As he spoke, he looked at his crystal ball placed on the cushion again. No one spoke for the first second, and Jenkins was waiting for the other person to make up a story, but the next second he heard a very clear cracking sound.

Then, when no one expected it, the crystal ball exploded directly from the center as if there was a steam bomb hidden in the middle. The scattered fragments roared through the air, forcing Jenkins and the halfling fortune teller to bend down and hide under the table.

"Damn, what's going on!"

After the halfling straightened up, he saw the miserable situation on the table and in the tent, and said in an annoyed tone in a sharp voice. He carefully looked at Jenkins again, who had sat back down and was looking for the crystal ball fragments in his hair. He picked up his Impermanence card with his right hand and placed it in front of his right eye, looking at Jenkins through the card.

"It doesn't matter, I don't believe that divination can't be done anymore. Let me take a look, you are... No, who are you?"

He practically screamed, and when the card was removed from his sight, Jenkins noticed that his eyes were bleeding.

"Who are you?"

The halfling fortune teller screamed again, stood up from the chair, staggered back two steps, and accidentally fell to the ground.

"Actually, I'm more curious about what you saw, but you'd better take care of your eye first. It's bleeding badly now."

Jenkins was actually a little worried that the halfling would go blind. He didn't want to harm others because of himself. But the halfling told him not to worry. That eye was already close to half-blind due to seeing strange things all the time, but at the same time, it would soon transform into a magic eye. The halfling was looking forward to this. happened.

The halfling cleaned up the messy tent before sitting back at the table, clasping his hands together and twirling his thumbs around.

"Okay sir, I know asking who you are is a very stupid question. So what can I do for you? I don't think a person of your status would set foot in my place because he wants to have a date with me. Little joke."

The halfling said very shrewdly, and he seemed to be someone who had experienced big things.

"Yes, there is indeed something. First of all, I want to ask, is there any special reason for your circus to stay in Black Town?"

Jenkins didn't bother to ask the halfling what he had just seen. He believed that the halfling would tell him.

"No reason, just passing by here. We originally planned to go directly over Mount Lorakris and enter the Kingdom of the Lizardmen, but you also know that there is a war recently, and there are tiefling bandits in the mountains...Okay, you Maybe we don’t know. In short, staying here happened by chance. We had no such plan before.”

"Since you are a fortune teller, you should know that there are no pure coincidences in this world. Have you ever performed fortune telling on Black Town? Or, have you known this town before?"

Jenkins asked again, and then quickly added:

"Don't divine here, especially since you are in such a bad state right now."

"I've never heard of this town before, so... damn, the dream I had a few days ago was really unusual. Sir, just tell me, what is the purpose of your appearance on the earth? What? I will do my best to help you."

According to the original story, on the third day when the circus comes to town, a "lion that can speak human language" will appear in their performance. There is nothing unusual about this. Whether it is ventriloquism or extraordinary ability, it can achieve such an effect.

But the lion was more talkative than the trainer thought. Later, the circus discovered that letting the lion chat with people full-time could make more profits than letting it perform, so the lion's job was changed to talking to the townspeople every day. They talk.

This set the stage for what happened next.

"Are you talking about Old Ryan? Oh, that lion was there when I joined the group, but he was still very young. When he grows up, he is no different from an ordinary lion, only smarter. Later, the trainer did not I know where I got a batch of animal intelligence enlightenment potion, which made old Ryan smarter and stronger. However, I never knew that it could talk. In fact, the animal intelligence enlightenment potion only made the animals more powerful. The intelligence does not change the structure of the throat so that it can speak human speech. "

The halfling introduced, and then went to the tent of the resting animals with Jenkins. But after entering, I realized that the old lion had already gone on stage to perform the traditional performance of walking in a fire ring. When the two entered the performance tent, they happened to see people standing on the high platform with great interest, making a lofty speech about the local weather. lion.

It is very strong, and although the halflings call it "Old Lion" because of the lion's age, in fact the lion is more like a man in his prime. Jenkins had no doubt that even three sturdy farmers armed with weapons could not defeat such a lion.

"Really speaking..."

The halfling murmured to himself, and then very boldly took out his [Impermanence Card - Apocalypse] and put it in front of his right eye, and then put it down after a while:

"Sure enough, something is wrong. Old Ryan's soul has disappeared, and now there is a very strange thing inside the lion."

In the original story that Jenkins saw, people in the town would fall into a terrible dream at night because they listened to the lion's words. The result of this is not only that the production and life of the town are affected, but what is even more frightening is that those things in the dream are trying to invade reality.

