And their task is to receive the oracle. Whenever the gods send down the oracle, these highly inspired girls will feel it in their hearts, and then use the appropriate materials to accommodate the oracle - such as a large piece of mystical stone decorated with gems. Silver Panel - Placed under the Holy Symbol of the Church, this is the most common way of receiving oracles.

After meeting with the pagan Son of God, Jenkins returned to the church and heard that the sage had sent down an oracle about Monday's events. The matter regarding the arrival of the killing angel had only been initially concluded at this point.

"The sage told us that the sixth angel who appeared last that day was the new pure one under the [God of Lies]. This is similar to our guess."

In Captain Bincy's ward, Jenkins told the man in bed the news he had received, and the latter showed an expression as if it was true.

"in addition......"

Jenkins continued to speak expressionlessly, trying to hide his inner thoughts.

"In addition, in addition to our church, other orthodox churches in Nolan also received their own oracles. The gods characterized the killing of angels as a massacre of innocent people, and announced that the church would [slaughter] within a hundred years. Believers of the Lord] regard them as mortal enemies..."

Although the Orthodox Church is hostile to believers of evil gods, using the oracle as a mortal enemy means that not only must these cultists be arrested and tried when they encounter them, but also when they cannot be encountered, they must be arrested and tried. Take the initiative to find them and capture Judgment.

"According to the original text of the oracle sent from Beldiran, the sage allows us to use any means to obtain information about the [Whip of the Dead] and destroy them without violating the core doctrine."

“Did the Sage say anything about admiring the suburbs of Nolan?”

Captain Binsi waited until Jenkins finished speaking and immediately asked impatiently.

"It seems not. Mr. Smith did not mention this when he relayed it to me."

Jenkins replied, and as expected, he saw a look of regret on Captain Binsi's face.

Chapter 1174 Chapter 1155 Trap

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Smith didn't mention it, so thinking about it, there is no such thing. I originally expected that Nolan Diocese would be praised by the sages for its outstanding performance in dealing with the evil angel... That's right, after all, there is no one other than you. , those who killed the other three angels were all those damned pagans, and even the subsequent angels were seriously injured by that arrow."

Captain Binxi said with a slight regret, but still had a smile on his face:

"God has been paying attention to us, and that is enough. This world is extremely dangerous, and humans are like living on an isolated island in the sea. But it doesn't matter, because we know that God will be our most powerful protector."

This is one of the reasons why although this world is crazy, civilization can still be maintained and develop to such an extent.

In the end, it was determined that the only five orthodox churches that had received the oracle were Nolan’s, and the only ones that designated [Whip of the Dead] as their mortal enemies were the [Church of Knowledge and Books], [Church of Night and Secrets], and [Church of Ocean and Exploration]. The other seven churches, which did not own churches in Nolan, did not even receive an oracle concerning the matter.

This shows that in the eyes of the gods, the appearance of angels in the material world is not a serious matter, not to mention that they are eliminated without even causing damage.

This does sound depressing, but on the bright side, not being a big deal is certainly better than having the god show up in person. People still have fresh memories of the Six Gods' attack on Nolan last year. At that time, the Evil God's Son almost used the power of Nolan's thick fog to swallow up the entire city.

The impact of the Angel's Fall incident continues to spread to the material world, but Jenkins, who is at the center of the incident, feels that the incident has passed.

He cares more about strangers than angels. Now that the clues were clearly in hand, all he needed to do was wait for midnight.

In order to prevent the slightly weird ceremony in the church from causing unnecessary trouble, and also to prevent the stone slab indicating the doomsday from appearing in the church once the [Stranger] is obtained. Taking advantage of the darkness, Jenkins, who had slept early, slipped out of the church with the energetic cat. When passing by the dark preaching hall, Jenkins still prayed to the huge holy symbol sincerely.

"May the sage protect me~"

He believed that his actions tonight did not violate the doctrine, so he did not feel any psychological burden when praying to the gods.

