The air in the old elf's apartment also stopped. As the lightning flashed, the wind blew in through the gaps in the closed windows, causing the candle flames to sway continuously.

The old elf's face was full of astonishment, while the old man Lensam's face was dejected and helpless. He was also ashamed to look at his friend's face.

"Yes, I did take advantage of my friends thirty years ago. In order to lift the curse that troubled me, I never told them the truth from the beginning... The main body of the curse was to bring me closer to eternal life, and The price is that I will be alone forever, anyone close to me will suffer misfortune, and anyone who loves me and I love will suffer disaster, even if that love is just unspoken in my heart..."

He let out a long sigh, as if he was about to tell a long story. Jenkins and the old elf had a hard time imagining the thrilling and sad stories he had experienced over the thousands of years. This should be regarded as the most severe punishment a mortal could endure.

"I will be a stranger for a whole generation. I do not belong to the era that is moving forward. I do not belong to any city. I do not belong to any organization, any group, or any family... I will bear the burden of Walking forward alone, until I die two epochs later, the curse of the gods on my family will truly end. I know that my cursed uncle and aunt are also wandering in the world like me. I hope they are doing well. I knew their location for a while, probably at the beginning of this era, but I didn’t dare to see them.”

The old man lowered his head and looked at the ground, so neither Jenkins nor the old elf could see his complicated expression at this time.

"So have you succeeded? Thirty years ago you told me that you had not found the ability of the [Stranger], and that all your friends except you suffered misfortune during the expedition, even the female fortune teller who provided the information , all had to leave Nolan to recuperate due to the backlash of fate... You won't tell me that these are also lies, right? "

The old elf suddenly asked.

"Only part of it is a lie..."

"The flowers are blooming~"

The elf sighed and continued to listen to the story with Jenkins.

"Everyone did die, but not because of an accident, but because we really gained something. Greed made us lose our nature, and fighting with each other dyed every piece of land in the underground tomb red. These more than thirty people Over the years, I have often dreamed about them, about the fighting that lasted all night, and about those friends who were chopped into pieces by me..."

The corners of Jenkins' mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he looked at the old elf, who was trying to suppress his angry expression.

Although Lensam Kamel is a victim of family desire and a poor man who bears a curse. But he has become distorted. What happened thirty years ago was not a simple adventure. In order to get clues about the "Stranger", Lensam killed everyone and injured the unsuspecting Miss Bronyance.

He is not innocent.

Chapter 1155 Chapter 1136 Crazy Kamel

"The long life has distorted the soul of Rainsam Kamel. The souls of short-lived human beings cannot adapt to the erosion of long years. Only by improving the quality of the soul can one obtain immortality, such as improving the level of the benefactor or obtaining the gift of the gods. , is the legal means of longevity..."

Jenkins was thinking in his mind. While thinking about Kamel's story, he also remembered the conversation he had with Mr. Augustus about the death of mortals. And the story of old man Linesam continues:

"I used some means to become the final winner. After all, in order to get rid of the curse, I vowed to do anything. Even if I knew that the probability of finding the target was very small before everyone set off, I still placed some triggering black powder along the way. , and finally the tomb collapsed, burying alive the few people behind me... After leaving the tomb, I was worried that the female fortune teller who divined for us would leak the news, so I wanted to kill her. But she was too strong and too cautious. Even if I relied on my immortality and the tricks I had acquired over thousands of years, I finally let her escape... But she was at least forced to forget my face, otherwise There’s no way I’m going to stay in Nolan.”

This man is more twisted than Jenkins imagined, but it also explains the origin of the ring that Miss Silver Flute picked up in the abandoned tomb passage.

"So what did you find? Did you really find the way to obtain the emblem of the savior [Stranger]?"


The old man Lensam nodded heavily. Although Jenkins had already seen this from his fate, his heart could not help but beat faster.

"We found a book, a fairy tale book. The story of each [Stranger] was recorded in a childish tone in that book. There must be nothing wrong with that. That book contains the information we want. ”

"Leansam, tell me the truth, so now you..."

