"You are so capable of action. When I was in the Holy See, I heard Father Oliver complain that you always liked to act alone and were unwilling to discuss your plans with others. But this is obviously an advantage, Mr. Oliver Although dad is very responsible and well-informed, I really didn’t see your abilities clearly this time.”

If he had the experience of being with Jenkins for a long time, he would never say this at this time.

Now that Jenkins has unexpectedly obtained one of the Four Kings' Souls, all the plans originally formulated by the Vatican have been scrapped. Mr. Yassen found Miss Bevanna to discuss it and immediately spread the news to the Holy See.

Jenkins took this opportunity to take a walk in the Evergreen Forest with Alexia. They watched the sunset together after a long absence, and even tried the feeling of kissing on the lake under the sunset. Except for the cat, who was not very satisfied, both of them were happy to have such alone time.

After dinner in the Evergreen Forest, the Holy See gave a reply. Don't tell anyone about the tree soul. There is no benefit in telling it now. According to what Red Dragon said last night, the king's soul needs to be awakened in order to be useful to its master, so the Holy See asked Nolan Diocese to prepare for the awakening of the tree soul as soon as possible.

Although the savior ability cannot be actively sought, but now that the soul of the tree has belonged to the descendants of the elves, the Holy See believes that there is no need to worry about the unnecessary impact of actively seeking awakening.

Alexia wants to return to Dolores, and Her Royal Highness the Princess still needs protection, so she cannot stay with Jenkins in the Evergreen Forest. Jenkins asked her to drop by her home on St. George Street and bring back the news that he would probably return very late. Then he waited for the secret keepers who hurriedly arrived to discuss how to stimulate the awakening of the tree soul.

Dad also appeared in the Evergreen Forest at 8:30. At that time, Jenkins was sitting boredly on the top of the canopy of the giant tree in the middle of the forest, using a knife to peel chocolate apples under the starlight.

Of course, Dad couldn't climb trees. He shouted at the foot of the tree to ask Jenkins to come down. After asking about the tree soul, he also brought another big news:

"Did you read today's evening paper?"


Jenkins shook his head and stood with his father under the tree talking. There were many people in the open space, so the two of them just talked in low voices in a remote corner.

"The Three Kings have reached an agreement, and Hampavo and Fidictry will immediately send troops to help Cheslan 'restore the country.'"

"So fast? It was decided in just one day of the meeting? Why is it so efficient this time?"

Jenkins was shocked. He thought this kind of thing would take at least half a month to discuss:

"Why are Salsi II and Queen Isabella so decisive this time? I haven't received any news at all. Neither Miss Windsor nor Dolores mentioned this matter."

"This is the news that was made just at noon today. Something big happened in Chesland."

"What's the big deal? Did the followers of Tarquin the Proud who stayed in Chesland plan an assassination and kill the top military officials?"

"It's a big, bad thing."

Dad sighed, looking extremely decadent:

"The doomsday is really coming. Just this morning, the southern forest fire spread unusually fast. As of the news I received when I left the city, the two counties south of Chesland have been completely covered by flames and thick fog. Calculated in this way, one-seventh of Chesland’s land area in the mainland was engulfed by the burning fire. Do you think Salshi II and Queen Isabella will not be able to seize such a good opportunity? "

Jenkins suspected there was something wrong with his ears:

"Two counties? Burn them all?"

He showed an incredible expression, and it took him a long time to accept the fact:

"Did some magic or ritual be used? How could that fire spread so fast? Moreover, are you sure it is continuing to burn? Shouldn't it be that after burning once, only the white ground will be left?"

"It is indeed burning continuously. I didn't see that scene, but according to the news from the retreating Giver, it seems that the whole world has become the inner chamber of a steam furnace, and the fire spreading from the southern forest to the north is like running Everything was on fire and burning. There was no warning. Although most of the people in Cheslan escaped. But the homeless will be even worse, and Fidicelli is ready to receive refugees.”

Jenkins couldn't imagine such a thing happening. His only impression of the fire was that an entire house was on fire. At this moment, at the southern end of the main continent of the material world, flames covered everything. Such a supernatural scene was really frightening.

