"I'll get back to her."

He said vaguely, thinking it would be next week. But something might happen next week, so I simply set the time after my birthday. After my birthday, I will take four ladies...five, including Julia, home. Mother Mary will definitely not be there by then. happy.

"But if I bring a distant relative who comes to visit me for the first time, Mary won't be too harsh on me, even for Sigrid's sake."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile, feeling happy that his plan was successful and appropriate.

I saw Fini again at the lunch table. Little Fini did not sit with her friends, but sat alone in the corner of the table. Jenkins then walked over with the cat and sat down next to Feeney.

Chapter 1692 Chapter 1665 Jenkins’ Promise

"Why didn't you see anyone else?"

Without saying hello, he walked over to sit next to Feini, and Jenkins spoke directly. The two of them were not strangers who needed to greet each other first.

"Good afternoon, sir! They are still selling flowers, but my share has been sold out!"

Finny looked happy and even smiled at the cat. Chocolate was annoyed by the recent hot weather and the addition of three people at home, so he didn't look good on Fini. But this was the cat's usual behavior, and Fini didn't feel left out by the cat.

"This is really good, but the weather is so hot now. I haven't eaten at noon and I'm still selling flowers on the street..."

Jenkins hesitated, then looked at the sumptuous food on the table, trying to choose some dessert for himself that could relieve the heat.

“But I always feel like no matter what I take, the chocolate will be cheap.”

He thought as he stared at the tempting yellow pudding.

"I sold out my share at ten o'clock in the morning, so I came back early. The nuns will organize others to take a rest at 11:30 and eat at a nearby restaurant."

Feini said happily:

"But it's hot in the restaurant, and it's more comfortable in the church."

Of course, the church would not let the nuns take the choir children to any high-end restaurants. What they chose were just cheap restaurants on the street, so the heat in the room was natural.

While eating, Jenkins asked about the flower sales. The little girl also likes this topic very much, because "selling flowers" is not only her past, but also her present and future.

As Fini spoke, the little angel Louise behind her showed a shy smile. Noticing that Jenkins was looking at her, Angel nodded slightly and held Fini's arm unnaturally harder, as if she was shy. If it weren't for the fact that angels are spirits, he could have strangled Fini's neck if he got so close to her.

"I heard that at the auction yesterday, the two pots of tulips that had been unsold a few days ago were sold at a very high price. That's really amazing."

Although selling flowers at an auction is completely different from flower girls hawking on the street, in Feeney's opinion this should be considered "industry news", so she told Jenkins as an anecdote.

Of course Jenkins knew about this. After all, the baron who spent a lot of money to buy tulips was found by Miss Windsor and even met Jenkins once.

"So do you think it's reasonable to pay this high price for two pots of flowers?"

he asked his followers.

"Since it is a very beautiful and precious flower, and there are people willing to buy it, it is probably worth it..."

Feini replied, but she frowned again, as if she encountered some doubts:

"But ever since I heard about those two pots of flowers, I always felt... like it was some kind of scam."

Jenkins laughed happily, patted Feeney's head and winked at her:

"Don't tell anyone else~"

The girl was still a little confused, but when she looked up and saw Jenkins' expression, she immediately felt that she understood:

"Yes sir, I won't talk nonsense."

As the only fanatical believer of the "God of Lies", Feini naturally has the ability to target lies to a certain extent, so theoretically she can be more sensitive to the strangeness of this matter than others.

This shows that Feini really believes in Jenkins wholeheartedly. Even if Jenkins does not give her any magic or ability, this young ordinary girl is willing to dedicate her soul to him unconditionally.

In the afternoon, I read the information given by the bishop as planned, and then chatted with the bishop for a while, speculating on the results of the next grand meeting of the Three Kings.

The bishop has acquaintances in the Holy See and can obtain a lot of first-hand information. Coupled with the information obtained by Jenkins himself, it is basically certain that the three kings do not want the war in the intermission stage to continue.

This meeting is not only about peace talks about the war, but also about territorial disputes between the three countries. Of course, the most important thing remains that secular forces seek to unite in order to gain an advantage in new negotiations between divine power and royal power after the joint meeting of the Twelve Orthodox Churches.

The Kingdom of Fidictry and the Kingdom of Hampavo are both ready. As long as the king does not die before the meeting, there is the same consensus in the country. It's just that the situation in Chesland is worrying. Those short-sighted militants who seem to be controlled by the tree house may not be happy to accept the war ending like this.

He left the church and applied for a meeting with Sarsi II in the name of Dolores. After a while, he met Dolores's father, the short-lived king of the Northern Kingdom, in the reception room of the house.

He was still wearing a red plush cloak and looked very cold.

"You are indeed here."

