Seeing that Jenkins said something inappropriate again, and that his opening remarks were a bit too long, the maid beside him could only take over the words and asked softly. In addition to the food on the table, there is also a dining car next to it. On the dining car, there are food on the plate, champagne, and desserts. Some foods cannot be left for too long.

"I'll finish in a minute...this is Miss Julia Minnewick."

Julia was startled when Jenkins suddenly mentioned her name, so she quickly bowed slightly and said hello to the ladies at the table.

"Although Julia is Dolores's personal maid, she is also a very good friend of mine. I am very grateful for everything she has done for me."

He said with a smile and Dolores looked at Julia and smiled to make her happy. Dolores also knew that Julia visited Jenkins at night a few days ago while wearing a very economical maid outfit, and was politely asked out. She was quite happy about this and felt sorry for Julia for suggesting that she did such a thing.

"We talked alone in a tavern last winter. Although it was the only time we met alone, I loved the conversation that night. Julia had many very insightful views on ancient fantasy novels. ”

Dolores' eyes suddenly narrowed, and Julia's relaxed smile suddenly froze. She did not tell Her Royal Highness the meeting that night because it was completely unnecessary and also to avoid being misunderstood, but she did not expect that Jenkins would expose her at this time.

Of course Dolores was not dissatisfied, but she was a little concerned about her maid meeting Jenkins alone. Julia also knew that Dolores would not be angry, but she was still a little dissatisfied with Jenkins. Of course, this dissatisfaction also included the fact that she had the courage to put on that shameful dress that night, but was asked to leave the room.

"Oh, then let's start eating. I don't think we can delay it any longer."

Jenkins was quite satisfied with his speech, but then he heard another meow, and Chocolate stretched out his paws and pulled his arm on the soft cushion.

"Oh, this is chocolate."

He said simply, after all, everyone knew it, and then announced again:

"Let's start eating. I'm a little hungry."

As the dinner began, the ladies began to interact with each other in a very understanding way, which made the atmosphere in the house a little more cheerful. Especially when the girls discovered that they had surprisingly consistent views on Jenkins, they became more familiar and intimate with each other. Sometimes they would tease Jenkins together and ask him what he would do if four people fell into the river together. Who will you save first?

This question was actually asked by Jenkins to Hathaway when he was joking.

"Forget it, you can all swim, and besides Brienne, you are all gifters. Do I need to save you?"

He said while cutting the piece of veal steak, and then gently touched his cat. The cat rubbed his palm. For the sake of Jenkins' birthday today, he didn't care about his perfunctory treatment just now.

"But if I had to choose, it would definitely be to save Brienne first, because she is the only one who is not the giver."

Jenkins added, although the reason was normal, the blonde girl still blushed with embarrassment and hurriedly drank the red wine in the glass to hide her expression.

"It's no fun asking that. Jenkins always finds a way to argue."

Hathaway said with a smile, seeing Jenkins' wine glass next to her, she sniffed it carefully. Under the light of candlelight and gas lamp, the lady's lowered head and twitching nose was particularly attractive. Jenkins raised his eyebrows and decided to record this scene in a book of memories if he had time.

"We're all drinking red wine and you're still drinking juice. That's not okay."

Hathaway got her answer from the smell of the wine glass.

"What? Dolores is drinking too? That's not okay, she's only sixteen."

Jenkins said immediately, and then Alexia patted his hand:

"Do you think Dolores drank juice like you at previous banquets...and why can't you drink at the age of sixteen?"

Seeing that Jenkins couldn't answer, she asked Julia to get a new drink for Jenkins. Of course Jenkins resisted, but for some unknown reason, the other girls actually agreed, so he had no choice but to accept it.

But fortunately, he just doesn't like drinking, and he doesn't get drunk as soon as he drinks, so there is no need to worry.

The topic continued. Hathaway looked at the cat aside and asked again:

"So why don't you ask, if the four of us fell into the river with your cat, would you save us first, or would you save the chocolate first?"

This remark made the ladies laugh again, and Jenkins thought it was a mockery of himself, a joke at his expense.

Put down the knife and wiped his hands with a table cloth:

"This question is even more strange. Why should I save Chocolate? Chocolate can swim and saved my life in the lake a few days ago."

This is an exaggeration; Jenkins could not have drowned. But in order to show that his cat is powerful, he doesn't mind using exaggerated words.

Dolores pouted slightly and wrapped her fingers around her hair unconsciously. This was one of her expressions of dissatisfaction:

"Jenkins, if chocolate could turn into a human..."

