"I won't blackmail you or take anything from you, even if Jenkins blackmails me."

Salhi II looked at his daughter and laughed, which was rare:

"Dolores, no one blackmailed me to do this, I have to do this."

Dolores looked at the expression on her father's face, hesitated, and in the darkness before the dawn of the snowfall, in the white snowy night streets, in the still snowflakes and ice crystals, she reached out and carefully twisted the ring.

But the king was still dissatisfied and shook his head at her.

Dolores tried to look up at her father, then looked at her brother and sister on the street, and finally, under the gaze of everyone, she put the ring on the ring finger of her right hand.

"The duel is over, William, you win."

The old king sighed softly, and then, including him, all the Stuarts who participated in the duel, all turned into a white light and flew into the sky.

The snow in the sky was still still, but the wind was still howling, but the sky in the east was already white, and dawn was coming.

Chapter 1726 Chapter 1699 Questioning

With the Sage's Son joining the battlefield, the battle in Loen ended before noon that day. At the cost of destroying one-third of the palace on the hill, the three demigods in the tree house were killed by Mr. Rossier, Alexia and Jenkins.

Then the three rushed to the north of the city. Probably because the tree house that "manipulated" the Snowman Corps was defeated, when the three rushed to the front line, the snowmen gradually melted under the sun of the summer snowfall.

Without much effort, the Snowman Corps that almost occupied the entire northern city of Loen disappeared without a trace, leaving only the snow in the city that melted rapidly due to the rising temperature to prove that what happened last night was not an illusion.

That afternoon, Jenkins, who hurried back to Nolan from Loen, brought Alexia to the Evergreen Forest outside the city. The Stuart family had arrived first. The old king was very open-minded about the fact that the mansion where he stayed was surrounded by the church, and he did not show any extreme emotions about the church wanting to take his family away.

"This is my first time in this forest since that time."

After getting off the church carriage, Jenkins and Alexia walked side by side along the forest path into the forest. Now most of the forces and teams of the Twelve Orthodox Churches are repairing here, so the forest has become more lively than before.

All along the way, they kept meeting all kinds of people. When they saw Jenkins, they greeted him respectfully, and Jenkins nodded in response.

The "that time" Alexia mentioned refers to the time when they joined forces to break the conspiracy of the undead believers on the 31st day of the last cycle. Jenkins' ritual [Breath of Life] rioted because it absorbed too much life spirit, which led to the formation of this forest.

At that time, Jenkins was still trapped on the top of the giant tree in the center of the forest. If Chocolate hadn't asked Alexia to rescue him, Jenkins, who didn't have the ability of [Undead] at that time, would probably have stayed on the top of the tree for a long time.

Thinking of this, Alexia laughed softly. She was held by Jenkins' hand and strolled in the forest. The small animals who noticed Jenkins' appearance followed behind them. But for some reason no rabbits appeared this time, but Jenkins was sure that this had nothing to do with the chocolate on his shoulder "roaring" at the squirrel.

All the way to the giant tree in the middle of the forest, there was only Miss Befanna here, and no one else could be seen. She put her hands behind her back and looked up at the tree and the shadow hanging upside down under the tree, obviously waiting for the two of them.

"I thought Dad would be here."

Jenkins looked around and walked towards Miss Befanna with Alexia. The woman turned around:

"Dad said this is an important matter of the church. He is now just a semi-civilian antique shop owner, so he should not be involved."

"In other words, Dad was very unusual in the past?"

"Didn't Stiver tell you?"

Miss Befanna smiled, then looked at Alexia, nodded slightly with a kind smile, and took the initiative to extend her hand:

"Susan Befanna."

"Alexia Miller."

The two held hands together.

What happened in Loen was reported to the Church through special means before dawn. The appearance of the unknown demigod and the Son of God in Loen was naturally known to the Church.

Jenkins's case was very simple. He reached an agreement with Salshi II. Jenkins agreed not to break the oath he had made, and Salshi II would explain to him that he and the cat were able to reach Loen because of the chessboard.

But Alexia's case must be explained seriously. Demigods are the highest level of power that mortals can reach in the material world. The total number of mortal demigods in the entire material world is actually only a few three digits. Therefore, whether it is a friendly pagan demigod or a servant of the evil god, any unrecorded appearance of a demigod is a major event.

