"So what did you deliberately ignore?"

Jenkins asked again. If this method was feasible, the unknown path ahead would not lead to breaking into the room. Now the purple line was still instructing Jenkins to leave from the other door of the room.

"This method will definitely allow you to leave the manor alive with everyone."

The face in the fire promised again, and then a cunning expression appeared on the terrible face:

"I won't tell you everything. What if you don't want to answer the questions I asked? But I know that you have a way to leave here. So after I ask three questions, I will tell you what I didn't say."

The swollen face will ask three questions, and these three questions can be answered by anyone present, as long as someone gives an answer.

Jenkins nodded to signal the other party to start asking questions, and planned to kill the face in the fire before the fire in the fireplace "swallowed" everyone if he found that he couldn't answer. He grabbed Hathaway's hand and signaled her not to be too nervous. Hathaway is a gifter and knows how bad the current situation is, but Jenkins doesn't think so. The silver metal block that seals the divinity is in his pocket. If he really encounters a big trouble, he can just take everyone away in the state of God.

"The first question, who are you? Try to be more detailed."

The human face said.

Jenkins had better not answer this question, but he was worried that communicating with the human face itself would be affected by the power of the Night Manor, so he hesitated and spoke:

"I am Jenkins Redanput William."

The ugly human face in the fire looked at him quietly, and his eyelids, which were swollen like walnuts, did not move. Sure enough, he did not see through the lie. Jenkins therefore had a bottom line in his heart and knew that the situation in front of him could be dealt with.

"I work in my father's antique shop, and I am also the prince of this country. I believe in the inheritance of the sage of the righteous god and work for the church."

He didn't care what the girls around him heard at all. The church would deal with this matter later. And if the church did not appear, it would be a piece of cake for him to change the girls' memories with the power of lies.

Seeing that the face in the fire was still looking at him, Jenkins continued:

"I am a Nolan, and I can also be considered a half-elf."

He felt Britney's hand grab him hard, and also felt the suspicious eyes of the girls in pajamas.

"I am the owner of my cat Chocolate. I inherit the ancient bloodline and am the most respected believer of the sage."

At this point, the face in the fire said that this was enough, and then asked the second question:

"Where are you now?"

Jenkins was stunned after hearing this question, and then carefully thought about the current situation, and then slowly answered:

"In terms of space, I am in the material world, the Kingdom of Fidictli, the suburbs of Nolan, Night Manor. In terms of time, I am on the night of Wednesday, June 12, 1866 in the 18th era of the universal calendar..."

He took out Alexia's women's pocket watch and looked at it. The time showed 11:23 pm.

"According to my timeline, it's 23:23 now."

"The third question is, how will you die in 34 minutes?"

Jenkins frowned, Hathaway shook her head beside him, and the other girls huddled together in fear, with unspeakable fear.

The premise of this question is to confirm that Jenkins will die in 34 minutes. No matter what answer Jenkins gives, it is equivalent to admitting this. This reminds him of some unconventional curses, the premise of which is that the curser himself needs to admit the effect of the curse before the curse is released.

In any case, it is better not to answer this question. When Jenkins and his party came here, the servant on the sofa was swallowed because he answered "I don't know".

Jenkins didn't want to face this question from the bottom of his heart. His sixth sense told him that this was an obvious trap, and Hathaway must have felt it. But he himself is immortal. Unless his own spirit is completely exhausted, he will never die. Besides, there is no need to worry about divinity in his hands.

He has always been a cautious person. Even if he takes risks, he will definitely leave a backup plan. Therefore, he raised his eyelids slightly and gave a calm answer:

"He was stabbed in the heart and died."

Hathaway looked at Jenkins worriedly, and Jenkins shook his head to signal her not to speak.

"Okay, I understand."

The face in the fire said, and took the initiative to answer Jenkins' question without waiting for him to ask:

"Walking backwards is indeed the most convenient way to leave the Night Manor, but every time you walk backwards, for every foot you move, there will be a one in ten chance of encountering a housekeeper patrolling in the Night Manor, a one in twenty chance of immediate death, and a one in a hundred chance of triggering the manor's teleportation rules and teleporting the target directly to the owner's room."

"It's really not that simple."

Jenkins said in his heart, and then stood up:

"Then can we go?"

"Since you have answered my question, of course you can go, please."

The face in the fire said easily, and then looked at the girls with ill intentions:

"These human women are so beautiful. It reminds me of the days when I was still human. I was as popular as you at that time, and it was common for so many ladies to sleep on my bed at one time."

It sounds like he is teasing everyone, but he is actually tempting Jenkins to ask about the secrets of the manor. But Jenkins was not fooled. He was not a chocolate, and he was not that curious.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you see the chocolate?"

The group of people gathered together again and helped each other back to the corridor. Even though they had been active in the corridor for a while, the horrific visions still frightened the girls in pajamas. Jenkins didn't know how many people were tugging at the hem of his clothes behind him. He tried to use his sense of smell to distinguish the smell of perfume in the air, but the rotten stench in the corridor completely covered all other smells.

"It's too dangerous here, I asked Chocolate to wait outside."

Jenkins answered Bryony's question in a low voice.

