Jenkins pointed politely at the cat.

"Of course, isn't it very well-behaved?"

"No, I mean, nothing."

This is no longer that era.

The hospital is very quiet, and the environment here is much better than that of Nolan Fifth Public Hospital. The walls of the corridor are painted with white paint, and portraits from various eras are neatly arranged.

Occasionally, gentlemen and ladies would come out of the room. They were all dressed in serious and decent clothes, with their chests raised and their heads raised. There was no sign of joy or sadness on their faces.

"Good afternoon, Baron William."

She smiled and said hello, stressing the word "baron."

"Please don't call me that. Dad told me that an honorary baron is not a noble at all."

He responded sheepishly.

"But compared to me... let's not talk about it. Congratulations to you Jenkins. But according to general social etiquette, you should bring a bouquet of flowers when visiting a patient, not fruits in an ugly basket. Although I have to admit, the one you placed very beautiful."

The two walked and talked, but she refused to make eye contact with Jenkins.

"Little Hesha..."


"Hathaway, I'm allergic to flowers, yes, mentally allergic. I originally planned to bring some eggs and milk, but the aunt who sold the eggs said that my brain was broken. The coachman told me that if you don't want to buy flowers, you can just buy some fruits. OK."

"Eggs and milk?"

The red-haired girl covered her mouth and chuckled, "I believe now that you have never dated a girl of your own age. Otherwise, you should know some basic social etiquette."

The two walked along the long corridor. The girl opened the wooden door closest to the stairs, and Jenkins walked directly in.

"Good afternoon, Mihai..."

This is a utility room.

Hathaway closed the door to the room behind her. Since there were no windows, the room suddenly became dark.

"what are you up to?"

he asked in a panic.

"Say something."

She bent down and took out a brand new oil lamp from behind the stacked damaged hospital beds. After twisting it a few times, the lamp lit up. It turns out that I was already prepared.

"Thank you again for saving my life that night."

Staring into Jenkins' eyes, he said calmly, his cheeks flushed in the pale yellow firelight.

"You're welcome, you're my friend."

Place the fruit basket on the floor and sit on the chair with the broken back while holding the chocolate.

"But I want to remind you that your friend in black robe is not a kind person either. He is still on the wanted list."

"I know, but he's my friend too."

Both fell silent, and Jenkins had a talent for talking to death.

Hathaway raised her eyes and saw the coquettish cat in Jenkins' arms, and reminded: "You know, the Saint also appeared that night. And he also has a cat, a pure black cat. I heard that it is very similar to the chocolate breed. ”

"Is that so? But Chocolate is not a very precious cat species, it doesn't matter if it looks like some."

He chuckled.

"Jenkins, can you be more serious? We are discussing very important issues. You are really not suitable to be a gifter. How could a stupid person like you come into contact with the darkest darkness in the world? Sages should bless you. You, never meet a bad person in your life.”

The girl brought up the issue again, but Jenkins couldn't get serious because that saint was him.

"Thank you. But it is my honor to be the Giver."

The girl turned her face sideways and looked at the broken iron pulley on the hospital bed.

"If one day you are in danger, I will also go to save you."

Although Jenkins usually has a low emotional intelligence when facing ladies, the closed environment at this moment seemed to have locked up the lost emotional intelligence, and he also felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.


It seems that the lock is not enough.

Hathaway looked at Jenkins strangely, then sighed, took out a spar from his arms and threw it to him.


The crystal is crystal clear and can be sold at a good price even if it is sold as a handicraft. In the center, a small black flame burned quietly.

"This is the tinder of the demonic flame that was left behind after you killed that demonic man that night."

"Wait, haven't we been together all the time? How did you charge it?"

The crystal itself is very warm, whether it is its own characteristics or the girl's body temperature.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, this is yours. I don't take other people's things."

In fact, Jenkins also dropped a black flame when he killed the first demon at the back door of the church, but no one paid attention to it at the time. I don't know who got the advantage in the end. Maybe it was taken away by people from the church.

Chapter 148 Chapter 144 Transformation


Chocolate rolled over on Jenkins' lap and let Jenkins scratch its belly.

"Does the undead knight of the Church of [Death and Ending] rely on this thing to perform rituals and transform into that special form?"

Looking at the black flames against the light of the oil lamp does have a different kind of charm.

"How can it be so simple? This is just the material for the core blue alien ability in the chain ability. Oh, you haven't heard of it, the blue ability represents alien, this is very precious knowledge."

Hathaway sighed softly: "White foundation, red martial arts, yellow spells, golden magic, blue alien species, and purple, the legendary destiny. I really don't know how many secrets the givers have!"

"Purple Destiny?"

Again, he asked knowingly.