Even in such a complex era as the end of the Eighteenth Era, the appearance of a demigod that has never been recorded is enough for the Church to pay attention to. Fortunately, the relationship between Alexia and Jenkins had been known to people for a long time, so this conversation was only arranged to be conducted by Miss Bevana of the Sage Church, instead of treating Alexia like a terrorist and selecting enough forces to suppress her before having the conversation.

After a simple greeting, they got down to business. Miss Bevanna knew that the short lady in front of her had a special relationship with Jenkins, so before the formal inquiry, she told the two that they just had to tell the truth, and the church had no other intentions.

Jenkins wanted to answer Miss Bevanna's questions on behalf of Alexia, at least so that Miss Bevanna could deliberately avoid some sensitive topics when asking questions. But Alexia insisted on talking by herself and told Jenkins not to wait here.

"You can go to other parts of the forest. I think those squirrels like you very much."

The short girl smiled and looked at her suspiciously.

"Don't you need me to stay here?"

Jenkins confirmed.

"No, if you are here, Miss Bevanna may avoid some topics when asking questions because she is concerned about you. But we come here with friendship, and there is no question that needs to be avoided."

She gently pushed Jenkins, and Jenkins took two steps to the side, but looked back worriedly. Miss Bevan shook her head helplessly and said:

"You see, this is why Dad and others are unwilling to do this. I can only be the 'evil man'."

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll leave now."

Although he said this, Jenkins' legs did not make the same movements as the language narration.

"Don't you know the church yet? Just asking questions, what's there to worry about? You did a good job last night. After hearing about it, Archbishop Palod wanted to paint another oil painting for you and hang it in the church. The name is "St. William Saves the North". Maybe you can go somewhere else to consider the layout of the painting."

Miss Bevan joked, and Jenkins left the open space in front of the pool under the giant tree, looking back every three steps.

Today was still the meeting of the Three Kings. Even though the good news of the end of the war was obtained before the earthquake the day before yesterday, negotiations on other aspects were still going on. It's just that because the Stuart family was invited by the church to the Evergreen Forest as guests, the talks were suspended for one day for the first time since they began. As for the external reason, it was a short break. After all, the meeting had been held for many consecutive days.

The Stuart family is now also in Evergreen Forest. Jenkins, who is bored, sees that Chocolate is very disgusted with his behavior of teasing squirrels, so he plans to go see Dolores and her brothers and sisters. Although the church and secular monarchy are equal in terms of textual constraints and secular concepts, because of what happened last night, the Stuart family must explain clearly how the disaster that almost destroyed Rune and the illegal organization that has been wanted for a long time are related to the family.

Chapter 1727 Chapter 1700 Appearance and Essence

After asking around in the forest, Jenkins learned the current location of the Stuart royal family. So he walked along the winding path in the forest for about ten minutes and saw a group of buildings next to the lake in the forest.

Unlike most of the wooden buildings in the forest, the gray stone houses standing by the lake are all gray stone houses. Although they are not wooden houses, these buildings are well integrated with this forest. Moss spreads in the corners of the wall, and creepers cover the walls. Although these houses were built less than half a year ago, they look like abandoned houses in the forest for a long time, with a natural and simple temperament.

The building complex is located on the west bank of the lake. Hearing the sound in the forest, the two gravekeepers who were responsible for patrolling the periphery looked to the side and saw Jenkins with a cat, and immediately came to greet him.

The Evergreen Forest is quite large. The church did not concentrate all the buildings together, but scattered them throughout the forest. Even Jenkins could not tell how many hidden buildings there were in the forest.

These stone houses standing by the lake were originally lent to the Natural Church for the monks to live in. Later, the Natural Church discovered that the spirit of life in this forest was different from others, so it used its own means to find a more suitable place to live, and after obtaining permission, it built a house closer to the residence by itself by promoting the growth of trees, so the house by the lake was idle, and only people who went to the lake to fish occasionally set foot in it.

This time, this place was chosen as the temporary "residence" of the Stuart family, first because of its concealment, second because of the nice scenery, and third because it was to shock the royal family of the North with the appearance of an abandoned house.

At this time, the inquiry about the incident last night was still going on, and the gifted people patrolling the periphery were both protecting and monitoring. In addition to them, in order to take care of the face of the Stuart family, a royal guard team also entered the Evergreen Forest. Now the royal guards are waiting by the lake in the distance. The men stand together and talk in a low voice, as if talking about the environment here.

