The moment he came into contact with that shadow, it seemed as if the world began to become distorted. The terrifying fantasies hidden deep in my head and the unforgettable memories from the past all came up involuntarily.

The essence of the beast of disaster is in close contact with the god of lies. One represents the illusion of illusory dreams, and the other represents the lies of reality.

The power of the two is different but in some aspects, they are very similar. During the entanglement, two forces that transcend the nature of mortals splashed around. The nearby space became illusory and distorted due to two "illusions". Various phenomena that can be observed with the naked eye were caused by "nightmares" and "lies". Working together, it really transforms from illusion to reality.

The space ripples, and the dark gray colors of the night fluctuate with the colors that make up chaos. If these two forces are not stopped, it is very likely that this area will fall into the gap between "real" and "fake" and become a Class B extraordinary area or even a Class A monster. But fortunately, the power of the nightmare is sourceless water, and the god who controls [Lies] is right in front of him.

The projection of the beast of disaster into the real world finally turned into something that felt like soft glue that was grasped firmly in Jenkins' hands. The dazzling magical luster and orange-yellow flames burned the essence of this nightmare. .

The unicorn carried him and rushed out of the window again. The moment he jumped out of the room, the cat, who finally found a good opportunity, took a deep breath, and the part of the nightmare essence that represented "sin" became delicious chocolate. late night snack.

This made Jenkins' pressure suddenly drop. The invisible power of [Hero] quickly purified the indescribable thing in his hand. At the same time, because Jenkins over-feeled the power of nightmares and fears, it represented [Dream Soul Detachment] and [ The ability light spots of "Fear Halo" trembled at the same time.

The formless [Nightmare] finally chose [Dream Soul Detachment] that was more in line with its nature. This gift from Mr. Barnard finally completed its transformation:

[Departed dream soul (blue variant)] → [Nightmare haunted (blue variant)]

The brand-new ability, in addition to retaining the original function of soul separation, also enhances the ability to invade the dreams of other intelligent creatures. It also allows Jenkins to make sleepless people sleepy and dreamless through visual means. The dreamer is dreaming, causing the dreamer to fall into a nightmare.

As the disgusting chaotic-colored thing in his hand completely disappeared, the newly evolved ability became completely stable. At the same time, the unicorn had already carried Jenkins back to the street. Someone was about to notice the situation here. The unicorn flew directly to a higher altitude without Jenkins' command.


The cat in the pocket burped, and then covered his mouth with his little paws, worried that Jenkins would hear the indecent sound.

(Fini is praying...)

"Bryony insisted that she saw a unicorn flying in the sky last night. I think she must have been restless and reading those suspicious books again."

At seven o'clock the next morning, Jenkins met his beloved girls at the "Rosalia Hotel". At this time, he was sitting at the restaurant table on the first floor of the hotel with more than two dozen young and beautiful ladies. These were Hathaway and Britney's classmates at school. This trip was organized by the school, and the hotel was also used by the school. It was reserved specifically to give these noble ladies a chance to relax.

They didn't mind at all that outsiders like Jenkins sat at the table specially prepared for them. The girls sat intimately at the long table and laughed with each other. Occasionally, some bold girls would ogle at Jenkins, which made Hathaway and Bly Nidu was very unhappy.

Chapter 1535 Chapter 1511 Another Confession

After a month and a half, we saw the blonde girl again after a long absence. Britney was still as beautiful as before. She was at the dining table wearing a simple white shirt with floral decorations and a slim-fitting brown gown. Her blond hair was tied back in a simple way, with a beautiful bow-shaped gem hair pin in her hair. .

"I actually saw a unicorn."

Brienne, holding the spoon, persisted, but after finishing speaking, she added uncertainly:

"Of course, it's also possible that the fatigue of the long journey has caused me to have delusions. Jenkins, do you think there are unicorns in this world?"

Jenkins, who was tearing bread, subconsciously stopped what he was doing when he heard this question. Hathaway on his left crossed his arms, angry because Britney once again mentioned something related to the occult. Britney on his right She tilted her head and looked at him expectantly, hoping for his support.

The other girls at the table also saw this scene, and the already narrow restaurant was suddenly filled with a cheerful atmosphere. They continued to talk and laugh, because there was a man present, and they covered their mouths and carefully chewed the food in their mouths, all curious about how the young writer would answer.


As if he had just understood the question, he repeated the term and looked at the cat on the table waiting to be fed with wide eyes, and the cat looked at him. In those beautiful amber eyes, Jenkins actually read an expression of schadenfreude.


He wanted to say, "This is a philosophical question," but such a perfunctory answer might make both of them unhappy at the same time.

"This is very interesting. You know that I am a fairy tale writer. I hope that unicorns exist, but I have not seen one, so I cannot give a definite answer."

Although the answer was vague, both the blonde and the red-haired girl accepted it. In fact, they would accept whatever Jenkins said, and his worries were completely unnecessary.