Chapter 1845 Chapter 1816 Night Visit to the Elf

"Is there no way to put out the fire?"

"It is no longer a matter of extinguishing the fire. The Children of the Mist were born in the flames. The mechanized corpse curse mentioned by the believers of lies is also spreading. Can you believe it? The people who died in that fire were not burned by the continuous flames. It turned into ashes, but merged with machinery, and moved towards the civilized world with the flames. That kind of curse was more terrifying than what believers of lies described. If the undead natural disaster thirty years ago could still be restrained by the power of life, then this The mechanical corpses have almost no special response to life, and only divine magic can completely eliminate them."

Dad covered his forehead and looked at the sky:

“We were standing in the forest, thinking the world wasn’t that bad, but it had begun, and once it started it couldn’t end, at least we couldn’t let it end.

The flames are now stopped by the church, but the fog produced by the burning is still spreading, and the sons of the mist and the mechanical corpses are also walking out of the fire. What is burning now is civilization, the entire era. Jenkins, there is no definite deadline for the arrival of the end of the world. Maybe a long time ago, before Nolan was completely wrapped in the fog, the end of the world had already arrived. "

"Are there enough people in the south?"

Jenkins was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

"You don't have to worry about this. The church is not just preaching the glory of God to mortals in the Eighteenth Century. Although the situation in the south is a bit bad, the city under our feet is the focus now. The flames, the sons of the mist and the mechanical corpses will find a solution, but once Nolan, who was chosen as the place of destiny, encounters a disaster, I am afraid that the whole world will completely enter the end of the Eighteenth Century. "

Dad came here to say such pessimistic but realistic words, and also heard about the King Soul. He came to see Jenkins and persuade him to keep the Tree Soul and use himself to fight against the believers of lies.

Jenkins would do this of course, which was planned from the beginning. But the awakening of the King Soul is not that simple. Even under the repeated questioning of the church, the Red Dragon has revealed many things, but it does not know how the King Soul awakens.

"I am a dragon, not a human. The Four King Souls are your ancestors, the racial myths forged by ancient humans. This is a secret of humans, not a secret of dragons. "

These are the original words of the Red Dragon. It only knows that the awakening of the King's Soul is a probabilistic event. Yesterday's believer of lies encountered a small probability. The Red Dragon thinks that it is more valuable to ask the believers of lies instead of asking it.

After learning that Jenkins had found the Soul of the Tree, the Church of Beldiran immediately realized that this was an opportunity. Although the Twelve Orthodox Churches are now united, it has not yet been determined who will be the leader. If the Sage Church can get one more card besides the [World Tree Seedling], it will gain more advantages.

The Church tends to figure out the secret of the awakening of the King's Soul immediately and make Jenkins the real owner of the King's Soul. But even the Sage Church could not find more records related to the King's Soul, and finally the Church risked With the risk of being discovered by other churches, Jenkins went to see the Red Dragon alone, hoping that the Red Dragon could give Jenkins advice.

The reason why the other churches were not told about the Tree Soul was that the negotiations were still going on and the Tree Soul had not fully awakened, so they kept it secret for the time being and waited for the right time to bring it up, which would achieve greater results.

Therefore, about 24 hours after parting with the Red Dragon, Jenkins saw it again. The dragon was lying in its nest on the cliff, surrounded by gas lamps laid by the church with gas pipelines specially pulled.

The legendary fantasy creature looked at Jenkins under the light of the gas lamps in the steam age, which was indeed a bit unique.

"I really don't know anything else."

The Red Dragon looked at Jenkins and said, shaking his head, making Jenkins feel the wind:

"My mission when I accidentally came to the material world was just to bring the Dragon Soul, and other things had nothing to do with me. Don't you know the Star Spirits? Those ancients are probably more useful than me."

"I know you don't know anything else, but the church asked me to ask, and I can't refuse. "

He turned around and tried to find a chair to sit down, but the most common thing in the Red Dragon's lair was 1-penny coins. This was earned by it working for the church, and it was specially changed into 1-penny denominations to cover the entire floor of the lair.

But there were no chairs here.

"So what exactly are you going to do?"

