
Dad said confidently.

Chapter 151 Chapter 147 Magic Conch

In the evening, Jenkins sent Chocolate home, changed his clothes, mixed into the team of dock workers, and then found the professor in a bar called Sea Pearl. The two were going to Mr. Corpse's party together.

Like last time, they took a carriage to the outskirts of the city and walked along the path in the wasteland. It was October, and the autumn was in full swing, but occasionally rabbits would run past their feet.

The professor wore a pair of black high-top leather boots and held an umbrella in his hand, which emitted a yellow aura.

"After the party today, do you have time to go somewhere with me?"

The professor asked in a low voice.

"No problem, I live alone now, and the cat at home has been fed. I have plenty of time in the evening and nothing to do except reading."

Jenkins replied.

"Well, you are a qualified believer. It won't take long."

Climbing over the wall, they entered the abandoned hospital shrouded in white smoke. Ivy spread along the walls of the building. There was a withered tree on the roadside, with only a thin black trunk left.

After entering the hospital, the two stopped talking. The atmosphere here was very strange. Jenkins could still feel the inexplicable pressure when he entered for the second time.

It seemed that someone was peeping at him from a distance, and it was not malicious. This was the most disgusting thing.

Entering the building through the remaining half of the door, the originally white wall had been oxidized for a long time and had turned light yellow. Jenkins noticed that there were no traces of spider webs in the corridor leading to the morgue, and even no traces of other creatures could be found in the white smoke. This was really frightening.

Tightening his collar, the temperature here was also a little low.

Knocking on the rusty iron door in a regular manner, it opened silently. Jenkins and the professor walked down the stairs one after another, standing quietly by the wall of the morgue, waiting for the party to begin.

Observing the unburned candle on the ground again, according to the pattern, it is indeed the [Forbidden Room Candle].

"Good evening, gentlemen and ladies!"

At eight o'clock, the voice of Mr. Corpse sounded from the morgue cabinet on time. The cabinet slid out, and the pale and lifeless man sat up stiffly with the white cloth covering his body. At the same time, the candle on the ground lit up automatically.

"Hello, sir!"

The black-robed people standing in a row along the wall said in a staggered manner, but everyone's voice was very strange and they were all disguised.

"I'm glad that the bad things that happened in Nolan City recently didn't cause us to lose anyone. That's good."

He looked at everyone one by one with his eyes that seemed to gather all the anger in his body, and then announced softly:

"Okay, let's start."


The man closest to the door immediately stood up, his voice trembling. He was the last to arrive:

"Excuse me, please, is there really a saint in the matter of the devil?"

"Don't ask such questions. The more powerful you are, the more you can experience the horror of the gods. I never talk about topics related to great existence."

"Okay, thank you sir."

The black-robed man returned to his original position cautiously. Mr. Corpse's words had implicitly acknowledged the appearance of the saint.

"What's going on? Didn't you say to block the news? Why do I feel that everyone I meet knows about this?"

Jenkins was puzzled.

The last time he met, someone offered tens of thousands of pounds of shares, which left a very deep impression on Jenkins. He now has several thousand pounds of compensation from the Holy See in his hands, and he brought them all here, hoping to buy something useful.

But most people only accept the form of barter. The third black-robed man who spoke even took out a dagger emitting a strong black spiritual light, which was finally exchanged by another person for a small piece of squirming flesh in a test tube.

The test tube was also [Supernormal], and it seemed to be specially used to restrict the flesh. Jenkins didn't dare to think about what it was.

"I need the seeds of demonic flames."

Half an hour into the transaction, a black-robed man made a request, "I know that night, in addition to those scribes and gravekeepers, some demons were killed by gifters like us. I can buy the seeds of flames at a high price, even clues!"

His voice was shrill, and some words were almost inaudible.

"What price can you pay?"

Jenkins thought for a few seconds and asked in a muffled voice.

The man was not surprised that someone replied so quickly, "Magic conch, I can trade with the magic conch."

There was a silence.

"What is that?"

Jenkins asked.

"Let me explain."

Mr. Corpse's cold voice sounded, and every time he heard this tone, Jenkins would get goose bumps all over his body.