"No, I did not obtain that qualification. I have held that book for thirty years. I tried all the methods in those fairy tales, even asking the devil at the cost of blood sacrifice, but all failed. I accidentally discovered it half a year ago I read a fairy tale book called "Stories from a Stranger", and I realized at that time that maybe I was not the person that the book was waiting for, and fate had never favored me, never. "

After saying this, he actually put his hand directly into his clothes, and then took out a book with crumpled and yellowed pages.

The cover of the book is a hand-drawn pattern, with a lone figure standing alone in the heavy snow. But because it was a child's simple drawing, it didn't look too sad.

"Jenkins Willamette."

The old man looked at Jenkins, his eyes flashing with emotions that even Jenkins couldn't read:

"Come and see what's hidden in here."

"No, Jenkins, don't touch it."

The old elf immediately stopped him, and then shouted loudly:

"Lensam, put away your tricks! Don't you think I can't see it? Your vicious curse is attached to it. Anyone who reads this book and gains knowledge will be forced to say what they see. Then he died suddenly! Have you forgotten? This is the curse you got from me fifty years ago. This is one of the basic defense methods of the Great Elf Library. How dare you... ..”

The old elf's face flushed with anger, but when he tried to put his hand on the old man's shoulder, the latter turned into a string of bubbles and disappeared.

"Be careful, this is his unique ability. As long as the air flows, he can appear anywhere within thirty seconds!"

The old elf said, then cursed and picked up the short wooden stick leaning on the corner of the coffee table. With a flick of his hand, the wooden stick stretched out of thin air, and finally turned into a simple long bow wrapped in green leaves.

When the bow appeared, the originally cold and dark room actually gave Jenkins the illusion of the arrival of spring.

"Lensam, I know what you want to do. Even if Jenkins really understands this book, he can't tell you anything. Even if you get [Stranger], you can't get rid of the curse. Oh, Are you really crazy? Wake up!"

He casually plucked the bowstring without an arrow, and with a trembling sound that sounded like running water, a green arrow appeared out of thin air, then circled and flew directly to the southwest corner of the ceiling.

There was a strange clang sound, and the figure of the old man lying on the ceiling like a spider in the corner flashed, and then disappeared immediately.

"Williamt, since fate may have chosen you, then you must also meet the criteria of [Stranger]. This is the rule of the savior's emblem. I know this very well. But I have learned about it through various channels in the past six months. You, how exactly do you qualify as a "Stranger"?

Lensam's voice came from every corner of the room, and even the old elf's arrows with automatic tracking capabilities could not find his trace.

"Am I a [stranger]?"

Jenkins lowered his eyes. The cat gave a worried cry, then stretched out its paw and pointed towards the door. The green arrows flying everywhere immediately flew towards the target.

Rolling black smoke came out of the door, and a strange and twisted figure appeared out of thin air in the black smoke.

"Damn it, this is my house, what are you trying to summon?"

The old elf Siam Nord cursed, put his hand into his pocket and threw the enamel bottle filled with liquid towards the door. As the light cyan liquid flowed out and turned the ground into a mirror, a white and tender right hand with a vine-shaped bracelet appeared. It stretched out from the mirror, and along with the Elvish song, the black mist and the hand disappeared at the same time.

Although elves do not have the ability to increase their strength with age like dragons, their long lifespan will always give the elders of the long-lived species equipped with otherworldly knowledge and power. Compared with Siam Nord, an old elf who grew up outside the material world, Rainsam, who has been cursed by God all his life and has been wandering in the material world, is obviously no match.

"Jenkins Willamt, are you really a stranger? Why did fate choose you alone? Have you ever experienced the loneliness of being in a busy city but feeling isolated from everyone?"

The old man's voice sounded behind Jenkins, but without Jenkins taking action, the old elf's wooden coffee table turned into a small tree to block the attack for him.

"Jenkins Willamt, are you really a stranger? Why does fate favor you? Have you ever experienced the pain of knowing that your lover is right in front of you, but you dare not make a promise to her and stay with her for the rest of your life? ?”

Lensam's voice came from all directions, Jenkins' face was gloomy, and even the cat didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

Chapter 1156 Chapter 1137 Jenkins’ Proposal

The standing candle was extinguished by someone unknown, and in the darkness, the roar of the old elf became louder and louder. When the light appeared again, the angry elf was holding a bow and squatting on the bookcase with the best view in the room, looking like a leopard hunting.

