack the key sign of fate."

He added.

"The sign of fate..."

Miss Bronion pondered, and her white eyes finally looked at Finnie beside Jenkins.

Chapter 1150 Chapter 1131 The Death of Divo

Being watched by Miss Bronion's white eyes, Finnie subconsciously hid behind Jenkins, but Miss Bronion actually wanted to talk to Jenkins:

"Since returning from death, my divination ability has undergone a great leap. Although I still cannot understand what the power of destiny you possess is, I can vaguely see that a line connects you and the people around you, although this line is not complete now."

"Where is it missing?"

Jenkins didn't understand what Miss Bronion said at first, but suddenly he thought of the strange world full of destiny lines he had witnessed, and [Unknown Road Ahead] also appeared in the form of lines.

"You have an unusual connection with the child next to you, and the closeness of this connection even exceeds the relationship between father and daughter and lovers. This may be a revelation to you..."

The demigod fortune teller finally nodded to his student Miss Audrey, then opened the window and flew out, flying towards the angel in the west.

Originally, Jenkins was still worried that Nolan's mortals did not have the ability to stop the angels, but Miss Bronion, who had returned from death, gave Jenkins great confidence.

He stared at the battle in the sky for a while, then summoned his ability light again and activated [Unknown Road Ahead]. The purple line immediately extended to the distance, and fate once again guided Jenkins.

"Finny, you stay here. Miss Audrey, can you help me take care of Finny?"

He asked.

"Okay, I will take care of her, and you have to be careful too."

Miss Audrey answered softly, then walked to Jenkins and hugged him.

"Be careful."

"Oh, I know."

He felt a little embarrassed, but he also understood that Miss Audrey might want to thank him for using feathers to revive Miss Bronion.

After a few simple instructions, he left the room in the heavy rain. The cat naturally followed Jenkins, and it would not easily separate from Jenkins.

The sky became more and more gloomy. It was now five o'clock in the evening, but Nolan seemed to have reached the middle of the night. Lying on the back of the unicorn, he moved all the way to the alley where Louise's house was located. There was no human figure on the street.

The advantage of a rainstorm is that the fight in the sky is difficult for mortals to detect. Otherwise, even if the matter is perfectly resolved, the church will have to find a way to explain what happened today.

Landing where the entrance of the alley should appear, the purple line guides Jenkins to touch a gray dot on the wall beside him. When the finger touched the wall with water flowing, the huge recoil force almost made Jenkins fall into the puddle behind him.

The wall in front of him "cracked" as Jenkins touched and retreated, and the entrance of the alley "squeezed" out of the wall. In less than half a minute, the hidden alley was completely displayed in front of Jenkins.

Jenkins saw the miserable corpse soaked in the rain at a glance.

Miss Bronion was probably right. All the living people in the whole alley had been killed by the pirate king-the thief Diwo.

Diwo didn't leave here. Jenkins looked up and saw that he was lying on the second floor of the third door on the left side of the alley to rest.

Thinking about it carefully, it was actually a very correct choice for him to hide here instead of running away. The heavy rain in Nolan has now made a mess. Even if the church finds out about the abnormality in this alley, they have no time to deal with it for the time being. Hiding here might be Diwo's plan to avoid the killing angels from slaughtering the entire Nolan.

Sighing and letting the rain soak him like a drowned chicken, Jenkins stood there without stepping into the alley, but took out his sword directly.

The anger seemed to ignite the spirit in his body. The restless spirit flowed to his hands, and he raised the sword above his head. The blade emitted a white light in the rain.

When the dazzling sword light slashed down, the whole alley was tilted and split into two, and Diwo's spiritual light under the blade quickly faded.

Slowly exhaling, Jenkins put down his sword and stepped on the water to approach the alley. He nimbly stepped over the ruins and climbed up the half-collapsed building in the rain. He poured out the soaked bone powder to summon a skeleton that was ten feet tall, and then commanded it to violently dig up the ruins. Under the bricks, tiles and broken furniture, he saw Diwo.

He was already dead, half of his body turned into meat paste, stuck to the bed board under him, but was soon washed away by the rain. In his intact right hand, he tightly grasped a silver cross with a snake clinging to it. This was probably for him to save his life, but unfortunately he was killed by Jenkins before he could use it.

He kicked the broken body with his foot, wiped the rain off his face with his hand, and then turned to the door of Louise's house. He hesitated for a moment and pushed the door open directly. What came into view was a family lying neatly around the table in the living room, all silent.

Louise's house was very small, and this table was also their dining table. Judging from the decorations on the table, the family seemed to have fallen asleep during the meal, but Jenkins knew that no one would ever wake up.

