"Since the toxins of roses can be further enhanced by contact with animals, I thought this process might be carried out again. I repeated the extracted toxins three times using normal roses and tulips. Originally, it was only an increase in toxicity. But when the fourth injection was given to the white mouse, this was the black mud that came out of the poor mouse's body. "

The captain of the tomb guard said a little embarrassedly, and the corners of Jenkins' mouth trembled as he didn't know how to evaluate his actions. The other party does have a strong imagination and hands-on ability, and he is also very courageous. If he were not here today, even if there were flames trapping the mud in front of him, a large number of people would definitely die on the third floor.

"You take these girls and leave first, and leave this to me. You can't get out from outside, so just leave from here."

Captain Rogers fully understood what Jenkins meant, and like his team members, used the bone cracking spell to smash the wall, and then actually took out a rope from the void. This surprised Jenkins because the rope was a gift.

He had not seen many people with gifts in this year, but he did not expect that the captain of the Night Watch of the Death Church actually had such a method.

But that's okay. While the other party arranged for the girls to go down, Jenkins quickly walked towards the mud in the corner. The mud is now unable to retreat and has come into contact with the flames.

The two were killing each other, and the resulting black smoke with a strong stench made Jenkins unbearable. So far, we don’t know what this is, but we have confirmed that the other party is afraid of fire. We just need to use the fire of grace to trap it. The reinforcements from the Death Church will arrive in a while. Just leave this trouble to them. Jenkins does not need to completely solve it. .

With the help of the rope-like gift, the flower girls left one after another through the gap in the blasted wall. Jenkins' flames are also pressing forward step by step, and everything is moving in a good direction.

Just when Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief and thought that this matter was about to end, the black mud that was forced into a sphere by the flames suddenly exploded from the middle.

Black mud dots were flying in all directions, but behind Jenkins, the gravekeeper and the last three girls had not yet left.


He immediately stood in front of the four people before he could think about it. The tombkeeper reacted quickly. At the same time as the unnatural explosion sound appeared, he raised his hand to create a transparent coffin-like shadow in the air.

The phantom contained most of the "mud spots", and the remaining small parts were stopped by Jenkins, but some still splashed around the room, squirming like black ants, trying to escape from the room. go.

Jenkins, who was hit by the mud, thought for a moment that he was unlucky, but all he felt was burning pain. The mud spots corroded several large holes in his clothes, and when they came into contact with his skin, they caused disgusting blisters on his skin, but they did not kill him.

"Yes, this body of mine shouldn't be considered a mortal body."

As he thought this, the strong wind outside the room blew the raindrops in and fell on him, which actually weakened the pain of those blisters, thus further increasing the body's recovery speed.

This rain was summoned using the divine magic of the Lord of Flowers, and it strongly resonated with the power of Jenkins and the power of the World Tree. Therefore, he was not surprised at all that it could have a certain healing and purifying effect on Jenkins.

Pushing hard against the door, the flames burst out and melted the door, letting in the flames that burned the entire building and slowing down the crawling speed of the mud dots.

"You leave first, I will never let any drop of poison leave."

He said to the gravekeeper behind him.

"What about you?"

The gravekeeper looked at Jenkins in the flames.

"Don't worry, do you think I will be burned to death?"

"I mean the toxins, your body..."

He also saw the blisters on Jenkins' body.

"It doesn't matter. You can ask someone to collect some rainwater in the yard. If I really encounter a problem, I will jump down and find you. This rainwater can heal me."

After hearing what he said, the captain of the tomb guard did not hesitate, hugged the two little girls next to him with his arms, and then jumped from the third floor to the first floor. As for the remaining girl, she was the older of the flower sellers. She wanted to leave on the rope, but she heard Jenkins suddenly shout:


The girl did not dodge, but subconsciously turned her head and looked behind her. The flying black filth flew towards her face like water being splashed out. She stood there blankly, watching this scene.

