"Yes, the so-called essence is not the 'origin', 'talent' or 'fundament' in the literal sense. It is something more profound and indescribable. The exposure to this word originally had to wait until after the demigods, after all, it leads to the demigods. To find the right path, you must have a vague understanding of your own essence, and use this to seek the next path of sublimation... I originally thought that your essence is life, which is very obvious, but why do you see books? "

"Could it be that the power of the sage has shifted..."

"No, a sage would not do such a thing."

Dad interrupted Jenkins before he could finish his words. He dropped the newspaper with the photos of Salshi II and Dolores, his expression a little serious.

PS: Chocolate's "birthday", which is the day Jenkins picked it up, will definitely happen after the end of the text. If possible, there will be a side story.

Ask for everything at the end of the month.

Chapter 1752 Chapter 1725 Somer Esoteric Ritual Book

"Although the Church of the Sage is not like the Church of Destiny, which has special trials to clarify itself, we are also very careful not to interfere with the purity of each mysterious individual. The book you saw, and the nature of the power of the Sage It has nothing to do with your identity as the Holy Son... Or are you really so in tune with the power of knowledge, and life is just an appearance?"

Dad looked at Jenkins suspiciously, which made Jenkins a little uncomfortable.

"Speaking of which, until now, you have not learned a few of the church's magical arts. You have not even used the rituals related to book knowledge in the church seriously. Therefore, it is difficult to say how much power you have over books. Talent... let’s do a simple test.”

"Can testing detect the so-called essence?"

"How could it be so easy? If it were so easy, wouldn't it be unnecessary for the Church of Destiny to go through all the trouble of trying it out with the Wanxiang Impermanence Card?"

The father shook his head and stood up from the rocking chair, knocked Jenkins on the head, and then motioned for Jenkins to step back. Jenkins immediately picked up the sleeping cat lying on the counter.

There was no one on the street yet, so Dad opened the darkroom under the counter with confidence. He disappeared down the sloping metal ladder below the ground and soon returned holding a wooden box.

That box is not exquisite at all. To be more precise, it looks like some rotten wood was randomly cut into wooden boards and roughly nailed together with nails without even treating the surface. Apart from the fact that there are no gaps, this box has no advantages at all. .

"It must be stored in such a container. This is a condition of containment."

Dad explained simply, watching the underground darkroom close with Jenkins, and then motioned for him to come to the counter.

Jenkins stretched out his head to look at the box along with the chocolate he was holding. When his father opened it, some wood residue even fell from the lid, and inside lay a box full of white ash.

Dad held his breath and carefully inserted his hand into the white ash, and groped out a thick piece of ancient bark. It should be birch bark. It has been specially treated so there is no trace of decay or sludge. There are a few lines of words written crookedly on the inside of the bark with paint that looks like blood.

Because the bark itself is not big, not much content is actually written.

"These ashes are ashes...don't worry, they're not human, they're animal."

Dad explained, and then continued to fumble in the white ashes with his hands. Finally, he took out a total of nine pieces of bark with different sizes and written with different words, arranged them in a three by three pattern and placed them on the counter.

"B-10-2-4291 [Sommer Esoteric Ritual Book], this is the oldest one in all my collections. The earliest document that can be found to record it was unearthed from the civilization relics of the 10th century. Although it was written It’s on the bark of a tree, but it’s also a book, and because of its antiquity, it’s more powerful than most Category B supernatural books.”

Jenkins had never heard of the so-called Sommer Secret Cult, not even his father. It was probably a secret society that had disappeared in the long river of time. Although this original ritual book recorded on the bark of a tree has only nine writing areas less than the size of a palm's bark, it actually records 27 different rituals used by that esoteric sect.

"The function of B-10-2-4291 is to allow the holder to directly use the above records without going through any ritual formation, without using any consumable materials, and without even consuming spirits. He only needs to donate a drop of blood. ritual. But each piece of bark can only use one ritual recorded in it in this way, that is to say, this ritual book can only be used up to nine times a day."

Jenkins showed a look of wonder and curiosity. He controlled his cat not to scratch its little paws, and carefully looked at the descriptions on the bark of the tree.

