"Mr. Hood? Mr. White Cat?"

Jenkins said in surprise, both of them were in a very embarrassed state, their clothes were in tatters, and their faces were dark.

Seeing the alert looks from the two of them, he quickly pulled out the white cat Vanilla that was hiding from the rain in his arms. The rain immediately wet the top of the cat's head. It made an impatient cry, then slapped Jenkins' hand away with its paws, and got into Jenkins' coat again.

"Mr. Candle, why do I always meet you when I'm most embarrassed lately?"

Mr. Hood sighed, and Jenkins quickly helped the two of them to the ruins of the small warehouse that was still smoking black smoke, and treated them respectively.

"What's wrong with you? How did it become like this?"

Mr. Hood and Mr. White Cat are both very good granters. It is difficult to guess what kind of opponent can defeat them like this.

"We just met a madman!"

Mr. White Cat said angrily, then groaned softly as the wound burst.

"There was a gun battle over there just now. We were trapped on the second floor of the house and wanted to wait for the gunfire to end before leaving. Unexpectedly, a madman suddenly appeared on the back of the house and threw steam bombs everywhere indiscriminately. Almost They were all blown to pieces by that man. If I hadn't pulled Mr. White Cat and jumped out of the window on the other side in time, you might not have been able to see us."

Mr. Hood said, then pointed to his clothes:

"I also came to attend the welcoming ceremony today, and I even put on my favorite formal suit. I didn't expect it to be scrapped like this."

It can be seen that his clothes are expensive, and it is impossible to change them into a vest in his current appearance.

"I was hired as a bodyguard, but I got separated from my employer when the gunfire started. Following the flow of people, I accidentally rushed into the center of the battlefield. When I escaped, I happened to run into Mr. Hood."

Mr. White Cat also introduced it.

"Miss Magic and I came to find Femixiu. You know how obsessed Miss Magic is with him. Something unexpected happened just now and we were separated. Have you seen Miss Magic?"

Jenkins asked. His treatment speed was very fast. Although the two of them looked miserable, their injuries did not contain extraordinary power, and their physical fitness was very good. It was very easy to treat such patients.

"Femixiu? I just asked why that person looked so familiar just now. We didn't see Miss Magic, but we saw Femixiu falling from the sky, being shot several times, and then running towards the seaside."

Mr. White Cat pointed in the direction of the wall, and Jenkins nodded and noted the location.

"But we saw Miss Lark, I mean, I saw Miss Lark without covering her face. I've seen her look before, so I know her. I was upstairs shortly before that madman dropped the steam bomb. I saw her running through the warehouse area and towards the seaside.”

Mr. Hood added, then sadly tore off the sleeves of his formal suit and hung up his hands with strips of cloth. His hand was injured by Jenkins that could not be cured due to the influence of the strange situation in the recent alien incident. Now that the injury has not completely healed, he has encountered this problem again.

"Miss Bai Ling? Are you sure it's her?"

Jenkins was shocked and frightened.

"Yes, her red hair is very distinctive... I shouldn't tell you her identity. Mr. White Cat, Mr. Candle, I believe you are all decent people, please forget what I just said if."

Mr. White Cat immediately raised his hand and wanted to swear, but Jenkins couldn't care less. After saying goodbye in a hurry, he ran directly to the shore.

Hathaway had said last week that she would come to the dock with her family for the welcome ceremony, so Jenkins was not surprised that she appeared here, but that she would rush to the shore at such a time.

After leaving the small warehouse where everyone was hiding, he rushed into the battlefield ahead in the rain, but it was as if all the bullets were deliberately avoiding him. Until Jenkins came to the beach, no attack touched him.

As he ran, he looked around with the Eye of Truth, trying to find Hathaway's location. But until we reached the shore, there was no trace of her.

But while standing on the trestle, I unexpectedly saw a very conspicuous black light group on the seabed. After getting closer, I found that the black light was spreading outwards. Most of it escaped to the ocean, and a small part merged directly into the sky. In the clouds.

"what is that?"

While he was hesitating, something happened on the sea in the distance. First, he faintly saw a wind pillar connecting the sky and the earth, and then he realized that it was a tornado.

Jenkins didn't have any research on climate or oceans, so he didn't know if it was normal for tornadoes to appear in Seamountain this season, but he knew things were starting to look bad.

