He was suddenly stunned, because something seemed to be moving on the dark surface. After watching for a long time, the inexplicable panic made Jenkins want to turn around and run away. He suppressed the instinctive impulse of his body, and then realized that it was not a light-absorbing barrier at all, but a huge eye that blocked the entire passage.

The eyeball that almost merged with the black pupil finally focused on Jenkins and the lady with glasses. The latter groaned and seemed to spit blood on the ground.

The eyes finally left the passage, revealing the huge abyss behind the passage. The passage only continued here. There was no way forward and it was a huge abyss. Doing so made Jenkins see the other side of the distant abyss, crawling on the obsidian-like rock wall, a giant spider as big as half a hill.

It was it that moved to the entrance of the passage just now, and only used one eye to spy on the inside of the passage.

This giant spider seemed to be a monster that came from ancient legends, and the breath of the dark abyss perfectly integrated with it. This is the top predator, silent and powerful creature that is truly at the top of the food chain.

Just by looking at it, the instinct of the organism controlled the body to tremble. Even the fear of the abyss could not be compared with the fear of this spider.


Another ball of white spider silk spurted out from the spider's mouth, and the amazingly sticky spider silk almost covered the entire cave entrance.

Before Jenkins could make a move, the lady with glasses beside him raised her right hand. In the abyss outside the cave, a huge and complex and magnificent divine magic seal took shape out of thin air, and several meteorites burning with flames flew out of the seal, carrying huge kinetic energy and directly hitting the spider.

"Hmm? This move seems familiar?" (Note)

In the earth-shaking explosion, the darkness of the cave turned into colorful blocks and disappeared before his eyes. The studio reappeared, and the red night sky and yellow moon were still outside the window.

It was very quiet here, and everything seemed to have not changed. It was just that the sound of Mr. Stone's body falling to the ground was particularly harsh. While the lady with glasses went to support him, Jenkins saw what he left on the canvas.

That was exactly what everyone had seen and heard just now. On one side of the bottomless abyss, a giant spider was lying on the dark rock wall. Eight pairs of compound eyes seemed to be glowing in the satin black tone, and seemed to be staring at the people outside the painting to prepare for prey.

"The subject of the painting is well chosen, but unfortunately the painting skills are too poor. It is barely qualified."

The painter with his back to the crowd sighed. He never turned his head, but he could know the content on the canvas.

Jenkins ignored him, and together with Miss Glasses, dragged the unconscious Mr. Stone to the French window. With the light of the unknown moon outside, the two did not find any obvious signs of trauma on the middle-aged man.

He should have been mentally traumatized to show such symptoms. This is very common for the gifters, but it is absolutely disadvantageous for the three people at this moment.

"Although the first painting has been completed and we know that the non-painter will face the painter's memory, we still don't know what the painter will face."

Jenkins said embarrassedly. In fact, he didn't have to worry, after all, Miss Glasses would be the second painter to paint. The woman understood what Jenkins meant. After confirming that she could not wake up her companion, she calmly said to Jenkins:

"I will make a second attempt next. I think we will separate again. I hope you can take care of my friend while ensuring your own safety... I will thank you after leaving the strange land."

"If it is convenient, I will... Are you a believer of the [God of Mystery and Ritual]?"

He suddenly asked, because he recognized the ability to summon meteorites just now, which Miss Magic also used. Miss Glasses did not answer, but turned around and found a blank canvas near the spider oil painting. After taking a deep breath, she also stretched out her finger to the canvas.

The color of the oil paint filled the space of the studio and soon evolved into a small quiet room. In the center of the quiet room is a huge round table. Around the round table, six coffins stand on the wall, and on the round table in the room is a complex sealing ceremony.

Even if Jenkins does not understand this ceremony at all, he can see from the complex patterns that the sealed thing must be very terrible.

PS: When she went to the Black Forest with her friends to rescue Mr. Hood who was kidnapped by the "human trafficker" Duke Antak, Miss Magic used a similar ability to fight Skrull Pompeii.

Section 1185 Chapter 1165 The Painting of Memory

"The coffin is not the point, the seal is the point."

While Jenkins was thinking, the voice of Miss Glasses came from somewhere, but it was definitely not in the room. Jenkins glanced at Mr. Stone lying next to his feet, then reached out and opened the coffin beside him.


