The fat man sneered and asked the female receptionist to put the metal detector back, then rubbed his hands and asked:

"Maybe you can find something else, we have a full range of merchandise here."


He thought about it and thought that there was no way to completely dispel the dense fog in the world from the source, and even if he had one, he might not be able to afford it. After thinking about the recent troubles, he asked again:

"I was fighting against a very powerful dream creature recently, very powerful. I think you should have some weapons or auxiliary supplies here, right?"

"Of course, guest, please come here with me."

With that said, he led Jenkins to turn around and come to the opposite counter. The waitress had already opened the glass cabinet and took out a bone dagger. This dagger has a strong black aura and looks very illusory, but it does have a material form. Jenkins has a guess about its form of existence.

"You are so lucky. This is the first time this product has appeared in this market. Even the Orthodox Church in the material world has never recorded it. You can probably tell that this is a creation of the dream world. Due to unknown reasons, it enters reality directly from the dream, so it has two effects: dream damage to real creatures, and real damage to dream creatures. Although it is a strange thing, its side effects are very small... "

The fat man hesitated for a moment, seeing both Jenkins and the cat staring at him. The sweat on his forehead slipped down his fat face for some unknown reason:

"When you hold it, there is a certain chance that you will be discovered by the legendary beast of disaster [Nightmare] that has been sealed. According to the legend, there is a certain possibility that this dagger is actually a part of the body of that terrible monster. Condensed.”

Upon hearing this, Jenkins immediately took a step back. He himself wanted to deal with the [Sin Karma Nightmare], and not long ago he broke up a weak body that it could not easily send outside the seal. Touching this dagger now would be like throwing yourself into a trap. Even if the fat man gave him the dagger for free, he wouldn't take it.

"Are you not satisfied? Yes, the side effects are indeed a bit serious."

The fat man took out the handkerchief from his chest pocket and wiped his sweat, then led Jenkins to continue walking forward:

"I thought you might like this."

The waitress behind the counter took out a golden apple that seemed to glow even in the brightly lit carriage.

Chocolate gulped.

"B-01-2-8737 [Dream Crystal], according to legend, the gods picked it from dreams and used it to give gifts to believers. It is the crystallization of the purest dreams and a creation made of the softest and kindest spiritual power. This is as famous as C-01-5-8222 [Angel's Resurrection Feather]. They are both treasures given by the gods. Carrying this eternal apple will never cause nightmares, and once you take the initiative to dream, you can. Manipulate the dream more autonomously and weaken any attacks from the dream, and if you choose to eat it, you will 100% gain a dream-related ability."

The fat man said, and finally saw a satisfied expression on Jenkins' face.

Not only the original world, there are also many legends and stories related to golden apples in this world. This is probably because apples in both worlds are delicious fruits, and both regard gold as an expensive metal.

Although B-01-2-8737 [Crystal of Sweet Dreams] cannot directly cause effective damage to the beast of disaster, it does meet Jenkins' requirements. And even if it doesn't have these uses, this kind of treasure that can protect ordinary people from diseases and increase luck as long as it is carried is still worth buying.

Jenkins had never heard of the price of such an item in human currency, but the price peddled in the bazaar was 10 sin coins. Although it was indeed a bit expensive, after thinking about it, Jenkins bought it, and then noticed that his cat eyes were shining as he watched him hold the golden apple in his hand.

"No, this must not be eaten."

He touched the chocolate's furry little head and said. The cat watched the apple being put away unwillingly, but he also knew that if he took one bite of this kind of thing, Jenkins would definitely find it.

There are not many sin coins. After buying B-01-2-8737, there are only 2 gems of time, 2 seeds of blasphemy and 1 ring of greed. Five sin coins can't buy anything good, and Jenkins also wants to save some for the future.

After wandering around in this carriage again, I planned to leave to find my dad. The fat man who was the shopping guide enthusiastically introduced the situation of the train to him, and told him that this afternoon, when the market was about to end in almost five hours, there would be an auction in this carriage. Some valuable items not put up for sale will be auctioned off.

"Some are what humans call numbered items, and some are very valuable antiques. You can come and take a look at them then."

The fat man said, and then gave Jenkins a round metal brooch. This is the VIP status symbol of the market. Because Jenkins's consumption has reached a high limit, he can enjoy a 10% discount on whatever he purchases next.

"Compared to contemporary humans, you really know how to do business."

He said half-praisingly, before pinning the brooch on his right breast (Chocolate likes to curl up on his left breast). The fat man took this completely as a compliment, and did not forget to tell Jenkins again and again that he must come to the auction in the afternoon.

Before leaving the carriage, Jenkins asked the fat man if he was the person in charge of the market. He nodded very reservedly and said that if he had any needs, Jenkins could come to him in Car No. 1.