Heavy rains and tornadoes caused waves to hit the embankment constantly. From the beginning of the heavy rain to now, in just half an hour, the beach has almost been completely submerged. But the waves were still rising, and when the tornado appeared, the waves finally washed ashore completely, not only washing away Jenkins' boots, but the farthest reaches of the waves had already hit the base of the wall of the warehouse on the shore.

This kind of weather was rare in the memory of the original owner. When Robert was still running a small business in the dock area, the family also experienced summer typhoons, but they were not as terrible as now. Jenkins had a vague premonition in his heart, but he also knew that the most critical thing now was to find Hathaway first.

He searched the shore but couldn't find the red-haired girl, so he was worried that she had left the shore and went to the ships that were still fighting. When he turned around and wanted to go to the commanding heights above the Tower Bridge, a big wave suddenly hit and directly knocked Jenkins, who was caught off guard, down.

When the sea water receded, Jenkins was embarrassed to hold the ground and tried to get up. He kept spitting out sea water from his mouth, and did not forget to pull the poor cat out of his arms. In the situation just now, even in the clothes, it didn't work. The shivering Vanilla was soaked all over.

He was anxious to leave the shore as soon as possible. Almost when he retreated to the embankment, the entire beach was completely occupied by the sea. Jenkins looked at everything in front of him with concern, watching the sea water hitting the land under his feet, and then saw a woman struggling in the sea water near the coast as if she had fallen into the water, but she sank in a few seconds and could no longer be seen.

"Miss Magic? Can't she swim?"

Jenkins was shocked, put the cat on the ground, and dived into the sea.

The original owner and he could swim, but neither of them was very proficient. Even though his physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people, his swimming skills were still not very good, but in the state of [Cat's Grace], his swimming ability could be greatly enhanced, which made Jenkins confirm again that the reason why Chocolate didn't want to take a bath was definitely not because he was afraid of water, but simply because he felt it was troublesome.

Although the underwater vision was limited, Jenkins's true eye only needed to observe the aura. In the undercurrent, in addition to Miss Magic, there were some strange black auras hovering close to the bottom. Miss Magic was pulled to the bottom of the sea by those things.

Jenkins held his breath and swam down. The closer he got to Miss Magic, the clearer he could see the truth of those black auras. Those were some tentacles, but they were not animals like octopuses or plants like seaweed, but tentacles condensed from black seawater.

Chapter 1441 Chapter 1418 Tsunami Strikes

As far as the eye could see, those tentacles were hovering and wriggling on the bottom of the sea, like entangled black sea snakes. The dense appearance made people feel uncomfortable even if they did not have intensive phobia.

Miss Magic struggled to fight them, but it was obvious that two fists were no match for four hands, and she could only barely save herself. Jenkins felt that even if he dived to the bottom of the sea, there would be no good results, so he simply stopped, then took out a bag of soaked seeds from his pocket, tapped it lightly with his cane, and then put stones on it and threw it down.

On the shore, the white cat Vanilla found a place to shelter from the rain under the burning container and stood there looking at the raging sea. Even though there were many people nearby, no one noticed the cat.

A group of bubbles suddenly appeared on the sea surface, but were quickly washed away by the waves. Then the sea water in that area became more turbid, and then Jenkins pulled Miss Magic and floated up holding a large hollow ice brick.

As soon as he emerged from the bottom of the water, he swam desperately towards the shore, and the cat immediately rushed into the rain to greet him.

Behind Jenkins, more and more bubbles emerged from the bottom of the sea. With the slight vibration of the sea surface, countless black tentacles rose to the sky under the surging waves. They entangled the reefs, the columns of the pier that extended above the sea, and everything on the shore that could be entangled.

The gunshots on the shore stopped at this moment, and everyone saw this terrible scene. Then, I don’t know who was the first to drop his weapon and flee to the city. People tacitly stopped firing and ran desperately away from the shore.

"Ahem, Fermixiu, it’s Fermixiu."

Miss Magic, who was dragged ashore by Jenkins, said with difficulty. She choked on a few mouthfuls of water just now, and her originally complicated and beautiful hairstyle was scattered. The whole person was in a mess.

"Fermixiu is at the bottom of the sea, and he is fusing the heart of the ocean."

"I know he is fusing. Didn’t he do that in the basement just now? Did you see Miss Bailing? I just met Mr. Hood, and he said Miss Bailing also ran in this direction..."

