"That would be great..."

Viscount Ludos backed away as he spoke, and then suddenly froze because he saw the man in front of him slowly taking out a pistol:

"But I'm sorry you can't survive."

The Viscount's handkerchief slipped, and the small women's pistol that the Viscount had hidden in the handkerchief was raised. This kind of gun is a one-time use, expensive to make but extremely poor in practicality. Not only does it have a low range, but its power is also very poor.

But now Viscount Ludos is very close to the man. If he can hit, although he may not be able to kill the man, it can at least buy the Viscount valuable time to escape.

Not going beyond the expectations of Jenkins and the old elf who were invisible by the wall, Viscount Ludos fired first, and the ejected bullet hit the man's left chest, but it only spattered some sparks, and the shriveled warhead fell with a clatter. Got to the floor. The warhead jumped a few times and then swirled on the ground. Finally, it came to a stop when it hit the display cabinet with the table knives.

"See, I knew this was going to happen."

The man said, smiling as he looked at the trembling Viscount in front of him. The man put away his gun, then smashed the glass of the display cabinet next to him with his fist, and took out the table knife:

"Let's play a game. You turn around and run now. If you are still alive when you return to the second floor, I will let you go."

As he spoke, he pinched the blade of the table knife with his fingers and raised the handle of the table knife upwards and shook it:

"I count to three...one"

Viscount Ludos seemed to have bounced off the floor. Instead of turning around and running towards the stairs, he grabbed the antique shield by the wall and carried it behind his back. It was a small buckler, which could not block the entire body of the Viscount, but at least it could block his upper body when he bent over and ran.


Although the third floor is very large, the two of them were not far from the stairs just now. In addition, the man deliberately slowed down when counting. When the number two was read out, Viscount Ludos had already reached the stairs.


The table knife turned into a ray of silver light and flew out of the man's hand. At that moment, the Viscount, who had his back turned to him, had a blank look in his eyes. He felt and understood that even if he had a shield, the table knife would break through the defense in the next second. Pass through his body and pin him to the opposite wall.

He held his breath and waited for death to come with a surprised look on his face, but he did not expect that the moment would not come. He used all his courage to support himself and turned around, and then saw a young man with his back turned to him, holding a table knife between two fingers.

The face of the benefactor from the Gear Craftsmen Guild was already filled with gloom.

"I always think......"

As soon as Jenkins spoke, the Giver standing opposite him decisively took out a notebook from his pocket. He moved so quickly that the notebook burst into flames before Jenkins flew out his knife and tried to puncture it.

That notebook is not an antique, it is an ordinary cheap item that can be bought anywhere. But as it burned violently, a thick fog with a foul smell of engine oil quickly spread into the room. Everyone coughed for a moment, including the benefactors of the Gear Craftsmen Guild. No one could bear the smell.

When the black fog gradually dissipated, the exhibition hall on the third floor had changed. The originally stuffy room became even more humid and hot, with scorching steam spewing upward from the gaps in the floor, and hot red chains sealing off the four walls. Red light filled the entire room, making it look like a lava hell in a volcanic crater. The oxygen in the air became thinner. Viscount Ludos, the only ordinary person present, couldn't breathe because he was one step faster than Jenkins' cat.

There was no change in the exhibition cabinet, except that Jenkins found that his hands and feet were locked by four hot red chains. The temperature of the chains was just right to prevent blistering of the skin, and the other end of the chains was a lock on the floor under his feet.

He was not the only one. Through the steam mist gushing out everywhere, Jenkins could see that Viscount Ludos, the old elf hiding by the wall, and the benefactors of the Craftsmen Guild were all chained up. Only the cat hidden in Jenkins' pocket did not receive this treatment. Chocolate even hated collars and bells, and would drive him crazy if he were chained.

"Believer of lies!"

The middle-aged man with a gloomy face shouted to Jenkins:

"Sure enough, it happened! We expected this. You can't stop our plan this time."

After leaving Loen, Jenkins always met the benefactors of the Gear Craftsmen Guild in various strange places. Not long ago, he subdued one in a tavern with his senior sister Miss Stivell. They undoubtedly wanted to repair the difference machine underground, but unfortunately they were always bumped into by Jenkins.

This is probably the so-called fate, which proves that the underground difference engine is definitely related to the disaster or the beast of disaster at the end of the era. It is the fate of the savior that attracts Jenkins and the gear craftsman to meet.

Jenkins did not refute his identity, but tried to tug on the chain. He is now a seventh-level benefactor, the pinnacle of mortals before being a demigod. Even without corresponding abilities, it would be easy to catch bullets with bare hands or break through walls with bare hands, but at this moment, even with the power of the Titan, he could not pull the chains that imprisoned his hands and feet at all.

PS: If there are no accidents, the author will persist until the end of this book. This chapter will be worth 3K every morning. I hope everyone will not fatten up at the end, so that the results can be better before the end of this story... I don’t expect it. It is actually impossible to order more than 10,000 each. Just maintain the current average score of over 7,000.