The one who solved all this was the fortune teller of the circus. Inspired by the townspeople, he discovered the crisis and eventually led the circus to send the creatures in the dream back to where they were supposed to be. However, the fortune teller was exhausted in the process and died at the end of the story. He was finally buried by his companions in the circus and the townspeople of Blacktown on the grass beside the lake in the forest facing the sun and spring flowers.

PS: I just found out at noon today that the chapter in the evening was set to be released in the morning. It can be regarded as an extra chapter...

Chapter 1494 Chapter 1471 Traces of the Past

"Why do I always feel that sometimes you look at me like you are looking at a dead person?"

After leaving the performance tent with Jenkins, the halfling asked cautiously, his mind was very sensitive.

"This is your illusion."

Jenkins refused to admit this, and then returned to the tent where the animals rested with the halfling fortune teller.

Because there are so many animals living here, the smell in the tent is very bad. The halfling stood outside the tent to keep watch for Jenkins, while Jenkins looked at the animals who were doing their own things.

"Can you tell me what happened to the lion?"

This sentence was not spoken, but was silently recited in the heart while activating [Empathy of Living Beings].

This probably worked, at least the animals caught this thought, and the parrot standing on the high ground and the zebra eating grass with its head down looked at Jenkins.

"Do you know?"

He asked again.

"Lian has become strange, it is no longer it."

His eyes met with the eyes of the zebra, and Jenkins read this meaning from the simple eyes. Perhaps because most of the creatures here have been trained and have lived with humans for a long time, it is not difficult to read their thoughts.

"When did this happen?"

"It happened when we came to this human town."

The parrot said, it was really talking, speaking human language with its own mouth. After saying that, it turned its head and stopped looking at Jenkins, as if it was shy.

"Do you know what has taken over its body?"

"It's very old, older than all of us."

In the corner that Jenkins didn't notice, an old turtle with a very beautiful shell answered. Seeing Jenkins looking at it, the old turtle said again:

"I am the oldest here. When I was young, I also followed an elf druid elder to travel around. The thing that has taken over Ryan's body is more terrible than the most terrible thing I have ever seen. If possible, please kill Ryan and don't let the bad guys take his place and do bad things."

The animals here are quite kind and don't mind talking to Jenkins more. They can easily find Jenkins' elf bloodline and claim that he is as conspicuous as a green torch in the dark world.

"Any animal that is slightly smarter can find out that you are unusual. This is too simple."

The lazy Dalmatian lying on his stomach said that it is not a performing animal, but a pet raised in a circus.

The animals had long discovered that something was wrong with the lion, but they couldn't tell people. They hoped that Jenkins would kill the lion as soon as possible, because they felt that the lion's insides had been hollowed out and were turning into something indescribable.

Jenkins told the halfling about his discovery, and the halfling pondered for a moment and thought that the sooner the better. But he did not choose to tell more people in the circus about this, because he and Jenkins were not sure whether other people were completely reliable. Jenkins still remembered that it was the ordinary-looking people who planned everything in the last story.

The two agreed to sneak into the tent and kill the lion with the cooperation of the circus animals on this night. But when night came, Jenkins took advantage of the last performance of the circus that night and came to the halfling's tent again, only to find that he was gone.

There were no special traces in the halfling's own tent, as if he just went out normally and disappeared. But Jenkins found the card of the impermanence of all things under the cushion where the crystal ball was placed. He walked out of the tent with the card, looked around and could not see the shadow of the halfling, so he opened the eye of truth and put [Impermanence of All Things - Apocalypse] in front of his right eye.

For a moment, it seemed as if even the world had frozen. Countless dense lines appeared in front of Jenkins' eyes. These lines were like the fine spider silk spit out by spiders, entwining the entire world and connecting everything.

Each one is fate, and each strand is inevitable. Jenkins had seen such a scene before, and he once again glimpsed the most real fate. Unlike the last time, he did not faint immediately, but felt that he could easily touch the lines in front of him, and even easily change them.


After a few dozen seconds, he took the card away from his eyes with a heavy breath. His heart was beating violently, just like running a thousand meters on an empty stomach after getting up. He touched his right eye and did not feel any blood, but his vision in his right eye was a little blurred, which was a manifestation of overuse of the eyes.

The brief glimpse of fate allowed him to see the whereabouts of the halfling, the origin of the strange creature in the lion's body, and even the root of all the sins in Blacktown.

