A serious social gathering was not a good fit for Jenkins, especially since he didn't know most of the people there. After bidding farewell to Earl Biden, he returned to Dolores and found that she was no longer where she was. Later, after asking the young ladies around, he found her at the long table.

Dolores was talking to a lady with silver hair and a cane, but still holding a wine glass. Seeing Jenkins coming over, he took the initiative to introduce the two parties to each other. That noble lady turned out to be Dolores's aunt, her deceased mother's biological sister.

"Baron Jenkins Willamette? I've heard your name before."

She was very kind to Jenkins. In addition to asking a lot of information about his family, she also asked about his planned stay in Loen.

It was half an hour later that he bid farewell to this kind lady temporarily. Jenkins found that most people at the reception were very talkative.

"Do you have many relatives? I noticed that the nobles of Loen seem to be related to the royal family. This is completely different from the decline of Fedicli's royal bloodline."

Jenkins asked in a low voice while holding the wine glass filled with juice, not noticing that the cat on his shoulder was stretching its head and trying to stick its head into the glass.

"There are indeed many relatives in our family. In fact, royal families in various countries have many distant relatives. After all, nobles are accustomed to intermarriage within themselves, and families with a little bit of history can be involved with the royal family. Even the Middleton family in your kingdom, even if you are looking for If you don’t have direct descendants, don’t you also have many distant relatives?”

She answered Jenkins' question in a low voice, and then suddenly smiled sweetly:

"Jenkins, I heard your story from my teacher some time ago. When you went to Belduran last fall, you seemed to have attended a banquet in Belduran with the famous Miss Jessica Windsor. Later, he accepted someone else’s invitation to a duel at the banquet.”

"Yes, that happened half a year ago. I only told Alexia once. I didn't expect that she would still remember it."

"There are very few formal duels in this era. I heard from the teacher that you won easily. You defeated the opponent with just one sword strike."

"The opponent is an ordinary person, and this kind of victory is not something worth bragging about."

He gestured with his hand in front of his chest.

"Then if possible, would you fight someone else for me?"

Dolores asked suddenly. Jenkins turned around and saw the rosiness on her face. He was shocked and kept reminding himself that the other party was only sixteen years old and there were still two years left before the promised engagement.

"of course."

He nodded vigorously.

"You won the duel, did you get any prizes?"

she asked again.

"Many ladies gave me their handkerchiefs or jewelry. Miss Windsor gave me her earring. It was a beautiful earring."

Jenkins sighed.


Dolores said, and then asked Jenkins to block her, while she bent down mysteriously and didn't know what she was doing. After a while, he straightened up again and put a strap in Jenkins' hand.

"This is for you."

It was a delicate purple ribbon with a lace trim, or at least Jenkins thought it was a ribbon.

"What does it mean?"

he asked hesitantly.

Dolores smiled and didn't answer, but looked quite satisfied with what she did.

Since they were not the protagonists of the reception, there was no need for the two of them to stay here until the end. Near eleven o'clock, after saying goodbye to the old count, the host of the banquet, he returned to the manor in the suburbs in a carriage. Everyone in the manor was still awake, and Alexia listened to Jenkins talk about the details of his conversation with Earl Biden, and then also suggested that he take time to visit Beldiran after returning to Nolan.

"Do you know something?"

Jenkins suddenly asked.

"Why do you ask that?"

The short lady asked doubtfully, and Jenkins could only think that he was being careless.

Later, I remembered the belt that Dolores had stuffed into her during the cocktail party. When I wanted to go to find Alexia again, I met Julia in the corridor who was walking towards the kitchen carrying a teapot. So he took out the belt and asked her opinion. Unexpectedly, the beautiful maid's face turned red, she glared at Jenkins and quickly disappeared around the corner downstairs on the stairs.

Jenkins, who didn't know why, could only knock on Alexia's door. After explaining his doubts, Alexia laughed:

"I didn't expect her to be so bold."

"So what exactly is this?"