Salhi II said:

"I knew that even if Dolores heard my request, she would not disagree."

This seemed to be a test to see if Jenkins would discuss the matter with Dolores, but Jenkins ignored it. After sitting down with the cat in my arms, I looked around:

"Why does it feel so hot in this room?"

The chocolate was already so hot that he was panting heavily, and the back of Jenkins, who was wearing a shirt, was already soaked.

"I'm a little afraid of the cold, so I asked your queen to make arrangements and specifically asked the steam company to continue supplying steam to this house."

Steam pipes are still needed for heating on hot days, which is a very new thing. Jenkins guessed that this was not just because of Salhi II's physical condition. After all, no matter how weak he was, he would not need to keep warm to this extent in the summer.

"The 'clone' ability he was given was defective?"

Jenkins thought to himself, but did not expose the opponent's trump card. Now that almost all the cards in the king's hand of the North Kingdom are known to them, there is no benefit in exposing this at this moment.

"So what do you want to say to me?"

asked the somewhat haggard middle-aged king.

"I promise that if I become the king of Fidicli, then I will not rely on marrying Dolores to annex your country."

Before Salhi II could remind him of the trap, Jenkins continued:

"But if Dolores does not become your heir, and I become the king of this country, and am very lucky to defeat the successor you chose, then there is something wrong with your selection of people, and your successor is not worthy of being King, and I deserve it all.

I think if I gain your territory through normal warfare, it should have nothing to do with Dolores, right? "

This was the trap that Salhi II saw. He originally wanted Jenkins to promise not to annex under any conditions. But what Jenkins said made sense. The middle-aged man thought about it and laughed:

"You are very confident, but you are right. If the heir I choose is really no match for you, then it is fate that makes the Kingdom of Hampavo disappear. This is very reasonable, and there is no need for me to make too many arrangements for my descendants. After all, they have their own way to go.”

PS: So where is the real trap of The Oath?

Chapter 1693 Chapter 1666 Salhi II’s Reminder

Salhi II finally accepted Jenkins' oath, but asked Jenkins to say it again in the name of the sage.

Of course, Jenkins, who had a clear conscience, was not afraid to say it again, so he repeated it again in Fidictri and Hampavo with clear pronunciation.

He even asked the other party if he wanted to put this oath in writing, but the other party refused:

"I don't want what you wrote to be collected in a museum a hundred years later. Are you on the side of weakness and love? I am the elder or the reigning king. You don't have to think about what future generations will think of us today. Those ordinary people in the city, the literary young people, or the sighing aristocratic women in the court are all stupid. As long as it involves love stories, they always favor the protagonist of the story. "

This was the reason given by Salhi II, but Jenkins believed that the other party was not the kind of person who cared much about his reputation after death. Salhi II presumably believed that if Jenkins wanted to renege after his death, neither oral nor written oaths would work, so it did not matter whether the oath was written down or not.

But it would be nice not to leave written proof, and Jenkins would save himself the trouble of writing.

"You seem to really trust me, and you believe in your verbal oath."

After talking about the most important thing, Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief and said in a joking tone, not nervous because the other party was his "father-in-law." He was even more rude when treating his other two father-in-laws who were naval admirals.

"I believe in my own investigation results. You are a very devout believer. Swear in the name of God, I am very relieved. And... Dolores is the giver, right?"

Jenkins was not surprised by this statement. If the other party didn't know it by now, then he should have been overthrown by the kingdom's conspirators long ago:

"You do know."

As he spoke, he moved the cat lying on his lap to the armrest of the seat. It was really too hot here.

Salshi II snorted unceremoniously:

"Of course I know. She always takes things from the family's treasure house. Although she does it very secretly and knows how to put substitutes in, I have been in contact with those treasures for more than thirty years. Some of the items cannot be made even if they are fake. from."

As he spoke, he picked up his tea cup. When the lid of the exquisite porcelain tea cup was opened, white hot steam immediately came out from inside. Jenkins suspected that the temperature of the cup of tea was above 90 degrees.

"Since Dolores is the giver, without any evidence, I can directly identify you as the scribe of the sage... It should be this term, right? The church does not disclose the names of its gifters to the outside world. Announcement, I hope I didn’t say the wrong word.”

He looked at Jenkins, as if he wanted to see panic and uneasiness on Jenkins' face, but Jenkins was still concentrating on teasing the cat and looked up at him with a quite calm face.

"Yes, without any evidence. Although I have many children, I know the character of each of them. Some people think that I am not a good father, but I know them better than they think. In my opinion, Although Dolores doesn't know why she fell into your love trap, the future partner she can accept is definitely not someone weaker than her.