These were words that he could not recognize at all. They were arranged as densely as red ants on the inside of the withered bark of a tree.

"In addition to the precautions required for storage, this item is classified as a Level 2 hazard because with frequent use of the Sommer Esoteric Ritual Book, the user will gradually hear whispers that no one else can hear. This Once this situation occurs, it is irreversible, and those who listen to the Whisper will end up crazy without exception... But don't worry, you only need to use it once, just pick one."

"Pick one?"

Jenkins looked at the counter table hesitantly.

"Yes, not everyone has the same effect when using the ritual book. I want to see your compatibility with the book-type B extraordinary items. This book is the most suitable test item I have on hand. Just pick one. "

The nine pieces of bark are all different, and Dad did not explain the difference in the rituals they record. So Jenkins thought about it and chose the piece of bark that the chocolate kept extending its little claws to try to touch. His father lowered his head and squinted at it, then put the other bark back into the ashes and said:

"This piece of bark is numbered 7, and five rituals are recorded, [Contact with Flying Leeches] [Blood Cloth Curse] [Dream of the Ancients] [Dragon Summoning Flute] [Whispering Demonic Breathing Technique]."

After putting away the other bark, he knocked on the wooden table, a superstitious practice to prevent bad luck:

"The ritual of contacting the flying leeches is too dangerous. Although the possibility is small, once you succeed, Nolan may become history.

Don't ask too much about the blood-clothed secret method. This requires the bark of No. 3 and No. 7 to be used together. The ritual recorded by this piece of bark alone is incomplete.

The Dream of the Ancients is related to the strange object A-12-2-4099 [Dream of the Ancient Gods]. The ritual can summon a highly contagious dream curse to come. It is best not to try it.

The Breathing Law of the Howling Demon can temporarily allow humans to simulate the activities of a powerful alien species, but this comes at a price. I think you are probably reluctant to look like this young and handsome person now.

Then choose [Dragon Summoning Flute], this is relatively safer. Clean up and follow me to the Evergreen Forest in case you really summon the big guy. "

With that said, he asked Jenkins to pack up and prepare to leave.

"Wait a minute, Dad, you put such a dangerous thing under an antique shop?"

Jenkins asked in surprise:

"Although I know that you have a hobby of collecting all kinds of strange items, isn't this a bit..."

"It doesn't matter, only those who are gifted by the Sage Faith of level six and above can use it."

The father said reassuringly that as far as he knew, Jenkins was still at level six. After saying that, he asked Jenkins to go outside to find the carriage.

PS: I don’t know how many of the people reading this book are still students. I guess school starts today, right? Have a happy start to school.

Ask for everything at the end of the month. This month, the author actually updated nearly 170,000. I have never offered so many bounties before.

Chapter 1753 Chapter 1726 Ancient Friends

[Dragon Summoning Flute] is an ancient ritual that has long been lost. In the era when this ritual was popular, the dragon had not yet withdrawn from the material world.

Although the bark of the "Sommer Esoteric Ritual Book" can be used, the text used on it cannot be deciphered at present. Therefore, this ritual can only be activated through a few numbered items in the material world.

The function of the ritual is to imitate the sound of the legendary numbered item "Dragon Summoning Flute" that has been lost in ancient times, and to summon the dragon across space for one's own use. Of course, many people, including Dad, have tried to use this ritual, but most of them are dragon bones, dragon-related items, or hybrid dragon creatures active in some hidden areas of the material world.

Because of various unexpected experiences in the past, this time Dad foresaw that Jenkins might achieve great success and truly summon pure-blooded dragons. The only pure-blood dragon known in the material world is the one that temporarily lives in a cave on the cliff on the edge of the Evergreen Forest. Therefore, holding the ceremony in the Evergreen Forest can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Because this matter is a bit troublesome to explain, and Dad doesn’t want others to know that he is testing Jenkins’ affinity with the power of books, so the excuse for the two of them to go to the Evergreen Forest is to practice some rituals that require strict venue restrictions. , without informing anyone of the dangerous actions they were about to perform.