Jenkins was shaking the ribbon back and forth. Seeing that he had the urge to put it in front of his nose, Alexia quickly grabbed his wrist:

"Didn't those two ladies in Nolan teach you the most basic common sense? Or did you never care about how Hesha took off her clothes when you slept with her? It was obviously a garter belt. Tie the stockings."


Jenkins fell into silence, looking blankly at the strap in his hand.

"I think you roughly understand what it means to give away such a private item. If you are willing, Dolores's room next door should be unlocked..."

"Please stop talking!"

Jenkins interrupted her quickly, then shook his head like a cat crawling out of water:

"Do all girls these days mature so early?"

"She's sixteen, which is not very early."

Alexia said while leaning against the door frame in her pajamas, her arms around her chest. Because she was going to rest, her hair was just scattered behind her. This was one of the rare times when she kept her hair smooth and long.

"No, sixteen is still a minor. Eighteen is considered an adult."

Jenkins said in a panic, and turned around and left after hurriedly saying goodbye.

"Do men nowadays mature so late?"

The short lady who was left alone leaned against the door frame and said with some lament.

Chapter 1404 Chapter 1381 Extraordinary Combination

In addition to the "garter incident" that aroused Jenkins's reverie, the most important thing tonight was the monthly end-of-month whispers. Jenkins spent the end of last month on the train. In the blink of an eye, he has lived in Loon for more than a month, but still doesn't know when he can return to Loon.

"It's only a few minutes until May. Time flies so fast..."

Thinking like this, he gently turned the slightly warm brass knob, turned off the gas lamp on the bedside, and then touched Chocolate who was lying next to the pillow, and then got into the quilt.

Because he was a little tired, he fell asleep before the clock struck midnight. Therefore, when those whispers and murmurs seemed to come from the horizon, Jenkins couldn't even tell whether it was a dream or reality.

April belongs to the righteous god [Storm Lord], who controls the ocean and wind. Most believers live in coastal areas, but a few inland tribes with the tradition of worshiping [Wind] also believe in this god; and May belongs to the righteous god [Lightless Moon], who controls the moon and the night. As we all know, at night in the material world, there are actually three moons in the sky, and the one that cannot be seen is the incarnation of the god [Lightless Moon].

This god is equally powerful, and because of the description of "the invisible moon", it also possesses some of the power of the priesthood such as [lies] and [shadows]. In some statements, it even involves the [negative energy] field of the god of death.

In short, Jenkins couldn't hear clearly what the two great gods said at the end of the month. Even if his soul was closer to God, it could not completely break free from the shackles of the flesh.

When the murmur of the end of the moon appeared, loud and sacred singing came from the foggy surroundings. With the emergence of the wind without source, Jenkins looked forward with a headache. The figures of the man and the woman met at a very high altitude. Even though there were only clouds and fog in the sky, in Jenkins' perception, it seemed that there was a huge invisible celestial body floating above him while thunder and lightning were going on.

This feeling was very terrible, as if some extremely strange huge existence was staring at him closely, and he could feel it but couldn't see it. This kind of irritability and fear could even drive people crazy.

But fortunately, it all ended soon. When he opened his eyes, the red and blue moonlight shone into the house from the wide terraced windows and shone on Jenkins. Jenkins' shadow tilted slightly, completely covering the chocolate on the pillow.

He stared at the ceiling, and after a while he got up from the bed and came to the desk. He turned on the gas lamp connected to the steam pipe and took out the pen and blank notebook.

The cat on the bed did not move, but just opened one eye to look at Jenkins' back, very dissatisfied with his habit of working in the middle of the night.

As usual, the gains from the whispers at the end of the month are often related to the duties of the two gods. Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, some of the information Jenkins just obtained is about the combination and synthesis of extraordinary items. Whenever it involves items containing spirits, their synthesis or combination is a dangerous and complicated matter, because there are no two things in this world that are exactly the same, and even the weird things or extraordinary things that exist in multiples have slight differences between the individuals with the same name.