As the flames covered the body wrapped in yellow linen in the coffin, sharp screams came from all the coffins one after another.

Amid the continuous collisions, the remaining five coffins were all opened. As the silver-white sword light passed through the air, the bodies that had just walked out of the coffins were all neatly turned into pieces with broken hands and feet.

The sticky black blood flowed out of the pieces and gathered under the round table at a very fast speed. The traces of flowing black blood drew dense lines on the floor of the room. The seal resonated with these lines, the round table shook a little, and then the long sigh almost drowned out the entire room.

It was like waking up from a long sleep, or like finally returning home after a busy day.

With that sigh, except for Jenkins and the cat, all the objects in the room quickly turned black and white with the round table as the center. The whole world seemed to be frozen, but it was only as if.

Jenkins held the sword and pulled the limp Mr. Stone towards the wall, and then found that it was not the objects that were fading, but the round table was absorbing the colors from the outside world.

It gathered more and more colors, and the seal on the table was broken little by little in the process. Those chaotic colors condensed into the shape of a head, and just the disordered arrangement of colors made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Jenkins swung a sword at the air again, but it was absorbed by the color barrier around the round table.

He reached into his arms, and with a bang, his thumb pried open the cork of the bottle containing bone powder, and then he raised his hand, and the bone powder was immediately sprinkled into the air.

The white dust temporarily obscured the vision of both parties, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Jenkins rushed to the round table and swung his sword to chop the head on the table.

With a sharp sound that made people's teeth ache, the head was hit by Jenkins' sword without dodging.

But when Jenkins swung his sword for the second time, it made an obvious evasive action.

It was too late. The bone powder in the air had gathered into a skeleton at some point and hugged it behind the head. Taking advantage of this moment, the sword in Jenkins' hand directly split the round table and the head in half in the burst of white light.

The rumbling sound appeared again when the sword light fell, and the smoke and dust disappeared and the group returned to the quiet studio again. The lady with glasses fell in front of her painting. The coffin lid in the painting was completely opened, and half of the painting turned black and white. The hideous head on the round table was faintly visible.

"This painting is quite interesting. Although the technique is in place, it still lacks some spirit."

The young painter sighed and gave his evaluation. Jenkins didn't bother to check Mr. Stone's condition, and ignored the young painter's voice. He quickly dragged Miss Glasses to the window. She also fainted, but woke up after Jenkins called her a few times.

She looked around confusedly, and didn't say anything like "Who are you?", which was a headache, but quickly understood the current situation.

"The painter himself doesn't have to face the monster in his memory, but he has to face..."

With a bang, the painter threw his brush on the ground. He must have done it on purpose, because the brush was directly broken into two pieces, and it would not have such an effect if it fell accidentally.

He ignored Jenkins and others, but calmly took out another pen from the paper box on the side and continued to paint. Miss Glasses covered her mouth and shook her head at Jenkins.

She was frightened and didn't dare to provide Jenkins with more information.

"That's enough, you did a good job. It's my turn next, but I have to warn you in advance that I have faced a lot of... magical creatures, so your main task in a while is to ensure your own safety, wait for me to solve the thing you can't say, and then leave the painting together, do you understand?"

Jenkins is the highest level among the people present, and he has always shown full confidence and decisiveness. Miss Glasses did not doubt his words, but still looked at Mr. Stone with worry.

To be honest, some of the enemies in the past were even unwilling to face Jenkins himself. When he walked towards the blank canvas, he was not worried about his own affairs, but secretly prayed for his companions in his heart, hoping that they would not die in the strange world because of this.

Like the two people just now, he stretched out his fingers and tapped on the canvas. It seemed that a cold air flow in his body invaded the canvas through his fingers, and then the image of an angel with wings spread began to be outlined.

"This should be considered a good luck performance, at least it's just an angel."

He thought to himself, but found that he did not leave the studio. Turning around and looking at the window, the lady with glasses and Mr. Stone had disappeared, and the painter had just put down his brush.

"So, it's you I have to face? It's not the painter who faces the memory."

Jenkins asked.

"Yes, but don't worry, I won't hurt you, I just want to take away some of your memories. Even so, you can still leave this strange place smoothly. After all, my purpose is just to collect some fears of mortals. As for whether the strange place..."