He looked at the male host's body. There was no obvious external injury, but compared with the last time they met, the body was so old that the middle-aged man looked ten years older. His vitality was forcibly taken away, and he didn't know what means Devo used.

Jenkins pursed his lips and looked at the small body on the side, the body of the girl. After reaching out and turning the body over, he saw Louise's pale face and closed eyes.

The dry hair was pressed against her cheeks, and the closed eyes could never open.

"Oh, sage~"

Jenkins felt his heart hurt, and he took a step back looking at Louise's body. Although he had already got the answer from Finnie's prophetic dream, when he really saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel angry and sad.

He took a few breaths before he could barely control his emotions. He turned around and pulled a chair from the wall and sat near the body.


The cat that had been hiding from the rain in the inner pocket of his chest came out, looked at the body of the girl beside the table curiously, and then called to comfort Jenkins. Jenkins touched its wet little head and indicated that he was fine.

The trajectory of fate guided Jenkins to take out [Impermanence-Angel]. The hard card exuded a pure white color in the dark living room, and then took out the metal block that sealed the divinity that he brought with him today to deal with the angel.

Chapter 1151 Chapter 1132 Jenkins' Angel

Although fate guided Jenkins to take out the metal block that sealed the divinity, he did not understand the meaning of doing so.

"Can I use the divinity to revive Louise now? But if so, how can I deal with the angel?"

He wondered, but finally trusted [Unknown Road Ahead] that had been helping him.

He patted the cat and told it not to worry, then faced Louise's body, holding up the silver metal block emitting golden light in one hand and the hard card emitting white light in the other.

When the body fell heavily to the side, the new God of Lies was sitting on the chair.

The God came to this world silently, because he was originally here. The loud hymns and pure white light beams surrounded him, but this vision could only be seen in this house.

Jenkins did not take the next step immediately, but carefully experienced himself who was stained with divinity. Just now, when he promised Finnie that he would definitely resurrect Louise in the future and received Finnie's declaration, he felt that there seemed to be something more in his soul.

And when he returned to the state of deification again, he finally discovered what a miracle he had - [Clergy: Protector of Flower Girls].

Some of the priesthoods of the gods are related to concepts, and some are related to races or professions, which are very common. For example, the [Inherited Sage] that Jenkins believes in includes priesthoods such as the guardian of writers, teachers, and librarians. In the priesthood of the righteous god [Storm Lord], [Sailor's Protector] is closely related to the core priesthoods [Storm] and [Ocean].

From this perspective, Jenkins's [Protector of Flower Girls] is a bit strange, but it also fits the characteristics of the priesthood. It's just that the profession of "flower girl" is too restrictive, too limited, and not broad enough, so it's difficult to extend to similar priesthoods or powers.

Although the scope is narrow, it doesn't mean it's useless. Unlike [Priesthood: Lies], [Priesthood: Protector of Flower Girls] is a priesthood that Jenkins has condensed himself, and it is a miracle that belongs to him alone. Therefore, with such a priesthood, even in the mortal state, Jenkins also has:

[Flower Girls have great affinity]

[Automatically obtain the price of all bouquets held by flower girls within 3,000 miles of the location every day]

[Track the location of any bouquet sold by any flower girl within a week]

[Permanently keep the bouquets fresh]

And so on. The list of extraordinary priesthood abilities, and because it is an ability derived from the priesthood, like [Knowing whether it is a lie] and [Two lies that must be believed every week], these are all abilities that do not consume spirits. Jenkins uses them as if he were raising his hands or opening his mouth, without any burden on his mortal body.

"But... what's the use? And... where does this priesthood come from?"

It only took a moment to receive the information of the priesthood. Jenkins also understood that the priesthood was formed when he and Finnie finished their conversation. It was just because he was a mortal at that time, so the priesthood ability was not revealed. It was not until he became a god that he realized what he had created.

Of course, he was very happy that he had a brand new priesthood, and it was a priesthood created by himself, which meant that he was one step closer to becoming a true god.

It’s just that the scope of his priesthood is a bit narrow, and the origin...

He carefully recalled the conversation with Finnie just now, and the more he recalled, the more he felt that the conversation was unusual.

"That just now couldn't be..."

He was not a fool. Although he didn't realize the truth of the matter immediately, now he could understand from the result that Finnie was swearing to be his believer just now.


As a believer of the sage, he cultivated his believers in the Church of the Sage. No matter how you think about this matter, it seems wrong.

Of course, Jenkins would never persuade Finny to give up her faith in him. After all, she was the first believer and directly contributed to the emergence of [Priesthood: Protector of Flower Girls]. If he lost this believer, Jenkins was worried that the priesthood would collapse.

"But I can't say this priesthood. If others know about it, will they think I'm interested in little girls? This will affect my image."

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