Even if the kingdom's army set up an ambush, Miss Magic still had doubts about whether they were reliable. Therefore, she adopted Jenkins's suggestion and really paid to hire a group of reliable mercenaries, letting them disguise themselves and blend in with the crowd welcoming the fleet's return.

As for the purchase of necessities and intelligence gathering, Jenkins didn't need to worry about it. Miss Magic now had an intersection with Miss Windsor who was in Beldiran, and could rely on the other party's intelligence network to do a lot of things.

She had very sufficient information about this operation, and even in the last meeting before the operation, which was on Tuesday night, she and Jenkins imagined what would happen after getting the Heart of the Ocean.

"I have a lot of experiments and tests that require that special gem. After getting it, my research will definitely make a big breakthrough. Maybe just studying the Heart of the Ocean will be enough for me to kill five or six years... Maybe I should buy a big house in the suburbs of Nolan as a laboratory, but security issues also need to be considered..."

"Please don't say these things before the operation starts, it will only reduce our success rate."

Jenkins reminded.

"Mr. Candle, where did you hear this superstition?"

Miss Magic didn't care about Jenkins's statement and thought he was very superstitious, which was not the attitude of a qualified user of extraordinary abilities.

Of course, Miss Magic did not fail to prepare a second plan for accidents. Because this time she was nominally an external aid invited by Miss Windsor to help the army act together, so with sufficient funds, she could make more adequate preparations.

As a backup plan, Miss Magic got a batch of obsolete old steam bombs through her own channels, and rented a warehouse in the dock area in advance to store those dangerous goods. Once things change, she will send a signal to have people detonate those bombs to create chaos, and then abandon the cumbersome plan and directly attack Fermixiu.

"Isn't this backup plan too simple? Forget it, as long as you have confidence. In fact, I am more curious about how you hid the bombs in the dock area without being discovered? If I remember correctly, the police at Stillwell Field have been searching for dangerous goods stored in the dock warehouse since last week. How did you avoid the search?"

"As long as there are gold pounds, there are not many real problems in this world."

Miss Magic said so, and then urged Jenkins to go home and rest quickly, and get enough energy to get up early tomorrow.

"Remember the time, meet at six o'clock tomorrow morning, don't forget to eat breakfast in advance, you don't know what will happen when you take action."

She didn't forget to remind him like this, and Jenkins waved his hand while holding the cat, indicating that he knew.

The ladies in Loen also knew what Jenkins wanted to do on Wednesday. Dolores's intelligence network also had things about the pirate king, so before Wednesday, she helped Jenkins get a lot of valuable information.

Nolan has now become a city where spies from various countries gather. At this time, it is not easy to find valuable parts from those true and false information, but fortunately Dolores's followers are good enough, and most of the information sent to Jenkins is credible.

Some of the information was unknown even to Miss Magic. For example, the layout of the Nolan Wharf that Dolores gave to Jenkins clearly marked the pirates' dens of all sizes. Although these were incomplete, when put together with the one that Miss Magic gave, there was reason to believe that these had covered most of the enemies.

Based on the currently known intelligence, on Wednesday there will be pirate forces that want to retaliate against the Nolan Navy, Nolan Army forces that want to wipe out the pirates, and people with ulterior motives like Miss Magic who want to fish in troubled waters. Even if you are not a person with keen intuition like Jenkins, you can feel how chaotic this will lead to.

Chapter 1431 Chapter 1,408 Unplanned Accidents

Jenkins was very worried that Miss Magic's plan would have a big accident. After resting on Tuesday night, he dreamed of some very bad things. It was not the huge black cat that usually appeared, but some scenes that he could not remember after waking up.

He thought this was a normal dream. The black cat he had dreamed of in the past was abnormal. It was difficult to remember the content and details of a normal dream after waking up.