Chapter 1676 Chapter 1649 Fanatic Attraction

"It cannot be broken. The rules of space here have changed."

Seeing that Jenkins still wanted to try, the knowledgeable old elf reminded him. Now the entire space is filled with high-heat air, and the oxygen content in the air has dropped sharply. After Viscount Ludos, an ordinary person, the aging elf also feels a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, yes, we have long expected that believers in lies will appear, so we used the power given by the great things underground to create that strange notebook with ancient knowledge."

The man from the Gear Craftsmen Guild had a fanatical expression on his face:

"Look, you see, machinery and gears are the direction in which human beings should evolve. In this world, only machinery is eternal."

"But you also locked yourself away."

This is what Viscount Ludos said. In the moment just now, it seemed that he had seen through life and death. Even if such an incredible thing happened now, he still did not collapse. The Viscount was standing at the top of the stairs. Although his voice was trembling when he spoke and there was extreme fear in his heart, at least he was still rational.

"This is a rule, a rule given to us by great things that transcends mortals. The current situation is very simple..."

The man from the Gear Craftsman Guild said softly, his voice almost drowned in the sound of steam. His face turned red, and he didn't know whether it was because of the heat and humidity here, or because of the excitement inside:

"Only those who truly understand mechanics can leave here, otherwise no one will be able to break free from this chain."

As he spoke, he waved his hand suddenly, and the chain on his right hand broke as if it were made of paper. He looked at Jenkins, then took a step towards Jenkins, and the chains on his feet were broken:

"Believer of lies, you shouldn't always hinder our actions. This time you won't be able to escape even if you grow wings."

Jenkins snorted coldly. Seeing someone threatening Jenkins, the cat hidden in his chest came out, stood on his shoulder and meowed at the man.

But the cultists of the Gear Craftsmen Guild didn’t care about this at all. This middle-aged man was quite cautious:

"You think I will approach you easily? No, I have heard too many of your stories."

As he spoke, he quickly walked away from Jenkins, then bent down and shuttled through the steam flowing from the cracks in the ground, looking for something in those display cabinets.

"Viscount Rudos, can you tell me what he is looking for?"

Jenkins suddenly asked the Viscount behind him. Viscount Ludos hesitated for a moment. Seeing that the man he had brought to the third floor ignored the conversation, he explained:

"He wanted to pick one piece from my collection, and in exchange, they promised to treat my son... He accidentally fell off a horse while riding last year and was trampled on both legs, which were later amputated... ..."

"Which piece of the collection does he want?"

Jenkins asked again.

"The batch I 'borrowed' from Carfax Yard."

Hearing these words, the cultist turned and looked at the two men. Viscount Ludos suddenly shrank his head, and his bending movement made the chains rattle.

"Believer of lies, you were one step ahead of us. Did you discover something?"

"You can see if there are any missing items here. If there are, I've found something."

Jenkins said, then quietly glanced at the old elf on the wall. The latter's presence is very low. Although the cultists have discovered him, they don't seem to be interested in him.

"You have a point."

The man from the Gear Craftsmen Guild nodded, and then quickly checked whether any items were missing in all the display cabinets in the room. Only to finally find that all the items were where they were supposed to be, and he even reached out and touched each item to make sure they were real and not an illusion.

"This is too bad. Just tell me there is an important key to unlocking the seal..."

The man groaned, and although the sound was completely covered by the sound of steam leaking, Jenkins could hear it vaguely.

After pacing in place and thinking for a few seconds, the benefactor of the Craftsmen's Guild walked to the wall, picked up the sword from the weapon rack, and began to slash at each display stand. After all, most numbered items were indestructible.

Jenkins heard the groan of Viscount Ludos behind him, and also saw the black iron key he had drawn in the display cabinet fall to the ground. These antiques handed down from ancient times were all destroyed by the cultists. If Viscount Rudos's losses were valued, his property damage would be around 7,000 pounds.

"How could it not be?"

After destroying everything, the man from the Craftsman Guild dropped the sword full of gaps in his hand and looked at Jenkins with a fierce look:

"It's you?"

"I'll tell you when you come up to me."

Jenkins felt sweat flowing down the side of his face, but he was still able to smile.

"Although this chain can temporarily prevent the person being chained from using their abilities, I will never be fooled by you."

The cultist said, but Jenkins didn't feel like he couldn't use his abilities.

"What do you think this is?"

Seeing that the other party refused to come over, Jenkins said softly, and then a miner's lamp emitting blue light appeared out of thin air in his hand. The miner's lamp was completely made up of gears, bolts, bearings and other metal parts, which made it look extremely simple, but it was also so full of order. Each part is crooked, but it fits together with the adjacent parts in the most reasonable way.

Such hasty piecing together finally resulted in a miner's lamp with perfect structure and shape. This is definitely a mechanical treasure.

Looking at the miner's lamp in Jenkins' hand, the middle-aged man's eyes became blurred. He knew that he shouldn't stare at the items of the believer of lies, but his whole mind was saying that this was the way forward for mechanical evolution.