The cat's eyes lit up as he stared at the steak, and he looked up at the princess.

"And what will happen to you?"

This question was recognized by everyone, and the girls all smiled and waited for his answer.

"If chocolate turns into a human being, well...that's a tough question for me."

he said.

"Hard, isn't it? Then if you answer, you can also ask us tough questions."

The princess said nonchalantly, and others had no objections either.

"Okay, if the chocolate turns into a human, I will be shocked. But this cat has always been stupid. Even after drinking the animal intelligence enlightenment potion, it is not as smart as old Jack said. I think, If it really turns into a human, it will definitely not be smart, and I will still have to take care of her, which is not a good thing. "

As he spoke, he picked up the cat and put it on his chest, stroking the top of its head happily. Unexpectedly, Chocolate slapped Jenkins on the chin with its tail, and then jumped onto the soft cushion aside, looking a little angry.

"Of course, no matter what happens to chocolate, I will always let it stay with me. I'm really embarrassed to say that since I moved out to live alone, the only thing that can accompany me is this cat. As long as chocolate doesn't leave, I will always keep it. I won’t let it go. This is different from my relationship with you. The difference is like the two moons in the sky. Both are indispensable to me and both are important, but I can’t say which one is more important.”

He said, and the cat turned its head, opened its mouth and barked at him, then jumped onto Jenkins' lap, grabbed the edge of the table to touch the veal steak, and ignored the vegetable salad that was closer. .

The ladies were a little surprised. Based on their understanding of Jenkins, it was beyond their expectations to be able to say something like this.

"You always say all kinds of weird but very reasonable things."

Alexia said, but she seemed quite satisfied with those words.

Although Jenkins was allowed to ask the ladies some harsh questions just now, he had nothing to ask, so he deliberately did not mention it.

The dinner continued in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. When blowing out the candles and cutting the cake, Dolores encouraged Jenkins to make a wish. But Jenkins said he was no longer a child, so he blew out the candles. Of course, he whispered in his heart that he hoped everyone would be safe in the coming days.

The evening turned out better than Jenkins expected, with the four women gathering together without the quarrels he feared. He felt lucky for his luck, for being able to meet their luck. He was so happy that he drank more wine at Dolores's instigation, but to him there was no difference between the wine and water.

During the dinner, Hathaway also brought in her violin and played a song for everyone, and then Jenkins invited each of the women to dance individually and accepted their ridicule about his dancing skills. This made the dinner more comfortable and relaxed, which Jenkins felt was the best outcome he could have achieved.

Chapter 1767 Chapter 1739 Midnight Mutation

It's already half past nine after dinner, so there's no need to clear the table. Someone will help clean it up in the morning. Seeing that it was still early, Jenkins invited everyone to go out to watch the opera as planned. This was his only advance preparation. He even inquired about tonight's play in advance.

Although the arrangement was a bit cliché, everyone happily accepted the invitation. By the time the carriage that passed through the gray fog returned from the Royal Opera House outside the city carrying six people and a cat, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

In more than half an hour, the material world will cross from June to July. Jenkins needs to speed up his schedule to prevent him from suddenly passing out while talking to the girls.

There's no doubt that Hathaway and Britney will spend the night on St. George's Street. Jenkins promised Salshi II to send Dolores back, so he sent the red-haired and blond girls and Julia home first. He followed the carriage and accompanied Alexia and Dolores. Loris returned to the mansion where the Northern Royal Family stayed.

Although Dolores hinted in a very subtle way that she didn't need to go back tonight, Jenkins just pretended not to hear it. So Dolores hinted that her teacher did not need to go back tonight, which Jenkins agreed with.

But Alexia shook her head slightly at him:

"I'm going back to Loen tonight. Now that I have made my identity clear to the Zhengshen Church, I can naturally use the name of the church to apply to read books at a higher level in the tower. Unfortunately, the appointment time I was scheduled for is Tonight, what a shame..."

"Yeah, it's a pity."

Jenkins said with regret. He lowered his head and looked at the cat lying on his lap, pretending to be asleep, but then raised his head in confusion:

"What's a pity?"

He just followed Alexia's words and did not fully understand them.

"Don't you know, Jenkins?"

Dolores' face was a little red, and she spoke first before her teacher spoke:

"Don't you know? Hathaway and Miss Britney have prepared a great gift for you. I even asked Julia to prepare a gift."

"what gift?"

"What do you think?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess winked at Jenkins, and her reddish face and dim light in the carriage made her look even more adorable.

"I said...huh?"

He seemed to understand and immediately stopped the topic. Alexia looked at him with a smile, knowing that this would be his reaction.