The knowledge gained this time described in detail how to correctly use the principle of similar engulfment, combine and use spiritual items and even numbered items. This is quite remarkable knowledge. Jenkins originally thought that he could only obtain it from the righteous god [Master Craftsman].

"If you follow this design idea..."

He wrote ancient runes on a blank notebook with a pen and sketched next to it. Half an hour later, he put down the pen and frowned at what he had written on the table.

After all, it was not complete and specific knowledge. Even if the knowledge he had just obtained was secretive, there would be big problems in applying it. The first attempt at design was not successful. He also understood that this kind of thing was purely a matter of luck. It was enough to try once. If you want to be proficient in this, you still have to rely on daily study and practice.

He summoned his cane and put it on the table, then returned to the bedside and said to Chocolate, who seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed:

"Chocolate, wake up."

The cat's closed eyes trembled, but did not open. Its breathing was still very even, with its two front paws tucked under its body, and the whole cat looked like it was sleeping very deeply.

"Chocolate, can you give me back the bead I gave you to play with?"

Jenkins poked his cat with his finger, then shrank back to prevent it from retaliating. But Chocolate still didn't wake up and was still asleep.

He could now conclude that the cat must be pretending to sleep. Chocolate was very alert when sleeping, and any movement would be captured by it.

"Since you are asleep..."

He deliberately said "softly", then stretched out his two hands to insert them into the gap between Chocolate's body and the soft bed, and then gently picked it up.

"......Then take it yourself."

Chocolate likes the gem that can produce the "photochemical" effect very much. Whenever he has time, he pushes it and rolls it around to play. Sometimes when he sleeps, he will put the bead in front of his nose and breathe in and out evenly towards it. In rare cases, he will sleep with the bead under his body like an old hen hatching eggs, and there is no sign that this cat can even feel the beans under seven or eight layers of bedding.


Jenkins held the cat with one hand and took the bead on the bed with the other hand. Chocolate, who couldn't put it in, opened his eyes and struggled in his hands with a meow, trying to defend his property.

It easily broke free from Jenkins's hand and jumped back to the bed, then stood in front of the bead and issued a threatening sound to Jenkins that did not have any deterrent power.

"I really need it."

Jenkins squatted beside the bed and reached out to touch Chocolate's head. The cat's face, which was just angry, immediately showed an aggrieved expression. It looked at Jenkins pitifully, then looked down at the bead it was protecting, and pushed it to Jenkins with its claws after a while.

When making this move, it turned its head back, pretending that it couldn't bear to watch.

"Be good, I'll get you some good food tomorrow. There will be more fun toys in the future, don't be so sad."

After comforting the cat for a while and giving it the ring that sealed the black stone of disaster, he returned to the desk and placed the round, pearl-like milky white beads in the ink bottle box beside it, then picked up the cane and slowly injected spirit into it to deform it.

Chapter 1405 Chapter 1382 The Arrival of May

With the injection of spirit, the cane grew upwards like a slowly growing sapling while its radius became thicker. A few seconds later, the scepter that had only been used once in the Son form appeared again, but this was not the end. Jenkins continued to control the twisted vines to grow upwards a little more, but this part was not twisted.

After being deformed to this extent, in addition to the normal part of the scepter, the top of the scepter was four or five vines like blooming petals. Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the bead with his left hand, and carefully placed it on the top of the scepter, while controlling the untwisted vines at the top to slowly wrap inward.

This process was extremely slow, and it would cause serious problems if you were not careful. The slowly closing vines finally climbed on the milky white round bead, twisting on its surface into the shape of a winding snake.

After everything was done, the scepter itself spontaneously showed a green light, and the bead embellished on the top of the scepter showed a milky white color.

The two lights merged together, making the room bright. But the light lasted only a short time before disappearing. Jenkins let go of his hand and let the scepter fly into the air spontaneously. Then he watched as some cracks appeared on its surface but quickly recovered.

This repeated two or three times before the scepter fell back into Jenkins' hands.

