The moonlight still cannot shine on chocolate, but it likes shadows and darkness. Even though Jenkins isn't dark, Chocolate likes him too. Beside Jenkins, the person who truly has a dark soul is another person, another person who may have an impact on the cat's life.

Marquis Michael and Count Hesha left soon after, knowing that the young people still wanted to enjoy the banquet. Jenkins turned around and wanted to walk back to Hathaway and the others, but at this moment he heard someone calling him again.

"Viscount Williamt~"

Someone shouted, and Jenkins turned his head and saw a foreigner with a Chesland appearance walking towards him. This is not a stranger, I saw him yesterday during the riot in the city hall. This is the messenger who delivers the "message of peace" to the king of Cheslan, and is responsible for bringing the news of Tarquin the Proud to Queen Isabella of the Kingdom of Fidictry.

His appearance here means that the information has been brought, and the interception and killing by some opposition groups in the Kingdom of Cheslan has completely failed. The envoy is safe now. Even if he is killed, it will be of little value.

"Viscount William, please wait a moment."

The man quickly walked up to Jenkins and bowed deeply:

"Thank you, thank you for saving my life yesterday."

Yesterday Jenkins had the option to just point out his spot in the crowd so there wouldn't be anything later.

"It's just a small thing and I think anyone with a sense of justice would do it."

Jenkins, who possesses immortality, said so.

"No, I think it is rare to meet someone with your fearless and brave character nowadays. I am really grateful. I am just a small person. It is really an honor to be helped by someone like you."

When the messenger went to Belduran, he was determined to die. He knew what kind of mission he had to shoulder, so he had already thought about the possible tragic ending. Being able to successfully complete the task now is considered the best of all possibilities, so I feel particularly excited at this time.

Jenkins was also happy for the man who had just completed a difficult task, so he asked him where he wanted to go next. The messenger told Jenkins that his mission had been completed. Now he would inevitably be chased by some angry people when he returned to Chesland, so he decided to stay in the Kingdom of Fidictry for the time being. He had no family anyway.

"I'm going to Nolan on the west coast. I heard it's a nice city, and I have friends there, friends I've... known before."

He spoke vaguely, implying that there were things he couldn't mention.

So Jenkins wished him a safe journey, and then became a little curious about what the two kings would do next after the messenger gave the message of Tarquin the Proud to Queen Isabella. I thought the messenger wouldn't know, but he didn't expect him to give Jenkins the answer immediately:

"His Majesty will bring members of the royal family to Beldiran in the near future."

He showed a reverence akin to adoration for Tarquin the Proud, king of Cheslan.

"This is a decision that has been made. Even if I don't deliver the letter, His Majesty will come to visit. I think tomorrow's newspaper will carry the news of His Majesty's visit. Oh, of course, your news will definitely be on the front page. After all, This is the real deal for this country.”

The messenger is a believer of the Righteous God [Lord War God]. Because the teachings of this Righteous God and the Sage partially conflict, there are almost no such believers around Jenkins. The envoy told Jenkins that after he came to Beldiland to complete his mission, he originally planned to seek shelter from the Church of the God of War, but later he discovered that there was no church of the God of War in the local area - he originally thought that there would definitely be one in a big city like Beldiran. Church of the God of Mars. This is the tradition of Chesland. The belief in the God of War is very common in the southern countries.

"Recently, the Twelve Orthodox Churches have sent representatives to Beldiran. You may be able to find their delegation, so you don't have to go to Nolan to join your friends."

Jenkins suggested.

"I don't think it's necessary. I'm not a very devout believer. If I bother the church just for my own safety, it will make my conscience uneasy."

The messenger said this, thanked Jenkins again and said goodbye. He did not stay at the banquet, but left Cold Spring Palace directly. This place is not suitable for people like him.

On Sunday morning, at the dining table of the Rosalia Hotel, Jenkins, who was sitting between Hathaway and Britney and holding a newspaper, saw a photo of his family and Queen Isabella on the front page.