But it was the last peek that made him what he is now. He didn't see the thing hidden in the darkness clearly. He saw the disaster beast that was born countless years ago through fate. It was a terrible, black behemoth, as if it condensed all the sins in the world. Jenkins couldn't imagine what kind of terrible power could give birth to such an evil and twisted creature.

He now fully understood why the influence of that creature still shrouded this land tens of thousands of years later. From the birth of the creature representing sin, this land could no longer be clean. It was a force that was enough to pollute everything from time, space and destiny.

"This is definitely the disaster beast. In an ancient era in the past, a disaster beast was born in Black Town! And it was not successfully defeated by anyone. Its power is affecting all time and space in the future!"

This is the only valuable conclusion Jenkins has drawn. He concluded that all the tragedies in Black Town are related to the missing disaster beast. What is certain is that the unknown disaster has not been sealed by the gods like the "Scarlet Plankton". Its power is still active and may even return from the material world at any time.

"So why did the master of time let me get involved? He doesn't think I can seal the terrible disaster beast, right?"

Jenkins couldn't figure this out, but the most important thing now is to rescue the halfling first.

He put the card of the impermanence of all things in his pocket and went to the tent of the animals. They were all sleeping and could not be awakened no matter what. Jenkins had seen this result in fate, so he didn't care. He pushed open the big box with performance equipment in the corner of the tent, and then opened the trapdoor on the ground. Through this trapdoor, he passed through the long and ancient stone tunnel and entered the underground of Black Town.

Chapter 1495 Chapter 1472 Legend of the Dragon Slayer

As if the porous and ancient stone buildings that had been eroded by water for a long time stood, and the twisted stone pillars with strange styles supported the sky and the earth.

The distance between the sky and the earth is as real as the barrier of the sky. This is the ancient building complex under Blacktown, an evil space that has hidden terrible power since ancient times.

Jenkins guessed correctly in the last story. This is not the space of the material world, but a subspace that returns according to the cycle. This is the place where the beast of disaster was born. The power of those sins cannot be completely erased, so it is sealed up.

For countless years, the spirits of sin and the ownerless souls have given birth to many terrible things here. These things will take advantage of the gap between the subspace and the material world to find ways to return to Blacktown. Most of the weird things that happened in Blacktown in these tens of thousands of years are related to these things.

The halfling fortune teller was kidnapped here because he peeked into the truth here. Those indescribable things like ghosts and evil spirits did not embarrass him, but threw him aside to fend for himself.

When Jenkins found the halfling, he was still unconscious. His forehead was wrinkled as if he was having a nightmare. It was not until Jenkins put the card of the impermanence of all things on his forehead that the half-man woke up, then he opened his eyes wide and screamed as if he had seen a terrible monster, and then fell into a coma again.

The strange beings hidden in the ancient buildings never showed up in front of Jenkins from beginning to end. They carefully peeked at this strange soul that went deep into the ground from the surface, feeling the huge and terrifying vitality in his body.

Jenkins brought the half-man back to the ground safely, settled him down, and went to the tent alone to find the lion. The lion lay quietly in the cage waiting for Jenkins, and the appearance reminded Jenkins of his own cat.

"I have seen you before, in the distant past."

The lion spoke human language, which was the voice of a middle-aged man, vicissitudes and elegance, but the person hidden behind it was definitely not human.

"What role did I play in the past?"

Jenkins asked.

The lion shook his head and did not answer, but suddenly opened his mouth in the cage. The opening angle of the mouth exceeded the limit of the flesh, so that the corners of the lion's mouth were cracked, and Jenkins vaguely saw a human face from the depths of the black hole.

"Since you appear, it means that my action this time will not succeed. But it doesn't matter. You and I both know that things here will never end. No matter how many years have passed, we always have the opportunity to return to the human world."

"Are you so afraid of me? When you saw me, you immediately gave up the plan? I'm really curious, what role did I play in the past?"

Jenkins asked, but the human face in the lion's mouth never spoke again, and even when Jenkins inserted the sword into the lion's throat, he didn't scream.

After solving the lion, Jenkins went back to visit the halfling fortune teller. After waking up, he seemed to have a mental illness, and he had a great reaction to any slight noise. The sound of Jenkins's speech might cause him to sob hysterically.

This is not a permanent hysteria. Time will help the halfling return to normal. Jenkins hopes that this talkative friend in the past will be able to stay away from these messes in the future.

He returned the Vientiane card to the halfling, and found the old story pages on the halfling's table. When he woke up in the church bed, he realized that there were still two stories to end that night.