Although there was only one more bead, Jenkins unexpectedly felt that it became heavier. This heaviness had both real weight and the "heaviness" that was felt instantly when the skin touched it. These phenomena undoubtedly showed that the fusion was very successful this time.

The life scepter after the fusion of the gem had a better effect on stimulating the growth of plants because it added the concept of "light" on the basis of "life". Another function was that Jenkins could activate the gem on the top of the scepter anytime and anywhere. When he held the scepter high, the darkness would be dispelled, and the dazzling white light would disturb the vision of everyone nearby (including himself).

"So I worked hard all night just to add a light spell ability to my weapon?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed, so he changed the scepter back to the shape of a cane. As the twisted vines continued to shrink inward, the beads on the top also shrank back. When the cane reappeared, there was a small pearl decoration on the top.

Jenkins had seen many nobles use canes with gems or gold ornaments on the top, but he had never seen anyone decorate a cane with pearls. But he didn't wait to admit that the two were perfectly integrated, at least the "pearl" didn't look abrupt.

"Well, at least there is still a harvest."

He whispered to comfort himself, and then sat back at the table to sort out the harvest of the moon's end whisper.

In addition to the secret knowledge of the item combination, the complete knowledge also has two unique abilities and three interesting rituals.

The two abilities are [Double Moon Empathy (White Basic)] and [Illusion Moon (Yellow Spell)].

The former is the iconic ability of the night watchers of the righteous god [Lightless Moon], and is a prerequisite for most of its divine abilities. In addition, according to the secret arts of [Night and Secret Church], this ability can also help the gifter absorb spirits, and the efficiency is higher than Jenkins copying those twisted tadpole characters.

But it is obvious that it is impossible for him to learn this ability, and once he is discovered, it will not be easy to fool him.

The latter is a rare illusion spell. Casting [Moon Magic] in the dark night can create illusions in a certain space. Except for a small amount of magic eyes, this illusion can only be detected by the benefactor's own perception. Breaking; casting [Moon Fantasy] during the day will cause a certain range with itself as the center to enter the dark night. This kind of dark night is between illusion and reality, and the abilities of the night watchers will be greatly enhanced in the dark night. The bonus will even automatically have [Dark Vision], so this ability is quite useful.

The three rituals are [Ocean Memories], [Bloody Red Moon] and [Gift of the Moon]. The [Ocean Memories] ritual can help the gifter trace back what happened on the ocean surface in a certain area, and is mostly used to track missing ships and search for them. Pirates; [Bloody Red Moon] is a healing ritual that uses a large amount of blood in conjunction with the red moon in the full moon state to treat serious injuries. Of course, the blood here can be used to make blood from any creature, as long as there is no Corruption can be used.

As for the final [Gift of the Moon], it was born out of the ritual of worshiping the moon, praying to the moon and making sacrifices in the wilderness era. This ritual requires the cooperation of hundreds of people. After a banquet to celebrate the harvest, it consists of bonfires, grains, Drinks and complex ritual dances are combined to ensure that large areas of farmland will have a good harvest in the coming year.

Jenkins had only heard of this ritual from his father, because in this era, people would use the ritual of the righteous god [Mother of the Earth] in spring to pray for a good harvest, and the ancient moon-worshiping tribes who used [Gift of the Moon] in autumn are already rare. .

Although I didn't gain any abilities or rituals that would help me, it would be good to gain more knowledge. After sorting out this knowledge, it was almost three o'clock. Jenkins packed up his desk and returned to bed.

He wanted to touch the chocolate before falling asleep, but unexpectedly the cat avoided Jenkins' hand and deliberately moved to the bedside to lie down to sleep. Because this bed is very large, the distance between the person and the cat is actually quite far. No matter how stupid Jenkins is, he knows that Chocolate is still angry about what happened just now.

"Okay, it's my fault, I shouldn't have gone back on my word."

He said softly, feeling a little embarrassed to be so submissive to his cat, but he also knew that there was indeed something wrong with what he did.

Then he pointed at the ring under the chocolate paw.

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