Jenkins had already rushed over, picked up the girl and rolled on the ground. He made sure that the little flower girl was fine, but his own back suffered.

From a close distance, he also discovered the last girl who had not had time to leave. She was the first girl who told him that they all knew Feini.

"Are you okay?"

She could see that Jenkins' expression was unnatural, and she could also imagine that it was not without cost for him to block the strange black mud.


Jenkins stood up as he spoke, blocking the girl behind him, and he had no worries at all. The stinging pain in his back made him concentrate more on manipulating the fire of grace. Together with the fire that spread from the door, he forced the mud spots that had just exploded back together.

To be honest, this is the simplest weird thing Jenkins has dealt with so far, but this thing has the characteristic of increasing its toxicity bit by bit through continuous spread. It is definitely not its strongest form now, so Jenkins will not think that this time's ease is because he has become stronger.

Ordinary flames cannot burn the mud. Although Jenkins's purification gift fire can ignite the opponent, the burning speed is basically the same as a rooster eating a mountain of rice and a candle burning a copper lock.

He didn't think of completely solving the opponent, so he controlled the flame to wrap the thing up and put it in the center of the fire.

Hearing the noise outside, looking down through the gap in the wall, the reinforcements of the Church of Death have arrived. Although there are no demigods among the people who came, there are 20 gravekeepers, which is also a big deal that is rarely seen on ordinary days.

"I'll take you down first. Oh, I haven't asked your name yet."

He said to the girl hiding behind him. The girl tightly held her flower basket and looked at the fire in front of her nervously. It's hard to say whether the fire scared her more or the mud still crawling on the floor scared her more.

"Sir, my name is Melinda Priest."

"Okay Melinda, I'll take you down first, don't be nervous."

He hesitated for a moment, put his left hand on the girl's back, and picked her up with his right hand from the bend of her legs. Although the other party was still very young, Jenkins also had to consider the issue of men and women, so he used the method of minimizing the contact area.

"Hold on tight."

He said, then took two quick steps and jumped directly from the third floor.

The people in the yard looked at the gap upstairs nervously. After Rogers, the captain of the gravekeeper, jumped into the yard, he saw that the last girl did not follow him, and he knew that there was a problem upstairs again. He wanted to go back to the third floor to see the situation, but he saw the corner of Jenkins' clothes flashed on the third floor, and then the young writer stopped the girl behind him.

Chapter 1828 Chapter 1799 Helpers of the Flower Girls

"Girls, please help collect some rainwater."

The adults were busy fighting the fire. The church members who had just arrived could not leave too many people in the yard. They were making arrangements in the rain to prevent anything from escaping. It was obvious that the Church of Death had already known what Jenkins was dealing with.

So now the only ones who could collect rainwater were the little girls. Although they had no containers in their hands, they could barely collect some rainwater by placing the leaking small baskets on their skirts.

Most of them did know Finnie, and they also knew who rushed into the fire to save them. More importantly, Jenkins promised to make up for their losses today, so the girls did not mind doing such troublesome things.

Just then, the people upstairs saw Jenkins holding Melinda Priest and standing at the gap in the building.

It was already a little dark, and the burning building was as conspicuous as a torch in the dim dusk fog.

Jenkins stood in the gap of the wall on the third floor with his back to the fire behind him. Because of the light behind him, he and the girl he was holding were a little black.

It was in this context that the man jumped downstairs in the rain and squatted down a little to cushion the impact when he landed.

The girls who were far away from the burning building immediately gathered with baskets. Jenkins also walked forward a few steps silently and joined the girls in the rain.

He bent down slightly and let the girls surround him. A pair of hands stained with rain water flicked around him. Surrounded by the girls, Jenkins slowly bent down and put Melinda down.

In the eyes of Captain Rogers who was waiting on the side, the picture of Jenkins surrounded by a group of flower girls, bending down to put Melinda down and accepting water from more than a dozen hands seemed familiar.

