Jenkins said.

"Well, while gathering his team, Sarlot also sent a small number of servants to inquire about the situation in the city. Now those servants will tell him the information they collected, and everyone will make next plans based on the information. Next, Salote will personally meet General Aken, the commander of the Loen City Guards, and at the same time send his younger brother into the palace, trying to take control of the royal palace first."

"You really know your children."

Jenkins said Salshi II ignored him and went on to give separate instructions to his other children. His instructions had no purely purposeful purpose, and merely allowed the Stuarts to take over various departments of the city. It seemed quite satisfactory, but Jenkins originally thought he would let Sarlot contact the Northern Guards ambushing outside the city.

Jenkins has not forgotten that there is a clone of Salshi II in Loen. This clone shares the memory with the main body and will definitely cause something in this game.

"So do you want to use items this round?"

Jenkins asked after seeing Salhi II making arrangements for everyone.


As he spoke, the king reached into his pocket again, and this time he took out a ring. The ring is not a diamond or a gem, but a seal-like surface. This should be the private seal of a certain important person, but judging from the aura, it is also the numbered item B-11-3-5820 [Ancient Secret Ring] . Jenkins secretly guessed that the other party probably brought out all the easily portable numbered items in the royal palace:

"This is the ring used by the founding emperor of the Ancient Hikali Empire. It represents the legitimacy of the Ancient Hikali Empire. Even though the huge human empire has long since fallen apart, its achievements in unifying the human world are indelible. Therefore, holding this If you quit, it will be easier to convince others to be loyal, and it will be harder for people around you to think of betrayal.”

Jenkins didn’t know what the ring’s original purpose was. It’s not like there were items whose numbers were known but whose purpose couldn’t be found. Obviously Salhi II's statement was accepted by the chessboard. The person to whom the ring bestowed the effect was, of course, Sallotte Stuart. He probably wouldn't feel anything about it, but his actions tonight would definitely go smoothly. .

"now you."

Salsi II reminded him politely. Jenkins looked at the chessboard hesitantly, then turned to the eldest princess and said:

"Can you bring us some tea, Your Highness Yani?"

Of course the princess nodded in agreement, and while she was opening the door, Chocolate nimbly slipped in through the crack in the door, ran under the table, then pulled Jenkins's pants and crawled onto his lap, lying down in a familiar position, meowing. Let Jenkins touch it, and it seems that the task was successfully completed.

"Don't treat my daughter like a servant."

Salhi II said.

"Do you want the two of us to pour tea? Or do you want the real servants to see this game?"

Jenkins asked. Seeing that the other party was silent, he looked at the chessboard and said:

"We have heard the news for the time being, and Dolores and Wendy will use it to make next arrangements. But although she has been away from Loen for a long time, Dolores is not unfamiliar with the trends in this city. She knows her There is not enough manpower to integrate the large and small departments of the city, so she can only go directly to the person who can solve the problem - she will take her sisters to see Duke Rodber."

"You actually know that Rod Beyer is in Loen?"

Salsi II said in surprise that Duke Rodbyl was the Duke who was discovered by Jenkins talking to Salsi II's clone that night.

"Yes, Dolores' intelligence network is very powerful."

Jenkins passed on the source of the information to the so-called intelligence network. At this moment, Yanni Stuart also came back with a tea tray. Her two sisters immediately helped pour tea for the two men at the table.

PS: How could it be a running group? I will not use a routine that has been used once.

Chapter 1711 Chapter 1684 Stuart’s Orthodoxy

Just now, when Yani came in with a saucer, she heard the conversation between the two men. While the sisters were pouring tea, he asked:

"Uncle Rodbyle is in Loen?"

The eldest princess was also surprised. She first looked at her father, then at Jenkins:

"Dolores never mentioned this to me."

"We only found out about this recently. Because it's not a big deal, we didn't tell you."

