Mr. Gilbert asked hastily, looking at Jenkins to determine whether he was injured.

"It's worse than that. I'm afraid those people are also injured. There's no need to think about deploying the Mystery Lock. Let's join the main force now."

He watched the black shadows approaching here. These were all arranged by the Sage Church to guard Jenkins during the period of unfolding the mystery. Currently, Jenkins has the greatest authority here. Since he said this, people who haven't figured out what happened can only temporarily evacuate.

Just as Jenkins guessed, the backlash from the Mystery Lock directly seriously injured the other four people who deployed the Mystery Lock. But fortunately, every Saint Son had security protection around him, so they all successfully withdrew from the front line temporarily.

Because the location where the Mist Giant appeared was close to the city center and the Sage Church was nearby, the Sage Church was used as the frontline headquarters. By the time Jenkins and Mr. Gilbert returned from the fog, the other four injured Sons had returned.

"It's not life-threatening, but I'm afraid I won't be able to move tonight."

Miss Prola, who was waiting for the group to return at the door of the church, said that she is a church demigod who has been stationed in Eldron, the city of thousands of trees in the south of the mainland all year round. She was recently transferred to Nolan and had been staying in the Evergreen Forest before. , I went into town tonight because of a sudden incident.

"Is everyone else okay?"

Jenkins asked, hurrying inside.

"It's okay. Although the incoming fog looks scary, it's actually not harmful at all. It's just that the fog is getting thicker and thicker now, and it will definitely cause big problems in the long run."

She guided Jenkins from the corridor to small hall No. 2 on the left side of the church. Now the pulpit and benches inside have been removed, and the four injured saints rest here temporarily.

Among them, Miss Bennett of the Church of Nature seemed to be doing well. She was sitting on the couch on the left with the help of the nuns. Three young women were using their abilities to heal her injuries. The other three gentlemen were all on the double beds next to the right wall. Among them, Mr. Werner from the Church of Death leaned on the bedside and smiled at Jenkins, Mr. Greif from the Mechanical Church and Mr. Fred from the Ocean Church. Lying in bed.

"We've tried treatments, but they haven't been effective."

The door was pushed open and Jenkins walked in. The woman near the door said immediately, and then followed his footsteps and walked inward. Jenkins remembered that this person was a sixth-level gifter of the Church of Nature and had a good relationship with his cousin Sigrid, but Jenkins could not remember her name.

"Where did everyone else go?"

Jenkins asked as he walked towards Miss Bennett, the person in front of him immediately getting out of the way. The three nuns from the Church of Nature who were helping Miss Bennett with her treatment also stood up and moved out of the way. Jenkins nodded to the woman on the sofa and held her wrist.

"Your position is the farthest point from the church, so it is the slowest to come back. The other members of the Twelve Churches have gone to a meeting. William, you'd better rush there as soon as possible. The situation is not good now."

"I see."

He whispered, holding the woman's hand tightly and emitting a light green light. The light even seemed like a burning fire ball for a moment, but it immediately dimmed again:

"There is a strange power interfering with it. It is the power of the giant in the fog. I can only heal him a little, but if I want to get completely better, I still need time to rest."

He explained hurriedly, and then put his hand on Miss Bennett's forehead. After a faint green light flashed, Jenkins immediately stood up and walked towards the other three gentlemen. Miss Bennett also stood up, took her coat from Sigrid on the side, and then walked towards the door.

The injuries of the other three Holy Sons are not serious, but it is unrealistic to completely heal them now. Fortunately, the Holy Son is not a complete mortal, and his powerful self-healing ability can eliminate such illnesses after resting. So Jenkins just tried to wake up the two unconscious people, and then took the cat to the side hall where the meeting was being held.

He knocked on the door and pushed it open, but no one turned to look at him. In the originally small side hall, there were now at least a dozen demigod level benefactors gathered, and the only person who spoke was Mr. Smith, the secret keeper that Jenkins was familiar with.

He stood in front of the blackboard on the left side of the side hall and loudly talked about his current findings. Jenkins arrived just in time:

"The impact just now made us discover something. It's not that the giant in the fog doesn't want to get out of those three blocks, but that it can't get out at all."

The secret keeper said in a loud voice and drew a circle on the blackboard with chalk:

"At present, we believe that the giant has not actually been completely born. The reason why we can only see its terrifying outline in the fog is because it is still gestating. In fact, the space of those three blocks is filled with fog. There are strange unstable characteristics when moving, which shows that the location of the giant is a huge 'egg'!"

"Just like last year's Mistborn plan, or rather, the Mistborn plan was actually modeled after the current situation."