The Red Dragon knew that Jenkins was the Son of God, and he also vaguely understood that he was not a mortal, and he recognized the scary cat that appeared in the story of the young dragon, so he asked:

"I know you want to help mortals survive the end of the Eighteenth Era, but I don't understand why you don't just show your identity... Of course, I'm just curious, you don't have to answer. "

"What identity should I show myself?"

Jenkins asked Xiang Long, and Long was speechless for a moment. Of course, he would not be stupid enough to say that he guessed what the young man in front of him was.

"Show that you are the real savior."

The dragon chose such a vague statement.

"Speaking by yourself is not a way to convince people, I want to prove this. Moreover, even if I say it, the desires and demands of mortals will make them choose the path they want to take. What I hope is to unite everyone, so I must show a powerful enemy and force people to unite together. "

The dragon nodded, not daring to continue the question. It thought for a while and asked again:

"You know the silver dragon, right? Yesterday, I smelled the scent of a very ancient silver dragon from you. "

"Don't say such things. If Princess Sophia hears it, I can't explain it clearly. "

Jenkins warned, but did not deny that he knew the legendary silver dragon. Sparks spewed from the red dragon's huge nostrils, revealing an interested expression;

"I have only heard of that dragon in the stories of my hometown. Is she really as powerful as the legend says?"

At this moment, the red dragon's mentality is probably the same as that of humans seeing the legendary heroes.

"Very strong, even a little bit strong like a dragon. "

"Of course, that is the only dragon in history who has the courage to publicly marry a human, and a human woman! "

The red dragon said proudly, and Jenkins didn't know what it was proud of.

In short, after saying goodbye to the red dragon, he could only regretfully tell the church that the red dragon really didn't know how to awaken the tree soul. Although the church was disappointed, it also knew that some things could not be forced, so it asked Jenkins to go back and rest first.

Jenkins returned to the city with his father, and the two talked about many things along the way. Jenkins was curious about what his father felt when he met Miss Stiver again, but as soon as he asked, he was slapped on the shoulder by his father:

"Stiver said, you knew she came to Nolan a long time ago?"

So Jenkins didn't dare to talk about this issue anymore.

The father asked Jenkins about his opinion on becoming a king. He didn't care much about whether Jenkins could become king, and he was more inclined to believe that Jenkins didn't have such a strong idea at all.

Jenkins also frankly explained his true thoughts, the dilemma he encountered now, the conditions proposed by Queen Isabella, and the repeated retreat afterwards. He sought advice from his father, but his father shook his head and said he didn't want to get involved in politics, but he finally gave Jenkins advice:

"Just do what you think is right. No matter what the result is, this country will always have a king in the end. And you now have the King's Soul. Do you know what the King's Soul is? It's not matter, not energy, and not even information. It's an item that can interfere with fate. It burns in your chest and will definitely lead your fate to touch the throne. I heard from the Church of Fate that the ability related to this savior qualification is called [Uncrowned King], but whether there is a crown or not, the one who has the King's Soul will definitely become the king. This is the fate you chose when you chose the Tree Soul."

The father tapped Jenkins' chest twice.

"【Uncrowned King】?"

Jenkins thought for a moment:

"So, does the ritual to achieve this ability require the owner of the ability to be a king in the real sense?"

"I don't know. The Epic of Time will not write the requirements for the savior's ability in the book. I'm afraid only the believers of lies know this. I found that group of people seemed to have a way to predict the savior's ability in advance, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why they were always one step ahead of the church, or even several steps.

Maybe they also have items similar to the Epic of Time, but I don't remember such things in the material world."

Dad led his thoughts astray.

Because it took a lot of time to get back to the city from the Evergreen Forest, it was already eleven o'clock when they got home. Hathaway and Britney had returned to the bedroom to rest, and Julia went to bed after preparing hot tea for Jenkins and delicious midnight snacks for Chocolate.

Only Jenkins was left sitting alone at the desk in the bedroom, playing with the two parts of the World Tree Seed in his hands.

"Tree Soul" is undoubtedly related to "life" and "tree", so the awakening of the tree soul may also rely on the seeds of the world tree.

