Professor Burns' eyes twitched a few times. He naturally understood that a burning candle could not be kept in a pocket. The young man in front of him either had some rare storage method, or this candle was...

Thinking of the "once-in-a-century" reward from the Holy See that Captain Binsi occasionally revealed a few days ago.

"Could it be him?"

Professor Burns felt that he understood something.

"If so, that's great. Don't worry, I won't reveal your method."

As he spoke, a gratified expression appeared on his face, as if Jenkins had just done something big.

Jenkins secretly worried that the professor had some mental problems under the stimulation of great sorrow and joy.

Professor Burns prepared a lot of things underground. The two of them used a rope to tie the candle firmly to the front end of the bamboo pole. Jenkins waved it up and down a few times and found that the flame did not jump, so he carefully put the candle in.

The flame has always been so weak, but there is no sign of extinguishing.

The two men were overjoyed and stretched their heads to look at the crack in the door. They saw a space smaller than an ordinary family bathroom, surrounded by stone walls. A strange green plant was clinging to the half wall facing the door, crawling out like a python. From the appearance, it looked very much like creeper, but creeper would never climb so fast.

"What did you see?"

Jenkins asked first.

"A small space, a few boxes, and plants crawling out."

The professor's answer was very concise.

"That's what I saw, so, this is not an illusion?"

Before Jenkins finished speaking, the fastest vine rushed out of the door first.

The front part of the vine shrank back a few inches, then suddenly rushed forward, and the whole plant took off.

The professor grabbed Jenkins' shoulder and pulled him aside with force. With a wave of the umbrella in his hand, the sonic boom made the stone wall above his head fall dust.

The vine was directly broken into two parts. The front part lost its vitality, and the back part was still crawling, but it was much weaker.

"How strong is the professor?"

Jenkins sighed in his heart, and quickly aimed the candle flame on the bamboo pole at the vines that kept crawling out of the gate, but he couldn't ignite it at all.

"Plants are weak to fire, why can't it be ignited?"

"I remember, this is a special plant that can emit hallucinogenic powder, which is a material often used for illusion abilities! It grows mostly underground, is sensitive to sound, is 30 years old, and looks similar..."

Professor Burns explained this knowledge while swinging his umbrella continuously, and the sound of breaking through the air continued. The vines pouring out of the door were broken into two parts one by one. Jenkins is now very grateful that this door cannot be fully opened, otherwise the two of them would have fled now.

"What is it afraid of?"

"Low temperature, it will go dormant at low temperatures, and then you just need to dig the roots out of the cracks in the rocks. This is a good material. The powder after the rhizomes are crushed is sold by grains (Imperial unit, 1 grain is about 64.8 mg)!"

Jenkins untied the coat that was somewhat restrictive to his body and threw it aside. He whispered to the professor to get out of the way, then activated the red light in front of him and punched the surging plants continuously.

These plants feel very bad, like a ball of moving marshmallows. The light in the dark basement is very poor, Jenkins can't see whether the plants are frozen, but he can clearly feel that their activity trend is slowing down and the temperature in the room is dropping.

The professor has now circled around Jenkins, holding an umbrella with both hands and hitting it down, and the sound of the ice breaking is very obvious.

"I'm going in."

Jenkins reminded the professor beside him, kicked away the ice chips in front of him with his feet in black boots, and flashed into the door.

In order to prevent the lack of oxygen, try to hold your breath. There are things moving in all directions. The light behind is getting brighter and brighter. The professor also follows.

Leaning against the door to prevent being attacked from the front and back, Jenkins and the professor cooperated, one punching and the other waving an umbrella, until the spirit in the body was almost consumed, they found the plant rhizome in the crack of the rock.

Without Jenkins, the professor's right hand clawed directly into the stone, just like crushing a piece of tofu, and pulled out most of the green rhizome in the crack. After several times, no plants moved.

Without saying a word, the professor pulled Jenkins' sleeve and dragged him out of the door.