He smiled and pointed out to Bryony that the cat in the photo had somehow slipped into the shadows, making the image of the chocolate look like a strange stain. Bryony looked at the photos in the newspaper with interest, and then exclaimed that among the three Willamette brothers, Jenkins and Robert looked the most alike.

Shortly after meeting with Chesland's emissary last night, Robert took Newman and John to find Jenkins and thus met Hathaway and Britney. I don’t know what Dad mentioned to Robert, but he seemed to know the relationship between Jenkins and these two girls very well.

But Robert didn't talk about sensitive topics last night. He just patted Jenkins on the shoulder and told the blond and red-haired girls some interesting stories about the original owner's childhood. Then Hathaway and Britney were invited to their home on Privet Drive after returning to Nolan.

After all, the family is now living in a hotel, which is not a formal place for "meeting the parents". Moreover, Mary, the mother of the three Jenkins brothers, attaches great importance to the fact that the future "Mrs. William" will come to visit their home. Robert believes that now he should let his wife first accept the fact that her husband and children are members of the royal family. The priority of Jenkins' "friends" coming to the house is lower and can be postponed a little.

The life of the William family will definitely change dramatically in the foreseeable future because of last night's banquet. The newspaper claimed that Her Majesty the Queen had invited them to move to Cold Spring Palace last night. But according to Jenkins, Queen Isabella did not mention this at all, and the William family has no plans to move from Nolan to Beldiran for the time being.

Even if they want to move, they have to wait until the succession to the throne is settled, anyway, it will definitely not be now. The William family has not been overwhelmed by this matter.

It seems that overnight, all the details of last night's banquet spread throughout the city. The other ladies in the tour group sitting at the long table with Jenkins all knew about it at once. On the surface, they maintained the same behavior as a few days ago, but Jenkins could hear his name being mentioned frequently in the whispers.

He didn't care about these, but only cared about the "other heirs" mentioned in the front page headlines. Before the Williamites appeared, the heirs to the throne had a weak blood relationship, but they did exist after all. Now, including Miss Windsor, the few people mentioned, have not completely lost their chances.

Even the foreigner Horace Luther, who was driven away in public yesterday, is still eligible for inheritance in legal terms. These people will definitely be frequent readers of newspapers for a period of time in the future. Although public opinion generally believes that the queen brought back the four illegitimate descendants in order to find heirs from them, Jenkins always feels that the old man with a heavy mind has a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Chapter 1593 Chapter 1568 The gathering of wind and clouds

The news about the royal descendants took up two full pages of the newspaper. Jenkins was eating while reading the newspaper, and then he found that there was less food on his plate. He looked down and saw his cat staring at the tablecloth, as if he suddenly became very interested in the brown spots on the tablecloth.

"Chocolate, there is still soup on your face."

Jenkins said.


The cat stared at Jenkins with innocent eyes. Jenkins had used this trick once, and it would not be fooled again. Of course, even if Chocolate did not admit it, Jenkins was sure that it must be the cat.

The newspaper started from the third page to report domestic and foreign news. Just as the messenger of Cheslan predicted yesterday, the news that the king of a foreign country would visit Beldiran was directly listed behind the news related to the royal family, which made today's Beldiran morning newspaper twice as thick as yesterday.

Not only Tarquin, the proud man of the Kingdom of Cheslan, but also the newspaper mentioned that a delegation led by the royal family of the Kingdom of Hampavo would visit Beldiran in the near future.

The news did not mention which Stuart would visit, so people certainly could not guess that the dying king would bring out all the children who were qualified to challenge the throne this time.

After the dinner last night ended and the three ladies were sent back to their residence, Jenkins went to see Alexia. He originally wanted to talk about what happened tonight and ask Alexia's opinion. But he didn't expect that when he saw the short lady, she was standing on the deck of the steam airship looking at the stars.

Alexia had a great enthusiasm for this magical flying tool. After meeting Jenkins, she did not ask him about his recent situation, but talked about this trip with some excitement.