The largest wave so far rushed towards the shore. The waves hundreds of feet high looked like the palm of a giant to Jenkins and Miss Magic.

The waves hit the shore fiercely, and then the sea water one after another really broke through the restrictions of the embankment and flooded onto the dock. Two people and a cat fled in a hurry. They finally found a warehouse that had not collapsed and climbed onto the roof. When they looked towards the coast, they saw a vast ocean in front of them. Below the sea level was the familiar Nolan Wharf.

More and more tentacles stretched out from the sea, circling and wrapping around everything above the sea. These tentacles were faintly facing the direction of the two people, spreading from short to tall, as if guarding the throne in the middle of the surroundings.

After a while, as a thunderbolt streaked across the sky, crazy laughter came from below the sea level. Then a sturdy man floated out of the sea with thick tentacles. He laughed wildly. The upper half of his body was still human, but the lower half had turned into seven or eight octopus-like tentacles.

At the heart position in the chest, the visible black light spread to the whole body, and the thumping sound of the heartbeat could even temporarily suppress the strong wind and rain.

"I am the king of the ocean! After so many years, I finally succeeded!"

He soon rose to the same level as Jenkins and Miss Magic. When Fermixiu looked at the two, the slight dizziness and discomfort made Jenkins know that the other party was really no longer human.

Behind Fermixiu, the sky, which had become dim due to the rainstorm, appeared a decayed yellow. This decayed color soon infected the entire sky. With the sea as the boundary, the background of the ocean was a terrible decayed yellow, while the sky of the city where Jenkins and Miss Magic were located was a gloomy black.

Jenkins never thought that this black was so cute.

"Hahaha, thank you, it was you who gave me determination. Now I want to repay you and merge with me forever!"

The group of tentacles dancing in the air shot towards the two, and the movement of the tentacles drove the decayed yellow sky to infect the black sky. Jenkins no longer hesitated, summoned the holy sword and slashed forward, the white sword light split the waving tentacles, but stopped in front of Fermixiu,

The sea water is his barrier, and the ocean provides him with strength. Alexia was right. It was difficult for Jenkins to defeat him when he was on the ocean.

"Is he completely crazy?"

Jenkins asked Miss Magic loudly. He saw many church granters running towards him from all directions. The power of the long-range spell was as ineffective as the sword Jenkins slashed, but at least so many people attacked together, and they were not inferior to Fermishu in terms of momentum.

"He is a madman! The purpose of this madman today was not to help his fellow pirates. He wanted his companions to hold the church back and then directly submerge Nolan with sea water! He wanted to build a city that sank to the bottom of the sea and become the king there!"

Miss Magic's voice came in the rainstorm.

"What should we do now?"

Jenkins swung his sword again to cut off the tentacles that attacked the two people. Miss Magic said loudly:

"How do I know what to do? Fermishu is no longer a human being. We can't defeat it at all! This kind of thing can only be contained by the church! He is now a weird thing, a weird thing!"

As he said this, he danced his pendant roughly, and a huge light circle appeared above the two people's heads. Once those tentacles approached the light circle, the black sea water that made up the tentacles was immediately evaporated.

"You mentioned Miss Bailing just now? Let's go find her first, and leave this to the church to solve!"

The woman proposed loudly. Jenkins didn't intend to agree, but he really couldn't do anything about the current situation. So after agreeing loudly, he replaced the sword in his hand with a transformed scepter, stepped on the roof and squatted slightly to accumulate strength, and then jumped up suddenly.

This force was so great that the roof where he was standing just now collapsed because of the jump.

Jenkins in the air roared and raised the scepter, and the white light instantly covered the entire ocean. Taking advantage of the opportunity when everyone's vision was blocked, he had already arrived in front of Fermixiu, and the top of the scepter directly pressed against the opponent's chest.

Even though it was not a sword, the power of a supernatural gift still penetrated the opponent's flesh, and the white light at the top of the scepter penetrated the flesh, making Fermixiu look like a white torch lit in the tentacles.

Chapter 1442 Chapter 1419 Three People on the Boat

The top of the scepter inserted into Fermixiu's body touched the polluted Heart of the Ocean. As the Spirit of Life came into contact with the Heart of the Weird Creature, the power of the gift that occupied a very small part of the Heart of the Ocean was also activated.