Of all my daughters, Dolores’s personality is the most like mine. Although she may make inappropriate choices because of her emotions, she will never abandon reason. Therefore, as the only girl in the Stuart generations with extraordinary talents, I do not believe that the partner she chooses will be an ordinary person. "

Because Jenkins did not ask "how do you know I am a scribe", Salhi II was left to explain himself there.

"So you think, as God's scribe, I won't lie when I swear in God's name?"

"Is such that."

His Majesty the King nodded firmly.

"Okay...you're right."

Jenkins pursed his lips and did not intend to dwell on this issue any longer, but immediately asked:

"Now that I have made the oath, in accordance with our agreement, please tell me what Queen Isabella is doing."

"I thought you would call her 'Your Majesty'."

Salshi II smiled, because Jenkins's heartfelt oath made him feel very good:

"After I became seriously ill, a group of strange people came to me and promised to treat me, but I had to pay a corresponding price. There is reason to believe that those people had also contacted the old lady. I didn't know that they had given the Queen What are Isabella’s conditions? But she must have agreed. Oh, those people are gifters, at least the three people who came to see me are all gifters.”

"What's the deal with Queen Isabella?"

Jenkins frowned. He originally thought that the tree house had just infiltrated the nobles, but he didn't expect that they could actually contact the king, and that the queen, who had been in power for a long time, actually agreed to the deal. This was not a wise decision.

"I don't know about this. After all, this kind of thing must be discussed in secret. No matter how powerful my spies are, they can't put their ears into the secret room behind the bookshelf in the Cold Spring Palace study that is soundproofed by alloy plates."

Salhi II said that according to the priesthood of lies, this statement is the truth.

"Actually, I still have a question. Since Shu, since that organization has contacted you, have you agreed to accept their help?"

Jenkins asked again, not entangled with the other party on the matter of Queen Isabella for a long time.

"I didn't let them use those horrific rituals to keep me alive."

Salhi II said it very naturally.

"In other words, you also agreed to their help? Help other than extending your life?"

Jenkins sighed.

"Has anyone ever told you that in such a conversation, it is best not to expose the other party easily? I know that you grew up in a civilian family, but since you want to compete for the throne now, you must at least learn some basic common sense, right? Didn't Dolores teach you?"

His Majesty the King sighed, and then said:

"One more piece of news I can tell you is that I am not that stingy elder - your queen's real favorite successor is actually the girl named Windsor."

Jenkins raised his eyes and looked at him. Salshi II's expression was not abnormal, and [Lie] did not indicate anything wrong with this sentence.

"But the information I got is not like this..."

He said hesitantly, but then remembered that most of the news he learned came from Miss Windsor. Queen Isabella herself never mentioned in front of him that Miss Windsor would inherit the throne, so he never judged Windsor from the Queen. The succession is true or false.

"I have no control over this. You can choose to believe it or continue investigating. But if you need help, you can always come to me for help. I am happy to help a promising young man like you... Yes, Since you used Dolores as an excuse to come to see me today, you can't bring back any information, otherwise someone will doubt the reason why you came to see me. You are also a person with a sensitive identity now. At this time, it is best not to talk to you. Any scandals and rumors are related, so..."

Salsi put down her tea cup unhurriedly, "Well, I will announce to the public soon that I intend to let my daughter marry one of Fidicli's heirs. This is for the sake of friendship between the two countries. But I They won’t explain who they chose, so that even if the public opinion is mixed with conspiracy theories and involves you, you can still refute it.”

Jenkins had no objection to this, but at the same time he still lamented that he was still too young compared to these real politicians.

The meeting with Salhi II lasted the whole afternoon. In addition to the things they cared about, the two also talked about art, history, theology and even continental customs.

Jenkins believes that this is because the other party wants to know more about the details of his daughter's marriage partner, and it may also be that he wants to know the true "quality" of Jenkins. But in any case, he had nothing else to do this afternoon, so the purposeless conversation was not annoying.

But it was too hot in the room, and Jenkins' back was wet all afternoon.

Because the next day was the meeting of the three kings, Jenkins had received an invitation to attend as one of the royal family members. Therefore, he did not arrange other activities this evening. He first talked to Dolores about the conversation with his father this afternoon. Her Royal Highness blushed as she listened to the agreement between the two. Then he talked to Miss Windsor about the reminder of Salhi II, but Miss Windsor thought it was a lie:

"I am just a pawn of His Majesty."

When she said this, the lady who was one year older than Jenkins was particularly disappointed.

Finally, he met with Marquis Michael and talked about Queen Isabella. The other party was also surprised that the queen had contacted the extraordinary people, and said that he would ask the queen's attendants to investigate.

But from beginning to end, the marquis did not comment on his daughter moving to a man's house before getting married.

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