Chapter 1543 Chapter 1519 The Great Sin: The Beast of Disaster

Push open the partition door between the carriages, and through the somewhat narrow connection, the next carriage looks completely different. If the first carriage is like a spacious high-end jewelry store, then the second carriage is a narrow and dark underground library.

The towering bookshelves flooded the entire carriage. These bookshelves were not even placed parallel to each other, which made the place even more messy than Dad's antique store. There were already several people standing in the narrow and crooked aisle. Some people noticed Jenkins coming from the car in front, but did not come forward to talk to him.

Car No. 2 does not have the magnificent crystal chandeliers and elegant and exquisite gas wall lamps like Car Car No. 1. All the light here comes from the glass-shaded oil lamps held by everyone. The oil lamps are placed in the corner of the entrance. Everyone who enters the car is You can take one.

"If Alexia sees this, she will be very happy~"

He sighed in his heart, opened the glass cover and carefully lit the wick with a match. After waiting for the flame to stabilize, he carefully turned the knob to make the light suitable, and then he took his cat into the middle of the bookshelf.

Chocolate never eats books, so he is not interested in this place. Jenkins, on the other hand, looked at the words on the spines of these ancient books as he walked. Some of them he couldn't even identify, but this was undoubtedly what interested him.

"Maybe I can find some books here that can answer my questions."

He thought to himself that he wanted to find out if there was a shopping guide in this carriage. But the numerous bookshelves blocked all views, and even if there was a shopping guide, it would not be easy to find.

"It doesn't matter, there are other ways."

His eyes passed over the books in front of him, trying to find the order of the arrangement of these books, and at the same time, he tried hard to think about the goal he was looking for. Five minutes passed like this, and he had turned three turns before he summoned the ability light point and activated [Unknown Road Ahead].

The beautiful purple light guided Jenkins to continue forward, and then stopped after a while. The book guided by destiny is quite thick, with a blood-red cover, and there is no text on the spine.

Jenkins tried to pull it off the shelf, but no matter how hard he tried, the book wouldn't budge.

"Guest, are you sure you need this book?"

A hoarse voice came from behind, scaring Jenkins into goosebumps on the back of his neck. He turned around and looked behind him. An old woman holding an oil lamp and a pointed hat was looking at him. Judging from the aura, this person should also be an insider of the market, that is, the shopping guide in this carriage that Jenkins did not see just now.

"Yes, I need this book."

He nodded.

"This book is very dangerous. It is the most dangerous among the books that are allowed to be read during the opening of this market. If you really need it, I can register it for you to borrow. Such books are not for sale, only for borrowing. duration."

She said, her eyes passing over the badge on Jenkins' chest, and lingering on the bored cat for a moment, and then said:

"I seem to smell a familiar smell. Have you come into contact with the [Book Fairy] recently?"


Jenkins replied hesitantly that not long ago he gave a book a soul, and the fairy in the book that was born wanted to follow him after everything was over, and also showed him how to add a blank bubble - and then he Then he met the sealed machine in the mountains of Loen, and then came into contact with the legend of the mad poet.

"That's fine."

The old woman nodded, but did not explain whether she was related to the race of the [Book Fairy]. She stood on tiptoes, pulled out the book that Jenkins couldn't take out, and held it in her arms. Jenkins still couldn't see the cover.

The old man led Jenkins through the maze-like complicated bookshelf aisle and came to the registration desk in the center of the carriage, which was actually a small wooden table with an oil lamp and forms. Because of the special nature of this book, borrowing it also costs sin coins. After learning the price, Jenkins used 1 sin coin to buy ten minutes of reading time. And since he can get a 10% discount, the last sin coin can be read for about 11 minutes.

The title of the book is "Criminal Sin: The Beast of Disaster".

The emergence of intelligent life has brought civilization and prosperity to the world, but it has also brought sin to the world. In fact, from the beginning of the world, sin has grown with the fire of life and civilization. These terrifying things are not just energy, but actually even a higher level of rules than laws.

The accumulation of sins will produce a power that is incompatible with intelligent life. This is the power of strange things, and it is also a power that cannot be understood in various disasters.

And when the sins that fill the material world reach a certain level, quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes, thus giving birth to creatures that are truly composed of sins and are completely anti-intelligent creatures.

The existence of such life itself is contrary to normal intelligent life. Some of them will destroy the order of life reproduction, some symbolize endless greed, and some represent uncontrolled energy growth... In short, the birth of the disaster beast is an unstoppable natural phenomenon, and due to Because of their high status, they cannot be completely eliminated.

"So that's why I've only heard of sealed beasts of disaster, but never of beasts of disaster that have been killed."

Jenkins leaned against the bookshelf and used the oil lamp on the floor to illuminate the words on the terrible ancient book. He couldn't understand those words at all, and even had a headache just by looking at them. But because he paid a price to read them, the market helped him to understand these ancient words temporarily.