"Jenkins Willamt, are you really a stranger? Why does fate only give you a chance? Have you ever experienced the sadness of not being able to make friends, unwilling to socialize, living a normal life, but seemingly isolated from the entire era? "

The words of the old man Lensam were full of despair and resentment, but with every sound he made, the hunting elves could accurately capture his position.

Siam Nord thought that when he was young, he was also a good bowman among the elves. Now with that wonderful bow, there is no reason for Lensam to hurt Jenkins in the narrow living room.

"Why is this all happening? Jenkins Willamette, why were you chosen? Is it just because your middle name is [Redan Putt]?"

There was a sound of wind behind his head. Jenkins tilted his head slightly, and then kicked hard. The old man was kicked out like a cannonball, directly smashing the wooden cabinet on the opposite wall, which seemed to be made of cedar boards.

"I was chosen, not because my middle name is [Redan Putt], but because I can save the world, so my middle name is [Redan Putt]."

Jenkins said this, standing in the center of the living room and looking at the old man trying to get up. Even after being kicked with all his strength by Jenkins, the old man's appearance did not change.

The curse of the gods is both a curse and a gift. The price of loneliness is immortality, and the price of immortality is loneliness.

"Have I ever experienced the sadness of being isolated from an entire era? Yes, I have, and I have experienced this feeling more than anyone else. I should not belong to this damn era at all, and I don't belong to this damn era even more than you. era."

While speaking in a deep voice, he quickly came to the old man and pressed him against the wall with a heavy punch.

"Have I ever experienced the pain of not being able to commit to my lover? Yes, I have, and I have experienced it more than once. You damn thing, how dare you ask me such a question."

Jenkins rarely used harsh words. He was not angry about other questions, but this question made him angry.

The old elf was still huddled on the bookcase, drawing his long bow and pointing it at the throat of his old friend. Jenkins reached out and grabbed the throat of the old man who had difficulty breathing due to the heavy blow to his lungs, and then lifted him up with just one hand.

"Have I ever felt lonely?"

He took a deep breath to suppress his emotions, but he couldn't help but think of all the experiences he had experienced in the six months since he came to this world, his cats, his family, those beautiful girls, and his father. .....

"You have to think that you are the loneliest person in the world. Damn it, do you really think that you are unlucky like this? At least you are still in your own..."

He did not say the word [world], but lifted the old man up harder. The latter made a sound of "uh~uh~" from his throat, and his face immediately turned pale, and soon began to turn blue.

He was not without resistance, but even if he tried hard to pull Jenkins' hand around his throat with his hands, he could not break free.

Jenkins considers himself a person who is good at managing emotions, but the three questions just now really angered him. He lost everything in the past for no reason, came to this strange and backward world, and was forced to interact with a group of people who did not understand socialist/core values, ethics and morals that were seriously inconsistent with him, and in this strange and backward world. He lived in a city with an extremely poor sewer system, but he never complained about it, instead accepting his fate and living on with the name Jenkins Willamette on his back.

Even though he now has his own cat, his own house, his own teacher, his own career and love, his unfading memory always reminds him that this is not his hometown, and his deep-rooted way of thinking always makes him I feel like I am out of place here.

Even as he struggled to fit into the identity of Jenkins Willamette, he always knew who he really was. It was impossible for him to completely abandon the memories of the past twenty years and deceive himself and pretend that they were just dreams.

And now, the person in front of him actually dared to ask him that kind of question.

"You think you are innocent, right? Who in this world is not innocent?"

Jenkins believed that he was the most innocent one compared to the old man in front of him. Lensam became a "stranger" because of his family, to say the least, while Jenkins became a "stranger" and there was really no place to look for the reason.

As he spoke, he slightly released his right hand that was holding his throat, giving the old man a chance to breathe and speak.

"You don't understand anything at all!"

Seizing the opportunity to speak out, Rainsam Kamel roared in a hoarse voice. Jenkins' hands could feel the vibrations of the organs in his neck. The old man's eyes were bloodshot, and the ferocious expression on his face looked as if he was about to eat Jenkins.

