"This is not food."

He rubbed the cat's little head with his left hand. Chocolate narrowed his eyes and barked. After that, although he no longer showed any eagerness to try the ring, he seemed a little dissatisfied.

In the church, Jenkins could clearly feel the traces of the sage's power. It is not relying on the eyes, but the sensitivity to the sage's magic. This means that the power when the sage blessed him twenty minutes ago must have been extremely powerful.

As for the gift, it slowly appeared on the pulpit in the main hall of the church along with the white beam of light. It was a square box that exuded a silvery luster even in a dark environment. There is a sage's holy symbol on the front of the box, and various gems are dotted around it.

Of course, the box is not a gift. In past records, when sages gave gifts to believers, they also used boxes with the same regulations. The box itself is a one-time storage tool. Although it does not look big, it can store physical and non-physical items of any size. But once the items stored inside are taken out, the box loses this function.

But at least when performing magical rituals, the metal and gemstones of the box are the best ritual materials. Of course, no one would have the luxury to dismantle the box given by the gods to perform a ceremony.

According to Jenkins' understanding, most of these boxes are stored in the Holy See. In addition to being used to contain strange objects that will be suppressed by magical power, some are also used as urns.

If Jenkins unfortunately passed away and left a body, maybe the box in front of him at this moment would be his forever home.

Although this topic is a bit depressing to think about, Jenkins inexplicably wants to laugh when thinking about this possibility.

Chapter 1900 Chapter 1871 The same coat

Chocolate poked his head on Jenkins' shoulder and looked at the box on the pulpit, which was dotted with candles. Behind a man and a cat stood a circle of people wearing white priest robes and priest collars, and more people seemed to want to listen to Jenkins. Just like preaching, he sat on the bench under the pulpit.

It was extremely quiet here, all the gas lights were not turned on, and the candles on the crystal chandelier, as well as the candles erected on the aisle, swayed, making the scene more sacred.

Dad sat in the second row and smiled encouragingly at Jenkins, as if he was doing something very difficult.

He stretched out his hand to hold the lid of the box, and with a slight push, the box was opened. Although he did not look up at the front of the pulpit or behind him, Jenkins knew that everyone must be holding their breath.

He slowly took off the lid of the box and put it aside, and then poked his head out together with the cat who was holding the shoulders of his shirt. He maintained this action for at least ten seconds, even with the cat on his shoulder.

But people didn't dare to disturb him or even ask questions.

Jenkins finally moved, standing on tiptoes and reaching almost his entire arm into the box. When he finally pulled his arm out, he was holding a black top in his hand.

People looked at the top expectantly, and Jenkins kept a calm expression as he unfolded the shirt. It was a black long-sleeved men's coat with a buttoned front and buttons on the cuffs and hem. There are two pockets on both sides of the waist and one pocket on the left chest. The collar is not very long, but it is enough to stand up to protect you from the cold in autumn and winter.

It looked great, especially since the style and size of the dress was exactly the same as what Jenkins was wearing at the time.

"So you went out tonight just to get back a piece of clothing?"

At eleven o'clock at midnight at the Jenkins house on St. George Street, Jenkins stood tiredly in front of the closet and hung his clothes in it. After confirming that the clothes were the reward of the wise, the people of the church did not express the same surprise at the style of the clothes as did the style of Jenkins' clothes, and took it for granted.

"That dress is a gift... Shouldn't you be concerned about what happened to me tonight? I almost got trapped in a time loop tonight."

He emphasized, but the red-haired girl sitting on the edge of the bed swinging her legs was not surprised:

"Oh, time loop~Oh, gift~"

she repeated in a very irritating tone.

"Yes, time loop, very dangerous things appeared, but I solved them. As for this top, it has functions such as automatic cleaning, fire and moisture resistance, and constant temperature."

Jenkins said as he closed the closet. He was wearing a shirt at the moment, so he pointed at himself. The black coat immediately appeared and then disappeared according to his thoughts.