Since this was not the first time he had sneaked out of the church, Jenkins, who was familiar with the situation, quickly jumped down from the roof and ran into the nearby alley like an agile civet cat.

Instead of looking for a suitable place to light a bonfire, he first changed his body and then headed to the old elf's home. After knocking on the door downstairs and explaining his purpose, the landlady politely led Jenkins in. Fortunately, the old elf had not rested yet.

It's late now, the weather has cleared up temporarily, and the heavy rain for days has also made the city's fog dissipate a lot. The old elf, wearing a pair of small glasses, greeted Jenkins in the study.

He looked a little tired, but was not too affected by the death of his old friend. After seeing that the visitor was Jenkins, he was obviously very surprised, but still greeted him warmly.

"I thought you would come back in a few days. After all, we still have to deal with the aftermath of the angel's fall."

"Those things have little to do with me. Although I am the Holy Son of the Church, after all, it only took me half a year to become a Gifter. Now the Church will not assign too many tasks to me. They think that I am still in the growth stage. ”

"Most of a year?"

The elf looked at Jenkins suspiciously, but didn't ask anything.

He prepared a special kind of scented tea for Jenkins. The transparent liquid glowed with tranquility in the moonlight and had a unique floral fragrance that was refreshing. Jenkins took a sip and felt the cold, smooth liquid flow down his throat and into his stomach. The slight headache he had caused by sleeping too much recently was relieved.

"Rose tea, even among the elves, not many people know how to prepare this kind of tea."

Seeing the surprised look on Jenkins' face, the elf couldn't help but say proudly. Jenkins adjusted his expression to one of admiration in a cooperative manner, then dipped his finger in some tea, and then extended his finger to his cat.

The cat walked over cautiously, stretched out its nose and shook it to make sure the smell was not so pungent, then hesitantly stretched out its tongue and licked the tea, then squinted its eyes and let out a cry of pleasure.

"Things about Kamel..."

"You don't need to explain it to me, it doesn't make sense to me. All I need to know is that an old friend of mine has achieved eternal liberation."

He still seemed to mind, but he didn't show it.

Since the elf was unwilling to hear things related to Kamel, Jenkins could only tell him other things. The old man has enough years and enough life experience to answer Jenkins' doubts.

He was very satisfied with Jenkins' response in the past few days, but after hearing the content of his conversation with Mr. Son of the [Church of Creation and Mechanics], he frowned and thought about it for a while.

"Jenkins, I am not a so-called old stubborn, but you have to understand the stubbornness and tradition of the elves. For us, wantonly using extraordinary power to change the nature of life is an unforgivable blasphemy. I think you have probably heard that At the end of every era, there will be catastrophes that mortals cannot imagine. Can you guess what we will face at the end of the 18th century?”

"Is it a disaster? I remember Miss Audrey said that the theme of the last page of the epic depicting the 18th century is..."

"What? You mean your teacher once watched "The Epic of Time"?"

the elf asked in surprise, not caring what the crucial subject was.

"Yes, she is a diviner from the [Church of Destiny and Law], and she once had the opportunity to watch the Epic of Time."

"No, Jenkins, don't believe the Epic of Time!"

The elf interrupted Jenkins loudly:

"The "Epic of Time" is engraved with destiny, and it itself is the agglomeration of fate, a materialized destiny. But anyone who has watched "The Epic of Time" will inevitably fall into the trap of fate, and there has never been an exception to this. Therefore, although the Orthodox Church knows the power of that book, it will not use it to speculate about the future. Only those diviners who stand on the threshold of demigods will hope to gain further knowledge by reading that book. Clues. Don't trust the guidance of those who have watched "Episode of Time", at least not entirely."

Chapter 1175 Chapter 1156 The Book of the Lonely

It was rare for the old elf to say such a long sentence at once. His expression was very serious, so Jenkins worked hard to analyze what he meant.

"So, the final theme of this era is not [steam] as indicated in "The Epic of Time"?"

"No, [Epic of Time] gives the most accurate records of the future, but it is not comprehensive. Can you understand, Jenkins, sometimes the incomplete truth is more terrifying than a pure lie."