King Salshi II unexpectedly took out a large sum of gold and rented an airship directly from the [Church of Creation and Mechanics], taking his children and the visiting group to Beldiran. This was something Jenkins could not have imagined. He originally thought it was a royal train. After all, the price of an airship is quite expensive.

If there is no accident like the forced landing in Blacktown, the visiting delegation from the North Country will be able to land in Beldiran in about three or four days. Alexia asked Jenkins to prepare well. Their princess is looking forward to walking on the streets of Beldiran under Jenkins' leadership and enjoying the exotic city style... Alexia doesn't think her purpose is really so simple.

"This time, the kings of the three kingdoms have gathered in Beldiran. I remember that since the fall of the ancient Hikari Empire, the meeting of the three kings has never happened."

Although it is only ranked third, in fact, compared with the return of the royal descendants, the visit of foreign kings is the most influential thing for citizens. Just the security issues and the repair of the main roads in the city are enough to keep people busy for a while.

This matter will also affect Jenkins. At the sensitive moment of the king's election, the visit of foreign kings is bound to add variables to the already complicated situation.

As for whether this is good or bad, it is hard to say now. With things developing like this, it is estimated that no one can predict what will happen next.

Continuing to flip through the pages, there was no big news like royal descendants or foreign delegations. Jenkins read the newspaper and ate breakfast leisurely, thinking about meeting Miss Capet at the church and making the final preparations before entering the maze.

Suddenly I saw a familiar face in the newspaper, and then realized that it was the envoy from the Chesland Kingdom I saw last night.

Jenkins still doesn’t know his name, but as he continues reading, he learns that his name is, or that the name he currently uses is Mike Madison. He and a group of men appeared in the newspapers because they were all found naked sleeping in a public cemetery on the outskirts of the city this morning.

The gravekeeper at the cemetery did not notice any strange movement last night, and there was no trace of such a group of people climbing over the fence of the cemetery. This group of people all claimed that they knew nothing. The only thing they had in common was that they all walked at night on the avenue next to the cemetery. When they regained consciousness, they were surrounded by police and gravekeepers.

They had been arrested by the police, but were soon sent to the [Church of Death and Doomsday] on the outskirts of the city. This kind of thing is generally classified as harassing the deceased and destroying public facilities in the city, and the church of the god of death will punish them on behalf of the police.

"I'm afraid we encountered a strange incident, or a foreign benefactor who likes performance art recently came to Beldiran. The church took them away probably to understand the truth of the matter. I'm really curious about what happened. ”

He believed that this matter had nothing to do with him, and he was curious but would not explore it too much. But when I arrived at the church an hour later, I found out that this incident was actually related to the [Blood Mosquito Curse].

It's not that the people sleeping naked in the cemetery were infected with the Blood Mosquito Curse, but that one of them was identified as missing last week because he attended Count Paramount's party, and now he should be in the mystery chain and become a target. Curse.

But now he appeared openly and was quickly identified. When the church asked him about his itinerary in the past week, the poor guy thought for a while, then he passed out with bleeding from all his orifices and has not woken up to this day.

This incident added new variables to the plans that had been made. The church believed that it was new changes within the mystery that caused the cursed people who should have been inside to escape. Therefore, the plan of Jenkins and Miss Capet to bring the three items to see the countess was temporarily postponed for three hours. Now the joint investigation team formed by the Twelve Orthodox Churches has begun to investigate.

It was obvious that Miss Capet was a little nervous. Before the action began, she and Jenkins stayed outside Earl Paramount's estate, ready to go at any time. After the two met, she first congratulated yesterday's big news, that is, the relationship between the Jenkins family and the royal family, and then fell into worries about entering Operation Mystery Lock.

Jenkins grabbed his cat and sat on the folding chair beside Miss Capet. He stared at the smooth tea for a while and decided to say something to help Miss Capet overcome her nervousness, so he said very abruptly:


He did not hesitate this time, but directly took out the pendant containing two-thirds of the World Tree seeds. Miss Capet was confused for a few seconds, and then realized that the dark, metal-like thing in front of her looked so familiar.

