Dad said, and then thought of Jenkins:

"Contact him tomorrow. I think he will be interested in what happened today."

At the same moment, in the depths of the night sky, at the vanished space boundary, the space was distorted for a moment and wave like water ripples appeared, and then Jenkins and Louise rushed out of the water ripples together.

With the help of angels, Jenkins successfully defeated the Old Man in the Clock Tower, but because he wasted too much time, he almost disappeared from the material world together with the collapsed Doomsday City.

The unicorn had gone back just now, and it was the faster Louise who took his hand and brought him back to the sky above Nolan. So at this time, Jenkins was in a state of being dragged by the little angel who was trying to flap his wings. Even if he was not afraid of heights, he did not dare to look down under the current situation.

"Okay, okay, it's safe now."

He said to the angel who held his hand, and then called the unicorn out again to catch himself. The angel flapped his wings and slowly descended to a position lower than Jenkins. Then he lowered his head and bowed slightly, and returned the winged shield to Jenkins with both hands.

This is the reward for destroying the Doomsday City that the blue figure said. This is a genuine gift. Judging from the performance just now, the strength of this shield is higher than any material Jenkins has ever seen, and it can even defend against curses and soul attacks.

He stretched out his hand to take the shield, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do so. Instead, he took the initiative to disconnect from the shield.

"Usually you can only sleep in Fini's shadow and can't move freely, right?"

He asked his angel. The night wind blew his face and the little angel's clothes. The unicorn impatiently took two steps in the air, feeling that he was ignored by his master.

The little angel nodded carefully, but said nothing.

"Bring this shield to Feini. If she can respond to this shield, then this gift belongs to her. You can also use this shield to have a material body at any time; if Feini cannot respond to this shield, The shield generates induction, so you can hold this shield to protect Feini and gain more freedom for yourself. "

Louise raised her head to look at Jenkins, then wordlessly opened her arms and gently hugged Jenkins' neck.

After saying her final goodbyes to Jenkins, she turned into light again and fell toward the church on the ground.

Chapter 1426 Chapter 1403 No Breath

Fini in the Church of the Sages didn't pay attention to the vast starry sky tonight. She was still looking at the bathroom mirror with a grimace.

Suddenly, another gust of wind blew open the bathroom window. Feeney stood on tiptoes and looked into the mirror. The little angel had appeared behind her, holding her tightly with both hands.

"You did a great job, Louise. We really helped Mr. Willemt."

A smile suddenly appeared on Feini's face, and she happily said to the mirror. Realizing that she had stayed in the bathroom for too long, she wanted to leave immediately, but saw Louise handing her a small shield. All this could only be seen in the mirror, but when he went to pick it up with both hands, the shield seemed to suddenly appear out of the air and was touched by Feini.

"Oh, this is so beautiful."

She touched the shield with her hand and touched the pair of wings with a smile. In the hands of Jenkins, this can only be regarded as an arm shield, but in the hands of Feeney, it is enough to cover her upper body.

The moment I touched the shield, I had a strange feeling. The restless spirit flowed uncontrollably towards the shield, and then the shield disappeared in my hand, leaving only a pattern of wings on the back of my right hand. Only Fini and Louise can see this pattern, and the evidence is that there are no marks on the back of the hand in the mirror.

"Is this a gift?"

The girl asked excitedly. She was learning about this recently.

Seeing the angel behind her nodding, Feini showed an even happier smile:

"Did the gentleman give this to me?"

The angel nodded again, with an extraordinarily gentle smile on his face.

"I will study harder. If you need our help next time, sir, I will be able to help... I haven't learned the rituals and abilities that sir asked Miss Audrey to send you last time. Finished, maybe I can start with the most difficult one... Is My God Here (note)?"

(Chocolate Run...)

No matter how commendable he accomplished that night, the happiest moment for Jenkins was when he returned home, where Alexia and chocolate were waiting for him.

He believed that there must be a genuine smile on his face at that moment, and then he opened his arms and hugged Alexia. During the hug, I felt something touching the back of my head, and then I saw Chocolate standing on the shoe cabinet, eager to jump on his shoulders.

"Things went well, right? Chocolate and I both saw what you were doing up there."

She pointed to the sky.

"It went smoothly. This matter is completely settled. This is a better ending than I thought."

Jenkins said with a smile, and then asked:

"What about you? You've been waiting for me here all night. Are you a little bored?"

"It's not boring. You have a lot of books at home, and your cat is here to keep me company."

He didn't look into Jenkins' eyes when he said this, but Jenkins still realized it was a lie. But he thought Alexia was lying because she was actually bored, so he didn't expose her.

