"That won't do. How can Your Highness meet those two ladies in this outfit?"

St. George Street was shrouded in the dim yellow light of gas street lamps. Although the carriage parked under the street lamp was a little abrupt, it matched this quiet night very well. A crow flew across the night sky. The coachman who was on guard in the dark looked up and exhaled a white puff of smoke from the corner of his mouth holding a cigarette.

In the carriage, Julia, a maid, immediately opposed Jenkins' proposal. Dolores and Alexia also thought so. The two women inside will live with them in the same home for the rest of their lives. They can't be so careless when they meet for the first time. Therefore, even if they are only separated by a wall and a yard, they can't meet immediately.

"I have invited them to live in my house in the future, for safety."

Jenkins said again, but did not immediately invite Alexia and Dolores to live there. Now the talks between the two countries have not started yet. As the heirs of the royal families of their respective countries, Jenkins and Dolores must not do such things. Not to mention, the princess's unmarried cohabitation is definitely a national scandal, and Jenkins doesn't want to give the idle people in the streets and taverns more gossip.

Alexia and Dolores also understand his approach, but Her Royal Highness will not lose at the starting line. She thought about it and suggested;

"Jenkins, now you are also a person of status, it is difficult to take care of your family, and there is always no one to take care of you. Even if you invite two ladies to live with you, I don't think this situation will change much. Why don't I let Julia follow you temporarily? Of course, I know you hate being followed, so she will only appear as a maid when you are at home at night, and she will return to me when you leave during the day."

Everyone in the carriage knew what she wanted to do. Julia seemed to want to object, not because she hated Jenkins, but because she didn't want to leave Dolores.

"I will marry Jenkins in the future, and you will definitely follow me. It's better to adapt in advance. Besides, it's only at night, and I have servants around me. Julia, Jenkins really needs someone reliable to take care of him. Although he is very powerful, his life is a mess. He usually eats out more than at home."

The maid was a little embarrassed, but finally nodded in agreement. The three women did not ask Jenkins's opinion, and of course Jenkins would not object.

After that, he mentioned taking the girls back to Privet Drive to meet his parents. Alexia asked him to arrange it at will. They could meet the ladies in the house in advance before that dinner.

Then Jenkins asked Dolores about the news of the Genesis Stone. At the gem gathering last year, Dolores provided clues to Mr. Constantine, but unfortunately the 9th-level demigod finally chose the road of no return to merge with the weird.

"Yes, I still remember it."

Dolores smiled, she remembered clearly:

"The confrontation with the crazy Mr. Constantine, that was the first time we talked alone, right?

The news about the Genesis Slate was also something I heard by chance, and I can't guarantee its authenticity. I don't even know what it is. I only know that a piece of the slate fragment appeared near Nolan. If you want to know, I will project to Loon tonight and check the old letters. There should be records on it."

Jenkins nodded when he heard this. Although the Genesis Slate is not of much value to him now, it is useful after all. After saying this, seeing that it was getting late and the ladies in the house had probably finished their quarrel, he planned to go back. But Alexia stopped him:

"So have you thought about how to celebrate your birthday?"

"My birthday?"

Jenkins was stunned, and then he remembered that Alexia mentioned it once some time ago:

"It doesn't matter, you can celebrate it any way. Although I'm not married yet, I've moved out of my home. I don't need to go back to Privet Drive for my birthday. I can probably buy a cake for dinner, which will save chocolate."

The cat in the house nodded modestly, very satisfied with Jenkins' arrangement. Jenkins didn't care about birthdays, because it wasn't his birthday at all.

"Why are you so careless?"

Dolores said immediately.

"Please wait a moment, I don't need any birthday party."

"Then at least everyone should have a meal together, and we will also give you a gift."

Her Royal Highness insisted, so Jenkins promised to invite everyone to dinner at home on the birthday, and promised not to make do with anything casually.

The carriage took Alexia and Dolores away. It was late at night, and they had to go back to rest. In a few hours, they had to attend the welcome ceremony of the King of Cheslan to Nolan.

After watching the carriage disappear from the corner, Jenkins looked at Julia in her maid uniform.

"Aren't you hot?"

He asked curiously, Julia's uniform was not thin at all.

The maid shook her head and said it was nothing. She and Jenkins were not strangers. Although they rarely met when Dolores was not around, they were still friends.

Jenkins walked into the yard with the maid and introduced the structure of his house to her, and explained that she didn't need to clean it, as long as she could make breakfast.

When he put his hand on the door handle and wanted to open it, he suddenly realized that it didn't seem to be a good idea to let Julia enter his house under the circumstances tonight. He hadn't completely solved the problem of Britney.

But Jenkins, always a decisive man, only paused before opening the door. Hathaway and Britney were both in the living room and were startled when they heard the door open. They thought Jenkins was upstairs.

"I went out to talk about some things."