"You knew there was danger here, and you came to save us?"

The blonde girl asked in a low voice again. She lowered her head and only dared to look at her feet. Relatively speaking, although the patterns on the floor would make her dizzy after looking at them for a long time, they were at least better than anything she could see when she looked up.

"Then what can I do? Even if there is danger, I can't do nothing. Do you think I will give up on you?"

he said, then added:

"Chocolate is very smart. I left it outside. When the church's combat troops arrive, they will know that I have entered here."

Jenkins said it lightly, but Bryony knew how he felt about chocolate. Even the cat was left alone outside by him. The blonde girl knew what kind of decision Jenkins made when he chose to come in.

"The church's fighting force?"

"Yes, to be precise, it's the church's extraordinary troops... all hold their breath!"

Jenkins explained simply, and then suddenly narrowed his eyes. What made everyone hold their breath was not because of the poisonous fog in front of him, but because he suddenly heard Alexia's voice. The sound was intermittent, and it had to be absolutely quiet to still not be heard clearly.

But fortunately Hathaway is around and her hearing is much better than Jenkins.

"I heard voices speaking."

Hathaway whispered, and the other girls could hear her words, so they all showed horrified expressions. In their opinion, this was not a good sign.

"It seems to be your friend. She said she couldn't contact you, but the last time we met, she gave me a gem that allowed her to contact me."

This was said to explain why only she could hear the voice. Hathaway did not want to expose her identity as a non-registered gifter in front of the church yet.

"That's not necessarily true."

Now in the Night Manor, anything can happen, and Jenkins suspects this is a trap:

"Can you have a conversation with her? Let her tell you something that only I know."

The dozen or so people continued down the corridor without stopping as they spoke, and Jenkins knew the girls couldn't hold on much longer.

"I'll give it a try."

Hathaway said, leaning slightly on Jenkins' arm. Bryony on the other side noticed that her upper body was completely pressed against Jenkins' arm, but she didn't say anything.

"Limited dialogue is allowed, I'm asking her now... Oh!"

She suddenly screamed, and the sound caused all eighteen eyes of the nine-headed snake in the oil painting on the wall to turn this way.

Jenkins glared at the snake in the painting, and it returned to its original shape.

"Jenkins, you pervert!"

The red-haired girl blushed and accused in a low voice. Jenkins thought about it for a moment:

"It's her, yes, it's true! What is she going to do?"

Alexia's name was never mentioned, after all, the church would ask for details of what happened here after she was rescued. However, Britney understood the meaning of Hathaway's words. She lowered her head and took Jenkins' arm to move forward silently, not knowing what she was thinking in her heart.

"She said that the church's combat troops have arrived. Does she need to enter the manor now to rescue you?"

Hathaway said again.

"No, don't let her in. Tell her I have the situation under control and ask her to be patient."

Jenkins suddenly stopped as he spoke, then turned the door handle on the right, and the girls around him filed in. After entering this room, the "conversation" with Alexia was interrupted. It seems that the "safe room" and the corridor outside have a tighter space barrier.

The room this time should be a study, at least judging from the layout. But there was no one from the normal manor in the room, and they had most likely been sent to meet the owner of Night Manor.

Like the dining room and living room just now, there are also two doors here, but there is nothing to speak of. Jenkins asked the ladies not to move. He quickly walked to the other door and pulled it. The moment his skin touched the handle, the passive effect of [Hero] was activated, and a black stream came out between his hand and the door handle. cigarette.

"Can't open."

He immediately let go and retreated to the ladies in pajamas. He looked down at the palm of his right hand and saw a black bruise extending from between his thumb and index finger to his wrist.

"Are you okay?"

Miss Lawrence, who was closest to Jenkins, grabbed his hand and asked. Jenkins shook his head, a green light appeared in the palm of his hand, and the black bruises disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't move around, don't touch anything, leave everything here to me."

He warned, and after getting everyone's response, he approached the desk cautiously. There were scattered papers and notebooks on the table, which looked normal. Looking up at the bookshelf again, he felt a sense of discomfort immediately. Most of the books had words on their spines. The ones he could identify all pointed to the most terrifying forbidden books recorded by mankind. They include [Devil's Script], [Dark Bible], and even the [Criminal Sin: Beast of Disaster] that Jenkins saw in Beldiran not long ago.


He covered his head with one hand and lowered his head, and supported the table with one hand to prevent himself from falling. Someone behind him supported him, and there was more than one person. He turned his head and looked behind him, and they all came over.

Jenkins shook his head to indicate that he was fine. In a blink of an eye, he quickly found the object with the strongest black aura in the room, which was the notebook with a black cover on the table.

But the strange thing is that there is actually a non-black aura in the room, which has never happened before. The luxurious purple color came from the paper balls at the bottom of the wastebasket on the corner of the table. Jenkins just thought for a moment, then carefully kicked down the wastepaper basket, avoiding the paper balls with black aura, and picked up his target.

Opening the ball of paper, there was a pentagram symbol drawn on it in black handwriting, but there was nothing else. Jenkins thought for a moment, then turned his back to the people behind him and revealed the purple emblem corresponding to [Unknown Road Ahead], overlapping with the five-pointed star symbol.

