The effect of the ability is to call the angels who accompany you to appear at any time, or directly borrow part of the angel's power. The reason why [Spirit Summoning] is used to cover up this ability is that [Double-in-One] can be interpreted as borrowing the power of invisible spiritual creatures in the void.

Jenkins was originally worried that Finnie's lies would be easily identified by the polygraph ability when registering, but probably because Finnie is the angel of the God of Lies, her lies were not easily detected by simple methods.

Now Finnie has not learned any ability to fill her only blank bubble. The church believes that Finnie is still young and can leave some time to lay the foundation, and there is no need to rush to advance. Finnie herself also thinks so. Now her literacy problem has been basically solved, and she has entered the stage of reading and accumulating knowledge.

Finnie is also studying the mystical materials that Miss Audrey Jenkins brought to Finnie seriously. She wants to learn her first ability from the materials provided by Jenkins, rather than choosing from the list provided by the Church of Sages. Jenkins said that it doesn't matter. No matter which ability Finnie chooses, he has a way to explain the origin to the church. It's not a big problem.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Finnie looked the same, not even her height. After the two met, the little girl did not talk about the several times Jenkins called the angel while he was away, but happily shared her own interesting stories with him.

Finnie also asked if Jenkins would continue his night class in the church since today was Wednesday. But Jenkins shook his head with some regret. He had been away from Nolan for too long, and the church had already found a suitable substitute. He had no reason to drive others away, and he was too busy recently to be an incompetent teacher.

When Finnie was in the church, Louise always hid behind her soul and kept silent. The little angel was worried about being discovered by the power of the sage, and she was also happy to quietly observe every bit of Finnie's life.

But Jenkins could see her. Although the angel was well hidden, when he observed with the real eye at a close distance, Jenkins could always see the pair of small wings behind Finnie. As he talked to Finnie, he winked at the angel behind her. Louise was a little embarrassed and hugged Finnie's neck with both hands, turning her head away from Jenkins' eyes.

After finishing the church, she finally had time to go back to Dad's antique shop. When she opened the door, she found that Miss Audrey was actually chatting with Dad in the store, but when she saw Jenkins coming, they immediately stopped talking. Miss Audrey took a paper bag out of her women's bag and put it on the counter and pushed it to Dad, then turned around and told Jenkins not to forget to finish those reading reports before the weekend, and then turned around and left.

"What is Miss Audrey doing here?"

Jenkins asked curiously, seeing that the aura in the paper bag was in the shape of a bottle, but it was not a bottle, but the liquid in the bottle that was glowing, which meant that it was a potion.

"Your curiosity is too serious, Jenkins, if you have time to be curious, you might as well think about tonight's dance."

Dad warned, and then put the paper bag away.

Jenkins has attended too many dances recently, and tonight's is the most important one. Queen Isabella used the excuse of celebrating the fact that there was no more serious epidemic in Beldiran City to hold a ball to celebrate. Most of the young talents gathered near Nolan will come. It will be a very lively ball and also the social occasion that Jenkins hates the most, because Mr. Writer is not good at dancing.

Seeing that Dad did not explain the meaning of the paper bag, Jenkins did not ask. He reached into his pocket and took out the two rings he got when he "divided the spoils" with the dragon:

"Dad, I bought this from the black market. Can you help me see what this is."

Dad glanced at the sapphire ring and ruby ​​ring lying in Jenkins' palm, thought for a while, and asked Jenkins to put them on the table. Dad bent down and took out his set of identification tools from under the counter, first put on the monocle carefully, then picked up the ring through the gloves and put it under the gas lamp that had just been turned on.

"Bought it on the black market?"

The sapphire and ruby ​​seemed to be shining under the lamp:

"Then you are really lucky, you actually bought two numbered items at once..."

The old man obviously didn't believe Jenkins's statement of "buying it on the black market", but he didn't delve into it. Instead, he turned off the dazzlingly bright gas lamp and took off his glasses:

"Two very famous rings, said to be the crystallization of ancient alchemy technology, and are Class B supernaturals artificially created by humans. Of course, I have doubts about this statement... The red one is B-01-4-4299 [Red of Fighting], which enhances physical fitness and the strength of fighting abilities. The blue one is B-03-4-1394 [Blue of Spells], which enhances mental strength and soul strength, and the strength of spell abilities. I remember that the last time it appeared was in 1293 of the Universal Calendar. It appeared at an auction and was bought by a mysterious person and has never been seen since then."