Jenkins certainly understands this, after all, he is the best at it.

Before leaving the elf's house, the old elf also asked Jenkins when he was going to prepare the elf's potion. Jenkins was now ready, so he calculated the moon phases and decided to start preparations on the next full moon night, that is, at the beginning of next month.

"You'll be satisfied."

The elf said expectantly.

"You mean, I can find the secret of the Williamt family?"

"Who knows?"

The elf still refused to reveal this information.

After leaving the old elf's house, Jenkins summoned the unicorn to fly him to his home. He finally decided to hold the ceremony in his basement.

Naturally, there will be no shortage of wood at home, and there is still a lot of firewood left in the winter. After making the bonfire, use the eternal fire and the cold and heat of the Frost Fist to deal with the mercury.

After mercury was applied to the writing, no unusual writing appeared. Jenkins could only sit down in front of the burning bonfire, glanced at the cat waiting by the wall, and then opened the first page of the book.

This book has no table of contents, and the first page is where the first story begins. After clearing his throat, he began to read:

"At the beginning of the 15th Era, the Rodir Empire..."

There is no problem with this idea. When Jenkins read the mercury-coated book, a strange sound came from the flames in front of him. Jotting down the line he was going to read next, he quickly looked up while slowing down his voice, and then saw the flames that were burning quietly rising into the sky, licking the roof of the basement.

In the orange flame, pictures flashed by quickly. At first, they were very blurry, and Jenkins couldn't even tell what they depicted. As the pictures flashed slower and slower, they finally stopped at a familiar scene.

The main character in the picture in the flame was Jenkins. He sat alone on the left half of the picture, where the color was dim. It was his own study. He was holding a pen and writing on the manuscript. Judging from the layout of the room, this was obviously the scene when he wrote "A Collection of Stranger Stories" last year; and the right half of the picture was bright and bright. It was a very lively dance scene. Young gentlemen and girls were dressed fashionably and showed off their enthusiasm.

"What does this mean?"

Jenkins thought in confusion, and lowered his head to continue reading. The book was not thick, and each story was short and focused on the ending rather than the process. He estimated that it should not be a problem to finish reading it in an hour and a half.

When Jenkins lowered his head, the light on the book was changing, which meant that the flame in front of him was shaking.

The crackling burning sound was soon replaced by another buzzing sound of bees. Jenkins paused for a long time before realizing that it was a large number of people talking.

He quickly memorized the next sentence to be read again, and when he looked up, he found that this was not his basement, but the lively dance scene he had just seen.

Everyone was dancing enthusiastically, and the passionate music made their hearts beat faster. Jenkins, who was sitting on the floor holding a broken book, was like an alien, but fortunately, those dancing people subconsciously avoided him.

Jenkins didn't intend to pay attention to all this, anyway, he just had to finish reading everything in front of him.

Suddenly, there was a dense sound of high heels. Five beautiful girls, as if they had just noticed Jenkins sitting, danced and circled to his side and surrounded him.

The girls' high heels stepped out a passionate rhythm on the ground, and the turning posture made the beautiful skirts fly up, allowing Jenkins, who was sitting, to see part of the beautiful silk wa and stockings of each girl.

"What a magical era, stockings can be so delicate."

The nose can smell a faint scent of perfume, which happens to be Jenkins' favorite flower scent.

"Sir, would you like to dance?"

The girls smiled and invited one by one, but Jenkins ignored them and continued to read his book.

"If this is a test, then it's a little too simple~"

He licked his fingers and turned to the next page, then rubbed his nose, which was a little sensitive to the girls' perfume. With a light bang, the scene of the dance disappeared, and Jenkins returned to his damp and cold basement again.

The lively sound suddenly disappeared, making the empty basement strangely quiet. Jenkins saw his cat fiddling with the black ring out of boredom in his peripheral vision, and nodded to continue reading.

The fire made a crackling sound, and Jenkins didn't want to look up to see what had changed, but the fire actually used shadows to project a paper-cut painting-like scene on the blank space of the page.

