In the bottle, the lost butterfly was dancing, and it looked like it was greeting Jenkins.

Chocolate's little paws kept stretching forward, trying to touch the butterfly in the bottle. But Jenkins knew that the cat was not appreciating the beauty of the lost butterfly, but wanted to eat it, so he kept holding the cat to limit its range of movement.

When Dad brought the lost butterfly, Jenkins remembered that he met A-01-1-3411 [Rain Man] on Monday morning.

No one knew about this except him and the cultists. And if there was no lost butterfly at home, and Chocolate was smart enough to understand his intentions, it would be hard to say how the angel's matter would end.

"Rain Man?"

After Jenkins stopped explaining the origin of the butterfly, the old man looked at the bottle in his hand and then at Jenkins:

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure, otherwise when the angel appeared, I would directly join the battlefield, instead of showing up at the end like the day before yesterday. Fortunately, my cat is smart enough, otherwise I really can't think of any other way to deal with that monster."

"It is indeed unprecedented to use the lost butterfly to deal with the "Rain Man". Although the "Rain Man" is regarded as a natural phenomenon, it also maintains the human form most of the time. I think this is why the lost butterfly can work on it. But why did the "Rain Man" go to you..."

Jenkins shook his head guiltily, indicating that he didn't know. Fortunately, the cultists who summoned the angel have died. The angel's descending technique directly drained their vitality. According to Miss Befanna, the dead cultists all had a happy smile on their faces.

In short, so far no one has been able to truly explain what it is to summon the "Rain Man" and entrust it to do things, so the so-called Jenkins is the strongest person in the city, so no one can know.

"You did a good job on Monday."

After blaming the lost butterfly, the old man returned to his normal mood, put the small bottle with the butterfly on the bedside table, and then sat on the chair where Miss Audrey sat in the first half of the night.

"I'm proud of you, Jenkins."

"This is what I should do."

He answered, and then thought of Miss Stiver who was scared away by Yu Nan. The latter will stay in Nolan for half a month, and Jenkins plans to find her as soon as possible.

"Regarding Yu Nan, remember to write a report after your injury is healed. I will verbally state it to the keepers later. This may be related to the sacrifice summoned by the angel..."

Jenkins didn't know where he was injured. He was just a little exhausted. There was no need to recover.

"Also, Matthew Gref, the son of the [Church of Creation and Mechanics], wanted to see you, but we refused on the pretext that you were recovering from your injury."

"What do you want to see me for?"

Jenkins didn't know him, and because of the gift clock, he was somewhat resistant to meeting him.

"I don't know. It's probably normal interpersonal communication. Although he is 22 years older than you, he is also a successful young man. He didn't know that the Sage Church had a Holy Son stationed in the Nolan Parish. Now that he knows, it's only right to meet him..."

"Then let the church arrange it. I have no opinion."

Jenkins said absent-mindedly, thinking about the fierce battle on the beach last week. He didn't know how the animated steam gear giant was being dealt with now.

Before the angel's arrival on Monday, Dad was dealing with the affairs of the Kamel family. Although Jenkins has almost understood the curse and history of the Kamel family, he still wants to know the follow-up.

Speaking of Kamal, the old man had a complicated expression:

"After Monday's incident, I went to see Churun ​​Kamal yesterday at noon. She had aged a lot. She was originally a middle-aged lady in her thirties, but now she is an old woman with silver hair and wrinkles. She told me that the Kamal family was forgiven, they were redeemed, and the curse was over..."

"How was they redeemed?"

"Churun ​​Kamal said someone made a great sacrifice... I calculated the time, and the moment of redemption that Churun ​​Kamal said seemed to be the moment when the white arrow of light appeared last night. We guess that the Kamal family or someone connected to them sacrificed their bodies and souls, killed three angels in one blow, and seriously injured one angel, which brought yesterday's victory, so they were forgiven."

"So this is how the church understands it!"

Jenkins was originally worried about how to weave lies, and even planned to use the twice-weekly [Lie] priesthood ability.

Now that Dad thinks he has found the answer, it's fine. Just think of it as Ryan Sam Kamel volunteering to sacrifice himself. At least from the results, this statement is good for everyone.

The painting that sealed Chulen Kamel's husband spontaneously combusted into a pile of ashes in the early hours of Tuesday, the moment the arrow was shot. Because of the curse, the painting was not kept in Nolan, so when Jenkins got the news, it was already noon on Wednesday.

Then I heard from the keeper that Chulen Kamel, who lived underground in the church, died of natural causes at 12:03 noon today. She died peacefully, just like she had died of old age. She said nothing before she died. She just ate lunch quietly, lay on the bed and wanted to take a nap, and never woke up again.

Section 1166 Chapter 1147 Blessing of the Lovebirds

"So, before we understand what happened to the Kamel family, the most effective witnesses are dead. I think this incident may become one of the few unsolved mysteries in my life..."