"So, it also has the function of saving you time on getting dressed?"


Jenkins nodded and pulled up the seat in front of the desk. He bent down and turned on the gas table lamp before sitting down. The cat immediately jumped off the bed, then trotted a few steps and jumped onto the table.

Jenkins' back was turned to Hathaway, and Hathaway heard the sound of him pulling out his pen.

"In addition, I need to write at least three reports, one of which must be false to deal with other churches. Oh, do you really not want to hear about my experience tonight? I am Saved three innocent people who had been trapped for tens of thousands of years.”

He said while holding the pen and sucking ink. Hathaway, who was sitting on the bed, nodded, with her toes hooked in her slippers, and her right hand unconsciously patted Jenkins' mattress.

"Speaking of which, it was extremely dangerous tonight. Fortunately, I had good luck and met some trustworthy friends. Also, what happened tonight was not just about rescue, but also had other purposes. Although the church and my father did not allow me to tell others, I think it is okay to tell you... I will tell you after I finish writing the report."

He buckled the lower end of the pen onto the ink bag and tightened it. When he heard a knock on the door, he let Julia in. Julia was wearing pajamas, normal pajamas, and holding a tea tray. On the tea tray were teapots, teacups and some snacks, and the snacks were mainly prepared for chocolate. Jenkins is a very self-disciplined person. Even if he would not gain weight by eating too much, he would not eat a lot of sweets so late.

"Thank you for your hard work. You should go to rest soon."

Jenkins said to the maid. After Julia put down everything, she smiled at him while holding the tea tray. Then seeing Hathaway sitting by the bed, Julia winked at the red-haired lady, and then said to Jenkins:

"You should rest soon, I heard that you were exhausted tonight."

"Yes, yes, what happened tonight was really unexpected. Who could have thought that something like this would happen? But it was worth it."

He smiled and looked at the silver bracelet on his right wrist, then lowered his head and wrote quickly. Although he now has [Reading and Writing], Jenkins still likes to write by hand. He thinks that the report written in this way is more real. After all, only he knows how false the words he is about to write are.

Seeing that Jenkins didn't care about what she said at all, Julia could only smile regretfully at Hathaway, then covered her mouth and chuckled and left the room.

Hathaway looked at Jenkins' back with boredom, watching Jenkins write with his right hand and push the chocolate away from him with his left hand:

"Are you going to write a report all night?"

"Of course not, you are still waiting for me, I will of course spend a few minutes to finalize the outline and then finish."

Jenkins said, and Hathaway's face immediately showed a happy expression:

"Then tell me about what happened tonight, you got that useless dress in the Sage Church..."

"Oh, don't say that."

In the world where the true God exists, words and deeds should be more cautious. Jenkins has not mentioned the divinity yet, so Hathaway didn't know that the clothes were given by the sage.

Of course, she thought that the dress was useless, which was not wrong. At least Jenkins didn't find that it had any extraordinary features besides the advantages he mentioned. But this is a dress obtained by sacrificing divinity, and now it is the end of the era, and the sage will definitely not give the Son of God a mysterious item at will.

Both the church and Jenkins believe that this dress must have a deep meaning, but they have not been able to understand it for the time being. Now that the clothes are worn by Jenkins, they will show their true function one day.

"What happened tonight? I was at home with Britney and Julia, and I didn't see anything unusual in the sky."

"Not everything will cause the sky to be abnormal."

Jenkins put the pen on and slapped it on the table. He stretched his body, turned off the gas lamp with satisfaction, walked out of the room to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and came back soon. After turning off the lights in the room, he could finally end the day.

Of course, he did not forget to whisper to Hathaway about what happened tonight while holding her, and did not forget to throw away the chocolate that had gotten into the quilt at some point.

Chapter 1901 Chapter 1872 The Missing Windsor

The quality of the broken silver ring was better than Jenkins thought, probably because it did not have to bear two drops of divinity. After Jenkins left the hospital, the power of divinity no longer leaked out from the cracks.