His vague explanation leads Bryony to guess that Jenkins got out through the window. Before she could ask, Jenkins stepped aside to let Julia in. This was the first time Hathaway and Britney met Julia. They knew she was a maid just by looking at her clothes. Judging from her appearance, she was also quite beautiful.

"She is the maid of the house."

Jenkins said:

"Dolores came to see me just now and left her personal maid to take care of me. They will all be family members from now on."

Bryony's expression changed. She had long heard about Jenkins and the Princess of the North from the newspapers. She didn't expect to hear Jenkins admit it in person.

Originally, this matter had to wait for Hathaway's so-called "plan" to be implemented before speaking out, but Jenkins no longer had that patience. Bryony also knew something, so she took advantage of this opportunity tonight to plan a complete showdown.

The cat heard that Jenkins was back and ran happily down from the second floor. Jenkins caught it and smiled, then asked the three ladies to sit down together. Julia did not refuse because of her identity. She knew what Dolores' dispatch and Alexia's acquiescence meant.

Hathaway wanted to say something, probably because she thought it was difficult for Britney to accept all this. But Jenkins had made up his mind and wasn't willing to wait.

The story with Dolores and Alexia begins with the "pen pal letter" that the maid sent to the wrong address last fall. It was precisely because of that simple math problem that Jenkins had the opportunity to establish contact with Dolores. It was also precisely because of those letters that Dolores helped him publish a mathematics book, so he had the opportunity to study in Alexia. When I went to the Sage Church to attend a class, I had the opportunity to communicate with a short lady.

All this certainly sounds very romantic and has a sense of fateful encounter, but the premise is that the protagonist of the story is not his own man. Hathaway didn't feel deeply because she had known about it for a long time, while Britney had mixed feelings in her heart. Of course he was angry, but counting the time, it was before he and Jenkins confirmed their relationship. It was hard to say who was earlier.

Looking at Hathaway's reaction, we knew that she had known about this for a long time, and her desire to yell at someone present became even stronger.

"So that's it."

The story is not long, so Jenkins tried to explain it as concisely as possible to avoid further upsetting Britney.

"So who are you sleeping with now?"

There are no outsiders here, and Brienne doesn't have to worry about words.

After hearing this, Jenkins lowered his head and whispered three names. Britney glanced at Hathaway. The red-haired girl looked at Jenkins' cat intently, but did not look at her.

"So what are you going to do next?"

the blonde asked again.

"You are all my wings..."

Feeling that saying this would further make him fall into the abyss of scum, Jenkins put it another way:

"I know it's wrong for me to do this, but I don't intend to let go of anyone's hand. Yes, I don't want to sit in a rocking chair decades later and lament who I gave up when I was young. This is absolutely impossible to happen. I plan to Become the King of the Kingdom of Fidictry and change the laws a little bit... It's not hard to do. Brienne, I'm really sorry, but I want it all and I won't let anyone go. ”

At this point, Jenkins blushed, knowing how shameful what he said was.

But hearing that Jenkins had his own plan, Bryony subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately began to feel angry with herself in her heart:

"I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

She said this to Jenkins with red eyes. Jenkins was a little worried that Britney would not be able to accept it, but Hathaway, who knew Britney's temperament well, knew that tonight would probably be fine. If the blond girl sits there without saying a word and sheds tears, then she's in big trouble.

"When we first met at Dad's antique shop, I thought you were a shy young man. I didn't expect that in just one year, you would become what you are now."

Chocolate was very unhappy about others accusing Jenkins like this, but since Bryony was right, and the cat also felt that Jenkins should not let more women into his home, he did not stand up to defend Jenkins, but still lay on his lap. Watching this interesting scene.

PS: Regarding Bryony accepting Jenkins’ “I want it all” idea, I wasn’t too angry. It shouldn’t be a very abrupt plot, right? This chapter is 3k, please support and subscribe.

Chapter 1667 Chapter 1640: Contact with the Messenger of Death

"I thought you were a person who knew how to respect women, was serious about relationships, and cherished his love. I didn't expect you to do such a thing."

In the living room on the first floor of Jenkins' house, Bryony was breathing heavily as she spoke, as if she couldn't breathe due to anger. Hathaway immediately went to help her, but Britney was also angry with Hathaway. In fact, she was more angry with Jenkins than with Jenkins. After all, Britney knew that she was not dedicated, and she was not affectionate during her relationship with Jenkins. Push Hathaway away.

"You have become like this in just one year. What kind of person will you become in the future, Jenkins?"

Now even Julia could tell that Britney was not actually too angry.

"Jenkins, are you going to turn into the most annoying playboy you ever were?"

"of course not."

Some nervous writers shook their heads quickly.

"Didn't you ever think that you would offend so many ladies at once?"

Bryony asked, and Jenkins couldn't refute now. Last year, he always thought he was a very good man.