Although there were only black and white, no, only black and yellow, because the pages of the book were yellowed, it could accurately show complex scenes.

It is also divided into left and right sides. The shadow on the left looks like Jenkins, walking alone on an empty street with an umbrella in the gloomy night. Someone is waiting for him at the alley in the distance. If Jenkins remembers correctly, it should be the ambushing vampire; and on the right side of the picture, the characters are not depicted by shadows but by those yellowed pages. It seems to be the scene of the dinner at the Williamite family. In addition to Jenkins, even Nolan's eldest brother Newt Williamite, who should not be at that time, is at home.

"Is this also a test?"

If he didn't need to continue reading, Jenkins really wanted to snort coldly to express his ridicule. But he didn't expect that as he thought so, the warm scene on the right side changed immediately. The silhouettes of Hathaway and Britney appeared in the blank space of the page. The two girls sat at the long dining table and seemed to be talking.

The strange buzzing sound appeared again. After it subsided, Jenkins naturally came from his basement to a restaurant with quite exquisite decoration.

Hathaway and Britney sat opposite each other on both sides of the long dining table in home clothes.

Jenkins could hear their voices at this moment. The girls were talking about their future lives and imagining the days after marriage - the days after marriage with Jenkins.

Chapter 1176 Chapter 1157 Save me some worries

"It would be great if Jenkins was here. We could plan which city to live in in the future, talk about how many children to raise, and whether he should set aside a separate lounge for Chocolate in our house."

The girls' conversation lasted for a long time. They were all in high spirits, excitedly planning everything about the future. When the two talked, they assumed that Jenkins was not here, but while talking, the girls' eyes glanced strangely at the man sitting at the dining table.

Jenkins paused and continued reading, his face expressionless. Cats who are familiar with him know that Jenkins' expressionless face is usually to hide his true mood.

"It's so boring."

He said to himself in his heart, and raised his voice to try to cover the voices of the red-haired and blonde girls. But it was difficult to do, because Hathaway and Britney's voices were always just a little louder than Jenkins's, so that the imagined future could be transmitted to Jenkins' ears just right.

"It's useless, it's useless to me. What's this loneliness? The loneliness now is for the happiness of the future. As long as I can achieve my goals, what kind of future can't I get?"

The girls' conversation lasted for half an hour. When it was over, the cold and damp basement reappeared around. Jenkins subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Although he kept convincing himself that it was just fake and just a test, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

He understood that the ceremony of obtaining the [Stranger] was to make him firm in his [Stranger] identity. There was no danger in itself, but it was more harmful to the spirit and mood.

"I'm fine, fine... probably."

The firelight illuminated Jenkins' face and let the cat see his tangled expression.

Jenkins didn't understand what the meaning of this test was, but no matter what he thought, the scene in the flames was still changing.

This book seemed to be able to read the past that made Jenkins very uncomfortable. Most of the scenes shown in the flames were moments when Jenkins was doing something difficult alone, and at the same time he could have been happier.

When the last page of the book in his hand was read, the last picture finally appeared in the flames. Jenkins took a deep breath and looked up, but found that this time it was not a reappearance of past memories, but a scene that had never happened, the scene he was most afraid of.

In the flames, Jenkins, with black hair and black pupils, slumped on the sofa in his home. In the hallway, Dad, Robert and Mary, Hathaway, Britney... those who Jenkins loved and loved Jenkins all stood there and looked at him coldly.

Among them, the blond Jenkins fell on his back on the ground, looking dead.

Jenkins, who was reading, breathed quickly. He spent a lot of energy to barely control the frequency of his breathing and warned himself that this was not terrible and there was nothing to worry about.

The flickering flames blurred the view, and the cold basement around them gradually turned into terrifying blocks of color. These blocks of color combined with each other and finally formed the shape of a living room.

Jenkins sat on the sofa with a book in his hand, and when he looked up, he saw the group of people looking at him in the hallway.

"Who are you?"

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