"B-04-3-5011, the magical conch. This is a supernatural power that can only be used once, but there are huge numbers of them. It only appears on the beach near the coast, washed to the land by the sea, and its source cannot be detected, and no one has ever obtained it from outside the beach. The appearance of the conch itself does not have any iconic features. Once you put it to your ear, you can hear a series of whispers similar to the sound of the wind, which is similar to the sound of ordinary conchs. Listening to it for 30 minutes continuously will cause permanent damage to the mind. Listening to it for 40 minutes continuously will cause a high probability of going crazy. Listening to it for 50 minutes continuously will turn the color of the blood into dark blue. Listening to it for 60 minutes continuously..."

He paused deliberately, and Jenkins noticed that everyone held their breath. It seems that this is really valuable information.

"Listen for 60 minutes continuously, and the faith will definitely turn into [The Lord of the Azure Deep Sea]. Ordinary people will die directly, and the gifter can obtain a certain number of divine powers, and then disappear from then on."

"Who is this?"

Jenkins believed the thoughts of everyone present. In order to find information about [The Lord of Flowers], he was familiar with almost all the names of false gods, but he had never heard of this name.

"The value of this item is that you can ask it questions, then listen, it will give answers, and then the conch will break into worthless pieces. We are all gift givers, and we know that some knowledge is also important, so be careful..."

"Thank you for your knowledge!"

Jenkins bowed slightly to Mr. Corpse, and then looked at the trader who was also bowing.

"Demons are very rare in this era, and the number of magical conches is huge. I hope you can raise your bid."

"No, the conch can answer a wide range of questions. It is a very valuable item. One conch, plus 5,000 pounds."

Chapter 152 Chapter 148 Elemental Blood

Jenkins suppressed his amazement, and his dissatisfaction with Miss Hesha because of the chain ability immediately disappeared-although he was also wrong. It was really thanks to her that she was able to collect the flame seeds, otherwise he would have lost dozens of properties!

"I don't want gold pounds. A pile of paper can't bring me any substantial help."

"One conch, one-fifth of a fluid ounce (about 5.7 ml) of red-eyed magma lizard blood, red dragon blood concentration 52.3%."

This purity and population sound familiar. Is he the one who bought dragon blood last time, or the one who sold dragon blood?

"Okay, deal."

Witnessed by Mr. Corpse, Jenkins took out the crystal with black flames, and the other person took out a small iron box with a lid and a sealed wooden bottle as thick as a thumb.

The two made a deal.

Jenkins didn't find anything he liked next, and the last person to trade with directly made a request to Mr. Corpse.

"Sir, I now have a red fighting ability that needs to be evolved or erased. Do you have any solution?"


The cabinet at the lower left corner of the corpse cabinet popped out. Relying on the weak light of the candle in the forbidden room, Jenkins saw a set of medical equipment on it. It was divided into three parts. The largest part was an iron can with a clean surface that could reflect light; the top of the can was connected to a transparent resin tube, the surface of the tube was filthy, and red and yellow unknown substances were everywhere; at the other end of the tube, there was an extremely thin syringe.

The reason why it was judged that it was not a plastic tube was that there seemed to be no oil in this world, and the bicycle tires that Jenkins drew were not the industrial products familiar in the previous life, but something very similar, so it had to be hidden. Without oil, there would naturally be no artificially synthesized plastics, so it was judged that this was resin.

"B-01-2-8100, [Elemental Blood], after injection, it will definitely make a red light spot of the gifter evolve. But the direction of evolution is random and related to natural elements such as water, fire, metal, and thunder."

"Are there any hidden dangers?"

When it comes to BC-type items, there must be hidden dangers.

"Within three months, your blood will turn green, and then it will automatically recover. That's all we know for now."

Mr. Corpse said slowly, but things couldn't be that simple.

"What do I need to pay?"

Mr. Corpse didn't answer, but the trader nodded, "Okay."

This should be similar to the ability of the keeper to transmit secrets.

I didn't see the trader put anything in the corpse cabinet, but he skillfully picked up the syringe and pierced the exposed back of his hand. Green liquid flowed out of the black jar and was pushed into the flesh through the transparent resin tube.