Chapter 1594 Chapter 1569 The Evil Spirit in the Tomb

Miss Cape took a deep breath, put her hand into her collar, and quickly took out something similar, which was the last third of the World Tree seeds.

Jenkins did not hesitate to tell the truth about the incident this time, not because he was worried that the two would never return and the truth would be unknown. Instead, I thought I should find some time to distract Miss Capet, otherwise she would become more and more nervous.

Now it seems that he really succeeded.

"I shouldn't have spoken about this matter originally. The [Church of All Things and Nature] obviously knows the truth, otherwise it wouldn't have transferred you to Beldiran City at this time. Yes, this is a token passed down by the family. My great grandfather split it into three and my father, Robert Willamt, owned the youngest son's piece and the second brother has no descendants. I found their inheritance in the Shire earlier this year. That part.”

What he wanted to express was self-evident. Miss Capet, who had just had breakfast and was worrying about the afternoon's affairs while holding a cup of tea, never expected that she would know at this moment what she had not obtained in twenty years. the truth.

Her thoughts were almost at a standstill, and there were only two pieces of metal, one large and one small, in her eyes, or something similar to metal.


It took a long time for a word to come out of my mouth, but I couldn't find the meaning I wanted to express.

"Yes, in terms of blood relationship, you should be my distant cousin." (Note)

The two did not have the same grandfather but the same great-grandfather, so according to Jenkin's inherent way of thinking, they should be regarded as distant relatives.

"I think the church transferred you to Beldiran because they know your blood background. I don't know why they haven't announced this yet, but I think it will only be a matter of a week or two. After all, last night banquet......"

He did not go on; Miss Capet understood what he meant. If the church intends to use her identity and lineage to compete for the throne of the Kingdom of Fidictri, then it will not keep her identity hidden for longer, but will find a suitable time to expose it.

Jenkins felt that his goal was achieved, and Miss Cape didn't look at all nervous about the subsequent actions. But Miss Cape felt like she was in a dream at this time, and she couldn't believe the news she just got.

"I...I'm sorry, I just want to be alone."

She grabbed her blond hair and said, Jenkins nodded, knowing her mood at this time:

"I'm sorry that this matter has been hidden from you for so long. I'm really sorry. But anyway, our family is also your closest blood relative. Although before the [Church of All Things and Nature] decided to expose this matter, your position It's very subtle, but I think both father and mother will be happy to know that we still have a relative."

With this he rose and left the room, leaving Miss Capet alone. Jenkins didn't know if he was right or wrong in telling her in advance, but now that he had said it, he didn't regret it. It's just that such a simple and kind-hearted lady is also involved in the troublesome battle for the throne, and I feel a little uneasy in my heart.

So he decided to find something to do for himself to pass the boring time.

In order to ensure that the cursed people in the Mystery Lock have no chance of escaping from the encirclement, the outside of Earl Paramount's manor has been surrounded by an outer ring layer by layer from the Church of the Twelve True Gods.

The benefactors of the Orthodox Church from all over the world have established temporary bases outside the manor, making it somewhat like a war front.

There were many empty houses. Jenkins excused himself from attending a banquet last night and went back to rest late. He borrowed a room to take a nap, then left the phantom behind and took the cat away from here, heading straight to the suburban cemetery mentioned in the newspaper.

He and the cat changed their images along the way, so when they came to the cemetery, he did not cover his whereabouts but walked over openly. They probably thought that there were no clues in the cemetery. There were not many church benefactors here at this time, but there were many police officers who were still blocking the scene to look for evidence.

Jenkins did not enter the cemetery rashly, but observed it nearby for a while to confirm the location of the spiritual light in the cemetery, and then pretended to be paying homage to a friend and entered there.

Because the scene was still cordoned off, he couldn't get close to where he had found the group of naked men this morning. But his purpose was not there. He walked along the gravel path in the cemetery and entered the underground tomb on the east side of the park under the leadership of the tombkeeper.