"You don't understand anything at all. People like you who are chosen by fate will never understand the thoughts of those of us who want nothing. Do you know that those things that are within your reach are my lifelong pursuit? It’s my final salvation.”

His throat was vibrating at a regular frequency. After Jenkins noticed this, he realized that his right hand was actually turning silver. He felt increasingly unable to control that hand, as if someone had stuffed a piece of silver into his flesh.


With a cold snort, the spirit of life quickly poured into his right arm.

"Each of us has different pursuits, and I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Since the Stranger didn't choose you, it makes sense. I have no intention of changing your mind, but I think I have a way to end your curse.

Since the Kamel family attempted to summon the bloodline power that spread throughout the family at the cost of [sacrifice], it eventually incurred divine punishment; therefore, if you want to end this long curse and let the soul of the family rest in peace, let you If you can also step into the eternal sleep of death, then you must also end with [sacrifice]. "

"Sacrifice for what? I have nothing. Except for the vigilant Siam Nord, my other friends were sacrificed by me thirty years ago."

Lensam asked while struggling, if ordinary people were lifted by Jenkins' throat like this, they would have suffocated to death by now.

Chapter 1157 Chapter 1138 Destined Sacrifice

"Despicable stranger."

Hearing that Lensam once again recognized those sacrificed friends, the old elf on the top of the bookcase couldn't help but cursed, but neither Jenkins nor Lensam paid attention to it.

"You can also sacrifice yourself."

Jenkins looked at him strangely.


Old Lensom frowned, and then looked out the window sharply.

"You have realized it a long time ago, that's why you were so afraid after the angels appeared. I think you should know that ending with your sacrifice can save the people in the entire city. This means to Nolan at the end of the era. Extraordinary, so the curse can disappear, but you are reluctant to give up your almost eternal life. Although you are burdened with the curse of immortality, you also realize its convenience, so you want to find a [stranger] who can be freed without sacrificing yourself. .....”

"That's an angel of God outside, young man. Even if I run out bravely with a kitchen knife, it probably won't be of any use."

"Destiny has already marked a certain price..."

Thunder sounded again, and two black figures flashed out of the window. Even Jenkins couldn't tell which side it was.

"Since you also believe in fate, you should have guessed what you should do now. Thirty years ago, Mr. Siam Nord, who was supposed to go on an adventure with you, secretly committed suicide because he was anxious to raise money to buy an elven creation. Survived by accident, and the thing he bought..."

"B-01-1-8381 [Elven's Arrow of Destruction], sacrifice a mortal soul, sacrifice a special creation, sacrifice an expensive currency, and shoot an arrow with the strongest posture... Only creatures with elven blood can use that arrow, and once it is shot, the arrow cannot be recovered, but it can at least have the effect of blowing up an entire forest."

The old elf told this piece of information, and then looked at Jenkins with bright eyes:

"Even in the world of elves, this is a divine object that takes hundreds of years to forge. It is a mortal artifact worthy of being dedicated to the great man of our faith. If I am in my current state, I can shoot it towards the ground without taking any risks. That arrow can barely blow up a third of Nolan, and once the power is strengthened through [Devotion], the more bizarre and twisted the soul is, and the more magical the special creation is, the more powerful the arrow will be, but Sin Coin. .....”

"I have a streak of blasphemy, don't worry about it."

Jenkins said, then looked at the old man who was being choked by him:

"I also have special items, and I can make sacrifices. But I think you have to sacrifice a fresh soul. This is also good for you. Haven't you always wanted to be free?"

Jenkins doesn't think he's a bad person, but after saying these words, he feels inexplicably that he is really a bad person.

The old man Lensam who was choked by him trembled violently, and then squeezed out a sound from his throat:

"No, no, I don't want to sacrifice. I have my own way to solve the curse. I don't..."

"Are you still looking forward to [Stranger]?"

With his free left hand, he punched the old man in the abdomen again. While he was lying on the ground clutching his stomach, Jenkins turned around and drove away the curious cat, and picked up the ancient book that fell on the ground.

This is a manuscript, and the same font is used throughout to describe fairy tales. But it is obvious that although these stories that are most likely adapted from real events are not boring, most of them are very scary, the writing style is closer to documentary literature, and each story ends with a tragic ending.

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