"No, no, this is a big deal. Uncle Rodber will only come to Loen when major events happen in the country..."

She was not angry because of her ally's concealment, but instead reminded her.

"Do you know something?"

Salshi II interrupted his eldest daughter, pressed one hand on the table and asked Jenkins. If you weren't too weak, this kind of movement would probably feel very oppressive.

"I just know what I should know. You also know that I am a very upright person and will not lie under normal circumstances."

He laughed as he spoke, and the cat happily stood on Jenkins' lap with its two legs, its front paws scratching the edge of the table, and seemed to be interested in the chessboard again.

"So what's Dolores going to do with Rod Beyer?"

The king did not pursue the question further.

"Go and ask him why he entered Loen, and then ask the Duke if he can reveal what mission you gave him."

Without giving Salhi II a chance to interrupt, Jenkins took out the ice archer chess:

"That is a chess piece that has been passed down for a long time in the Stuart family. It is a gift that your ancestors received from a great man. It represents the orthodoxy of the Stuart family, but unfortunately, there has not been a benefactor in the Stuart family for several generations..."

Only two chess pieces can leave the Northland at the same time. After Dolores also came to Nolan, Jenkins wanted to leave both to her, but Her Royal Highness insisted on one for each person, so the archer chess appeared in Jenkins' hands.

"The descendants of Stuart who can now hold and use this chess piece are the legitimate heirs of Stuart. This is recognized by your ancestors."

"How come I don't know this is recognized?"

Salhi II questioned, and then asked:

"And I remember that this chess piece can only be used by extraordinary people with Stuart blood. It was found by the church in the Nolan area last year and returned to the Stuart family through a transaction. Why is it back to you now?"

He probably knew that the ice servant who had the chess piece was caught because of Jenkins.

Why can this chess piece be used? Dolores also asked this question. Later, she found that Jenkins could use all the gifts, so she no longer doubted that Jenkins was her relative. But Jenkins couldn't explain it to Salshi II like this, so he could only say:

"You don't need to know so much about the gifter."

After that, he put the chess piece on the blank space of the chessboard next to him:

"In this game, the gifter who owns and can use this item will automatically be recognized by all the loyalists in the city who are loyal to the royal family, and can gain their trust and support."

This has nothing to do with the function of the chess piece itself, but according to the rules of the chessboard, Jenkins' words are effective.

He smiled, pressed the armrest of the armchair with his left hand, touched his chin with his right hand, and leaned back slightly:

"You see, this game is really interesting."

"Yani, Danterian, Angelina, if you can have half the vision of Dolores in finding a husband, I won't have to worry about your marriage problems."

Salshi II was not angry, but praised Jenkins in a joking way. Everyone looked at the chessboard together, and the Stuarts of Rune began to act.

In the second round, because Salhi II and Jenkins arranged activities that fit the characters' personalities, the action was basically the same as what they said. It was just because of the ring and the ice chess piece that the Stuarts in the action almost got the support of everyone they met.

That kind of fanatical support was almost like the unreasonable belief in evil gods by cultists, which even made several people outside the chessboard feel uncomfortable.

Because Dolores's side was short of manpower and gave up directly contacting the defense forces in the city, Salhi II's side almost took over all the military forces in the city. Dolores' side only got the support of the police station in the city, but the number and armed forces of the police could not be compared with those regular armies.

In addition, the little Stuart sent by Sallot to the royal palace did not complete the task. Before leaving Loen, Salhi II ordered that unless he returned, no one would be allowed to enter the palace, so the prince's people were temporarily unable to take over the core buildings of the country.

As the price of giving up the city defense force, Dolores successfully met Duke Rodbyer. Jenkins thought the Duke knew about the duel that Salhi II had arranged tonight, but he didn't expect that he knew nothing about it, and was even surprised by Dolores' sudden appearance.

The Duke thought that the Stuarts had followed the King (his true self) to the Kingdom of Fidictli, and now an important meeting of the three kings was underway.