"Why is the danger level 4?"

Jenkins asked with some concern, taking the ring back from his father.

"If two rings are held by two different people at the same time, and the two people are of different genders, and are located within 1,000 feet of each other, then the two people will recklessly try to kill each other, completely regardless of the consequences, and A madman uses every means he can think of to kill the other person, and then takes the other person's ring as his own. Once the two rings appear, some people think that they should be unified into two numbers. items, but I believe that the two rings are completely different and their bond should be a curse.

Oh, one more thing~ This ring has limited effect on high-level benefactors. I think even if you wear it, it may not have a very good effect. "

Chapter 1649 Chapter 1623 The Age of War

The evening banquet required advance preparation, so Jenkins only worked at the antique store until 5 p.m., when he left. But at least two sales were made in one afternoon. He clearly felt that after returning to Nolan, the antique store's business had improved a lot.

I went home first and changed my clothes, and then went to pick up my female companion. The original plan was to invite Hathaway and Britney so that they could meet the girls from the North at the ball.

But Hathaway was obsessed with her "plan" and insisted on following her own arrangements, so she invited Blainey in advance to go to a friend's manor outside the city tonight to spend some summer time, so Jenkins' female companion could only be Yali Keshia.

After changing clothes, I ate something with chocolate in advance, and then took the rented carriage to pick up the short lady. Dolores was going on a trip with her brother and sister, so she was still dressing up, but Jenkins and Alexia had to go first.

There was no such a big place to hold such a dance in the city. The venue was decided to be the Doroman Manor outside the city, which is the private property of the royal family in Nolan, but Her Majesty the Queen has never used it. If Jenkins can really inherit the throne in the future, then this manor will also be his.

Along the way, Alexia held a small palm-sized book and looked down at it. Jenkins glanced at it, and it seemed to be a book on mechanical structure design. He did not disturb Alexia, but chatted with the driver from time to time.

The driver was a sturdy middle-aged man who claimed to have lived locally all his life. Seeing Jenkins' interest in talking, he first complained to Jenkins enthusiastically about the recent changes in the local weather, and the legend of a murderer rising in the thick fog in Nolan's night. Then he talked about his younger brother who was in the army.

The coachman's brother lives in a town further south and is not part of Nolan's non-conscription range, so he joined the army during the draft some time ago and is now on the front line.

"Everything is going to be fine. I get letters from him every two weeks. He tells me that those Yankees are totally vulnerable to us and that soon the war will be over and he will come back with glory and booty. If you’re lucky, you can even get a medal.”

The driver said optimistically.

"But judging from the newspapers, the situation on the front line is not very optimistic. I heard that two weeks ago in the central battlefield, Chesland organized a large-scale battle. In the end, both sides had a victory or defeat, and because of the arrogant The enemy was going to visit the Kingdom of Fidictri, so the two sides were temporarily in a stalemate... I heard that many people died in the central battlefield. "

As they spoke, they saw a carriage pulling a coffin pass by their carriage. The carriage was driven by the gravekeeper of the Church of Death. He knew Jenkins, so he took off his hat as a greeting.

"I also heard about it. In fact, my brother was also honored to participate in that battle. Although I guess that boy just hid in the trench and fired a few shots, he did survive from the most dangerous front line. He even sent a photo of him holding a newspaper in the trench to prove that he was actually on the battlefield."

The coachman said cheerfully.

Jenkins believed that the man who went to the battlefield probably did not want to prove his bravery, but wanted to prove that he had really survived. The letter sent home was not written in advance, and the newspaper was used to prove the date.

"That's really good, but the war will probably last for a long time."

Jenkins said.

"Yes, yes, sir, I think so too. It's just that now the kings are going to talk. I heard that this talk may end the war, but some people say that the proud man came to Nolan to provoke us. .....”

The coachman talked about rumors he had heard somewhere, and Jenkins talked to him about his attitude towards the war, half truthfully and half falsely. It has been almost half a year since the war began. Even though Nolan was at the last end of the war, he was inevitably affected by the war.

In fact, Nolan's situation is already very good, at least the citizens do not use this war as the focus of conversation. But outside Nolan, in cities, in villages, in the homes of civilians who want to change their lives and join the army, and in aristocratic families who long for honor, the topic of this war never ends. The war that took place in the middle of the continent is like It is like Mars, spreading chaos to every corner of the world.