"Why...why did you arrange it like this?"

He asked softly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"This is your birthday. It's a special day. Be happy. Tonight is not bad. I think you can let everyone hang out together more often in the future."

"Of course I will."

Jenkins nodded immediately, but Chocolate felt that the hand touching his back was a little careless, so he immediately understood that Jenkins was still thinking about the so-called gift.


Cats know that little boys love birthday gifts.

Salshi II actually stayed up all night, waiting for Dolores to return, and he was accompanied by Yanni Stuart. The eldest princess smiled at Jenkins when he entered the door and reminded him to wipe off the lipstick he had just stained on his face.

By the time Jenkins hurried home, it was already 11:56 midnight that day.

He jumped off the carriage and quickly rushed into the house with the cat in his arms. He only had time to change his shoes and even leave his coat in the hall, so he hurried upstairs. He pushed open the door of his room violently, then he was stunned for a moment and quickly backed out:


He blushed and moaned softly.

"What are you doing?"

The girl inside the door asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Are we terrible?"

The blonde girl also asked in confusion.


He quickly glanced at the pocket watch he was holding outside the door. Alexia's pocket watch was strictly calibrated for time, so it was very punctual. It's still one and a half minutes to twelve o'clock, and the end of the month is coming:

"Wait for me for half an hour!"

He thought about the last month and then made up a random reason:

"I have to go to the bathroom, yes, I'll be there right away."

With that said, he opened the door again to let the girls make sure he was okay. The curtains in his bedroom were tightly closed, and under the dim light of the gas lamp, Hathaway and Britney were wearing pajamas, one sitting at the desk and the other standing beside the bed:

"You guys take care of the chocolate for me first."

As he spoke, he took off the cat from his shoulder and tossed it gently. The cat still maintained its prone position in the air, and then landed on the bed. By the time it touched the sheets, Jenkins had already closed the door, and could only hear the sound of hurried footsteps extending toward the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

The two women and the cat in the room looked at each other:

"Is Jenkins in trouble? He seems to be very concerned about time."

The blond girl asked doubtfully, but Hathaway couldn't answer, and the cat meowed.

Then there was another knock on the door, but this time it was Julia. She was wearing the fabric-saving maid outfit from last night, which was only black and white. The lace was appropriately embellished and very beautiful, which made both Hathaway and Britney shine.

"I thought I heard Jenkins coming back just now, so I came over. His Highness said..."

The maid's face was very red.

"He doesn't know what to do, just give him a moment...let me think, maybe you can hide in the closet first."

Speaking of this, Britney was amused by herself first, and then Hathaway also laughed, and they both thought of the past. Chocolate looked at this scene with a stinky face, opened his mouth to yawn out of boredom, and then his little ears suddenly twitched, and he stood up suddenly and turned to look at the bedroom window.

"What's wrong?"

Hathaway noticed something was wrong with the chocolate, so she walked to the window and opened the curtains with her fingers. In the hazy night, gray fog not only quietly disperses in the city.

In that more distant location, the abnormal thick fog concentration made the already weak moonlight even more strange. It seems that the wind has picked up, and the city becomes more magical and weird in this thick fog. The silence of the night is already overwhelming, but at this moment there is another force that seems to be able to scare people, swaying in the depths of the gray mist.

Hathaway couldn't see clearly what it was, and she didn't want to see clearly what it was. The arrival of midnight seemed to announce the reoccurrence of some kind of change. Before the inexplicable panic in her heart completely surged up, she suddenly closed the curtains, took a few deep breaths, then turned around to look at the worried Julia and Britney, and said with a little regret::

"I'm afraid Jenkins won't have time to accept our gift tonight."

PS: The gift is to play a bedtime card game with Jenkins, just enough for four people, don’t overthink it, yes, don’t overthink it.

Chapter 1768 Chapter 1740 The Cycle of December

Jenkins on the other side was still unaware of the changes in the night. At this time, he was lying face up on the bathroom floor, his soul and perception completely separated from the dimension of the material world.

June belongs to the god of starry sky and balance [All Things Starry Sky], and July belongs to the god of fate and law [The Hermit of Destiny]. According to legends handed down from ancient times, the existence of the God of Destiny is quite ancient. Although they are not called the original three gods like nature, the earth and the sun, most people believe that the god of destiny may not appear later than the first three.

The Hermit is a very low-key god. Specifically, if we count the currently known records of the twelve righteous gods coming to the material world, then in the current eighteenth century, the Hermit of Destiny is the one who appears the least frequently.

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