"Jenkins, do you think Uncle Rodbyer told the truth?"

Looking at Dolores and Duke Rodbyer talking on the chessboard, Yani Stuart at the table asked Jenkins. The relationship between the two was not good enough to call each other by name, but Jenkins was not interested in correcting this now.

"It's all true."

He answered without even thinking about it.

"See, Yani, whether the young man opposite me can become the king of our land or not, this will be the enemy that you and your brothers and sisters should be most afraid of. Although Queen Isabella is a little confused now, I have to admit that the Middleton family is really lucky."

Salhi II did not hesitate to praise Jenkins, but Jenkins did not react at all, and continued to hold the cat and look at the chessboard.

Dolores, who was still talking, asked Duke Rodbair directly about the reason for his entry into Loen. The Duke confirmed that he was not dreaming and refused to answer the question at first, but after Dolores showed her ability as a gifter and stated that she was the only extraordinary person in the Stuart family for generations, Rodbair hesitated.

Unlike Fidictli and the Kingdom of Cheslan, the harsh natural environment of the North Country has made the people living there have a tradition of worshipping power. Not to mention the representative significance of the reappearance of the gifter in the Stuart family, just the power displayed by Dolores made Duke Rodbair wonder whether the young princess in front of him was the first queen destined by the Stuart royal family.

Of course, this weird way of thinking is the chess piece at work.

Section 1712 Chapter 1685 Bribery Coin

Jenkins saw that the ice archer chess piece was working, and knew that the information was about to be obtained. He looked at Salshi II sitting opposite. The king looked at the picture on the chessboard with a serious face, and his expression could not tell what he was thinking at the moment.

In the end, the Duke of Loen finally told the reason why he entered Loen:

"His Majesty wants to take advantage of the opportunity for the royal family to leave Loen to cleanse the city of disloyal people. An army has been ambushed outside the city, and the date of the operation is today, to be precise, after midnight... "

Jenkins looked at the time and saw that it was about two rounds, or an hour later.

"I entered the city. On the one hand, I will guard the palace for Your Majesty to prevent it from being destroyed in the subsequent turmoil. On the other hand, I will keep an important thing for Your Majesty."

He told the truth, but not the whole truth. At the very least, the Duke did not mention that Salsi II had a doppelganger in Loen.

Dolores knew this too, but she didn't point it out. He just said that as a member of the royal family, he had the responsibility to guard the family palace in times of crisis. Therefore, he hoped that Duke Rodber could hide Salsi II in the city and palace and hand over the command of the army used to guard the palace. come out.

Of course, the Duke would not hand over the command of the army so easily, especially when he heard that Dolores was not the only Stuart returning. But just like Salote when she persuaded the city defense troops, Dolores' words were obviously not enough, but under the influence of off-site props, she finally succeeded in gaining command of a thousand-man army.

Duke Rodeber is not idle either. He will serve as the adjutant of this army and assist Dolores in guarding the palace. However, the Duke refuses to say what Salsi II has entrusted to him for safekeeping, even though it has been Declaring his allegiance to Dolores, he did not reveal the secret.

"So, the items this old Duke is keeping for you will not be related to the victory of our duel, right?"

Jenkins sitting on the chair asked, but the king opposite did not answer, but asked:

"If we don't have this showdown today, will Dolores plan to launch a coup to directly overthrow me in the near future?"

They all saw Dolores gathering people and subsequent arrangements just now. Based on the current comparison, Dolores's control over Loen is definitely much stronger than that of her brothers and sisters. In almost all walks of life, there are people who are willing to ask Dolores for help. The person Loris was loyal to, she took control of the police station without even saying a word. Even a small team from the city defense force secretly found her and pledged their loyalty to her. This was obviously well prepared.

From this point of view, Salote is far inferior to her sister.

"How is it possible? Is Dolores like that? You know your daughter better than I do. I think this ridiculous temptation is unnecessary."