But Jenkins did not dare to piece the seeds of the world tree together casually, he could not be sure what consequences would be caused. He thought about it but got no results, so he went out again to find the old elf living in the city.

Seeing that Chocolate was sleeping soundly, he did not intend to take it with him. But when he changed clothes, the cat somehow ran into his pocket and continued to sleep there.

Jenkins was helpless about this, and patted its little head carefully, which brought a slight sleep talk from the cat.

Although it is very rude to visit others after midnight, Jenkins has been very busy recently and has no time. He was prepared to be complained by the old elf, but he did not expect that someone would open the door immediately after knocking.

The elf held a short but straight wooden stick with various Elvish hymns engraved on the surface of the stick. He looked outside the door vigilantly, and was relieved when he saw that it was Jenkins.

Chapter 1846 Chapter 1817 The "Insomniac" Elf

"Are you still awake so late?"

Jenkins asked curiously, looking at the stick in the old elf's hand.

"Aren't you asleep too?"

The elf said, inviting Jenkins into the living room. The living room was brightly lit. Not only were the three gas lamps turned to the highest brightness, but also the three candles of different heights on the candlesticks on the coffee table, the portable kerosene lamps placed in the corners, and the floor-standing gas lamps near the bedroom door were all providing light.

There was also a teapot, snacks, and an upside-down book "Gardening Flowers 1866" on the coffee table. It seemed that the old elf was ready to stay up all night.

"What are you doing?"

Jenkins looked carefully at the stick in the elf's hand. Although the wood was just ordinary wood, I don't know how the old elf processed it. The aura representing life on it was many times stronger than that of living plants.

"Prevent evil spirits from attacking me."

"Evil spirits?"

Jenkins sat down and laughed:

"Don't joke, are you afraid of evil spirits?"

"Not ordinary evil spirits, but strange things. If you want to talk to me about something, tell me as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible, don't get involved in this matter."

"I can't finish my talk with you in a few words. Why don't you tell me what kind of evil spirit it is? I can't infer much from your description."

Strictly speaking, the old elf's encounter with strange things was not a simple accident, it should be said that he was just unlucky. Probably last week, when the elf was out, he found a very beautiful pendant in a remote store in the alley, so he bought it.

As a result, he had a nightmare that night, and then the nightmare repeated for many days in a row. Each dream was connected to each other, and the terrible thing in the dream was getting closer and closer to the elf.

In Jenkins' view, this is a rather cliché horror story plot, but in fact it is the characteristic of the weird A-12-2-0965 [Seven Days Rebirth].

The pendant itself is the weird body, and the curse on it makes the weird evil spirit look for a reborn body. In essence, both the old elf and the evil spirit are unlucky guys affected by the power of the weird.

The elf may die because of this, and the evil spirit's soul has undergone irreversible changes after being infected by the weird power.

Once the nightmare occurs seven times in a row, the old elf's body will be occupied by the evil spirit. Then the body becomes weird and spreads the nightmare curse to all people it touches. In the early stage, it can only spread to one person at a time. As the number of spreads increases, the number of nightmares spread at one time also increases.

But this strange thing is not a very dangerous level "1", because as long as the person who has a nightmare insists on not sleeping for 24 hours, the power of the strange thing, including the nightmare that has been spread, will disappear immediately. The old elf planned to stay up late for this reason. According to him, he has successfully spent 20 hours. As long as he holds on until dawn, this bad luck can be solved smoothly.

"Don't worry about my affairs, then now tell me about your affairs, preferably something that can cheer me up. Oh, I'm too old, staying up late is simply torture for me."

Jenkins thought about it, and did not ask about the tree soul and the world tree seed first, but narrated the strange world on the night when the son of the mist appeared. He had nothing to hide from the old elf, and even said the final guess about the identity of "Sigrid".

Hearing Jenkins' description of the tone and content of the woman talking to him, the elf had already shrank on the sofa in fear. When Jenkins spoke his speculation, the elf even held his hands together, lowered his head, closed his eyes, and prayed quietly.

When he opened his eyes and looked at Jenkins, from his expression, Jenkins thought he probably really couldn't sleep all night.

"What an honor."

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