The air was distorted for a moment, and then a series of purple, ant-like scars appeared about half an inch (1.27cm) above the paper. These scars grew more and more, and finally formed words, an ancient writing that Jenkins learned from his father:

[Jenkins, the conditions for passing this study require those who enter to leave behind the terrible knowledge they know. Only the most evil and twisted knowledge can be recognized here...]

Jenkins' hands started shaking after just reading one sentence, not because of the content but the handwriting. He was quite familiar with this handwriting. This was the handwriting of the soothsayer girl in the story "Vampire Love", which Jenkins recorded in the Book of Memories. Divination notes are written like this.

"She has been here before? Did she know I would come? How is she now? She..."

He couldn't wait to look at the next sentence:

[I can't tell you the secret of this manor directly. The rules of Night Manor are limited. Once you know the deepest secrets here through the items or creatures in the manor, you will be directly transported to see the owner of the manor.

You have to remember that although this manor itself is a strange thing, it is definitely a good thing that is beneficial to the world! All the rules here are to restrict people from taking out the secrets here, and also to restrict the most terrifying creature in the manor. Jenkins, I've left here my copy of "Criminal Sin: The Catastrophic Beast" which will be helpful to you.

This is a chance Jenkins, you will have the chance to face a monster with full power that will help you in the future.

I can't say more, but bless you, my descendants. Please don't worry about me. Since we can know each other across thousands of years, we will definitely have a chance to meet again in the end.


Another: 103]

When his eyes fell on the last number, all the lavender letters disappeared, and the five-pointed star pattern on the paper ball in his hand also disappeared. It was just a crumpled white paper.

He was stunned for a moment, then folded the paper and put it in his pocket. He told the girls not to look up at the bookshelf. Then he endured the whispers in his ears and the illusions in front of his eyes. I found the book "Criminal Sin: The Beast of Disaster" in the book layout.

This book has been assimilated by Night Manor, and when it came into contact with Jenkins, it kept trying to corrupt his body. Jenkins looked at the thickness of the book, then estimated the location of page 103, and suddenly opened the book.

This is not the translated version that I saw at the antique fair. Instead, it is most likely the original version of "Criminal Sin: The Beast of Disaster". It already has extraordinary power because it records the most terrifying knowledge in the world. Coupled with the corruption of the manor, the moment I read it, the strange aura reached its peak, and even the [Hero] could hardly suppress it.

Chapter 1658 Chapter 1632 The Spiral of Life and Death (Ten Thousand Word Chapter 2/2)

Under the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes behind him, Jenkins froze. He kept turning the book, and was in a dilemma for a moment.

At this moment, my forehead felt slightly warm, and the power given by the sage attached to my hands, stabilizing the restless power of the book. But at that moment, Jenkins saw a man sitting in the darkness. Half of his body was bones, and half of his body was that of a handsome middle-aged man. But the vision lasted only briefly, and Jenkins didn't see the man's face.

He lowered his head and looked at the words in the book. He knew all those words, and what was recorded on page 103 was the beast of disaster [Abyss of the Immortal].

The fear of death is shared by all intelligent life. Except for a few individuals who can see through life and death and are not afraid of death, most people hope that they can live longer. This applies to all worlds, races, genders, and species.

In the distant era, the fear of death made the intelligent races study the method of longevity from generation to generation. The long pursuit and the accumulation of wisdom for thousands of years finally yielded results. For that result, the races in the material world united briefly, dug the abyss and built an inverted tower, using "inverted" as a symbol of "retracing life" in the ritual, and using the artificial abyss as the base of the ritual, trying to allow all life to enjoy eternal life.

The wise saw the harm this would cause to the world, the greedy tried to monopolize the results, the seekers of knowledge longed for a greater study of life and death, and the fearless hoped to challenge the authority of the gods.

But the gods did not even take action, but just watched quietly as the mortals began to fight each other before the ceremony. The blood and slaughter between them that affected the whole world inadvertently became a symbol of "sacrifice", which opened the ceremony and gave birth to the terrifying monster named "The Sin of Longing for Immortality" of intelligent life - the beast of disaster [The Undead Abyss].

The appearance of the beast of disaster represented the end of the era, and the intelligent races who realized what they had done were determined to solve the disaster they caused. In the end, the nameless hero who appeared in the name of the savior entered the upside-down tower alone, intending to seal the abyss forever.

However, the power of the beast of disaster was too fierce. Although the seal was successful in the end, it only suppressed the [Undead Abyss] instead of letting it sleep in the seal. Therefore, in order to prevent it from escaping, the place where the beast of disaster [The Undead Abyss] was sealed was separated from the space of the material world, and at the same time, the seal was set with many obstacles to prevent any creature who knew the secret from leaving.

The sin of immortality caused this terrible disaster. Since then, the gods have made new rules. No creature in the material world can live beyond the limit of 999 years through mortal means to prevent the emergence of undead monsters again and to prevent the suppressed power of the abyss from leaking out.

"So that's it..."

Jenkins pondered, closed his eyes and calmed down, then closed the book and put it back to its original place on the bookshelf.

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