"Yes, I know a gentleman whose soul emblem is purple. He is very powerful, ruthless, good at hiding, and very decisive in his actions. He will never smile stupidly when talking about God."

"Why didn't I know that I was killing people like crazy?"

Jenkins cursed, with an expression of admiration on his face.

"What's the use of this thing?"

He shook the crystal in his hand.

"Absorb it directly after breaking it. It is said that it can promote the evolution of fire-like abilities. I don't know anything else."

She explained irresponsibly, reaching out to touch the chocolate, but was immediately dodged.

"It is said?"

"In this era, there are very few recorded demons. I only found some clues by looking through some ancient books with shady origins. Those damn ancient texts are really difficult to understand. But there should be someone in the black market who will be interested in this thing. It’s not common after all.”

"I know this. The black market broker has mentioned this, but I think this may also be the acquisition by the Church of [Death and the End of the World]..."

He nodded slightly and revealed the matter, thoughtfully in his heart.

"How is Miss Michael? I hope the devil didn't hurt her."

"She is fine and has no injuries. This is really a blessing given by God. Oh~ I will definitely persuade her to completely give up the search for those mysterious knowledge. To be honest, she has no potential to become a gifter."

If the two of them were seen coming out of the utility room together, it would be unclear. Jenkins coughed first, then gently pushed the door open to reveal a gap for chocolate to slip through. After two meows were heard from outside, the young gentleman came out generously.

Miss Michael's ward was on the third floor. Hathaway asked Jenkins to wait outside the door while she went in first to check on her friend.

"Sir, sir!"

Someone was tugging at the hem of Jenkins' clothes. He looked down and saw a little girl carrying an khaki satchel. No, although she is not tall, her face is quite mature, so she should be called lady.

The strap of her satchel is so long that it almost hangs to the ground.

"What's wrong?"

There is no black light on the girl's body, but there are 12 light spots.

"Sir, can you lend me some money?"

She looked up at Jenkins, her face serious.

"Liar again?"

That was Jenkins' first reaction.

"How much?"


You can be sure that he is not a liar, because a level 6 gifter who comes to defraud people will definitely not only defraud you 5 pence.

Without asking for a reason, he took out five coins from his pocket and placed them in the little girl's hand.

"Thank you, I'll give it back to you!"

As she spoke, she ran down the stairs in her black leather shoes.


Jenkins was thinking to himself as the red-haired girl called him into the room.

It was a room larger than Jenkins' living room, no, more like a bedroom. Opposite the door is a stretch of floor-to-ceiling windows, and a brass-colored gas lamp hangs on the wall beside it.

Miss Michael stood in front of the window wearing a short skirt, lowering her head and fiddling with a complicated mechanical creation.

She turned a gear hard, and after a clicking sound, the originally rectangular bronze box turned into a cross shape, with a sharp blade exposed at one end.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Willamette!"

She seemed to be in a good mood, and Hathaway returned to his weak look again, standing quietly beside her.

"I'm relieved to see you're fine. Those damn cultists, the sage will definitely punish them!"

As he spoke, he placed the fruit basket on the cabinet next to the bed. There was already a vase with white lilies and a stack of pink envelopes.

"I was very lucky. The gentlemen from the police station found the manor in time. I didn't expect that little Wellington actually believed in evil gods."

After saying that, she sighed again: "But my friends are not so lucky. If I hadn't been asked by my father to stay here and not go out, I should have attended many funerals these days."

As she spoke, she folded her hands on her chest and prayed quietly, but Jenkins said nothing.

"I will be more cautious in the future."

She looked at the item in her hands regretfully and threw it on the bed. This is just an ordinary creation, but the craftsman's craftsmanship and ideas are outstanding.

"Bryony, this is not your fault."

Hathaway comforted softly.

"Dad Oliver advised me a long time ago, maybe he was right."

The girl's mood was a little lonely, but Jenkins thought this was a good thing. For this noble lady, it was safe to stay away from the giver and those weird creations. Safe for everyone.

Miss Michael also loved chocolate, but chocolate hated being touched by anyone except Jenkins. She smiled and shook her head, turned to the quiet girl behind her and said:

"Hathaway, can you help me get some tea? By the way, I also need some goat's milk. Kittens can't drink milk."

Jenkins immediately frowned: "But I..."


"Oh, Chocolate is a different and special breed of cat, so it's okay to drink milk!"

Miss Michael added.

There were only two people and a cat left in the room, and Jenkins didn't know what to say.

"Dad recently bought a new batch of antiques, among which there is a gold coin whose origin cannot be found. We all suspect that it is not an item from this era."

"Is that so?"

She did not show any interest, but gently touched her golden hair with her hand.

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