The current clues have pointed out that the terrible beast of disaster that was born here in the distant era is the cause of all the disasters. Then maybe the last story is to let Jenkins face the newborn disaster. He didn't know what the point of doing this was, and he was quite unconfident whether he could defeat the other party.

Originally, he planned to open the twelfth story to continue reading, but the door of the room was knocked at this time. After opening the door, he found that the one knocking on the door was Father Follett, who was informed by Jenkins that there was a terrible strange thing sealed in the lake in the first half of the night.

"Solved, we found the strange thing in the center of the lake. It is still sealed, so it was easily contained by us. We can't take it on the road, and then the scribes from the nearby parish will come to the town and take it away. Mr. William, I think the people of this town will thank you."

Father Follett said excitedly. He probably didn't sleep all night and participated in the whole process of containing the "Girl in the Lake" by the lake. Jenkins was also very happy that a hidden danger was solved, but at the same time he was worried about what would be waiting for him before dawn.

The twelfth story takes place in a distant autumn, when the fallen leaves of the trees on the roadside covered the streets of the town. The town of this era has regained its prosperity. The golden leaves, snow-white walls, and neat streets make it more like a fairy tale world than any of the previous stories.

Jenkins' boots stepped on these leaves and walked into the town. The people who were sweeping the fallen leaves gave him a friendly smile.

The topography of the town is very different from that of the 18th century. In the center of the town, there is a hill that suddenly appears. The winding stone steps connect the town below the hill and the castle above the hill.

It is really a castle. The shadow cast by the huge building blocks the sunlight of half of the town. The castle seems to be built for giants. The huge doorway that Jenkins can see alone is taller than the tallest building in the town.

"The name of the story is "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer"..."

This story is a bit like a parody of a contemporary knight novel. The castle that Jenkins saw when he looked up is where the dragon lives. Now Blacktown is blessed and ruled by a dragon. The townspeople pay taxes and tributes to the dragon, and the dragon protects them from other dangers.

If we ignore the racial issue of the dragon, this model is undoubtedly healthy and sustainable. In fact, judging from the background of the story, this situation has indeed lasted for many years. But the problem is that no matter what era, there are some "brave" young people who use "slaying dragons" as a proof of their courage and strength, especially since this dragon also married a princess.

The news of the dragon marrying the princess can be obtained from the town with a little inquiry. Adventurers from all over the world who pass by the local area will stay for a few days recently, because the dragon lord announced that anyone can attend the wedding banquet, and the dragon lord does not need congratulatory gifts, as long as the guests bring blessings.

Chapter 1496 Chapter 1473 Dragon Melee

"As we all know, dragons are very rich. Even if they don't give gifts, a good meal for free is worth a rest in Blacktown, right, half-elf?"

In front of the bar counter in Blacktown, people were talking about this excitedly. Someone asked Jenkins, who was sitting silently, and Jenkins nodded immediately, saying that he liked free things the most, which aroused people's loud approval.

The dragon did not take the princess away by force. It was the king of a small country far away who took the initiative to propose a marriage for some political purposes. Therefore, although Jenkins wondered what the use of a dragon marrying a human was, this marriage was indeed very legal.

Except for the "dragon slayer hero" who was unknown where he was now, people in the town were looking forward to the arrival of the wedding. Decorations were already being arranged on the street, and shops along the street were also preparing to welcome people from all over the world to congratulate.

This era was still an era of alien species rampant, and the material world was divided into fragments by small countries. Because Jenkins has key labels such as "literate", "supernatural", and "elven blood", even strangers can get good living conditions in this town.

The main conflict of the story is the conflict between the dragon and the dragon slayer. On the surface, it seems to have nothing to do with the town itself, but Jenkins does not believe that things will be so simple, so he has been trying to collect intelligence before the wedding.

The supernatural power of this era is extremely prosperous. In addition to the aliens and adventurers everywhere, Jenkins even saw a recruitment leaflet for the magic academy on the table of the hotel where he lived.

The prosperity of supernatural power has caused a certain degree of chaos in order, but under the deterrence of the dragon lord, the civilization here is relatively high.

On the afternoon before the wedding, Jenkins saw the dragon lord spread his wings and flew to the east of the town from the castle on the hill. The gust of wind caused by the flight caused people on the street to exclaim. From Jenkins' understanding of dragons, it is undoubtedly a young silver dragon.

Although this world does not have the division of the camps of metal dragons like the DND world, from the experience of history and legends, silver dragons are undoubtedly a kind and orderly race. This proves to a certain extent that the records in the story are generally credible, and it is not the dragon itself that caused the crisis at the wedding, but the young "dragon slayer" who came out of nowhere.

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