"I'm not interested in whether it can let you enter the material world."

Jenkins took over his words.

"Oh, it seems that you know a lot about this place. In this way, I am more looking forward to your memory."

"I'm really sorry, I never share memories with anyone."

"This is not up to you."

The painter said easily, and continued to paint with his back to Jenkins. The canvas on the drawing board in front of him had been replaced with a brand new white at some point. When the brush fell on it, the familiar studio was outlined on it.

The color filled quickly, and Jenkins and the painter were both in the painting. In addition to these existing structures, some blood vessel-like protrusions were added to the wall.

Jenkins looked at the surrounding walls and saw that something exactly like the one in the painting was taking shape.

"I don't want to fight you, it will destroy my studio. Why don't you resist? I will just take away your memory, just like the man and woman just now. It won't be painful for you, and I will take away the memory you fear the most, which is even a good thing for you."

Chapter 1186 Chapter 1166 Cat in the Painting

"I said, I never share memories with others."

Jenkins shook his head and stared at the painting by the painter.

"Then you are too pathetic."

The painter drew a few strokes, and the blood-red human figure that was blocked on the wall by blood vessels, or the blood vessels of the painter were attached to the wall, was completely formed. It opened its all-white eyes and let out a piercing scream. Then it was blown into pieces by the black figure that flew out from behind Jenkins with a strange sound of dripping.

The wall skin was scattered everywhere, and the easels and canvases close to the wall were unfortunately implicated. Even the easels a little further away fell to the ground in rows due to the air waves generated by the explosion.

"Look, if you trap me, it will only have an adverse effect on your studio. It's better to let us go. It will be good for everyone."

The painter ignored Jenkins' words and quickly painted on the canvas with his brush. The light in the studio suddenly dimmed, and a whisper came from behind Jenkins.

He turned and looked at the huge French window behind him. In the red world, the bright yellow moon disappeared. A vague black shadow appeared in the sky. With a shrill roar, a small black dot appeared where the moon was originally, and then a huge black cat that became clearer and clearer pounced on the window on the ground.

It's not accurate to say that it was a black cat. To be more precise, it was just a giant monster that looked like a black cat. Cats can't have such an ugly and weird appearance. It was born to go against human aesthetics.

The painter made a few simple strokes again, and a clear sound of high heels came from the closed door. The sound stopped outside the door. When the knock on the door sounded, Jenkins' heart suddenly hurt, and the world in front of him actually appeared irregular and strange gray phantoms.

On the canvas, enemies were also added to the position of the ceiling. Jenkins raised his head despite the discomfort and saw a squirming blood-red liquid creature trembling. As the sound like cicadas rang out, his finger joints hardened and his body began to slowly mutate in a direction away from racial characteristics.

"Look, I just painted some things that I was afraid of, and I didn't even do it myself, and you became what you are now. Mortals always don't know what's good for them. If they surrender at the beginning, we can all avoid this unpleasant time."

The painter stood up and turned around. Jenkins, who was holding his head and groaning, subconsciously raised his head, wanting to see clearly whether his front was the faceless face he imagined, or a weird splicing of organs, or still the back of his head.

But he didn't have a chance to observe, because there was a clear tearing sound from the canvas in front of the painter. The painter was stunned and didn't turn around. Then he and Jenkins saw that in the painting, a small hole was poked in the position of the black cat's strange shadow in the sky.

The small hole on the canvas was like a steam bomb about to explode, and the edge was shaking quickly and irregularly. Then, with the hole as the center, a black shadow erupted like a flickering flame, and the canvas was torn into pieces by an invisible force, and even those pieces were scattered into the air as if they were venting their anger.

"Oh~ my Lord~"

The painter groaned and waved his hands in the air, trying to grab the fragments of his own work.

As the fragments of the canvas scattered, the unique dull sound of a human body falling to the ground appeared by the window. Jenkins turned his head and saw Miss Eyes covered with feathers and Mr. Stone, whose breathing had almost stopped.

He hurried to the two of them, hesitated for a moment, and chose to treat Mr. Stone, who was only one step away from death. The effect of the treatment was immediate, and his breathing soon became stable, and his complexion was no longer so terrible.