Because they had agreed to meet at six o'clock, Jenkins woke up at four o'clock to be safe. Chocolate, whose biological clock was very punctual, certainly didn't want to get up two hours in advance. When Jenkins called it to get up, the whole cat lay on the pillow and didn't want to move.

Even when Jenkins went to hold it, it felt like the cat was like soft and thin dough, constantly wanting to flow from his hands to the bed. It was not until Jenkins brought it to the dining table that it was considered a little sober.

Holding Chocolate was like holding a small stove, and the body temperature of a cat is higher than that of a human. When Jenkins was eating, he joked that it was summer and he should let Chocolate sleep farther away, otherwise the temperature in the room would rise, and then he was almost scratched by Chocolate's claws.

Even though they got up very early, the ladies living in the manor still had breakfast with Jenkins at five o'clock. Alexia knew that something unexpected would happen today, but she just reminded Jenkins to be careful. She believed that Jenkins would successfully solve everything.

As for Dolores, she returned the archer and astrologer chess pieces in the White Ice Five Chess to Jenkins, and she thought it would be useful.

Jenkins arrived at the Black Market Bar ten minutes early. He thought he would have to sit for a while before seeing Miss Magic, but he didn't expect that she would come earlier. After questioning, I found out that she only slept for three hours last night and had been waiting here at 3:30 this morning.

"I need to think about all the things I'll encounter today to prevent the operation that has been planned for so long from failing."

There was an abnormal blush on her face, and she didn't know whether it was excitement or a side effect of lack of sleep.

Everything went as expected. The two met at 5:50, spent half an hour checking the plans they had made, and then headed to the dock area together. In the warehouse rented in advance, I saw the group of mercenaries who were paid to do things. Although they were ordinary people, they looked quite professional from the look of their attire. I don’t know where Miss Magic found this group of people.

The leader was a dark-skinned man with a Hampavo accent. In front of everyone, he received the second part of the deposit, which accounted for a quarter of the total amount of the mission, from Miss Magic, and then asked Magic Mademoiselle and Jenkins displayed the weapons they had brought.

"In short, if it is not necessary, never shoot first. If you shoot, it is best not to accidentally injure civilians."

Miss Magic emphasized again, and when she saw the other party nodded seriously, she planned to leave with Jenkins.

"Please wait a moment."

Jenkins raised his hand to tell Miss Magic not to leave in a hurry, and then pointed at the slender figure standing behind the group of mercenaries.

"Why is there another woman?"


Miss Magic was stunned for a moment and then looked in the direction pointed by Jenkins:

"How do you know it's a woman? Oh, God, it's really a woman. What's going on? Why is there a woman here?"

This is not to discriminate against women, but from this era, the possibility of women among mercenaries is basically zero.

"How is this going?"

She suddenly reached out and grabbed the collar of the mercenary leader who was counting money just now. The latter struggled to break free from her hands, and then unexpectedly discovered that his strength was not as strong as that of his employer.

"How dare you be disloyal after taking my money? Do you want me to throw you into the sea and feed the fishes?"

Miss Magic has been under too much pressure recently, coupled with lack of sleep. It is best not to mess with this kind of woman. This is a truth that Jenkins understands.

"Please wait, I can explain all this."

The man who was held motionless by her with one hand said in embarrassment. His companions subconsciously reached for the weapons at their waists. Jenkins sighed when he saw this, but was not ready to take action.

"What do you want to explain?"

Miss Magic's tone was very unpleasant.

"Let me explain."

The mercenary who was pointed out by Jenkins as a woman said, walking out from behind the crowd. She has an ordinary face. No matter the size of the face, the concavities and convexities, or even the distribution of the facial features, there are no memorable features.

Just because it was too ordinary, her face looked very unreal.

"Are you...a black market huntress?"

Miss Magic obviously knew her, after all, as long as they were rich enough, most of the people who hired mercenaries in the black market had seen the Huntress.

"Don't tell me these are all your people. You just want to sneak into the dock with a good identity. Even if something happens later, you can divert the attention of Zhengshen Church by taking my money." to me."