In addition to Alexia and Chocolate, there is another woman waiting for Jenkins, and that is Miss Magic. She and Miss Yindi were waiting for news in the villa in the mountains, so they also saw the rare daytime celestial phenomenon that occurred over Nolan.

You don’t need to think about Miss Magic to guess what tone the recent newspapers will use to convince the public that the white sky is a natural phenomenon. In the past six months, newspapers have repeatedly used various reasons to explain the magical events that happened in Nolan. This is very important to the public. Newspapers are already familiar with this.

An hour after the night sky returned to normal, Jenkins hurriedly came to visit. After explaining that the doomsday illusion had completely collapsed, Miss Yindi also knew that she could move back to her own home.

He wanted to leave immediately, but Alexia made an appointment with him to watch the stars on the roof of her house. But Miss Magic retained Jenkins and told him something very important in the study room of the villa:

"I have made a decision regarding the Pirate King. The operation to capture him will be carried out on Wednesday. It is Sunday night. When will you have time in the next two days? We need to prepare carefully for that day's operation. s arrangement."

The woman asked with a serious face.

"Next Wednesday? Miss Magic, have you finally made a decision? If this matter doesn't go forward, I'm worried that you will forget about the Pirate King."

He made a little joke and sat on the sofa in the study with the cat in his arms.

"Who else will be involved in the operation besides us?"

After adjusting his mood and temporarily putting aside the joy in his heart, he also became serious and asked about the content of the plan.

"You and I are the only ones who know the core of the plan. In addition, I also paid to hire a group of reliable mercenaries to handle those troublesome chores."

"Mr. Hood, don't you want to get involved in this matter?"

Jenkins had expected that at least Mr. Hood would attend.

"The simpler the plan, the better, and the fewer people involved, the better. I considered letting Mr. Hood join in, but after thinking about it I decided against it."

"With just the two of us, will our combat effectiveness be insufficient? If we just sneak attack Fermi Xiu alone, the two of us will probably be enough, but there must be others around him."

Jenkins reminded.

"That's why we hired those mercenaries. They have a lot of firearms, and there are two bestowers among them, who can delay us for enough time. Our purpose is only Femixiu, not to eliminate all pirates ”

Miss Magic explained, looking quite confident.

"Where did you find such mercenaries in this era? I thought they had died along with the past history."

"But in this era, as long as there are gold pounds, most of people's wishes can be fulfilled."

Miss Magic said vaguely, not intending to tell Jenkins the origins of that group of people.

"As long as you think it's reliable, I have time every day recently and can come and discuss plans with you at any time. This matter requires very careful planning. A lunatic like Femixiu is more difficult to deal with than a normal person... ...Wait, you mean to start action this Wednesday?”

Jenkins suddenly realized that this was an unusual plan.

"Yes, this Wednesday."

"If I remember correctly, Wednesday is the day when the first fleet of the Nolan Navy, which returned from the Broken Islands in victory, will dock. The city hall also organized citizens to go to the pier to greet the fleet. There will be a celebration then... ....Don’t tell me that your choice of this date was just a coincidence.”

Recently, Hathaway has mentioned to Jenkins many times the date of Count Hersha's return, so Jenkins was very impressed with Wednesday.

PS: In Chapter 1235 "Farewell", Jenkins entrusted Miss Audrey to give some of the rituals and abilities she has mastered to Fini, encouraging her to learn more and see more, and broaden her horizons.

Chapter 1427 Chapter 1404 Imagination under the Starry Sky

"It's true that the choice was not a coincidence, but I guess those things don't matter."

Miss Magic said, turning around to take a book off the shelf, but Jenkins felt that she was deliberately not wanting to see her expression.

"No, those things are very important. Miss Magic, I think it's better to share the information."

"Actually, it's nothing. Although Femixiu is a madman most of the time, he can sometimes realize that he is a member of the Pirate Kings. In the Battle of the Broken Islands, the Nolan Navy defeated the main fleet of the Pirate Kings head-on. , Feimixiu therefore gathered all the pirate forces that could be contacted in the Nolan area, planning to make the day when the fleet returns..."

She didn't continue, but Jenkins knew what she meant.

"You couldn't have investigated this matter yourself, right?"

Jenkins pointed out suspiciously.

"I knew you would see through it. Well, the kingdom's spies lurking among the pirates heard about this and planned to use it to set up an ambush to wipe out the remaining forces of the Pirate King. I heard about it from Miss Silver Flute. Miss Yindi's information about this matter came from her friend Miss Windsor. Yes, there are no mercenaries. The First Infantry Division of the Kingdom's Sixth Army stationed near the Nolan area has already begun to lay a trap... ..It’s just that, except you and me, no one knows that this matter was planned by the Feimixiu organization.”