There were some unclaimed ashes stored there, so Jenkins was allowed in without naming his friend.

"You should take your time and look for it yourself. There are information about the body's discovery and relics next to the urn."

The old tombkeeper said, without following Jenkins into the tomb:

"I'll give you twenty minutes. If you can't find it, you have to leave. You've also seen the police over there. If you still want to look for it, come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Jenkins thanked the old tombkeeper, and then carried the old tombkeeper's kerosene lamp into the dark corridor of the tomb. Although only ashes were stored instead of corpses, there was still a cold and foul smell permeating the ground. Jenkins did not enter the unknown area where the ashes of the past two months had been stored. Instead, he continued along the underground crypt corridor, but stopped before going far.

To his left, a simple wooden sign hangs on the uneven earth wall, indicating that this is the tomb where the ashes and relics of the unknown deceased in Beldiland were stored from March to May last spring.

The inspiration is here.

The intensity of the spiritual light was not considered a numbered item, at most it was just a slightly stronger spell or ritual array, so Jenkins came directly.

He stuffed the cat that was leaning over his shoulder back into his pocket, then grabbed the cane out of the air, and then entered the tomb.

The tomb is square, quite large in area but unremarkable in style. Under the dim light of the kerosene lamp, wooden boxes of the same style were placed on the recessed platforms on the wall. Under each wooden box is a slightly larger and slender platform, with a mess of relics placed on it. Jenkins saw an umbrella, a doll, a pipe and only one black rain boot. According to regulations, the relics of these unknown deceased people will be stored for three years, after which they will be disposed of by the tombkeepers themselves.

Jenkins stared at the doll for a long time, then stretched out his cane and tapped it lightly. It immediately began to tremble unnaturally, acting like a human being.

In Jenkins' eyes, the inspiration came from the doll with the ugly pink hat, and a closer look revealed that there was a soul inside. But unfortunately, even if he gave the doll life, he could not make the dead thing become a living thing, he could only make it shake a few times in a short period of time.

"[Life Sensing]."

As long as it has a soul, it can be counted as a living being. Jenkins retracted his cane and put his fingers on the head of the somewhat worn doll. After a few seconds, he sensed a very faint fragment of words:

"Watch your back."


Jenkins frowned and turned around, seeing a layer of clammy white mist floating in the tomb behind him. While the white mist obscured the field of vision, it also obscured the evil spirits that kept floating out of the urn. White mist is the extraordinary talent of evil spirits, but this is the first time that Jenkins has seen so many evil spirits appear at the same time.

Although it is an evil spirit, it does not pose much of a threat to Jenkins itself. It’s just that there are some tombkeepers from the Zhengshen Church on the ground. Whether they use skeleton swords or sage’s magic, there is a risk of being perceived by them.

But thinking of the new abilities he gained last night, Jenkins put back his cane and grabbed the holy sword. Without activating its own characteristics, he just used it as an ordinary weapon. Holding the sword in his right hand, he quickly drew two arc-shaped sword marks on the soil on the left and right sides in front of him.

"Sword Dance~"

He held the sword flower in his hand and then thrust the sword into the soil directly in front of him:


The two arc-shaped sword marks he had drawn shone brightly, and as the blade pierced into the soil, the sword marks seemed to come alive, spinning rapidly on the ground. As the speed increased, the two sword marks connected end to end, forming a complete bright white ring around Jenkins.

After the sword mark ring closed, the area continued to increase and expanded to the entire tomb. When it expanded, it did not cause any damage to the environment and spirits it encountered, but when it expanded to the limit and suddenly retracted inward, the rotating sword marks cut all the material and non-material in the ring. Except for Jenkins himself, the spirits and fog at the same height in the tomb were neatly divided into two.

This was not a physical division, but a direct conceptual division. The evil spirits were defeated, and although the fog they created could not dissipate immediately in a short period of time, it could no longer be closed together, creating a layer of foggy blank area in the upper and lower spaces.

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