So Jenkins did not guide the remaining drop of divinity out and seal it in the metal block, but kept it in the bracelet.

After all, the metal block is too big to be carried at any time, but the bracelet can be worn on the wrist even when sleeping and bathing, which is convenient for Jenkins to use at any time.

On the next day, Monday morning, Jenkins got up early to complete the three reports, and after breakfast, he delivered them to Miss Bevanna in the church.

Miss Bevanna looked very tired, massaging her temples with her hands while looking at the documents in her hands. Jenkins and his father left early last night, but she was left in the temporary camp outside the fog to face the questioning of other churches.

Of course, the matter of divinity was not concealed, and this matter was debated all night. But now the divinity is gone - according to Jenkins, talking about other things cannot turn back time, so Miss Bevanna can appear in the church this morning instead of moving to Evergreen Forest to continue the almost endless debate.

"Will this matter affect the cooperation between the twelve churches?"

Jenkins asked with some concern.

"Don't worry about it. The divinity was discovered by Dad and Old Jack, and then the Son of God of the Church found it and presented it to God. Although they have opinions, from a legal point of view, we did not violate the rules."

She was right. Jenkins thought about it carefully and it seemed to be true, so he stopped worrying about it.

"By the way, what's the matter with the clothes given by the sage? I met the keepers at breakfast, and they said you didn't understand what the clothes were for?"

Miss Befanna asked without raising her head. She carefully examined Jenkins' report, especially the fake report, which was to be submitted to other churches, and the lie had to be very perfect.

"Yes, I don't understand it either."

Jenkins patted himself. He was wearing that dress now. It was very comfortable and fit, even more comfortable than his own.

"It's this one. I was planning to wear this dress every day in the future, but Britney was very opposed. Oh, Britney is..."

"I know, the daughter of the Kingdom's Navy Minister... I roughly know why she opposed it. In short, the gift given to you by the sage at this time must have a special meaning. If you have any discoveries, you must tell the church. Moreover, you must wear it when facing important battles and events, it will always work."

This dress can actually be fused with the black robe, but Jenkins did not do so because he was worried that the outer shape would be lost after the fusion.

Compared with Jenkins' sacrifice of divinity on a rainy night last autumn, doing so again after a year did not cause much waves. After all, he is no longer the ordinary town youth, but the son of the church who has repeatedly encountered fate in a year. This identity explains many suspicious things about him.

This time, people also think that it is not surprising that he can obtain divinity from the hospital.

When I went to attend the joint meeting of the twelve churches in the morning, someone mentioned what happened last night in the meeting. This caused widespread discussion, but just as Miss Bevanna said, the sacrificed divinity was discovered by the Sage Church and recovered by the Sage Church. Although it is a bit wrong to conceal the action, overall, the Sage Church is not completely at fault.

Therefore, although every topic will turn into a debate on this matter throughout the morning, it is generally more peaceful than Jenkins thought. He thought there would be a fight.

It is also an agreement to take the girls back to Privet Drive tonight. Jenkins was worried that something else would happen at home, so he wrote a letter to confirm that there was no problem today. He was also afraid that something might happen to him, so even though he could skip the afternoon meeting, he stayed in the meeting room to prevent himself from being involved in other incidents.

If he was involved in an accident here, he could think that fate would not let him take the girls home.

Recently, the cultists have not been active much, and the encounters with the Gear Craftsmen and the Tree House were only the mechanical maze and the tobacco transaction found at the dock not long ago. These two things were also discussed in the meeting. Although the subsequent investigation encountered obstacles, it was still smooth.

There is no doubt that the purpose of the maze is to collect human brains. The church believes that these human brains and the large amount of mental power stored in dreams due to tobacco should be used as "catalysts" for the "Rebellious Ritual".