The dark sky and the back of the burning building behind him made him vaguely think of the religious paintings in the church. And the protagonists of those paintings...

"What am I thinking?"

He suddenly came back to his senses and felt incredible about what he thought. He shook his head violently to make himself more awake in the rain, and then walked forward to ask Jenkins if he was okay. After all, it is hard to say whether the consequences of the accident of the person in front of him are more serious or the consequences of the weird thing losing control are more serious.

The arrival of the Church of Death means that Jenkins has nothing to do here, and he himself does not seek the so-called sense of participation, and has no interest in continuing to get involved in this matter.

Therefore, after getting the name and number of the weird thing A-05-3-7411 [Blood Poison] from the gravekeeper team sent to reinforce, he was completely unwilling to pay attention to this matter.

He stood in the rain with a pitiful look, waiting for the girl who gave him money, and found his cat and the bags of food next to the carriage.

Chocolate was still hiding under the overly large tulip to avoid the rain, with his chin on the edge of the shaft and looking at the burning building. Seeing Jenkins coming, he slowly stood up and looked at him with a very pitiful expression.

Because this cat usually uses this method to gain sympathy, especially in the morning when Jenkins was transformed from a mouse back to a human with the help of Miss Stiver, Chocolate showed almost the same expression as now, so Jenkins knew that this was just a trick of the cat.

But in the end, he couldn't help but pick it up and put it in his pocket, then asked the girls to take a paper bag each, and under the guidance of the gravekeeper, he temporarily went with them to the stable that was not on fire to take shelter from the rain.

"There's food and change in the bag. I'm sorry about what happened today, but it's okay now."

"So sir, when can we leave?"

someone asked, hugging his basket and paper bag tightly. Most of the people were shivering because they were soaked all over. Even though the fire was under control and the rain had stopped under Jenkins' control, the temperature wasn't going to rise so quickly.

"It's going to take a while."

he said apologetically.

In fact, the flower girls did not witness the extraordinary. After all, they must have gone crazy when they saw the strange thing. On the third floor, Jenkins and Captain Rogers did not show any conspicuous means other than throwing explosive spells. Some of the abnormalities they saw were attributed to the fear of hallucinations in the fire scene, and children's words are not easily believed by others.

Therefore, the flower girls only need to be taught one final confirmation that they do not carry any suspicious items on site before they can leave. In addition, they are also warned not to tell others what happened today.

This is all very time-consuming, after all, there are a lot of processes to go through.

Jenkins also knew that the girls wanted to go home, so he promised to stay here and leave together when they could. At the same time, I spoke to the tombkeeper, found a safe and clean place, and prepared new clothes for everyone to prevent them from catching colds due to the rain.

After all this effort, even the street lights on the street have turned on. When we left with the girls, it was already 7:30 in the evening. Everyone looked very tired, but fortunately they were in good health and no one was injured due to this incident.

After seeing it, although the girls were still a little wary of Jenkins, they had already gained trust. Although the hardship of life made them aware of the dangers of the world earlier, their kind nature still let the girls know that there are indeed good people in this world.

Jenkins couldn't send everyone home, but most of the flower girls' homes were close enough to each other that they could go back together. Before saying goodbye, Jenkins promised that each of them would get some quota of tulips early in the morning. Although this had been said before, this time it was Jenkins who took the initiative to promise.

"If your friends also want to participate in the tulip business, please report their name and address to me, and I can ask them to join."

This sentence allowed him to gain more trust. After those instinctive vigilance caused by unfamiliarity were washed away by the image of sacrificing oneself to save others today, the priesthood of [the protector of flower girls] is being exerted little by little. effect.

The girls accepted his offer and promised that they would work together to help each other and accept Jenkins' help. Although the name "Fini's friends" is now used, the girls know who to thank.

He also left his address and told the girls that he would visit them when he had time. Although it is impossible for all the flower girls to gather together, if he is willing to get up early in the morning, he will always be able to find these ill-fated girls at the door of the flower shop, in the yard of the taxi shop, or at the intersection on the outskirts of the city.