He found a clearing in the forest with no buildings in the eastern part of the forest. Dad opened the box filled with ashes and handed him the piece of bark that Jenkins selected.

Then he immediately retreated and stood with the deer in the shade of the trees at the edge of the clearing, leaving Jenkins and Chocolate alone in the sun. The weather is nice today, and the warm sunlight shines on Chocolate's back, making the cat's fur seem to glow.

It stared at the bark in Jenkins' hand with wide eyes. Jenkins didn't want to waste time. He cut the skin of his finger with the ceremonial dagger he carried and squeezed out a drop of blood onto the page. The text on the page was originally dark red and almost black. , immediately became alive.

There was no vision in front of him, but Jenkins inexplicably understood the names of the four and a half rituals recorded on the pages of the book. He chose [Dragon Summoning Flute] according to the plan discussed with his father.

Then, a distant flute sound that only the user Jenkins could hear came from his hand. The sound was extremely light, as if it could touch the strings deep in his heart.

But the vibration of the spirit caused by this sound also strikes the space with a strange melody. This made Jenkins turn around and look around, expecting something to suddenly break through the space wall of the material world and rush out.

But after waiting for a long time, the sound of the flute almost disappeared, but still nothing appeared. So he looked at his father in confusion. He didn't seem to know what was going on, so he gave Jenkins a calm expression.

At this moment, the giant dragon Niederholmer lying in his lair suddenly opened his eyes and looked forward in confusion. The cat on Jenkins' shoulder suddenly grabbed the man's shoulder with its claws and stood up.

The warm summer breeze blew through the forest, making the sea of ​​trees sway in unison like waves, making a neat and satisfying rustling sound...

"What's wrong?"

Jenkins touched his cat and asked in confusion. Seeing that nothing happened, the old man looked around, then walked into the open space to check the bark again.


Just after he took a few steps, Jenkins suddenly screamed, then covered his head and almost jumped up. The old man was scared and looked at his feet, thinking that he had stepped on some kind of mechanism that would give Jenkins a headache

But soon he saw Jenkins covering his head with one hand, bending down and picking up the stone on the ground with the other hand:

"Who threw the stone at me!"

He said dissatisfiedly, and kept observing the surroundings above his head, but the open space was blue sky and white clouds. Looking up from the clearing in the woods like the bottom of a well, the sun was just right and the wind was warm, and the bad guys who threw things around could not be seen with the naked eye.

"This is not a stone."

Taking the gray "stone" from Jenkins, the old man looked at it and his tone was actually a little more joyful:

"This is dragon blood stone. I haven't seen such a thing in many years?"

"Could it be that this is a stone that can turn ordinary water into dragon blood when soaked in water?"

Jenkins said while treating himself. Although there was no wound on his head, being hit by a stone was no joke.

"Of course not, how could there be such a thing in this world? Dragon blood stone is a precious fossil formed by the natural tempering of thousands of years after the blood of a pure-blooded dragon was injured and splashed on the stone. A real drop of dragon blood does not actually have much power, but when years, time and legends add power to it, its value is difficult to estimate with numbers. Although it is not a numbered item, it is definitely a treasure. It is very precious."

The old man pointed the stone at the sun, and Jenkins walked behind him. He actually saw a red drop of blood like a tadpole swimming in the center of the stone.

"This is more precious than any pure dragon blood. Although it is not as good as directly summoning a hybrid dragon, the ritual seems to have played a very remarkable effect."

But this still cannot determine what Jenkins' so-called "essence" is, so Dad plans to find time recently to give Jenkins another imprecise small test. He is now going to take the dragon blood stone back to the antique shop. This thing has a strong bloody smell, especially as time goes by.

And Jenkins decided to hand it over to the church in exchange for something, instead of keeping it in his hands, at the suggestion of his father.

But Jenkins is not going to leave here for the time being. He wants to take a walk in the forest to relax his recent tired mood, then go into the city to see Queen Isabella, and finally return to his home in Privet Drive. After all, today is his birthday.

"Then I'll go back first... Oh, one more thing."