She loosened her grip on the man's collar, and the latter immediately took two steps back and kept tugging on his collar, hoping to pull back the deformed part.

Jenkins said nothing, standing next to Miss Magic and listening to the conversation between the two women.

"You are right. If I remember correctly, we have cooperated twice before, and you are smarter than I thought."

"You are more shameless than I thought."

Miss Magic stretched out her hand to the huntress:

"Return the deposit to me, and then take your people and get out of here."

Miss Magic has enough reasons to say this, and the most important thing is that she and Mr. Candle are both gifters. Although there are many people on the opposite side, only the female hunter is a threat, and the other level 2 gifter is very threatening. Low.

"The deposit can be returned to you, and I can even give you three times more, but this time the plan cannot be changed."

The huntress said, looking at the man who had been standing there silently. She had never met the man, but she was deeply impressed by the white cat.

"A follower of the God of Lies?"

She greeted Jenkins, who nodded to hear her.

"Look, you can trust even the followers of the God of Lies, why can't you trust me? Although I have other purposes, we will execute all your plans without any mistakes. You can rest assured of this."

The huntress said, extending her hand for Miss Magic to take it, and just as Jenkins learned, this 24-year-old woman was definitely not the kind of woman to compromise easily.

"I don't want to cooperate with you. In my opinion, you are a person who cannot be trusted even more than a believer of the God of Lies. Get out of here immediately!"


Jenkins felt offended.

Chapter 1432 Chapter 1409 Before the Celebration

"I don't care what you want to do, and I don't care how much information you get from me. Take your people and leave immediately. Don't wait until the police patrolling nearby are called. No one needs to think about today's events."

Miss Magic said in a high voice.

"Don't be so impulsive. I know that what I did is unreasonable, so I can reveal some of my intentions to you. Don't be so anxious. In fact, this time it is the local spies of the [War and Victory Church]. Hua They hired me for a big buck and they wanted to do something in Nolan, and if you're familiar with their teachings, you know what I'm talking about."

Jenkins originally thought that Miss Magic would still chase the Huntress group out without mercy, but unexpectedly she was stunned and then really thought about it.

This also made Jenkins think subconsciously, and then he realized an issue that he had ignored for a long time, which was the attitude of the Twelve Orthodox Church towards the all-out war between Fidicli and Chesland.

This is very intriguing. The church, which has worked hard to maintain peace in the material world for hundreds of years, was very unified this time and did not do anything to prevent the start of the war, and even seemed to be promoting it behind the scenes.

You must know that since the collapse of the ancient Hikari Empire, the material world has been able to avoid another all-out war. One of the most important reasons is the dealings and maintenance of the Orthodox Church.

The twelve churches all have their own interests. Jenkins didn’t see clearly what the Church of the Sages wanted to do, but he knew the purpose of the [Church of War and Victory] very well. The core priesthood of the great god [Lord God of War] is [war]. Every time the world is in turmoil, it is the best opportunity for the Church of God of War to promote its faith and spread its teachings.

And what happened today, whether it was the Royal Army's successful arrest of those pirates, or the Royal Navy's sneak attack by pirates, resulting in mass casualties, is all beneficial to the [Church of War and Victory]. They arranged for people to come in and mix it up, which is considered a good thing. Something to be expected.

Miss Magic also thought of this, so she did not insist again on telling the group of people in front of her to get out immediately. If the huntress is telling the truth, then there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, and if these people can be used well...

Thinking of this, she turned to look at her only trusted accomplice in the warehouse.

"Watch what I do?"

Jenkins asked quietly.

"Aren't you a believer in the God of Lies? You should be able to tell whether the woman opposite is lying."

Miss Magic pointed directly at Huntress' face, who didn't care at all, at least on the surface.

"Do you have some misunderstanding about my beliefs, although I can certainly tell..."