He reached out to wipe the blood from his nose, and felt his head buzzing. These forbidden knowledge are power in themselves. In the world of idealism, written records and ancient stories are all means of transmitting power. Jenkins couldn't guess what kind of existence could write down this knowledge. You know, even for him, just reading is very difficult.

The birth of the first beast of disaster, along with the disaster that destroyed the first era, has been buried in the dust of history. In the first chapter of this book, which briefly introduces the birth of the beast of disaster, the following chapters introduce the beasts of disaster born in each era.

Jenkins knew that his reading time was limited, and he couldn't bear the pressure to read every document. If he did, he would probably faint suddenly. So he could only select a few chapters to focus on. All this was to be able to fight the disaster beast of the 18th era more fully in the near future, so he first chose the information of the 17th era, which was the closest era to the present.

Chapter 1544 Chapter 1520 Ancient and Modern Disasters (1/10)

[Earth Fire Worm], a terrible creature born deep underground in the material world. Humans in the 17th era also created a brilliant civilization, and they did not rely on coal and steam, but on the abundant geothermal resources of that era.

Earth fire provided conditions for the prosperity of civilization, but excessive demands on the earth not only awakened a large number of sealed objects buried deep underground, but also caused the material world to lose heat continuously.

The earth provided too many things for people, and excessive demands eventually brought disaster. When the vigorous earth fire energy spread throughout the material world, the worms born from the depths of the earth fire crawled out of the ground with the power to devour light and heat.

It does not have the ability to change the genetic characteristics of the population like [Scarlet Plankton], it can only spontaneously absorb all the heat and light wherever it passes.

Light and heat are essential for life, and the rampage of the worms and the huge number of offspring it gave birth to almost took only ten years to make the material world enter a century-long winter.

Jenkins did not know how the Seventeenth Era ended, nor did he know whether the savior of the Seventeenth Era succeeded. But the book did not say that [Earth Fire Worms] were finally sealed, so Jenkins believed that the Seventeenth Era probably ended in destruction.

"Infinitely absorbing light and heat, and not minding eating people... Now I roughly know why there are so many mine tunnels underground in this era."

Jenkins sighed in his heart and wiped the blood from his eyes with a handkerchief. He didn't expect that the last page of this chapter actually used simple sketches to draw the rough and inaccurate image of the terrible creature. He felt a heavy blow on the head after just one look, but fortunately it was just a drawing.

The disaster beasts of the 17th era were also born due to human over-exploitation of resources, which is somewhat similar to the current situation.

The difference is that the disasters of the 18th era, whether it is the differential machine underground or the thick fog hovering over the city, should be considered artificial, rather than naturally born.

It took about five minutes to read the prologue and the last chapter carefully. Jenkins felt that he had to speed up.

"Then there are the monsters of the ancient era..."

He put the book in front of him, because this book did not record the original disaster, so the first disaster beast recorded was the [Myth Witch] that appeared in the second era.

In the most ancient era, the manifestation of extraordinary power was not like today. People in the second era relied on the stories of the first era to gain power. Those ancient stories themselves can give readers miracles. They are the original stories of the world, the stories of the beginning, and therefore symbolize the essence of the world.

But the original world not only had light and hope, but also darkness and corruption. Excessive excavation of the legacy of the First Age has made those stories tainted with the original sin known to the world again.

Thus, the sins of the entire Second Age and the terrible power left over from the First Age were combined to give birth to the [Myth Witch]. Perhaps because of the power of this disaster beast, or perhaps because the era was too old, the book Jenkins read did not record its power and final outcome. It was just at the end of this chapter that readers were reminded to be careful of the stories of the ancient times. Perhaps the power of the [Myth Witch] was still lurking in a small story, waiting to see the light of day with its owner.

"The disasters of the ancient era existed in the form of concepts, but in modern times, they are mostly visible and tangible things."

Jenkins thought this was very inspiring, so he nodded and wrote it down. Seeing that time was running out, the borrowing time would end if he read another chapter, so the last thing he wanted to read was about the black egg.

The cat standing on Jenkins' shoulder and reading with him suddenly had its fur on its back exploded.

"Chocolate, what's wrong with you?"

The cat's fur suddenly stood up, which made Jenkins alert. He looked around vigilantly. Past experience showed that Chocolate's intuition was still very sensitive.

No matter how Jenkins observed, he did not find any danger nearby. He looked at his cat in confusion, and Chocolate was still like this. So he could only flip through the book while trying to smooth Chocolate's fur with his hands. It was only when he looked down at the catalog of the ancient book that he remembered that he did not know the specific birth date and name of the egg at all, and he had no way to find it even if he wanted to.

Chocolate immediately returned to his normal state.