Dad doesn't mind Jenkins staying here, as long as he doesn't run around. But after walking a few steps, he turned around and looked at Jenkins:

"Happy birthday."

"Huh? Oh... yes, today is my birthday... didn't you congratulate me this morning?"

"I want to say that since it's your birthday today, don't be busy doing things anymore, go home early, I think there are still many people waiting for you at home."

The old man smiled and patted Jenkins on the shoulder:

"I'll ask someone to send your birthday present to your house this afternoon. I hope you don't think that Dad is stingy."

"No, I like whatever you give me."

The old man smiled and waved to him, then held the box of ashes and bark in his left hand, and the gray stone in his right hand and walked away along the forest path.

Jenkins was left alone, watching his figure disappear with a smile, then raised his hand and touched the cat on his shoulder, the smile on his face disappeared little by little, and the serious frowning expression appeared on his face again.

He turned around and entered the forest. Even if there was no road under his feet, every step he took seemed to open up a way forward for him. Even when walking through the vibrant summer forest, no branches or leaves dared to block his way, so Jenkins quickly pushed aside the leaves in front of him and got out of the forest to the lake.

This was not the big lake where the water divination ceremony was held a few days ago, but just an ordinary water source in the forest. Crossing this lake, he then clumsily hugged the trunk of the largest tree he saw and slowly climbed up.

Chocolate couldn't stand Jenkins' clumsy movements, so he jumped directly from his shoulders and rushed up to the tall treetops as if walking on flat ground.

When Jenkins finally climbed to the top of the treetops and stood up carefully, in front of him was a barefoot, silver-haired girl standing on the branches.

She had her back to Jenkins, wearing only a clean white robe, and her hands behind her back, looking at the peaceful and tranquil Evergreen Forest from a high place.

Although she was not wearing shoes, her fair little feet were not stained with any dust. Her white and tender feet were as smooth as the calves that were vaguely visible under her robe, and in the summer sun, they had a smoother texture than jade.

But Jenkins was not tempted by the beauty and the scenery. He told his cat not to jump up high, and then stared at the back of the girl, looking at her waist-length silver hair.

The silver hair was tied together and hung behind her head, tied up from the end with only an ordinary golden hairband, letting the silver hair sway gently in the breeze.

The girl obviously heard the sound of climbing the tree just now, but she did not turn around, still standing there looking at the forest. Jenkins saw the hands behind the silver hair, which were faintly visible. They were very clever, slender and elegant.

The breeze blew, and the girl finally turned around with her hands behind her back. She tilted her head and smiled at Jenkins. The corners of her mouth on her fragile face were slightly raised. In the pair of golden eyes that impressed Jenkins, a silly-looking cat was reflected.

"Long time no see, Jenkins."

The silver-haired girl said softly, her voice was as cheerful as a silver bell.

"Long time no see..."

Jenkins also said so, and after a hesitation, he continued to say the name he chose when climbing the tree just now:

"Lord Anastasia."

The ritual [Dragon Summoning Flute] activated by the bark did not summon the dragon blood stone at all. The Dragon Summoning Flute summoned Anastasia, the ancient silver dragon lord, who was Jenkins' friend in the strange adventure in Black Town.

Compared to the time when they met who knows how many years ago, the human form of this dragon seems to have not changed at all. The years have not added wrinkles to this transformed body, and have not even changed the mental state of the silver dragon.

She is still so lively and full of energy, and it seems that you can see the soul jumping like fire in her golden eyes.

PS: Someone guessed who it would be in the last chapter. In fact, it is not difficult to guess, after all, Jenkins only knows two dragons.

Ask for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 1754 Chapter 1727 The Secret of the Dragon

Above the sea of ​​trees, the barefoot silver dragon girl smiled at Jenkins. Jenkins had a tangled expression on his face. He was of course happy about this unexpected reunion, but he also had doubts:

"Long time no see, why... I mean, why is it you?"

This statement is a bit unfriendly, so Jenkins tried to make his tone more tactful. What he wanted to express was that he was puzzled that such a coincidence actually summoned a dragon he knew with the ritual. You know, he only knows two dragons so far.

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