The trees in the spring forest are already lush and leafy. The female scribe was hidden behind a tree that was twice as thick as Jenkins' waist. She was not dead, but fainted. Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief after checking her breath. After using [Life Source] to treat her, he did not wake her up immediately, but left the umbrella on the tree to protect her from the rain, and then returned to the cemetery again.

Finnie was still in the cemetery, and there was a strange fourth-level gifter beside her. The distance between the two was very close, and after Jenkins noticed them, the two were still moving quickly.

Many sounds in the rainy cemetery were suppressed, but Jenkins could still vaguely hear the conversation covered by the wind from the rustling of the trees.

"I failed to protect Louise. If Finnie is also unfortunate..."

He didn't dare to imagine this result, so he swore in his heart that he would definitely protect Finnie's safety even if all his secrets were exposed.

The two were in the middle of the cemetery, slightly west, so Jenkins, who was at the edge of the cemetery, had to go around a large area of ​​tombstones to see them.

But this was not far for Jenkins now. After a few breaths, he saw Finnie and a strange man standing between the tombstones.

Finnie looked a little frightened, holding an umbrella and looking alert, but at least she was not injured. The sound of the wind brought the sound of conversation into Jenkins' ears, and he barely understood what they were saying.

"...... I don't know what you are talking about. Did you kill Sister Digus?"

The last name of the scribe who escorted Finnie was Digus. Although Jenkins could not remember her name, he could still remember who it was when others mentioned it.

"Impossible, divination guides, that thing is on you, this will not be wrong, the thing that fell from the sky on Monday is on you."

The man who threatened Finnie was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with a black hat, a cane in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand. His cane looked different from the standard one, not only was it extremely long but also had uneven thickness.

This is not suitable for his height and body shape, so the cane should have been modified by himself, and there may be something inside.

Jenkins originally planned to jump out immediately and let the man who dared to cause trouble when he was in a bad mood meet the god of death. But suddenly he felt something in his heart and thought of his plan, so he found a tombstone nearby to hide and continued to pay attention to what happened over there.

"No matter who you are, the church will not let you go."

"Little girl, I know that the Sage Church will not let me go, but now there are only you and me here, and you are alone. I rarely kill children. Now hand over the things, and I promise not to kill you."

"No, even if I am not in the church, God is with me. The distance between mortals and God is..."

"Such a young fanatic, it's rare. I'm sorry."

As he said, the man raised his gun and pointed it at Finney's heart, but unexpectedly found that in this thin rain curtain, there was a circle of swaying golden flames dancing around the little girl's body.

Out of instinctive uneasiness, he wanted to pull the trigger immediately and leave this place with the body; but out of instinctive uneasiness, he did not dare to pull the trigger, as if he would really die without a complete body once he shot.

"I am not a fanatic, I am just a lucky person blessed by God. The gentleman said that mortals should have a fearful heart. If you disrespect God like this, you will definitely be punished by God."

Finnie's young face had a firm look. Even though the rain wet her hair and the cold made the girl shiver, she still bravely refuted.

The man opposite suddenly laughed:

"Then tell me now, I want to kill you, can your God protect you?"

"God is with me, I will never be alone. The gentleman promised that he will always be with me, and I will..."


Finnie's words were not finished, and the bullet was fired. In the moment of stillness, in the flames ejected from the muzzle, the rotating brass bullet flew into the rain curtain, and the falling raindrops were scattered one by one.

When the bullet approached Finnie, it seemed to be deflected by a transparent barrier and fell directly into the puddle on the ground.

Because the ground was uneven, large and small puddles accumulated rainwater from the sky. The bullet with a deflated bullet head lay in the puddle, and the ripples of the puddle reflected Finnie's figure. The golden light and shadow surrounded her, swaying like a flame, and the puddle also reflected the surprised face of the strange man.

"You are obviously not a gifter, what kind of ability is this?"

He subconsciously took a step back, but felt that it was too embarrassing to be scared by a little girl, so he said:

"Is this a trap for me?"

"This is not a trap. The gentleman said that fate will always guide people to the right place. Even if there are only you and me here now, I am not alone, and I am not powerless."

Finnie said stubbornly, even though she didn't know what happened.

"Is your God by your side?"

"I don't know, but I believe He is by my side. I believe sir, I am not alone, even if my father and mother... sir is right, even if I have nothing by my side, I am definitely not alone."

The strange man was ready to retreat, he didn't understand what the golden light and shadow on the girl opposite was. But after all, he had survived to level 4, so he was still cautious.

"The teacher said that as long as I believe in God, God might see me; the teacher said that even if I am alone, mortals are not powerless; the teacher said..."

Finnie's words became more and more coherent, and her voice became louder and louder. She seemed to gain strength and courage from these words, and the golden light and shadow around her became more and more dazzling and brighter.

"What kind of ability is this?"