On the surface, Hathaway and Britney were on vacation with their friends, but when they appeared at the same time at such a sensitive moment, Jenkins would inevitably think of something.

Of course, he would never take the initiative to ask, because it would be meaningless. Since they are here to travel, Jenkins assumes that the girls are here to travel. Belduran in summer is just like what Pope Ponteff IV said, with prosperity and beauty that is different from any season. Jenkins hopes that they can Have a good time and don't get involved with other rights and wrongs.

Hathaway and Britney's classmates all hope that Mr. Writer can join them on their trip. It didn't take Jenkins to refuse, so Britney helped him refuse.

This naturally made the young ladies whisper excitedly, but it seemed like Brittany didn't really care about their attitude. What she cared more about was Hathaway's opinion of her behavior, but Hathaway concentrated on eating breakfast with a peaceful smile on his face and didn't show anything strange at all.

According to the arrangements of the ladies, they will start the day's group activities after breakfast. Of course, they still needed "a little" time to change clothes and dress up before departure, and Jenkins decided to leave the hotel with Hathaway and Britney before they separated, so after the two returned to their rooms, he got to leave and opportunity for them to talk.

"Is there something else you haven't told me?"

Carefully opening the door and letting Jenkins in, Hathaway turned around and asked after closing the door. Because at Mr. Hood's party a few days ago, several people speculated about the identity of Mr. Candle as an "unmarried young man", she once again became suspicious of the connection between Jenkins and Mr. Candle.


Because there were so many things to hide, Jenkins didn't know what Hathaway wanted to ask. He thought for a while and said tentatively:

"Actually, Miss Garcia and Mr. Rick, who eloped, did not reach the city they wanted to go to. That night you were waiting outside the station, and I sent them to the station. As a result, the Sage Church happened to capture a very vicious man nearby. The fugitives, Rick and Garcia both saw the actions of the Scribe Team... So they were actually temporarily detained by the Sage Church, but I guarantee that they are living a good life. I specifically asked the church We must provide them with good living conditions.”

He said that this happened earlier this year, and that he could actually have said it when he admitted to Hathaway that he was the Sage's scribe, but had forgotten about it at the time and only remembered it now when asked.

"Oh, I knew there was something weird about this. I wrote two letters to Garcia, but I didn't even receive a reply. I had doubts at that time... No, I want to ask That’s not what happened!”

Hathaway suddenly remembered her true purpose:

"I'm asking about something else!"

She looked stubbornly into Jenkins' eyes, hoping to read his emotions.

"Actually... I had seen Britney's body before you locked me in the closet. It was when we returned to the city from our winter snow mountain trip. You went to bed very early, Blaine. Ni talked to me and then took off her clothes (Chapter 695)..."

He said with a blush, and the red-haired girl took a deep breath, but it was not enough to calm her emotions, so she took another deep breath. This was an unexpected reply, but it was particularly irritating. She felt that her urge to yell at the man in front of her became even stronger:

"I knew that every time you and Bryony met each other after that, they would miss each other's eyes. At that time, I thought you two loved each other, but because of my presence... I remember one time when we were talking, I said it was impossible for a man to take the initiative to help a lady get dressed without doing anything. You acted very strangely at that time (Chapter 782). I should have thought of it earlier."

Her face turned red, and she didn't know whether she was ashamed of the two's behavior or simply angry. Jenkins thought it was best for him not to speak at this time, and sometimes silence wasn't a bad idea.


The cat squatted on Jenkins' shoulder boredly, yawning and thinking about what he would have for lunch.

"We'll talk about this later. Is there anything else you haven't told me?"

Hathaway suppressed the emotions in her heart and asked again, so Jenkins thought again, lowered his head and glanced at the red-haired girl quietly, like a child who had made a mistake:

"Well...well, you will know sooner or later. Not long ago, Alexia and I...were in my bed... ..”

Chapter 1536 Chapter 1512 Guilt

The early morning sunshine in Belduran was perfect, but in Hathaway's room, Jenkins felt cold in his heart when the sun was shining on his face. He hesitated while speaking, but refused to say those uncivilized words, but all these performances let Hathaway know what he wanted to express.


She completely forgot about Mr. Candle, put her hands around Jenkins' neck, and bit his lips hard. It was like a fierce kiss, but it actually brought out blood stains.

"I knew this day would come a long time ago, and I had already convinced myself to accept it, but I was still angry..."

After the kiss, Hathaway's face finally returned to normal. She looked at the marks on Jenkins' mouth with some regret. The anger just now was actually more because she remembered Alexia, who took away her last bottle of [Witch's Kiss] when the two met.

"It's okay, it's my fault."

Jenkins reached out and wiped his mouth, and the marks disappeared immediately.

"I know you will sleep with Rune's... woman sooner or later, I won't do that next time. I think you should arrange a meeting for us as soon as possible, so that everyone can get familiar with each other, and I think I will be more likely to accept it all."