Jenkins promised to help them.

Chapter 1829 Chapter 1800 Adoption of the Treaty

Jenkins was very busy this whole day, from his father's affairs in the morning, to his first conversation with the difference engine in the mining area, to dealing with the flower girl's affairs all afternoon.

When he got home, he sat on the sofa and no longer wanted to move. Julia was in the kitchen preparing supper, and the ladies of the family were waiting for Jenkins to come home and eat together. Britney was packing clothes upstairs, and Hathaway came home almost later than Jenkins.

It wasn't until after dinner that Hathaway asked to talk to Jenkins alone. The two came to the study room on the first floor together, and Jenkins opened the window. Although the air outside the window was a bit bad, it was really hot without opening the window in the sultry summer.

"There's something I have to tell you. I've been thinking about it for a long time."

Jenkins stood in front of the window, while Hathaway leaned sideways on the bookshelf, folding her hands on her chest. This means that she is a little nervous, otherwise the normal movement would be to droop her hands naturally, or to take the book from behind.

"Do you want to say that you also like Julia?"

Jenkins joked, and then saw from the red-haired woman's expression that the joke he was watching was very inappropriate. Chocolate lay on the windowsill looking at Jenkins, wondering what the adverb "also" meant.

"Seriously, I really have something important to say. If I remember correctly, do you know many of the believers in lies?"

Hathaway asked.

"Of course, I once borrowed a unicorn and took you on a flight. And when I went for an outing in the spring, I also let you see the unicorn. My relationship with the believers of lies is pretty good. Of course, I don’t know all of them.”

He answered cautiously, wondering whether confessing his identity now would put too much pressure on her.

"There's something I don't know whether I should tell you, but I think it's better for you to know."

Hathaway pursed her lips, her expression hesitant:

“The believers in lies are wooing us.”


Jenkins was stunned for a moment, then thought that he was the holy son of a wise man, so he pretended to be serious:

"You go on."

"I mean, they are trying to win over musicians who believe in the Lord's [Wonderful Music] like me. They hope to get our support, or more precisely, get the support of more false god sects, so that they can gain a more advantageous position in the negotiations with the True God Church in the near future."

"This matter..."

Jenkins thought about what angle he should answer from. He didn't plan to tell Hathaway that he was a believer in lies. This was unnecessary. After all, this identity would show a "complete defeat" during the negotiations. If Hathaway knew about it, it would be detrimental to the implementation of the next plan.

He planned to explain these secrets of his later.

"I have heard about this matter, and the church has also received the news. After all, the believers of lies are also trying to win over pagans in a big way, and they have not concealed their purpose. Hathaway, are you considering your position? Yes, it is indeed necessary, but you don't have to worry. I know there is a lady with outstanding ability in the music church. If you follow the sect, whether you support the True God Church or the believers of lies, there will be no problem in the end."

In this matter, only the believers of music were in a position where they would never lose beforehand. After all, with Miss Stiver here, they support the believers of lies. If they win, everyone will be happy. If they lose, they will also have the credit of covering Miss Stiver's actions.

"Does it matter if we support the believers of lies?"

Hathaway asked again suspiciously, staring at Jenkins' cat.

"It doesn't matter. Don't worry that this matter will hit your friends. I can guarantee that no matter what the result is, you will get your share of the benefits."

"Are you serious about this attitude?"

She asked again.

Jenkins nodded slowly. He didn't want to betray Miss Stiver. His senior sister had been undercover for so many years. Jenkins didn't want to expose her because of his own reasons, so he could only reluctantly explain:

"I know a lot of things, but there are some things... I can't say them before the last moment. But I can assure you, Hathaway, no matter who you support, it will not have any impact on the final result. No matter who you support, it will not cause adverse consequences to you. Don't tell these things to others, just know it yourself.

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