"So, I will always be by your side and watch you from now on. You really need someone around you to tell you the correct way to treat women."

She finally said this, then stood up and walked to the room upstairs without looking back. The sound of stepping on the stairs was very rhythmic.

Hathaway sat still and glanced at Julia:

"This Miss Minnewick is the one..."

She was referring to the time when Jenkins came back from a business trip to the Shire and wanted to bring a girl home, but everyone was busy, so in the end he had to ask the maid to help.

Julia also understood the question, her face turned red but she said nothing. Just like Dolores said, she will definitely follow Her Royal Highness the Princess after she marries Jenkins. By then...

"Yes, this is Dolores's personal maid and also my friend. She helped me a lot last time."

Jenkins had a clear conscience about that matter, and if one of the girls had time that night, he would not be shameless enough to ask Julia for help.

The maid still didn't speak. Hathaway curled her lips, looked at Jenkins with a strange look, then got up and went upstairs to comfort Britney.

Bryony was obviously waiting for her around the corner on the second floor. The sound of the two arguing and questioning didn't disappear until the door to the room was closed.

"Mr. Williamt, in the future... please treat His Highness kindly."

Only Julia and Jenkins were left in the living room. Julia warned with some worry. After seeing this little farce tonight, she was a little worried that Jenkins was actually the kind of man who was very good at coaxing women.

"Am I that kind of person?"

He argued that in fact, after knowing her for so long, Julia knew that he was not, but she was always worried about her princess.

"Okay, okay, let's all go and rest. We have other things to do tomorrow."

He pointed out the location of the guest room to Julia and explained how to get up and eat every day. Although she is said to be a maid, Jenkins treats Julia as a friend and does not need her to clean the room or wash clothes. She only needs to be responsible for the meals here temporarily. He planned to hire a few servants after the other two girls moved in. Alexia was right, he did need someone to take care of the house. As for Julia's own cooking now, it is only a temporary matter. Jenkins has no intention of letting the maid do this forever.

He returned to his room and after a simple wash, he lay on the bed and looked at the peaceful moonlight outside the window. Soon I heard the cat's regular breathing, and Chocolate had already fallen asleep.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Hathaway walked in quietly wearing pajamas. They came here temporarily tonight, and there were no suitable women's clothes at Jenkins' house, so the clothes of Hathaway, Britney, and Julia were all drawn by Jenkins.

"I thought you were going to sleep with that pretty maid lady."

Hathaway teased, but Jenkins ignored her words:

"So Britney is asleep?"

"I'm going to sleep for now. I really didn't expect that she would be so angry with me tonight, but she forgave you easily. Jenkins, you are such a lucky guy."

The red-haired girl naturally sat beside the bed:

"Originally, I wanted to use my own plan to let Britney accept all this naturally. I didn't expect such a change to happen, but it's not bad."

"So what was your original plan?"

Jenkins asked curiously.

"It's not going to happen anyway, so you'll never know."

Hathaway shook her head, but suddenly laughed again. She looked as beautiful as a flower under the moonlight:

"But if the plan goes well, what lies here tonight..."

She patted Jenkins' bed, and the vibration woke up Chocolate. It lay there and screamed very dissatisfied. Jenkins immediately pulled Hathaway away from the bed so as not to disturb his cat's sleep.

"There should be three people lying here tonight."

Her tone was very ambiguous, and Jenkins immediately understood what she meant.

"Oh, that's such a pity."

He said pretending not to care, not looking at Hathaway.

"Yeah, what a pity."

Hathaway repeated in a teasing tone that she said this deliberately to make Jenkins regret. She was scolded by Britney just now, but Jenkins didn't say a word.

"Then I'll go back to bed. Good night, Jenkins."

She waved at Jenkins and turned to leave, but her steps were very slow, hoping very much that Jenkins would ask her to stay. But Jenkins didn't do this. Things had just calmed down tonight. If Britney found Hathaway in his room the next day, she really didn't know whether the family would be able to live in peace.

After sending Hathaway away, Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the bed ready to rest. Too many things happened tonight. Not only was his identity as a World Tree seedling exposed, but even Brienne knew the secret of the extraordinary world.

"No, I can't sleep yet. There are still things that have not been resolved."

Suddenly he sat up from the bed again, because he remembered that in the Night Manor, although he swallowed two-thirds of the World Tree Seeds, his [Breath of Life] did not undergo a qualitative change, but inserting the half of the Death Statue into his chest changed his ability.

He had not intended to use the statue, but he had no choice at the time. Besides, the statue was a normal reward he got after passing the strange realm, not a gift from the Lord of Death or the gods, so it didn't matter if he used it.

By using the statue, the [Bone Body (Yellow Spell)] originally used to summon skeletons was upgraded to [Bone Sacrifice (Yellow Spell)]. This ability, together with [Embrace Death], which can increase spirits by contacting death, formed a simple chain, that is, [Contact the Messenger of Death].

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