Originally, no one would be allowed to enter the stone house complex in such a situation. After all, the church has not yet fully figured out the whole story of last night's incident. It is inevitable that there will be some problems for irrelevant people to contact the Stuart family.

But Jenkins' identity is different, and he is not completely irrelevant to this matter. The gravekeepers in charge of the guard passed the news of Jenkins' arrival to their superiors, and then with the consent of the demigods present, he was allowed to enter temporarily, but he had to leave within half an hour and could not leave any items for the Stuart family.

At present, the royal family is temporarily staying in a three-story building in the center of the complex that looks like a dilapidated sentry post. But after entering, they found that the interior decoration and environment are quite good, completely different from what it looks like from the outside.

The first floor was too damp to live on. We walked along the uneven steps, carefully avoiding the slippery moss on the stone, to the second floor, and met the Stuarts in the front hall.

The family was not separated, but allowed to move freely on the second and third floors, but everyone had to record a statement about what happened last night. The one who left now was Salhi II.

"......So should I call you Her Majesty?"

Jenkins heard a voice from above when he climbed the stairs. It was a man who spoke in a very aggressive tone. So Jenkins deliberately stepped on the stone hard to make a loud footstep, and the sound stopped abruptly. Then everyone saw Jenkins walking up with the cat.

He saw Dolores at a glance and asked quickly:

"Are you okay?"

"It's all right now."

Dolores sat at the wooden round table by the window, with her sisters sitting beside her. The other Stuarts were also half-surrounding the table. Dolores was obviously the core figure here. As for the person who just spoke, of course it was Sallot Stuart. On his right hand, he wore a bronze metal wristband with a rune of "confinement" engraved on it. It was a special lock made by the Church of Destiny. Wearing it, he could not leave the key of the lock more than 300 feet.

As for the prosthetic left hand, it had disappeared. Now the sleeve was empty. The prosthetic with wood skin and metal inside that seemed to come from the tree house was obviously confiscated by the church.

The current confinement is a unique treatment for tree house partners.

Seeing Jenkins appear, Sallot instinctively took a step back, but felt embarrassed, so he looked up at Jenkins, as if waiting for him to mock him, but Jenkins ignored him.

This person is completely worthless for Jenkins to mock. He cooperated with the tree house, and I think the church will never let him appear in the sun again in the future. Although he will not be killed, it will not be a good treatment.

Last night, Jenkins had treated Dolores, but she was not simply physically injured. Jenkins could not completely treat the mental trauma, so after the Stuarts were taken away, he asked the Sage Church to take care of Dolores.

Now it seems that Her Royal Highness looks very good, with a rosy face and a happy mood. She stood up and gave Jenkins a warm hug, then took his hand and asked him to sit beside her.

Wendy Stuart immediately stood up and gave up her seat.

Most of the Stuart children greeted Jenkins when he appeared, and a few nodded. Sallot looked at Jenkins and his face was very ugly, but he at least maintained the most basic decency, and was very self-aware and did not step forward to provoke.

"How is Rune's situation?"

Dolores asked with concern. They all left early, and after Salhi II announced the end of the duel, the "watching" function of the chessboard was turned off.

"It's all right now. The church has joined forces to repel the Snowman Legion..."

Jenkins winked at Dolores, and the princess smiled reservedly.

"The northern city is now covered with snow, but as the temperature rises, the snow will probably disappear soon. According to current statistics, the death toll from the first and second half of last night is less than 100. The church and the Loen municipal government are currently arranging disaster relief and reconstruction work. Oh, Loen's temporary manager is Ajelina now. Although she is somewhat incompetent, the officials and nobles left in Loen by Salhi II are willing to help her, and there are several capable old dukes there."

Hearing this, Dolores breathed a sigh of relief, and the other Stuarts looked better, because that was their home after all.

Then Dolores asked about the church's arrangements for the group, and Jenkins said that the church would not restrict their freedom for a long time, and would probably let them leave after figuring out what happened.

"The meeting of the three kings is still going on. The church cannot prevent Salshi II from showing up. As for you, there is actually no violation of the rules. Except for those who should be punished, no one will be restricted by the church."

Jenkins looked at Sallot on the side. There was clear evidence that he was related to the tree house, and he could not explain this matter clearly anyway.