Jenkins said easily, looking at the chessboard again. At this time, the main screen displayed on the chessboard is still the city of Loen from a bird's eye view, and the sub-views of the small screen in the corner show everyone's actions.

"I used to ignore this daughter. I only noticed her talent in the past six months. It probably started when you exposed the Fabry scam and reformed the financial industry of the three kingdoms. Before, I only thought she was just a person who likes adventure stories. child."

"Actually, Dolores is a child who likes adventure stories. When I met her, she didn't have even the slightest interest in the throne."

"So now it's you who changed her and gave her the idea of ​​becoming a king?"

"No, I didn't change her, it was time that changed her. Young people will always grow up."

Hearing this, the three princesses on the side covered their mouths and laughed. Jenkins himself is only twenty years old, and the influence of elf blood makes him look even younger, so it is really funny to say this.

Next comes the third round, this time Salhi II still starts first:

"After taking control of the city defense force, Salote believes that the first thing he has to do is not to search for traces of the three sisters from the opposing camp, but to be the first to understand what will happen tonight. He will mobilize the troops to conduct a raid around Loen. Search, and at the same time arrange for troops to enter the city. Full martial law will be imposed tonight, and Loen will enter a state of war."

"But the city defense force alone cannot declare Loen to be in a state of war. This requires the city hall to issue the order."

The eldest princess reminded that although the three kingdoms have parliaments, in comparison, the parliament in the North Kingdom is like a decoration. In fact, the king has the final say. Therefore, there is no need to ask the parliament to declare that the royal capital has entered a state of war. Only the mayor of Loen City is required. Just get a document authorizing it from the king.

Now that Sarhi II is not in the country, domestic management is autonomous by a huge government agency. Correspondingly, Loen's entry into a state of war only requires the approval of the mayor.

"But now Salote has an army, so now he has the final say. Yanni, don't stick to the program, the program is only used to restrain the weak."

Salshi II said, then reached into his pocket again, and this time he took out a black coin.

Jenkins was shocked and almost thought it was some kind of sin coin that he had never seen before. But after careful inspection, I found that the size was wrong. Although the materials and patterns of the sin coins I had come into contact with were different, the size was the same.

"This is [Mr. Prank's Prank Coin]."

Salhi II explained.

"I know, the number is B-06-2-4929, the front side is a sun with radiating lines, and the back side is two overlapping crescents. After throwing it, if it is the front side, the luck will increase before midnight; if it is the back side, the luck will decrease. The specific degree of decrease and increase is determined by the user himself."

Jenkins said the information he knew.

"What if it is neither the front nor the back?"

The youngest princess at the table asked, but she was also older than Dolores.

"If it is neither the front nor the back, then the user will disappear and no one knows where he went."

Jenkins said, and he roughly understood in his heart that he was sent to the other world [Prank Castle]. Mr. Prank was probably very interested in people who could toss a coin and get the result of standing up.

"So this is what this thing does~"

Salhi II also listened with great interest. He was in a good mental state. Perhaps the interesting game made him relax a lot:

"This is an ancient coin of unknown origin. In addition to its own value when it was minted, it also represents time, history and a civilization that has disappeared. This is a priceless treasure, so the holder can use this coin to bribe anyone within the reasonable range of human reason. The bribed person will be surprised by the value of the coin and cannot refuse it."

As he said this, he pressed the coin on the table with a snap. Perhaps because of the information Jenkins just provided, he deliberately turned the front side up.

At this time, in the picture of Sallot Stuart on the chessboard, His Royal Highness was talking to his subordinates in a galloping carriage, but suddenly he was stunned and looked up at the sky, then reached into his pocket and took out the coin that Salhi II pressed on the table from his pocket. He didn't get the one on the table at the moment, it should just be a symbol of power, so the style of the coin is different.

"Is this coin valid for the whole game?"

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