What Hathaway wanted to ask, Jenkins didn't understand until the end. He asked the red-haired girl why she came to Beldylan, but Hathaway just said that she was traveling and didn't mention anything about Jenkins.

Jenkins was not sure whether Hathaway and Britney knew about the Williamite family, but at such a sensitive time, it was inevitable that he would think more about some things.

Since Hathaway refused to say, he did not ask. After chatting about his daily activities in Beldiran recently and the time of the next meeting, he turned around and said goodbye.

Then he carefully knocked on the door of Britney's room and went in.

About a month and a half ago, Jenkins unexpectedly went from Nolan to Rune, and he met Hathaway many times during this period. But for the blonde girl, Jenkins really hadn't met and talked with her for a long time.

After closing the door, the two hugged each other. Chocolate still lay on the windowsill with a gloomy face, just changing the position compared to a few minutes ago.

Neither of them spoke. When hugging Britney, Jenkins could almost hear her heartbeat. The perfume on her body smelled very good, which was a smell between a light flower scent and a fresh apple. Similarly, the blonde girl could also smell the smell on Jenkins, which was very obvious and she was very familiar with it:

"Did you go to see Hathaway just now?"

When the two hugged, Britney suddenly asked such a question.

Jenkins was startled, but soon calmed down:

"Yes, I just came out of her room."

"I knew it, you two... I saw it a long time ago. When the three of us met in the club, you two always had a tacit understanding in your eyes..."

The two were still hugging, so Jenkins couldn't see Britney's expression. But he felt that the proud blonde girl should not be angry... at least that's how he felt.


He didn't know what to say, and the guilt he felt when he talked to Hathaway just now surged up again.

"You and Hathaway must have had something happen when I didn't know. Jenkins, I missed you very much during the two months you left Nolan, and I know that Hevi (nickname) also missed you, and she couldn't hide it."


Jenkins felt that he was being condemned more in his heart.

"Just now... did you kiss her?"

She asked softly.

This question was not easy to answer. Jenkins didn't know whether "being bitten hard" should be defined as "kissing".

But without Jenkins' answer, Britney decided to find the answer herself. She pushed Jenkins away with a little force, then suddenly held his cheeks and kissed him.

The cat watching this scene turned his head away with disdain, thinking that Jenkins was really a scumbag.

"Yes, you kissed her, I know, you haven't seen each other for two months, once you are alone, it is impossible not to kiss."

After the two separated, Britney said this. She looked at Jenkins with her beautiful emerald eyes, and Jenkins could see his ashamed expression from the reflection of her eyes.

Before this, Hathaway knew about Jenkins and Britney, but Britney never knew about him and Hathaway. It was exposed so quickly that Jenkins didn't know whether this conflicted with Hathaway's so-called "plan".

But in fact, when the three of them went to the backstage of the Silver Jasmine Opera Company last time, Britney had seen Jenkins and Hathaway hugging each other. This time she said this just to vent her dissatisfaction.

She thought Jenkins should come to see her first.

"I was wrong."

"Yes, you were wrong."

Britney repeated, and then hugged him again:

"When did you and Hathaway start exactly?"

"It's hard to say, it started... when it started."

He explained awkwardly.

"I'll talk to Hathaway about this later, she should give me an explanation."

Britney said in a low voice, her voice almost whispering. Jenkins hugged her awkwardly, a little worried that the red-haired girl would settle accounts with him the next time they met.

"Also, our last agreement is still valid."


"If you are willing to marry Hathaway, I am still willing to be your lover... This may be the best ending for us."

Hearing this, Jenkins felt mixed emotions. He hugged Britney harder, and the blonde girl may have felt Jenkins' feelings, so she didn't continue talking, but quietly hugged him.

"I will change everything, I will find a better ending."

He whispered.

"Jenkins, I am satisfied if you are willing to say that."

The blonde girl looked a little sad, but she did not show the anger that Jenkins imagined. She was probably ready to accept all this in her heart, but she was still sad about Jenkins' greed.

The two said some love words and talked about their recent schedules. The ladies' tour group will probably return to the hotel at five o'clock this afternoon, so Britney invited Jenkins to come here tonight to sit and talk about his experiences in the North.

The two have not seen each other for a long time, and Jenkins naturally agreed to this arrangement.

PS: As for why the emotional lines of the three people are so complicated, the author can only say that this is to allow Jenkins to reasonably have all the girls who like him and he likes. The ladies created by the author are obviously not the vases in the brainless and refreshing articles that "he is very powerful, so he deserves more lovers", so the changes in the relationship between everyone and Jenkins should always have a psychological and behavioral process. I also know that I have written a little bit of ink, which is because the author's writing is not strong enough, sorry.

But in short, I will sort it all out before the end.

Also: Someone asked me to help recommend a book: "I'm in London Cthulhu", author: Yue Mingzhu

Introduction: Liu Xi traveled to Victorian London,

the era when steampunk emerged,

Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty lived.

He originally wanted to make a fortune by plagiarizing and live a life of parasites,

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