The stranger was completely panicked, and he didn't care about firing another shot, and turned around and wanted to run. But it was not until then that he realized that what he felt just now was not the stiffness of his body, but that he could not control his body at all.

He looked forward with wide eyes. Among the tombstones, the girl in the rain looked at him bravely. The golden flames around him were completely connected, and there seemed to be an illusory figure in the flames.

The figure swayed with the golden light and shadow, and solidified with the light and shadow.

Finnie also felt something unusual. She felt a fiery and firm power appear in her body. That feeling seemed to be very similar to the ability condensation mentioned by the strict instructor in the study.

The cemetery in the rain was quiet and cold, and the girl between the tombstones was firm and pious. She stepped forward with her left foot in a small boot, and stretched out her right hand in accordance with her heart, pointing to the stranger in front of her.

The girl's small umbrella was blown into the sky by the strong wind, and the drizzle of rain regularly hit the world. A small miracle was born in the cemetery where the dead rested. In the bright golden light, the white wings were reflected in the eyes of strangers.

The wings were spread, and a pair of warm hands embraced Finnie's waist. The angel's body was close to the mortal girl, maintaining the same posture. The face with heterochromatic pupils appeared almost parallel behind Finnie's face, and the illusory body overlapped with Finnie's body by half.

"God will punish you, God will protect me, God will protect the good people..."

The angel's wings flashed, and the golden light made the words engraved on the surrounding tombstones seem to be glowing.

Finnie turned her head to look at Louise's face, and the angel smiled at her. The rain slid down her face, but the girl didn't know whether it was tears.


"God will be with you, and I will be with you too, Finnie. I am your shadow (note), and you are my companion."

As if she had determined her heart, the girl pursed her lips and looked at the motionless man again:

"God said, you will be punished."

The explosion of the spirit and the golden light appeared together. The angel who appeared briefly because of the power of faith, together with the miracle of the mortal, turned into a short beam of light and shot out from Finnie's fingertips.

The beam of light shot into the man's body, and he took a step back and fell on his back. As the body fell, the flesh and bones quickly turned into ashes. When the clothes fell to the ground, the flying ashes had disappeared in the spring wind and rain.

The vision completely disappeared, and Finnie, who had entered the ranks of level 0 gifters, covered her face and sobbed. She looked up and looked around her. The drizzle was drizzling, but Louise was gone.

A big hand was placed on the girl's shoulder, and an umbrella appeared above her head to shield her from the raindrops. Finny turned to look at Jenkins and hugged him crying.

"Sir, I saw Louise, you are right, she didn't leave, she really didn't leave."

"She will be with you, just like me."

Jenkins consoled, and at this moment he suddenly realized that in addition to chocolate, Finny and Louise also did not appear in the last illusion last night.

"Finny, if I am not me, would you still hug me?"

He asked softly.


Finny raised her tearful face and looked at Jenkins with red and swollen eyes.

"Sir, I don't care who you are, you just need to be by my side."


The cat poked its head out of its pocket and looked at Jenkins who was looking at the sky and the earth.

He was no longer confused, Jenkins Williamette was him, but he was not completely Jenkins Williamette. Coming to this strange world alone, the life of a stranger is indeed a bit depressing. But it doesn't matter. Strangers will eventually leave their own traces and stories in a foreign land, just like he is doing now.

On the low tree next to the tombstone, the branches fell and fell into the soil alone. But this is not the end, but a new beginning. Maybe next year, there will be a new life here, a more luxuriant life, showing its elegance in the world.

The angel's chuckle appeared in his ears. Finnie was still holding Jenkins, so he couldn't see behind him. But Jenkins could see that it was the shadow of the angel covering his mouth and smiling gently behind Finnie.

The sound of rain was dripping, and the shadow of the angel spread its wings to protect the two. The city lost a kind flower girl and gained a smiling pure white angel;

At the end of the chaotic 18th era, Jenkins tilted his head and looked at the rainy sky. The world lost an ordinary young man and gained a lonely soul from a foreign land.

But at this moment, he is no longer lonely.

(End of this volume)

PS: The note corresponds to the second half of Chapter 1084, where Louise once said, "I am the one standing behind Finnie, protected by her shadow."

I hope you are satisfied with this ending. Next is the interlude, which will be longer than before, but not much longer. According to the writing plan, there are two more interludes and two acts to end the book.

3K chapters, and it's the end of the volume, please give me everything.

Chapter 1180 Talking about Jenkins

Regarding Jenkins' "awakening" in the previous chapters, it can actually be combined with the end of the first chapter. Do you remember what Jenkins did after becoming a god for the first time? He looked in the mirror to make sure that "I" was "I", and "I" was not Jenkins. This in itself shows that Jenkins's self-identification is "Jenkins the time traveler". He will never be assimilated by his identity after traveling through time, and he will never say "From now on there will be no more Jenkins, only Jenkins".