He paused, thinking about how much truth he should tell:

"What the huntress said is true, but it is not the whole truth. At least it is not the truth in terms of identity. She is indeed a mercenary in the black market, but this does not prevent her from having other identities."

Jenkins was implying that the huntress herself was a spy planted by the Church of War and Victory in Nolan. The group of mercenaries in front of them might all be followers of the God of War.

"It's not surprising that a person in the black market has multiple identities. Whether she is a foreign spy or a church spy, as long as what she says is true, I don't care how many things she hides."

Miss Magic said, then looked at the huntress again:

"Can I trust you?"

"You should have heard of my reputation in the black market. This is something I did wrong, but since I have received your money, I will naturally do things faithfully. Of course, I will also do some of my own during this period. thing......"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand. Miss Magic did not refuse this time. She took it and shook it hastily:

"I hope the plan goes well, otherwise even if you hide at the end of the world, I will find you and let you know not to easily provoke the believers of the [God of Ritual and Mystery]."

Although today's plan has not even started yet and the plan itself is almost scrapped, at least the result is good. The Huntress and her group will be more motivated to complete Miss Magic's arrangements once their identities are clear. As for what they were going to do next, Jenkins and Miss Magic had a tacit agreement not to ask, because the other party assured that they did not want to harm civilians, and what they wanted to do did not conflict with what Miss Magic was doing.

It was already seven in the morning when I met the mercenary group. There are gradually more people in the dock area, most of them are workers making final preparations for the celebration in a few hours.

The dock to receive the fleet had long been prepared, but considering the draft of the warships, it was impossible to allow the entire fleet to approach the shore together. Therefore, only the flagship carrying naval dignitaries was welcomed by the people.

In order to prepare for the welcoming scene, the municipal department not only mobilized workers to temporarily build an observation deck, but also dedicated a sum of money from tax dollars to renovate the nearby ground.

At this time, Jenkins and Miss Magic were standing on the newly renovated floor tiles, looking at the beach at seven in the morning. This kind of floor tiles is very beautiful, but with a little common sense, you know that it will become unrecognizable after being washed away by the sea water for a few months.

Some citizens arrived at the coast very early, so Jenkins and Miss Magic standing together did not look out of place at all. The two of them were not killing the time before the celebration started, but Miss Magic was measuring the changes in sea tide, wind direction and humidity in the next few hours.

The pair of glasses she is wearing is a genuine Category B extraordinary item, numbered B-02-5-3781 [Navigator Assistant]. Miss Magic rented it from a friend at a high price. It can measure the ocean environment with high precision.

Jenkins didn't trust similar things, especially when he heard that the glasses were found on the deck of a merchant ship where all the crew members died when they were taken in by the church in the year 392 of the Universal Calendar.

"The wind direction is suitable. I don't think we need to use the moon phase to calculate the tide. Today's weather is suitable for landing operations, but no one should be crazy enough to do such a thing..."

Miss Magic muttered quickly, and announced at 7:30 that she was ready. As long as she confirmed the batch of steam bombs, she could wait for the celebration to begin.

The warehouse where Miss Magic stored steam bombs was very remote. According to her, this was to prevent the bombs from accidentally injuring innocent ordinary people when the second plan was used. But after seeing the batch of bombs, Jenkins thought she was worrying too much. Those bombs that were severely damp were even questionable whether they could lift the thin roof of the warehouse.

Chapter 1433 Chapter 1410 Chaos on all sides

"Are you sure these bombs are retired from the army and not dug out from a shipwreck?"

Jenkins pushed aside the seaweed on the top of the box and took out the metal bottle from the wet wooden box. He shook it in his hand carelessly, not worrying that it would explode.

"Even the latest model of steam bombs can't be used if it is flooded so badly, not to mention that this is..."

He glanced at the production date and number engraved on the wooden handle:

"Not to mention that this is a product from thirty years ago. You know how backward the technology was at that time..."

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