The old man in black robe next to Mr. Smith said that he was the coroner of the Church of Death, the oldest benefactor of the Church of Death who was responsible for the identification of numbered items in the Nolan area, and his status was equivalent to the secret keeper of the Church of Sages.

PS: I hope you still remember the Mistborn program.

Chapter 1771 Chapter 1743 Targeted Numbered Items

"Yes, it is the Son of the Mist project. The difference is that the two unsuccessful conceptions last year were all catalyzed by humans. But this time it was a product of natural birth. The giant was conceived by Nolan's fog. Someone is here Last year, we predicted what was going to happen and created the Mistson Project. This is related to the Scent Appreciation Committee, but we have no evidence to confirm this.”

The secret keeper nodded in agreement, and then pointed to the circle he drew on the blackboard:

"Those three blocks are not only a barrier to limit us, but also the eggshell before the birth of the Mist Child. The spatial specificity protects the giant in the eggshell, so everyone who comes close to that area disappears."

"So when will this eggshell completely crack?"

Jenkins then asked, and the old man from Destiny Church whom he did not know replied:

"According to the puzzle of the documents left by the Scent Scent Appreciation Clerks Association and our divination, around dawn, the Mist Giant will break open the eggshell."

This time is earlier than Jenkins thought, and judging from the performance just now, that is, directly defeating the Mystery Locks of the five Holy Sons before they were born, the power of the Mist Giants who were truly born will definitely not be stronger than those who have been blocked for a long time. The evil things in the warp are weaker.

This has almost pushed the church to a dead end. The current idea is to break the eggshell in advance and never allow the Children of the Mist to be born naturally. But breaking the eggshell means starting a war with the giant immediately. Although the church is confident that it will not lose, the real disaster at the end of the era has not yet appeared. Nolan's black tower still stands in the moonlit night, and the church is not willing to stand here. Spending too much energy on one thing.

"Perhaps we can ask the lying believers for help. Don't those people always like to get involved in such things? It's not that the church should count on those people, it just lets them test it first. This group of people has always been very capable of action."

This was an idea put forward by Miss Tiraminos, another demigod from the Church of Destiny. What she said made sense, but no one present knew where to find that group of people. Under the premise that Jenkins kept his mouth shut, no one could have imagined that as long as they all voluntarily closed their eyes until dawn, believers in lies would naturally try.

Nolan's smog problem existed before Jenkin came to this world, and it will definitely last longer in the conceivable future. This cannot be completely eradicated in one generation. According to the historical process of Jenkins' original world, he believes that even if this world is not a world with extraordinary power and so many weird and dangerous things will not be born, Nolan's fog will sooner or later induce " "The Nolan Dense Fog Incident" allows the residents of this city to experience the malice of nature in a short period of time, so that people in this world can realize the seriousness of the problem.

Of course, it makes no sense to think about this now. Although the church is not willing to waste manpower easily to test the power of the unborn children of the mist, it does not mean that the church has no other methods.

In order to cope with the final disaster, and based on the records of the church's ancient books, church benefactors gathered from all over the world and brought many powerful numbered items.

After it was determined that no one could take risks anymore, the solution to the mist giant fell on those items. Each of the Twelve Churches has provided a list of items, explaining what type B extraordinary beings it can provide. Of course, Jenkins didn't believe that everyone had written down their family background, but when he saw twelve thick documents stacked together, he still felt from the bottom of his heart that the Orthodox Church in this world was not the one in traditional novels. Villain is really a great thing.

There are still about five hours until dawn. In order to find a solution to this matter as soon as possible, some people in the church have been arranged to go to the front line to prevent the fog giant in "Eggshell" from showing new changes, and also to prevent the giant from appearing. Break out of the shell in advance.

The other group of people with slightly weaker combat power stayed in the church to continue discussing plans and looking for the suitable one from the large number of numbered items.

As a sixth-level gifter in the church's understanding, Jenkins certainly belongs to the category with relatively strong combat effectiveness. However, considering that he might have been injured in the backlash of the Mystery Chain just now, he was not sent out again. Instead, he searched for documents and materials in the church with the secretkeeper's apprentices, looking for records related to the Mist Giant. . Of course, he can also be considered an important force in protecting the church.

Professor Burns was actually in the church now. After the two met, they just nodded and said hello, and then went into searching for a vast amount of documents.

Before the group could gain anything, the people on the other side quickly found suitable items to deal with the incident. After all, every church knows its cards well. In fact, this decision is just a comprehensive comparison of each church's plans, and then selecting the most suitable one.