There are recent rumors that Congress has the idea to remove Nolan's unique non-draft zone privileges. It wasn't that there was a shortage of soldiers on the front lines, but that there were a large number of draft-dodger families trying to use Nolan as a safe haven.

The citizens of Nolan don't care whether to recruit soldiers or not. This is a port city, and there are a large number of families with children or husbands who are sailors in the navy. The young and middle-aged laborers also think that it is better to go to the front line to exchange their lives for real gold and silver than to fight against nature on the sea or create value for factory owners with flesh and blood in factories.

People are very conscious and see that this war is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change their own and their family's class. The Kingdom of Fidictli itself is relatively stable, and the people are satisfied with the domestic order. Therefore, when people try to change their own and their descendants' lives with short-term efforts, they don't mind such class changes in the form of launching wars.

Jenkins has no opinion on this. His only hope is that the war will sacrifice fewer people and end the dispute in a relatively peaceful way.

Although it gets dark very late in summer, it gets dark very quickly. When I received Alexia's departure, there was still a beautiful sunset like a fire cloud on the horizon, but when I arrived at the gate of the manor, it was completely dark, and the lights in the manor courtyard were the most dazzling light source in this area.

The fare was paid to the rental company in advance, so after the carriage stopped steadily, Jenkins jumped down first, then turned around and took Alexia's hand and took her in.

The entrance of the manor was covered with red carpet, the gate was wide open, and there were decorative flowers on the fence. Jenkins walked in front, and Alexia controlled to be just half a body behind him. As soon as the two walked to the door, they heard the servant standing to greet the guests bowed and said:

"Viscount William, Miss Miller, welcome."

Hearing the words of the servant, the people walking in front also turned their heads to look at the door, and then saluted Jenkins. Jenkins held Alexia's hand, smiled and nodded to the people around him, walked through the courtyard very quickly, smelled the fragrance of summer flowers blooming at night, and met Queen Isabella in the garden behind the manor.

Chapter 1650 Chapter 1624 Dancing Together

The ball was of course held in the house, but the guests had not arrived yet, so the people who arrived early were scattered around the manor and talked with familiar people.

The white-haired Queen and several other elderly ladies sat together in the garden, gathered around a round stone table under a grape trellis, like ordinary country women enjoying the coolness on a summer night.

"Oh, Jenkins is here~"

Her Majesty greeted Jenkins warmly and introduced him to several other elderly ladies. They were all great nobles in their country, and one of them was even a rare duchess in the country, who owned a real castle in the Great Plains in the south of the kingdom.

Jenkins greeted them reservedly and introduced his female companion Alexia. Queen Isabella did not ask about Alexia's origins, but laughed and teased Jenkins that the female companion he attended the ball with was different every time.

She told Jenkins that Miss Windsor would also come tonight, and asked Jenkins to dance with Miss Windsor later. This sentence was said in front of Alexia. If Jenkins did not know Alexia's temper, he was really afraid that everyone in the manor would die on the spot.

After saying hello, he walked into the hall with the short lady. The band had already started playing music. This song was a cheerful song with a country flavor, mainly played by accordion and silver flute. Many well-dressed men and women had already swayed hand in hand to the music.

"Can I invite you to dance, beautiful lady?"

Seeing this, Jenkins turned around and bent slightly to Alexia and said. The short lady in a long skirt and corset covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled reservedly.

Chocolate was left by Jenkins on the sofa next to the hall. On the one hand, it was inconvenient to dance with a cat, and on the other hand, Chocolate could help to occupy a seat, so that there would be no need to worry about having nowhere to go when resting later.

The unhappy cat stood on the back of the sofa against the wall, watching Jenkins and Alexia walk into the dancing crowd with a smile, and then stick together by hugging each other's waists - Alexia's height was not suitable for hugging the neck.


The cat lay on the back of the sofa with an unhappy face, looked at Jenkins' clumsy movements, squinted his eyes and had an idea.

At the end of the song, Jenkins panted and was glad that he didn't step on Alexia. The short lady danced very well. Jenkins remembered that she mentioned that she was also from an aristocratic family, so dancing was a basic skill.

The band needed to rest before playing the next dance. The gentlemen and ladies chatted and walked to the side to wait. Looking around, under the bright crystal chandelier, there were beautiful girls in skirts and men in various formal suits everywhere. In comparison, Jenkins was a bit too old-fashioned in this suit.

"There is still some time. Do you want to dance again later?"

Jenkins took out his pocket watch and took a look. Miss Windsor and Stuart should be on time, so there is no need to worry about them now.