It was so magnificent, so perfect, the beauty of mechanical structure and chaotic order together constituted this miner's lamp. This lamp seemed to absorb his soul, making him unable to look away, and as he stared, all kinds of crazy ideas and strange thoughts appeared in his mind.

That was the perception that the gifter sought but could not get, and the harvest of seeing through the truth of the world.

He longed for it, he feared it, he coveted it, and he even feared it.

"How can there be such a perfect..."

The words spoken from his mouth were not controlled by his mind at all. His heart was suddenly terrified by the obsession at this moment, but he could not control his body to reach out and move towards the believer of lies.

"This is a treasure."

The dry lips recited the phrase, revealing the extreme madness in the words.

"This is a miracle."

After a brief sobering, he fell into the deepest abyss. His consciousness was completely lost, and there was only the lamp in his eyes and heart. He could not think, understand, explain, or even feel.

The lamp seemed to have completely occupied his heart and everything in him. The mechanical structure of his whole body was trembling at this moment, and the little flesh and blood left was shaking with fear under the guidance of crazy thoughts.

PS: The weather is so hot...

Chapter 1677 Chapter 1650 The "Bad Words" of the Elves

The cultist, with only 20% of the flesh and blood tissue left in his body, slowly approached Jenkins. In the lingering high-temperature steam, he fearlessly stretched out his rough hands covered with calluses, and put his hands together, as if he wanted to hug the lamp.

At this moment, the fist wrapped in flames passed through his chest and pinched the semi-mechanized heart. The touch was very wonderful. On the one hand, it had the unique wetness and stickiness of flesh and blood, and on the other hand, it had the bumps of gears and the toughness of metal.


As death approached, consciousness suddenly became clear. He was surprised to see the chain on Jenkins' hand break, and also saw the murderous intent on his face under the blue light of the mining lamp.

"So, just having mechanical abilities can get you out of trouble. I thought it was so complicated."

Jenkins said, then he pulled his hand out while holding the heart, and the heavy body fell to the ground with a bang. The sound of metal hitting the floor was the sound of metal hitting the ground. But after all, 80% of his body is mechanical structure, and even if his heart was taken out, he did not die immediately.

He was conscious, but his heart was still fascinated by the mining lamp. The great terror of death and the instant enlightenment he just witnessed when he saw the mining lamp made him seem to understand the principle of machinery at the last moment:

"This is the ultimate!"

He pointed at Jenkins and said, his voice was weak, but his face was flushed with excitement:

"We will never lose! Even if we lose, you, the believer of lies, are still the inheritor of this graceful gear road..."

He did not care about the other party's performance before death. After confirming that the cultist was really dead, Jenkins took the mining lamp and broke the chains of the old elf and Viscount Rhodos one by one. But this strange space still exists, and the temperature inside is getting hotter and hotter. The only ordinary person here, Viscount Rhodos, is almost unable to breathe.

"Since they want to use this to break the seal, it should be effective now..."

Jenkins thought to himself, took out the black iron key that he had just hidden from his spirit, placed the key upright on the floor, and then turned it half a circle clockwise.


The three people heard hallucinations at the same time, and then the steam that was spraying everywhere from the floor suddenly disappeared. The three of them were startled at the same time, and then ran to the nearest window to open it. The warm night wind immediately blew into the third floor, and the three of them exhaled heavily towards the window.

Even if the wind outside is hot, it is at least cooler than indoors. The discomfort in the lungs and the swelling pain in the skin gradually disappeared with the blowing of the night wind. Jenkins even felt that even the unpleasant burnt smell in the air became a little cute.

He took a break for a while, and carefully confirmed that the cat on his shoulder was not fainted by the heat. Then he turned to look at Viscount Rhodos, who immediately realized that although the most vicious one was dead, the remaining two people who broke into his house did not seem to be good people either.

"Do you have a carriage at home?"

Jenkins asked.


Viscount Rhodos did not react to the meaning of this question for a while. Not long after, he sat in a carriage and drove the corpse into the nearest Death Church. He finally realized that the other party did not want to kill him.

After watching Viscount Rhodos and the corpse trembling all over enter the church, Jenkins and the old elf returned to the apartment rented by the elf in the city center. Although there were some accidents, overall, the action tonight was relatively smooth.

It was just that after the elf returned home, he immediately got himself a large bottle of gin to calm himself down. Jenkins thought that elves did not drink.

"This is another stereotype of human beings against other races."

The old elf said disdainfully, and when he put down the wine glass, his face was obviously much better.

"The operation went smoothly. I didn't expect that we could solve the problem in an hour and a half. Look, it's not even twelve o'clock yet. It went really smoothly. And this key may be able to break the barrier, field, seal and even the puzzle lock. I need to go back and study it."

Jenkins sat very relaxed in the armchair next to the sofa, with chocolate on his legs.

"You call this smooth? Well, whatever you say."

The old elf looked a little tired, put down the wine glass and leaned back on the sofa:

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