He groaned, pulled out the syringe and put it back in place, and respectfully retreated to the wall. A few drops of black green liquid dripped down from the tip of the needle, but there was no sound of collision with the ground.

Before the party officially ended, someone asked Mr. Corpse a question as usual.

"Sir, I heard that some cultists have come to the city recently. They seem to be related to the riot in the factory area."

"Don't pay attention to them. The devil is dead and everything is over. The remaining cultists just want to try their luck in this land of destiny."

After saying that, he ignored everyone and lay back in the corpse cabinet.

The black-robed people still left in order. When the last person disappeared above the building, the candle in the forbidden room automatically went out.

In the darkness, Mr. Corpse's voice sounded again, muffled by the metal cabinet:

"That's not necessarily true. If someone can find the clues left by the devil, maybe..."

No one knows these words.

After climbing over the outermost fence of the hospital again, Jenkins felt his heart suddenly relaxed and his whole body became happy.

Looking back at the place shrouded in white clouds, I really don't know why no one has noticed anything unusual here for so many years.

When Professor Burns climbed over the fence, he stepped on a raised stone on the ground and almost fell down. However, he showed his amazing skills and landed firmly after turning around in the air.

This is something that only acrobats can do, and the old man can do it effortlessly. Combined with the fact that he carried the golden statue of his father alone last time, Professor Burns's abilities are not all related to physical enhancement, right?

The relationship between the two was very good, similar to a year-end friendship, so Jenkins asked directly. The professor is now at level four, one level higher than when Jenkins first saw him in the castle. There are nine light spots, four of which are red.

"That's right."

The old man replied softly: "You know, the learning of red fighting ability can improve the quality of the body; the yellow spell can improve the mental capacity; and the golden magic can make it easier to fight against abnormal conditions. I am too old, but I want to study There are still many things. I hate those methods of extending lifespan through evil sacrifices, so I can only learn more about this ability..."

"Do you know B-02-3-8810?"

"That spear? You know, I heard Binsi mention it when I chatted with him in the church last time, but the side effects of this item are too great. If one day I really can't survive, I will only consider it."

The professor slowly told his views on lifespan, and then led Jenkins to the east, away from the city.

After Jenkins obtained divinity for the first time, he once obtained a ritual that could increase lifespan by analyzing the broken knowledge in divinity. And unlike rituals that usually require a large amount of blood sacrifices to extend lifespan, it only requires living creatures, not limited to animals. Or plant, the vitality transference.

Glancing at the professor walking in front, Jenkins sighed and decided to share his knowledge with the professor after a while.

"By the way, I forgot to congratulate you. I heard that you have become a baron because of the story collection?"

"Honorary baronet, not considered a noble."

Jenkins replied modestly.

"I heard that the Kingdom's cultural department wants to nominate you as a candidate for this year's 'Ritter Award'?"

"I haven't heard about this yet, but it's best not to. I heard that this award will be announced in the royal capital, and I don't have time to go elsewhere."

The Rhett Prize is the highest award awarded to outstanding writers every year in the Kingdom of Fidicli, and is recognized even in the Kingdom of Chesland and Hampavo. But generally speaking, this kind of award will only be awarded to older gentlemen to thank them for their outstanding contributions to the kingdom's cultural undertakings.

The prize money for the award is not high, only 100 pounds, but the winning medal is a real blue gem the size of a pigeon egg, which is worth far more than the pitiful prize money.

PS: I have updated the previous item information and you can view it after refreshing the catalog. If there are any omissions, please leave a message in the book review area.

Another: I changed the time of Miss Michael's ball from this weekend in the original text to next week's weekend, and moved a certain plot forward.

Another note: All units of measurement that appear in this book are imperial units. If you haven’t seen them before, just go to Baidu.

Chapter 153 Chapter 149 Underground Treasure Room

"Haha, Jenkins, your ideas are really different. I had a few words with my father at your home during the days when you were in coma, and he also thought that you were not like those young people who pursue fashion and excitement today."

"Maybe I don't like that kind of life."

He shook his head and watched the professor use his black umbrella to clear the grass in front of him.

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