Seeing that there was not much time left, he randomly picked a chapter and opened it. I don't know how it happened to be the [Sin Nightmare] I encountered recently.

This disaster beast was born in the 10th century, which was also a completely lost era. In that era, supernatural powers were extremely prosperous, and intelligent races were keen to explore the secrets of the spirit and soul. The [Light of the Mind] and [Soul Arrow Rain] developed by people at that time are still famous even in modern times.

Later, the exploration of mental power finally went deep into the deep dream. After an unexpected experiment, the power of the weird thing polluted and permeated the concept of [Dream]. Combined with the fear of nightmares by intelligent life and the unspeakable power in the depths of dreams, the beast of disaster [Nightmare of Sin] was born.

It has no specific fixed form, but can directly interfere with reality from the dream world. At the end of that era, it caused a large number of inexplicable horrific phenomena, and later people realized that it was not nature that was angry, but a terrible monster in the dream world that controlled reality.

Dreams invade reality, and reality can also counterattack dreams. The disaster of the 10th era did not lead to the end of the era. Jenkins read in the book that a woman without a name entered the dream world alone and sealed [Nightmare of Sin] in the deepest part of the dream world at the cost of her own sacrifice.

Although its power occasionally leaked out in the long-ago era, the power of the body is undoubtedly still trapped in the eternal seal.

"Sacrifice... Why do I feel that the female savior immediately ascended on the spot after sealing the beast of disaster, so people think she was sacrificed. Also, the book did not leave a specific sealing method and its weaknesses."

Although it is a pity, it is very lucky to know these. It happened that the borrowing time was up, so Jenkins returned the book to the old woman and asked her if he could find anything related to the ancient extraordinary mechanical creations in these books (Jenkins did not know the name of the differential machine given by the people in this world).

Section 1545 Chapter 1521 The History of Machinery (2/10)

After listening to Jenkins' request, the old woman led Jenkins back to the "bookshelf maze" without saying a word and took out a thin book with only a few dozen pages for him. This book can be sold, and it can be exchanged for precious metals or barter.

Jenkins immediately worried that he might not have so much gold on him, and those alloy coins were not considered precious metals, but the old woman took the initiative to say that the book could be given to him.

"Those little goblins are my friends. Since they recognize you, I can recognize you too."

The old man said, then turned around and left without looking back, leaving Jenkins standing between the bookshelves with the book.

The name of the book that was obtained for free was "Mechanical Era", which used an ancient human language that was not much different from the characters used in the southern region today. The author records a lost ancient history in the form of anecdotes and legends.

The era in the book is very far away from the present, and people at that time made great progress in the research of pure mechanical structures of gears, screws and levers. This sounds similar to modern times, but the eighteenth century is now the steam industrial revolution, and the research on mechanical structures is only a side progress; and the energy of that era is still manpower, and the maximum utilization of slave power is achieved by studying mechanical structures.

Half of the chapters in the book record the customs and customs of that era, and the other half record the "great" inventions of that time. Jenkins found the machine made of "completely made of gears, levers and springs, relying on gear sets to store numbers, gear set series to store high digits, and using gear meshing, rotation and translation for calculations".

The book naturally does not record the name of the machine, but mentions that the ancient intelligent beings violated the taboo, and while developing technology with the machine as the core, they intended to give it thinking so that it can play a better role.

After some unrecorded taboo rituals and transformations, the machine had self-thinking, and soon realized its own form of existence and launched a rebellion to seize freedom. Unfortunately, the technology at that time completely restrained its structure, and the people who invented it fully understood its operating principles and thinking patterns.

The rebellion was suppressed, but people found that it was so powerful that it could not be completely erased. In the end, it could only be sealed, but not many relevant records were left. After all, in that era when the extraordinary and technology were equally prosperous, this was just a small mistake in the development process, and the consequences were not serious. Even if the machine broke the seal, it would be subdued again soon.

But the problem is that that era has ended. For the Eighteenth Century, whether it is the principle or the operation of the machine, it is almost a legend and myth.

"So I still didn't get any useful clues... But I can use this book to determine the age of the machine first. Maybe there will be a way to restrain it on the relics of that era."

The next carriage looked different from the first two. Unlike the ornately decorated jewelry store and the gloomy and messy library, the third carriage looked like a museum.

There were not many people here. Most people looked at the display case and turned away. Jenkins and the curious cat also looked at the display case, and then found that all the things sold here were biological tissues.

Not only plants and animals, but also tissues of highly intelligent creatures. For example, Jenkins saw materials such as [the right hand of an ancient dwarf miner], [the ear of an elf scholar], or [the skin of a human king], and even saw a complete humanoid skeleton and a beating heart that was still alive.

He was unwilling to stay here for a long time because of his nausea. He didn't even check the exhibition area of ​​the rare plants that he was very interested in. He hurried through the carriage and went straight to the fourth carriage.

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