Jenkins may be different from most of the protagonists of time travel novels. The author has also read novels for many years and believes that the general time travelers can be roughly (not all) divided into two categories. One is that they do not agree with their current identity and want to go home, and the other is that they agree with their current identity and completely abandon the past.

Jenkins, created by Xianyu, agrees with the fact of "travel" in the present, and also agrees with the identity of Jenkins in the past. He accepts the present and the past. Only such a person can be considered determined and qualified to choose the future...

I feel it, and you can criticize me at will if I say something wrong.

(340 words should be a free chapter without charge)

Chapter 1181 Chapter 1161 Confused Morning

On Saturday morning, the city was gradually recovering under the rainy sky. Although [Rain Man] didn't know which corner of the material world Jenkins had teleported him to, Nolan's weather was still being affected by it.

On the Westminster River, cargo ships spewing steam into the sky continued to flow, and sailors and workers had already started a busy day.

And on the busy riverside, raindrops knocked on the window sill, but the quiet neighborhood had not yet fully awakened, at least, Jenkins had not yet fully awakened.

He opened his eyes and felt that the quilt on his body and the mattress under him were slippery, as if they were not his own things. Then he realized that this was definitely not his home, and he didn't have the habit of sleeping with his upper body naked.

He was lying on his side on the bed at this time, and in addition to some pain in his head, his body also felt a little sore. Because he was not wearing a top, he could easily feel how silky the quilt was; because he was lying on his side, he could easily see the Westminster River and the gloomy sky outside the window.

"This is definitely not my home. You can't see such a scene on St. George's Street. I am..."

He was a little confused and tried to recall what happened yesterday.

The first thing that came to mind was, of course, the experience with Finnie in the cemetery in the morning. The crying girl seemed to have grown up in that moment, or it might be that she had changed from an ordinary person to a supernatural person, which gave her a different kind of enlightenment.

In short, after that, Jenkins woke up the unconscious female scribe in the woods and took them back to the church. As for what happened in the cemetery, Jenkins had already agreed with Finnie. Finnie might not understand the meaning of believers and angels, but at least she completely believed in Jenkins.

"That's no problem, what happened after that?"

He was still confused about where he was, and then saw his cat strolling along the bed in front of him. Because Jenkins still maintained a side-lying posture, the cat looked particularly large in the field of vision.

Its eyes were full of scrutiny, as if it was evaluating whether the cake in front of it was delicious, and as if it was blaming the cake in front of it for being bitten by someone else.

"After that, I found Bishop Palod and asked him about the donation. In addition to Louise's family, there were too many people who died in that alley. The pirate king Diwo appeared there, and I also had a certain relationship with him, so I thought I should do something to make up for the mistake. Even if most of the dead people have no relatives, at least I can do the last thing for them."

This matter did not take too long. Bishop Palod directly called the priest in charge of the relevant affairs and asked him to arrange for Jenkins to donate. It is of course a good thing that someone is willing to donate. In Jenkins's memory, he basically dealt with those cumbersome donation documents before three o'clock yesterday afternoon.

"So why didn't I sleep in my own home?"

He thought puzzledly. Because he was very uncomfortable being looked at by the cat's eyes, he wanted to turn over. But as soon as his body moved, he immediately felt an arm on his body.

The arm was very thin and the skin was very good. It must belong to a woman... and Jenkins did not feel the sleeve.

"After arranging the donation yesterday afternoon, I chatted with Finnie for a while, and then left the church. Daddy was not in the antique shop, and I will go to work tomorrow, so I went to... Rune!"

Yesterday was Friday, and it was agreed to make up for the party. But Jenkins was very tired from recent events, so he postponed the party again. Alexia didn't care, but Dolores, who was present at the time, looked a little disappointed, but she didn't show it.

"After that, I returned to Nolan. Now the scenery outside the window is indeed Nolan. After I came back, I went again..."

"Jenkins, why did you wake up so early?"

Hathaway's lazy voice sounded from behind, and the girl who was covered with a quilt with Jenkins hugged him from behind. Jenkins felt whether the other party was wearing clothes, and the memories of last night returned completely.

"I went to find Hathaway and Britney. Since I already understood my feelings, I had to tell them seriously. Britney was away for something, so I only found Hathaway and had a candlelight dinner in her house..."

Everything was so natural. After all, they were all adults. After dinner, the two sat on the sofa and chatted. It might be because of the cup of hot chocolate. As they chatted, they kissed each other, and then...

The cat's eyes were so sharp that Jenkins had the illusion that his soul was scratched by its claws. His face suddenly turned red, and he remembered what happened last night.


Hathaway's lazy voice came again. She hugged Jenkins' neck and said good morning gently in his ear. Jenkins tried to control his emotions and whispered good morning to the girl.

He struggled out of her arms with great effort, and finally saw Hathaway's slightly red cheeks after turning over. Her red hair was messy, and the blush on her face was barely detectable.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me that you suddenly lost your memory."

The red-haired girl said teasingly.

"No, I didn't lose my memory. I remember it very clearly..."

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