"Of course, this way you can avoid those annoying chatters."

The short lady said sympathetically, and then walked to the sofa with Jenkins, wanting to rest first. But as soon as the two took a step, they heard someone behind them:

"Beautiful lady, may I invite you to dance?"

This sentence was said to Alexia. Jenkins turned his head and looked back, and found that it was a young man wearing a red dress with exaggerated white lace decoration on the chest. He was wearing boots instead of leather shoes. He should probably be older than Jenkins, and he looks quite handsome, except that the lipstick on his lips is a bit too heavy, but this is still a handsome image according to the aesthetics of this era.

Alexia said nothing, with her usual calm and tranquil expression on her face. Jenkins pursed his lips, knowing that this was a public place and he had to be more civilized:

"Ask again if you have the guts."

He thought he was right to do so. Alexia and he were still holding hands. If the other party didn't have a certain degree of eye disease, he must have asked this intentionally.

"I'd like to ask this pretty lady to dance."

The young man continued speaking loudly, put his left hand on his chest, bowed slightly, and extended his right hand to Alexia. At this moment, Jenkins finally remembered who was in front of him. This was what Miss Windsor had told him. He was a royal blood holder who was also qualified to inherit. The succession was after 10, and his surname seemed to be Wicketmu.

"Sorry, I don't want to dance with anyone else."

Alexia said.

"That's such a shame."

The young Wicketum said, then straightened his belt with a smile, and glanced at Jenkins provocatively:

"Viscount William, this is our first meeting. Do you need me to introduce myself?"

he asked with a smile, extending his hand to Jenkins.

Jenkins quickly stretched out his hand to hold it, with the same smile on his face. The corner of his mouth twitched and he exerted force. Alexia beside him heard the undetectable sound of bones breaking.

"I know you, Viscount Wickham, a great landowner in Yorkshire."

The other party inherited the family property and was a famous rich man and nobleman in Yorkshire. Jenkins deliberately increased his volume when speaking to cover up the other party's moans caused by severe pain after a brief period of paralysis.

"You'd better see a doctor."

Taking advantage of the situation, Jenkins let go of his hand and patted the other person's back. Although this pat on the back was just with ordinary force, Viscount Wickterm still suddenly became alert as if he was startled. His face was ugly and his facial features were twitching. Looking at Jenkins, his feet kept dodging to the side.

"I'm not from a noble family. I've been doing menial work since I was a child, so I'm inevitably a little stronger."

Jenkins explained, his tone was quite calm, but Alexia, who knew him well, knew that he was really angry.

"We'll see."

Viscount Victramu said softly, turned around and left, but after taking just a few steps, he slipped next to the lady wearing a black and white gauze skirt. Because he was walking too fast just now, he even slipped and fell. The ground slid forward for a long distance, and finally stopped in front of the group of young girls who had just entered the hall together.

The girls screamed and backed away while holding their skirts. The sound attracted more people to watch, and the door suddenly became lively.

"You can't kill him, otherwise everyone will doubt you. The way you looked just now was like a child who was afraid of having his candy stolen..."

Alexia reminded with a chuckle.

"Child... No, I won't kill anyone. How could I do such a thing? And am I a stingy person?"

Jenkins asked.

"of course."

The short lady answered quite firmly.

Chapter 1651 Chapter 1625 Dancing with Cats

Jenkins didn't have any murderous intentions. Just like he said, this kind of thing wouldn't be murderous. But it is still necessary to investigate the background and motivations of Viscount Wickham who is now being escorted out by the guards. Although it seems to be just a mutual provocation between the heirs to the throne, there may be other reasons.

He was not curious about the reason why Victram suddenly fell down and made a big fool of himself, because Jenkins thought it was Alexia's trick. Coincidentally, Alexia also thought this was a trick by Jenkins.

"I remember Miss Windsor seemed to have mentioned that the surname Wicketham is related to the surname of Queen Isabella's mother's family."

Jenkins thought deeply, then looked at Alexia aside:

"It's really disappointing, but it can't affect our mood. Let's dance again. I think Miss Windsor and the Stuarts will be here soon."

The small commotion at the door did not affect the band's elegant dance music again. Jenkins rarely danced alone with Alexia, so he did not want to waste time.

"Then dance again, but honestly Jenkins, you were so stiff when you were dancing and you were looking down at my shoes, that was really bad."

The short lady had a beautiful smile, and she complained softly.

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