This is the old man's summary of the Kamel incident, and he seemed a little disappointed. Although Jenkins knew what happened, he couldn't tell him.

In the afternoon, Jenkins went to see Finnie again and made an appointment with her to attend the funeral of Louise's family and neighbors on Friday. The people in the alley who died in Devo's hands, except Louise who can exist in the material world as an angel, all others must accept the embrace of death.

It is obvious that most people cannot find relatives and friends who can pay for the funeral, so Jenkins just explained his intention to donate to Miss Bevanna, and Miss Bevanna said that this matter is not her business.

Before he finished talking to the girl, he was interrupted by the apprentice of the keeper. Mr. Smith had something to find Jenkins.

"It's like this, remember B-10-2-3491, [Curse of Love Comb] that you found for the church? This morning, there was an abnormality in that thing, and a very conspicuous crack appeared on it. Just now, the comb was completely broken and lost all its extraordinary properties. I think this number can be cancelled. But this item was found based on your intelligence after all, so if you have time, you can take a look and sign it to prove that it has not been replaced and is indeed automatically destroyed."

The comb that implicates love is the most fundamental reason why the Kamal family is cursed. Now that the curse is lifted, I think the hatred of the lovebirds in the comb has also been lifted.

Jenkins hoped that the innocent bird from a thousand years ago could rest in peace, and kept warning his cat that birds were not delicious and tasted much worse than turkeys.

Soon, the keeper brought the comb that was broken into two pieces to a separate office. The last time he saw it, the comb was still brand new, but now it seemed to have been washed away by thousands of years and was almost two pieces of rotten wood.

Jenkins used the [Eye of Truth] to observe it, trying to confirm that the comb no longer had aura, but unexpectedly found two pure white translucent birds standing next to the comb, combing each other's feathers with their beaks.


The cat yawned and pretended that he saw nothing like the keeper.

Both birds were beautiful. Although they appeared in the form of pure white spirits and could not see the gorgeous feathers, their body shape and posture alone were enough to be called noble birds.

As if they had discovered that Jenkins was watching them, the lovebirds chirped and flew up to the left and right. Jenkins then noticed that their wings were broken, as if they had been maliciously damaged by a knife.

The lovebirds stumbled and flew, and Jenkins subconsciously stretched out his hands to support them.

"Mr. William?"

The old keeper looked at Jenkins's actions in confusion, and then widened his eyes. When the lovebirds touched Jenkins' palm, the two birds, as if resurrected, truly had substance.

They rolled on Jenkins' palm, making pleasant bird sounds. The broken wings became complete little by little under the light of the gas lamp. When the wings were completely restored to bird feathers with beautiful colors, the two lovebirds flapped their wings and flew up.

They flew around Jenkins' head twice, chirping to express their excitement. Finally, before the cat that was watching them pounced on them, they flew towards the wind and rain outside the window, leaving only two feathers, one black and one white, sliding down in the air.

The feathers finally overlapped together, and when they fell on the carpet, they became a double feather bracelet. The front and back ends of the two feathers were put together, and the bracelet was natural.

Jenkins leaned over to pick it up and found that the material looked like both jade and gold, but in general, it was not suitable for young gentlemen to wear, but rather like jewelry for beautiful ladies.

"What is this?"

Judging from the color of the aura, this was undoubtedly a numbered item, but Jenkins could not recognize what it was, so he asked the keeper who had not yet recovered.

The keeper was still looking at the two lovebirds under the gloomy sky outside the window, where even black spots could not be seen in the rain.

"B-11-05-9421 [Inverted Blessing Bracelet·Love], only the extraordinary creatures that represent the purest blessing can give such a gift to mortals. Those who possess it will be extremely lucky in love and marriage, but once there is an act of betrayal of love, the blessing will be reversed into a curse, giving the wearer the most severe punishment."

"The disadvantages outweigh the advantages."

Jenkins considers himself a loyal person, but considering that the real environment does not allow him to be single-minded, and whether it is betrayal of love is difficult to identify, so he decided not to wear this thing on his hand.

"This is just caution, not fear."

He said to himself, and then nodded, as if to convince himself.

The appearance of the lovebirds was not expected by the church, but it was not a bad thing at least. The appearance of the two birds represented that the soul in the cursed comb was released, and the curse naturally disappeared.

This proved from one side that the Kamel family's affairs really came to an end. Although the old man still regretted that the truth was not found out until the end, others, especially Smith, the keeper who witnessed the lovebirds flying into the sky, were happy that the incident was over.

The church did not ask Jenkins to hand over the bracelet, acquiescing that it belonged to him. Jenkins put the bracelet in a box and then piled it in the corner of his room in the church to prevent him from wearing it one day.

The heavy rain on Monday stopped for a while on Tuesday morning, but it became violent again today, Wednesday. Jenkins huddled in the church to kill time during the heavy rain, waiting for the ban on him from going out by his father to end.