Miss Magic is still bold and "unscrupulous" as always, but her plan is very careful, and at least Jenkins is convinced.

Not to mention, she clearly pointed out that Feimixiu’s real purpose in coming to Nolan was to snatch the [Heart of Machinery] from the [Gear Craftsmen Guild], so as to further develop his [Heart of the Ocean]. evolution.

Once the plan succeeds, they might be able to get the latest trends of the [Gear Craftsmen Guild] directly from Fermitius.

"I know you have been looking for that group of people, so this operation is also very important to you."

Miss Magic said this.

So Jenkins fully accepted her current action plan and promised to find time to discuss further action plans with her in the next few days.

When he told Alexia about this while watching the stars on the roof of his house, Alexia didn't say anything more about it. But she had dealt with Fermitho before, so she warned Jenkins to be careful.

"I know that your party worked together to defeat Fermitio once. But that was during his crazy stage, and Fermitio's fighting power was much stronger when he was awake than when he was crazy."

"But he's not a demigod yet, at least not until a few months ago."

Jenkins pointed this out.

"Givers are very talented. Feimixiu is a very talented person who will do whatever it takes to improve. He is very strong. He has [Heart of the Ocean], is in the awakening stage, and when the battle site is on the sea, he can even As good as a demigod. This was my feeling when I played against him four years ago. As for how strong he is now, it’s hard to say.”

Alexia looked at the starry sky and said that in addition to the black clouds and the illusion of the doomsday city that were dispelled tonight, there was also the thick fog surrounding Nolan City. The stars were beautiful, at least until those fogs came back.

"Speaking of what happened four years ago, when you meet Fermitio on Wednesday, you can ask him if he still remembers the big rock at the foot of the Nilalore volcano. He will definitely have a very wonderful expression."

Alexia said with a smile.

"I'll ask you like Nolan?"

Jenkins had not forgotten that watching the stars tonight was a date. Although he was curious about the story of Alexia and the madman, he took the initiative to end the topic about the madman.

"I like it. It's very lively and prosperous here. If you choose to settle here in the future, I think I will also like living here."

Alexia said very bluntly, and Jenkins understood what she meant, so he took her left hand with his right hand. This made Chocolate, who had been lying on the edge of the roof "monitoring" the two of them, very unhappy.

"According to our plan, isn't it more likely that I will settle in Loen in the future?"

He said, his eyes reflecting the vast starry sky.

The evening breeze blew the small trees in the yard of the Goodman family next door. It also blew the grass in the yard and the hem of Mrs. Goodman's skirt as she went out to take out the trash. She walked outside while looking at the stars, and accidentally looked at her neighbor's house. She happened to see the star hanging upside down, and a man and a woman lying side by side looking at the stars.


This scene under the stars is shocking even if it is recorded as an oil painting. But she clearly remembered that her neighbor was no longer at home a month ago, so there should be no one on the roof at this time.


She came up with the idea of ​​shouting loud enough to attract police officers patrolling nearby neighborhoods. But in the blink of an eye, the roof was empty. After wiping her eyes and looking again, there was still no one there. Mrs. Goodman could only attribute the scene she just saw to her own hallucination.

Alexia on the roof made a strange gesture with her right hand. It was she who made Mrs. Goodman selectively blind to the two of them. Tonight was a special day, and she didn't want anyone else to disturb her.

"Isn't it more likely to settle in Beldiland than to settle in Loen? You mentioned that future niece. Didn't she clearly say that you will live in Beldiland ten years later? ?”

Alexia asked.

"That is just an uncertain future, and it is also possible that ten years from now I will accompany Dolores to visit Belduran, and not live there permanently."

"You should consider all possibilities, the future is uncertain, but mathematics can..."

"Being able to help us calculate everything is something you mentioned when we first met."

Jenkins finished the sentence for her in a joking tone.

"In fact, until now I still believe that mathematics can calculate everything, but I have not yet completely grasped the true meaning of mathematics."

She said this, and then sighed:

"I have known you for half a year. Half a year ago, I would never have thought that our relationship would have developed to this point."

"Yes, I appreciate you all forgiving me for my... greed."

He continued the topic carefully.

"I have not forgiven you, I just have to accept this situation."

She said, then stood up and sat up. Jenkins also stood up and found that she was looking in the direction of Hesha's mansion.

Chapter 1428 Chapter 1405 Mathematicians and Writers

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