But there was no time to do more, Fermixiu roared and pushed out with a palm, directly knocking Jenkins back to the shore.

"The opponent is faster and stronger than me. I am no match for him in the home court of the ocean. I will retreat for the time being and talk about it later."

Thinking of this, he grabbed the magic lady's hand and jumped off the roof. The cat that was forgotten there cried out very dissatisfiedly and jumped down with him.

Although the church's power was greatly affected by the messy people on the dock at the beginning of the chaos, after reacting, the church completed the assembly at an astonishing speed.

Shortly after Jenkins and Miss Magic jumped off the dock, Miss Befanna and dozens of other demigods of the church who were guarding the local area had already arrived.

Fermixiu didn't know whether he was too confident, had other purposes, or was really crazy. He didn't leave the shore, but surrounded by the tentacles and officially started a war with the church's team.

The sea level was still rising.

Under the decaying yellow sky, the ships on the sea were tied up by tentacles without exception. But the tentacles did not destroy those ships, but just made them unable to move. Even the pirates' ships were the same, so when the battle on the shore was in full swing, the sea was completely stopped.

After Hathaway arrived at the dock with the help of Miss Magic a few minutes ago, she found a small boat parked next to the pier and drove the boat out to sea.

She had never had experience in operating a ship, but the means of the gifter were rich and varied, and she barely came to the side of the warship flagship. Soon after jumping onto the deck by the anchor, the tentacles on the shore appeared.

Only those who really stood under the decaying yellow sky could tell how terrified they were at that moment. Maybe the color yellow is very common, but when it is stained with extraordinary power and associated with disorder, chaos and distortion, it can directly destroy the mind of normal people.

The officers and sailors on the ship fled to the cabin early, and Hathaway couldn't stand being exposed to the terrible sky for a long time, so she got into the huge ammunition box on the deck.

The cannonballs in the box had been empty in the naval battle just now, and now it was more than enough to accommodate a thin woman.

Stopping to think about what she had done, Hathaway had some doubts about whether she had made the right decision and whether it was necessary to risk coming here. Just when he was doubting himself, the door of the ammunition box was opened, and then a white cat strolled in, shook off the rainwater on his body, and then elegantly walked to the driest piece of straw in the warehouse and lay down on it. Come down.

Behind it, Jenkins and Miss Magic, who were soaked by the rain, also broke in. Seeing that Miss Lark was safe, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.


Hathaway once suspected that she had a mental problem and was hallucinating because she stayed under the yellow sky for too long.

"I'm here to find you. Mr. Candle insists on doing this."

The woman combed her long hair in front of her shoulders, trying to filter out all the rainwater on it.

"That writer is also a friend of mine. I think if something happened to you, he would probably be very sad."

Jenkins found a random reason and then asked:

"What exactly do you want to do here? If you are done with your work, just leave with us. This journey will be difficult, but I think it will be better if there are three gifters together."

When he and Miss Magic came here just now, he made a boat out of ice formed from water, and Miss Magic carved runes on it to stabilize the hull and repel the tentacles, and the two of them managed to survive the turbulent sea.

Now that I'm on board, it doesn't rock so much, because the ship is tied up with thick tentacles and has almost left the sea.

"I came to see my father, who was also a sailor."

Hathaway explained, and then realized that although she showed her true face in front of Mr. Candle, the other person didn't seem surprised, he just took a look and looked away.

"Since she knows Jenkins and Bryony, there's no way she doesn't know me. Seeing my face now shouldn't be a big deal. She definitely guessed my identity during the game with Mr. Corpse not long ago."

Thinking this way, Hathaway said:

"I haven't found my father yet. Can you give me some time? If possible, I would like to take him away."

Hathaway asked reluctantly, knowing that this request was too much.

Jenkins glanced at Miss Magic, who seemed not to express an opinion, so he hesitated and said:

"You'd better find him first. I even doubt that he plans to go with you at all. Oh, maybe we can go with you. I'm very curious now. What was the navy's original intention to take today's attack? The celebration became what it is now.”

Hathaway didn't want her father to know about her affairs yet, so she used a spell to cast an illusion to change her face before entering the lower deck.

Three people and a cat came down through the ladder, and as expected, they were surrounded by navy sailors holding guns.

"Who is the captain, or who has the highest rank here? We want to see him. We are not bad people, and we did not come here from the other side to take risks in the current bad situation."

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