Friends took this time to visit him. In addition to Professor Burns and Captain Binsey, who was also ill, the appearance of Miss Cape was the most surprising.

Although she had been in Nolan, as a pagan, she rarely entered the temple of the alien god without a legitimate reason. But because she wanted to visit Jenkins, she directly applied for a visit.

"You don't look injured."

Miss Cape sat on a chair next to the bed, peeling an apple with a knife. Jenkins and the cat stared at the peel that was stretching out without blinking, wondering if she could keep it from cutting off until the end.

Chapter 1167 Chapter 1148 God and God (Part 1)

"Why do all friends who come to visit like to give you fruit to eat?"

Watching Miss Cape peeling apples, Jenkins thought of this boring question and said:

"I am not injured, at least not seriously. But people in the church think I need to rest well, so I can only lie here to read or write, but this is also good. I have started the third book I have planned for a long time."

"The third book?"

Miss Cape glanced at the papers raised in Jenkins' hand and smiled gently:

"I also know something about Monday's events. I think the Sage Church is right. You have done such a big thing. Proper rest is good for both body and mind."

Because Jenkins brought her out of the mirror world, Miss Cape also had some speculations about Jenkins being the Son of God. Of course, she would not tell the whole story. It was enough for her to know it.

Although Jenkins was able to bring her out of the mirror world, it had nothing to do with whether he was the Son of God.

"Did you see Miss Knight at that time?"

The woman asked.

"Of course I saw it. She and the dragon are bigger than the others combined."

Miss Cape has always been interested in Miss Knight. This interest is not the same as Hathaway's interest in Britney, but purely because of her identity as a dragonborn.

"It seems that Miss Knight's blood awakening has taken another big step. The material world has not seen a dragonborn with such thick dragon blood for many years."

The former dragons left a lot of blood in the material world, but because the dragons left for too long, these bloods have become increasingly thinner with the reproduction of generations. Miss Knight's situation is no longer explained by ordinary blood regression.

"She must have gained something in the mirror world!"

Miss Cape said this again, and this was not the first time she said this.


"The entrance to the mirror world was completely destroyed last week. If you want to know what she got, you can only learn from her. I know it is very impolite to care too much about other people's secrets, but are you really not curious?"

She handed the apple to Jenkins, who thanked him softly and took it. The cat immediately came over and jumped up, lying on the towering quilt, and kept clawing at Jenkins' arm.

"A little curious, but not very curious..."

He didn't understand where Miss Cape's curiosity came from, and he suspected that this blonde girl also had the blood of some strange creature, so she wanted to get the method to gain power.

"Come with me to ask, the mirror world is closed, and the method she gained power cannot be repeated again, so the probability of telling us is very high. Do you want to go together?"

Jenkins once guessed that Miss Knight killed herself in the mirror world to complete herself and repair her blood, but this was just a guess. Of course, he was also curious about what the women who left the team at that time did, but his curiosity was not particularly serious.

"I'm very busy recently."

"It doesn't matter, you can always find time."

"Then...Okay, I think we can go together, but I won't say much, it will seem that we are forcing her to hand over the secret."

"No problem, I will say it very tactfully."

Miss Cape replied with a smile.

Because of the disguised confinement and the continuous heavy rain in Nolan, Jenkins did not go out all day.

In addition to receiving visiting friends, he also dealt with the follow-up effects of Monday's incident. Although killing four angels did not bring him any benefits other than reputation, after all, the dead angels did not even leave their bodies.

But during the Monday operation, he also did many meaningful things, such as absorbing the drop of divinity from the Evergreen Forest in order to sublimate Louise's soul into an angel.

Although he didn't do anything important in the state of God, he did absorb the divinity from the alien god, so he gained some extra knowledge.

This drop of divinity came from the god of music [Wonderful Music] that Hathaway believed in, just as Jenkins expected. Because he had absorbed the divinity of that god when he solved the twin demon incident last fall, he was able to digest the knowledge easily this time.

After confirming that no one would come in for a short time, Jenkins prepared to pretend to take a nap, locked the door of the room, and then pulled the curtains to shut out the heavy rain outside the window.

He turned around and saw his cat squatting on the bed obediently, with its eyes wide open watching Jenkins' every move.

"What are you going to do?"

Jenkins asked nervously.


The cat raised its head and called, then rolled on the flat sheets, exposing its soft belly.

"I don't have time to play with you now, can we play later?"


The cat gave up the bed and jumped onto the carpet, then jumped from the carpet to the chair to the desk to the bookshelf, and lay on the top of the bookshelf to look at Jenkins.

Jenkins leaned against the head of the bed, relaxed his mind and felt the familiar knowledge in his head. Although he had come into contact with the divinity of this god in the past, he still gained something from the second contact.

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