As he was talking, footsteps were heard again at the entrance of the stairs. Salshi II was brought back by two night watchmen. Two believers of the Lightless Moon first greeted Jenkins, and then took away a prince of Stuart, who seemed a little nervous.

"How is Rune?"

Salshi II asked the same question as Dolores, so Jenkins repeated what he had just said, then stood up and gave his seat to the increasingly weak king.

There is a price to pay for using extraordinary items as an ordinary person, and the chessboard last night was not an ordinary extraordinary item. If Jenkins had not treated him last night, it would be a question whether Salshi II could survive today.

Since he was here, Jenkins also asked about the origin of the chessboard and what the "inspiration of ancestors" that Salhi II had always talked about was.

Under the gaze of the children, the king took the teacup brought by Yani Stuart, then looked out the window on the stone wall at the lush forest outside, and spoke for a long time:

"My original plan was not like this. I just wanted the Northern Guard Corps to cleanse Loen. Leaving clones in Loen was just to deal with possible accidents. Of course, in order to prevent accidents, I also tried to I was looking for some useful items that Dolores had not taken away from the treasures left by my ancestors, and then I saw a mirror, a large floor-to-ceiling mirror with unidentifiable ancient characters engraved on the golden frame.

Somehow, I became interested in the mirror, and then I saw a person in the mirror. "


"Ancestors who are thousands of years old. To be more precise, they are ancestors who lived earlier than the ancient Xikali Empire. I even doubt that those ancestors did not live in this era. He told some secrets of his family to prove his identity. "There are some things that only Stuart knows, secrets that even extraordinary people cannot pry into."

Salshi II said, looking at the prosperous summer outside with a sad expression. It seemed that the problem of the successor had been solved, and he was relieved of the heavy burden in his heart. The warm sunshine slanted down on the king's face, clearly reflecting the vicissitudes of life and wrinkles, but it also seemed that this person was so real.

"He told me that now is a different era, a change that is rare in thousands of years. When choosing a successor, you can't just look at ability, because ability can't compete with fate... Seeing that I didn't believe it, he gave me the My chessboard, tell me how to use the chessboard, and then it proves that he is right... Yes, I should believe him."

He tapped his fingers slowly on the table, seeming to be enjoying himself. After the introduction, he said:

"The chessboard was destroyed by itself, and the mirror was destroyed by itself. No one can prove what I said. But the ancestor asked me to bring you a sentence, no, it is not what the ancestor wants to say to you, it is the ancestor A message for a very noble being."

"Say it to me?"

Jenkins asked hesitantly, then nodded slowly:

"What words?"

“Don’t be fooled by appearances, your essence is your original posture.”

Chapter 1728 Chapter 1701 The Hood in the Forest

The old king spoke slowly and incomprehensibly. Seeing Jenkins looking at him doubtfully, he said again:

"That's all he said. Probably you are the only one who knows what it means. After all, you are a very powerful transcendent~"

He slowly raised his arms and stretched, then with a smile, he put his right hand on the table to support his head and looked towards the vibrant forest in summer.

He didn't have many days left to live. In these last days, he was still relatively satisfied with the selection of his successor, which paved the way for the next few decades of the kingdom. The king believed that he had done what he could. matter.

Dolores looked a little sad, and Jenkins also felt that the atmosphere was dull. After thinking about what he said just now, he felt that he should have a chat with his father or Miss Audrey when he had time. He briefly said a few words to Sarhi II, showed some concern for his health, and then planned to get up and leave, but Salhi II stopped him again:

"As for the successor, since I have chosen Dolores, I will not regret it. After we leave this forest and regain our freedom, I will announce this decision to the public, but now Dolores cannot take over the king's crown. , she still has a lot to learn, and she has stayed with me during this period. After completing the last stage of the Three Kings' Meeting, she will naturally be able to sit on the throne... As for your marriage, I don't Interference, but I want to warn you, my daughter is the next generation queen of the Hampavo Kingdom and will not be your lover without status."

Dolores blushed at these words. Her sister smiled and hugged her sister from behind, shaking her gently and joking. Although Yanni Stuart also cared about the throne, that has passed, and the ending now looks good, although it is not perfect for her.

"Of course I know this. If possible, I would even like to invite you to our wedding, hold Dolores's hand down the aisle, and put her hand in mine."

Hearing this, Salsi II shook his head helplessly, with sadness in his eyes for the first time:

"If you treat her better, I'll be satisfied."

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