B-05-2-1394 [Suffocating Prayer Girl], a life-size white plaster statue. The specific image is of a girl wearing a robe but not wearing a hood, kneeling on one knee, clasping her hands together on her chest, closing her eyes and lowering her head slightly, as if praying.

When not showing its characteristics, this statue is no different from any other plaster statue except that it cannot be destroyed. When someone recites any sentence that can be considered as "religious scriptures" within 30 feet (about 9.1m) around the [Suffocating Prayer Girl], all the air within the range where the sound can be captured by ordinary people will be slowly absorbed by the [Suffocating Prayer Girl], and the space where the air is absorbed will form local specificity, and no new air can flow in within three hours.

In other words, although the range where the chanting sound spreads cannot form an absolute vacuum area in the physical sense, it is enough to suffocate ordinary people.

This ancient statue was contained in the 16th century. Because it has no mobility and the effect is not particularly strong, there has never been a containment failure. It was originally found in a small church in a village. When the local inspector who passed by found that something was wrong, all 27 believers in the church, including ordinary priests, had died of suffocation.

But the statue can only work if there are people chanting around it. After all, it doesn't absorb air very quickly. Once the chanter feels uncomfortable, he just needs to stop and walk out of the affected area.

Therefore, the containment records show that everyone died of suffocation that year. Thinking about it carefully, the shadow shrouded by [Suffocating Prayer Girl] becomes more confusing.

Chapter 1772 Chapter 1744 Behind the Front

The church's plan is to let one person ride in a carriage carrying the statue of [Suffocating Prayer Girl], approach the fog giant, and in the process of constantly moving around the "egg", through the characteristics of [Suffocating Prayer Girl] absorbing air, wipe off the fog that wraps the giant, and achieve the effect of breaking the eggshell.

At the same time, both the Mechanicus Church and the Natural Church believe that the huge black shadow that people can see now is most likely not a flesh and blood creature, but an elemental creature like [The Crawler in the Fog].

After testing, the [Crawler in the Mist] gradually lost most of its body structure when it approached the [Suffocating Prayer Girl], and finally turned into black ash and disappeared. Therefore, people can be sure that the giant in the mist will also be affected by this statue.

But this statue alone is not enough. To be on the safe side, the weapon against the mist giant after the eggshell is broken has also been determined. This time, the B-09-1-4051 [Mist Blade] provided by the Mechanicus was chosen. It is a weapon with only a handle, but when it is in any kind of mist, the handle can naturally extend a mist blade made purely of mist.

The strength of the mist blade and whether it is extraordinary all depend on the nature of the surrounding mist. Therefore, in Nolan City tonight, this weapon will be the most suitable prop that will become stronger when facing a strong opponent.

There are many other items that can play a weaker role, but in the end it was decided to take out only these two targeted items, and the other items will be temporarily reserved. Although B-type supernatural items are not as scary as A-type weird things, as Hathaway once said, B-type items also have side effects, and when multiple B-type items are close to each other, there is a certain probability that they will produce similar weird effects.

This is why the church insists on containing all B-type items, because even if it is a numbered item with the lowest danger level, no one can tell whether it will tell humans what the malice of fate is in a certain accidental use.

In the important action of breaking the Scent Appreciation Committee a few days ago, the church actually took out only ten numbered items. And this time there are only two, which takes into account the particularity of the current urban environment.

From an overall evaluation, during the existence of the Son of Mist, Nolan's fog can be called a weird thing. And weird things tend to assimilate to supernatural items. In order to prevent accidents, the church decided to be conservative.

Although Jenkins is not afraid of suffocation, it is not his turn to take the task of taking the [Suffocating Prayer Girl] to the eggshell near the Son of Mist in a carriage.

The [Church of Night and Secrets], which provided this item, sent a demigod-level night watchman to execute the plan, and correspondingly, another son of the [Church of Creation and Machinery] waited for the opportunity with the [Blade of Mist].

Jenkins was not even sent to the front line. When the plan began to be implemented, he stayed in the Sage Church and continued to search for documents with the keeper and apprentices. And Miss Befanna had a good reason to keep him. This night is still long, and no one knows what kind of accidents will occur. Therefore, as the core of this plan, the Sage Church must be protected by the power of the Sage Church itself.

"Don't worry, such a careful plan, how could it go wrong?"

The piled-up text materials were placed in the No. 3 sermon hall on the right side of the main hall. The benches were removed and replaced with long tables commonly used in banquets. People sat around the long table, and the sound of pages turning and whispered discussions made the place full of a busy feeling.

Jenkins sat with Professor Burns. When he put down the yellowed ancient book and sighed, the professor next to him comforted him like this.

"Yeah, how could it go wrong?"