He panted violently, and then told Jenkins: "In a long-term closed space like this, there are usually some undetectable poisonous gases, which will quickly make people breathe poorly and then die. In the future, when entering such a place, you must first put in the ignited flame. If there is poisonous gas, the flame will soon go out."

Jenkins nodded, and understood in his heart that the chemists in this world still have not discovered the existence of oxygen.

The two waited outside the door for a long time, until they put the bamboo pole with the kerosene lamp inside again, and used a pocket watch to time it. After the flame burned normally for one minute, they each carried a kerosene lamp and walked in.

At this time, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

The leather boots stepped on the ground, stirring up a layer of floating dust. Jenkins had put on his coat again, and the use of [Frost Fist] made the temperature inside the door at least 5 degrees lower than the space outside the door.

Because the space was small, the items inside were clear at a glance. Opposite the door were two large boxes, and there was nothing else.

Out of caution, the two stood far away and poked one of the boxes with a bamboo pole again.

Nothing happens.

He fiddled with the very conspicuous lock with a bamboo pole, and the lock immediately fell to the ground. Jenkins and Professor Burns took a step back in tacit agreement.

Still nothing happened.

Use a bamboo pole to lift the lid of the box, and then throw in the charms [Toxin Identification], [Filth Purification], [Danger Warning], [Shadow Realm Hide Prediction] (this one is the most expensive), etc., and only hear a few metallic sounds. A crashing sound came from the box.

Still nothing happened.

The two breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at each other, adjusted their clothes, and then held up the kerosene lamp and looked inside the box.

I saw that the thickness of the box was amazing, so the internal space was not very large.

Chapter 156 Chapter 152 Shield of Arrogance

The light from two kerosene lamps can already illuminate the inside of the box.

Partially covered by the shadow was a mottled stone slab. The professor put on his gloves and reached out to touch it, and the corner immediately turned into stone powder. Even if there is no air flow here, thousands of years have brought these stones to the end of their existence.

Without hesitation, the professor reached into his pocket and took out a small box. After opening it, he took out the gold particles embedded in the lining.

He held the gold particles in his hand, tilted his palm slightly, and the gold particles fell on the stone slab.


There seemed to be a clear bell ringing above the head, and when he looked down again, the stone slab had turned into pure gold.

"Sure enough!"

The professor was overjoyed and stretched out his hand to take out the gold plate. Only he could complete this action. Jenkins couldn't imagine how heavy this thing was.

They didn't forget to check the box itself. After wiping off the black coating that had been deliberately applied on the surface, it turned out to be gold. Although it is not very pure, judging from the volume, the value of this box can exceed 200 pounds!

The two excitedly opened the second box. It was also made of gold, and inside the box was a stone slab of the same size.


Without saying a word, Jenkins tore off a pocket sewn on his underwear and handed his gold nugget to the professor.

"I'll make it up to you!"

The professor did not refuse.

"No, but I hope you can share your research results on these two tablets with me. Professor, actually, I am also very interested in the mystery of the end of the era."

"I was indeed right about you, Jenkins. You are really a very devout believer and an excellent student. I heard Oliver say that your mathematical and literary attainments are not bad at all. Sages really prefer you."

The professor sighed as he used Jenkins' gold particles to turn the last slate into gold, and then carefully removed it from the box.

“It’s all in unknown words, which is really great!”

Professor Burns was like a child who got candy, with a wonderful expression on his face.

"This is true. Thank you, sage. May your light illuminate my path forward!"

He prayed loudly and kept drawing the Holy Symbol on his chest.

After making a fortune, Jenkins stopped stroking the box, summoned the golden ring in his spirit, kissed it, and then opened his eyes of truth to scan the surrounding rock walls.

A round object emitting red light appeared from the rock behind the box.

"Sure enough, a guy like this who likes to build a treasure room will definitely not forget to hide more things in the treasure room."

Jenkins laughed, the treasure chest itself was gold, and then something was buried in the rock wall. Come to think of it, the gentleman who set up the treasure room a thousand years ago also had some evil intentions.

After the professor finished praying, Jenkins patted him on the shoulder:

"Professor, could I trouble you to dig this place up?"