The cat poked its head out from between the buttons on Jenkins' chest and looked unkindly at the painter who was frantically catching fragments of the canvas in front of the blank drawing board. It was the cat that did it just now because the cat felt offended. It didn't mind being painted, but the cat didn't think it was that ugly.

The soft voice of the cat startled Jenkins, and he didn't realize until now that his cat had followed him in again. He stretched out his fingers to press the cat's head back into his clothes, and then saw a white light door standing quietly among the scattered drawing boards.

Holding Mr. Stone in one hand and Miss Glasses in the other, Jenkins carefully rubbed to the door. Seeing that the young painter was still trying to piece together the fragments of the canvas, he jumped and pulled his companions into the exit.

"How could this happen?"

The quiet studio was also reflected in the red world outside the window. The painter muttered to himself, and the ink oozed out of the face made of canvas. It was his blood.

"Who did I offend? Why did you destroy my work?"

He still didn't understand what he had done wrong. Finally, as his injuries became more and more serious, he fell forward to the blank canvas in front of him. The moment the man and the cloth came into contact, the painter immediately scattered into various liquid pigments, all splashed on the canvas.

Therefore, there was an extra painting on the canvas. In the painting, the young painter stands in a quiet studio, quietly thinking about a question that he is destined to never get an answer to.

The easel on which the oil painting composed of Jenkins' memories is located is one of the few easels in the empty studio that did not fall due to the explosion of the twin demons. The peaceful yellow moon reappeared outside the window, shining its light on it, making the ferocious angel wrapped in black mist in the painting more vivid.

The unknown wind swept into the studio, and the painting flew up with the wind and disappeared into the white light door.

In the silent snowfield, the white ice rabbit looked at the snow alone, its big drooping ears suddenly moved, and then quickly fled into the distance. Three people appeared out of thin air at the spot where the rabbit had escaped. After Jenkins touched the ground, he ignored the situation of his companions. He put one hand on the cold snow, knelt there and vomited.

He is really not used to space transfer, and the recent move from Nolan to here has already brought him to the edge of vomiting.

The cat in the clothes heard a strange sound, and once again stuck its head out and looked outside curiously. First the small pointed ears appeared, and then the whole cat head popped out.

But it immediately showed a disgusted expression. The cat was disgusted and quickly retreated.

He felt better after spitting it out. When Jenkins wiped his mouth, he still wondered if his weakness at this time was related to the large amount of exercise last night. He thought of Hathaway again, thought of his fiery red hair, and hoped in his heart that the girls would not be sad because of his departure.

After pulling Mr. Stone and Miss Glasses farther away from the vomit, Jenkins began to try to wake them up. He needed them to show the way, or at least figure out where this place was.

Chapter 1187 Chapter 1167 Contact

Judging from the current ice and snow environment, if this place is not a remote snow mountain, then it is most likely the Kingdom of Hampavo in the north of the mainland. But Jenkins didn't want to fly on a unicorn in this temperature, so he could only rely on others to show him the way. Once he got close to the city, he would most likely be able to find the Church of the Sage. When the time comes, you can pass your news to Nolan so that the people over there can rest assured.

Moreover, Jenkins also has important things to do in Nolan. Not to mention Hathaway's reaction to his sudden disappearance, Miss Stillwell and the Doomsday Tablet that may be hidden in her home require Jenkins to go back as soon as possible.

Once you leave the treacherous realm, there is no longer the restriction that an ability can only be used once. Relying on the excellent healing ability of [Life Origin], Jenkins successfully pulled Mr. Stone out of the brink of death.

As for the bespectacled lady whose face and neck are covered with bird feathers, Jenkins has no good solution. I can only give her a simple treatment first, and then use my own flames to carefully burn away those unnecessary "decorations" for her.

Fortunately, after the feathers were burned off, they did not leave too obvious marks on the skin. This was a great blessing for a female benefactor.

Mr. Shitou was still unconscious, but Miss Glasses regained consciousness successfully. When I saw the snowy scenery around me, I knew where I was.

After thanking Jenkins in a low voice, he answered his most important question:

"This is the hot spring town of Hampavo Kingdom. I wonder if you have heard of it. Although it is just a town, it is the most important transportation hub and travel node in the northern part of the kingdom. No matter where you want to go, go to the hot spring town first. It’s all necessary, as the train lines there cover almost all routes in the northern part of the kingdom.”

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