Jenkins nodded, and then looked up to see his cat lying on the stacked books, higher than his head.

"Be careful not to fall down, don't be so naughty, and these books are unique. If they get dirty, I will have to copy them again!"

He hurriedly took the chocolate down, and the cat meowed lazily without paying attention. Then it lay on Jenkins' lap, squinting its eyes and not knowing whether it was taking a nap or feigning sleep.

The night was getting a little late, and Jenkins thought about what he would be doing now if it hadn't happened tonight. When he thought of this, the righteous writer's hatred for the fog giant couldn't help but surge into his heart. He was very sorry that he didn't receive the most important birthday gift tonight.

Jenkins doesn't deny that.

"Speaking of which, it seems a little late now, but I still want to say happy birthday to you."

The professor turned around and picked up his tea cup from the small table behind him, raised the cup and said softly to Jenkins. The professor's gift was delivered to his home on St. George's Street this morning, and was placed in the corner of the living room with other gifts piled up like a hill. Jenkins originally planned to spend the whole day unpacking those things.

"You don't need to be so polite, Professor, and every birthday, doesn't it make you one year older? This is not worth celebrating."

"Your tone sounds like a middle-aged man in his forties."

The professor said cheerfully, put down the tea cup and continued to read the book he was holding:

"Although the church knew about the Children of the Mist plan last year, it has not been able to figure out the principles of the two rituals until now. Look at this..."

The professor asked Jenkins to look at the book in his hand. On the book was a black blurry animal shape drawn with a pencil:

"In past eras, the level of civilization in the material world has developed more than once and even exceeded our current era, so similar monsters born from thick fog have appeared in the past."

He pointed to the sentence below the picture and translated:

"What slowly emerges from the gray fog is not only the world's revenge on us, but also human resentment and some unexplainable terrible things, which are catalyzing the continued evolution of this dense fog."

"The so-called resentment of human beings should refer to things in factories, right? After all, most of the thick smog is emitted by factories, and the workers in the factories are quite dissatisfied with their current lives."

Speaking of this, Jenkins inexplicably thought of the human loom being tracked by Mr. Hood and Mr. White Cat on the night of the Dragon Game.

"Yes, the solution in the past was to simply shut down the factory. After all, the main energy source at that time was not burning coal, and the steam industry was not dominant at that time."

The professor sighed:

"So that doesn't help us."

He turned the book to the next page, and Jenkins nodded thoughtfully:

"So we can only wait for time, waiting for the changes to be carried out bit by bit, but now I am afraid that the fog does not want to give us time."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a loud noise coming from outside, and then a roar that seemed to come from eternity, giving everyone goosebumps.

Everyone in the room looked towards the window. Finally, Jenkins stood up, opened the curtains with his fingers and looked outside:

"The plan has begun. The black figure in the fog has now left its original movement route."

He told people that everyone was a little worried, but still knew they had to do what they were doing now. Jenkins also returned to his seat. After waiting for a few seconds, he found that it was quiet again outside, so he said to the professor:

"Actually, I also want to go there and have a look."

"You are always not afraid of danger and rush ahead. Although this is a very good character, you should also think about your own safety."

said the professor, and then added in a low voice;

"I heard Oliver talk about some things. Now, no matter who the church asks you to take risks, it is impossible for you to take risks."

Professor Burns probably heard his father talk about the World Tree.

"Maybe the ability of the World Tree seedlings has truly awakened, and I can fight against the giant outside. I heard that the abilities possessed by each generation of saviors are very powerful, and are vastly different from the abilities of ordinary gifters."

"It is the savior who is born with the awakened ability that is powerful."

the professor corrected.

Because the church has also been studying the ability of the savior recently and hopes to make Jenkins a real World Tree seedling as soon as possible, the professor can also have some opinions on this matter.

"Those acquired savior abilities are not as good as innate awakening. There are many documents that can prove this, but your World Tree must be innate. As for what kind of effect it can have after evolution, I think unless you can Find the real elves, otherwise the existing literature cannot answer this question. "

The professor added.

Unfortunately, the elf that Jenkins knew could not answer. The old elf was not a big shot in the Evergreen Forest. According to him, he was at most a retired veteran and did not even have a position. Just because he lived old enough, he knew many secret things, but the old elf couldn't answer the unique abilities of the elf royal family.

"I think this may require me to swallow the complete World Tree seed to achieve the last step of evolution."

Jenkins said absently, thinking about how the unknown purple savior mark would appear in the end.

"Isn't it an unknown road ahead?"

He thought happily, but knew in his heart that it was absolutely impossible, because no one had ever awakened two different savior identities at the same time.

"Swallow the seed?"

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