As he spoke, he took out the ceremonial silver dagger he carried from the inner pocket of his coat and carved a small cross on the rock.

"no problem."

The professor didn't ask why, stood up, activated his ability again, and dug his claw-like hands toward the rock. After a few moments, he seemed to hit something.

The two of them were worried that the contents inside would be damaged, or that there might be delicate mechanisms inside the rock wall, so they used a small brush and a screwdriver to remove bits of stone debris, and finally found a round shield embedded in the wall.

This shield does not seem to be made of metal. On the contrary, it is more like a wooden shield with a leather coat. In the center of the shield, the flying griffon-shaped emblem is rich in color and reflects dim light.

In the flickering light of the kerosene lamp, the shield embedded in the rock crevice looked extremely magical.

"Do you know him?"

Jenkins was certain that this was an [extraordinary] item belonging to the B series, but he didn't read enough information to recognize what it was. But the professor is different. After he joined the scribe, because of the special nature of his job, he became a researcher of the church's special items, that is, those professionals who test the properties of confiscated items.

They are exposed to a large amount of data every day and are familiar with the items that have been recorded, so they must know what it is better than Jenkins.

"B-09-4-2912, [Arrogant Shield]?"

The professor said uncertainly, and then approached the rock wall with a kerosene lamp, but did not dare to touch it at all.

"It seems like it really is."

"what's it for?"

Jenkins asked softly behind the old man. This was the first time he encountered a special item of armor type.

"In addition to its own shield function, anyone who touches it will become arrogant. And the longer the contact time, the higher the level of arrogance. A secret record shows that if the holder touches this thing for more than 24 hours, he will have the courage to charge the saint naked with a shield."

"That's it?"

Jenkins asked incredulously, the malice is too serious, isn't it?

"No, the most important thing is that the nine items from B-09-4-2911 to B-09-4-2919 all have the affix of [Arrogance]. If the nine items are put together, they will form a special gift, C-09-3-0099, [Armor of Courage]. The information of this item cannot be found, only the name is known, but it should be very powerful."

He looked at the shield with a heavy face, and a strong sense of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

"The more armor parts you have individually, the more arrogant you are. But nine pieces in one..."

"A lot of armor parts should be lost, right? Which one is the one you can find?"

Jenkins asked. According to the routine in knight novels, it should be troublesome to collect such things.

"This is the ninth piece. The other eight are in the Church of the Sun and Justice."

The professor turned around with a heavy face, and Jenkins was stunned.

This shield is of great importance, but neither Jenkins nor the professor knew how to deal with it. Leaving it in anyone's hands may bring disaster.

They discussed it briefly and then took nothing. After blocking the entrance, they quickly returned to the city along the original route and woke up the old man at four o'clock in the morning.

The old man in pajamas was originally very angry about the two people's behavior of not sleeping in the middle of the night, but after hearing about the shield, he also understood the importance of the matter.

Finally, the old man and the professor, who had changed their clothes, returned to the underground space again to deal with the shield, and Jenkins went home to sleep.

After all, he couldn't compare with the old man and the professor in terms of knowledge, and he couldn't compare with the old man and the professor in terms of force.

Then let's take a short rest for a day. The original plan to go out with dad after dawn has been postponed.

Chapter 157 Chapter 153 Reading the newspaper

When Jenkins came home, Chocolate was quietly lying on his bed resting. Jenkins smiled with relief, and suddenly had an idea to try to enter a cat's dream and see what would happen. After all, after getting that ability, he only used it to leave his soul and ignored its original function.


Chocolate's ears fluttered a few times, and then his eyes slowly opened. Seeing Jenkins, he jumped into his arms affectionately and rubbed his head against Jenkins' arm carefully.

"Forget it, let's go to sleep."

He sighed and fell asleep with the cat in his arms.

This sleep lasted until ten o'clock in the morning.

There was nothing to do today. Jenkins slowly took the newspaper at the door in his pajamas and slippers, and prepared breakfast for the cat and himself, and then sat down.

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