This statement was found by the church through past books. Jenkins was completely right to inform the church about the Rebellious. At present, there is no larger and older organization in the material world than the Twelve Churches. If you want to find information, it must be much more efficient than Jenkins and Alexia.

Those mottled pages record the events that happened in the 16th century. Someone also tried to use the ritual of the Rebel, but not to destroy the world, but to reverse time and space and save a terrible death disaster.

Those broken pages, which seemed to be deliberately hidden in the gap under the statue in the corner of the weapon room of the [Church of War and Victory], did not indicate whether the ritual was successful. But just imagine how old and tortuous this story is.

The pages recorded some detailed information about the ritual of the Rebel, and also mentioned that the core material of the ritual required a large amount of material from living beings to catalyze. As for whether it was the unimportant hair of living beings or the heart commonly used for sacrifice, this required the specific purpose of the ritual to decide.

The church believed that since the underground intelligent machine chose the human brain and cerebrospinal fluid and the majestic mental power, the purpose of the ritual of the Rebel was probably related to human wisdom, spirit and even soul.

For this reason, the church asked Jenkins to master the ability and rituals specifically for dealing with spirits and hallucinations in the near future, and it would be best if he could master an ability to stimulate the potential of spirit and wisdom in a short period of time. They thought that Jenkins had just been promoted to level 7, so he must have at least one empty ability bubble, but the reality was that the [Mechanic] used up the last bubble that Jenkins got from the Blossoming Bizarre Realm.

So, even if the four king souls gathered and the conditions for forging the king soul were all met, he could not master the [Uncrowned King], let alone the abilities related to the spirit.

Because Miss Audrey also attended the meeting today, Jenkins found an opportunity to return the Vientiane Impermanence card to her. Last night in the hospital, Jenkins did not encounter any unsolvable problems, so the card did not work.

He also heard from Miss Audrey about the latest situation of the southern fire. Miss Bronnie Ans, who was supposed to return to Nolan two days ago, temporarily stayed in Cheslan because of the fire to help deal with the small number of Mist Sons and a large number of mechanized corpses that ran out of the fire.

Miss Bronnie Ans's letter stated that she would definitely come to Nolan this week. Now that the spread of the southern fire has slowed down, she can get away from there. At the same time, Miss Broniance will also bring new clues about the savior's abilities related to the King's Soul, which will help Jenkins then.

The two were standing in the corridor talking when the priest in the church hurried over and told Jenkins that someone was looking for him at the church door.

"That lady said she was your friend. Let me tell you that she brought you the silver flute that Ms. Hathaway Hessa ordered last time at the piano store. (Note)"

"Miss Silver Flute?"

Jenkins was stunned and looked at the bright red sunset hidden behind the mist outside the window. He didn't know what Miss Silver Flute wanted to see him for.

So he said goodbye to Miss Audrey temporarily, left the church with his cat, looked around twice, and got on the carriage parked on the other side of the street. There was only Miss Silver Flute in the carriage, and Miss Magic and Miss Windsor were not seen.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

He asked, using his own face at this time, but speaking like Mr. Candle.

"Miss Windsor is missing."

Jenkins was startled, but did not panic:

"Where is Miss Magic?"

"She disappeared with Miss Windsor. I had some personal matters today and only returned to Miss Windsor half an hour ago. The servants thought she was meeting guests in the study as usual, and even the two earls who visited thought so. But there was only a paper man with Miss Windsor's photo pasted on it in the study, propped up with bamboo and wood, leaning against the seat. This seemed to be Miss Magic's handwriting and was only useful to ordinary people."

Hearing her say this, Jenkins relaxed a little:

"Are there any letters left by Miss Magic or Miss Windsor near the paper man?"

"No, I searched and didn't see anything like that. Also, I didn't tell anyone else about this. Now Miss Windsor's servants and guards still think she just stayed in the room for a long time today, so they didn't suspect anything for the time being, but when it was time for dinner... After all, it was a paper man. It was fine to move in a small range, but it couldn't eat, and it couldn't walk far on its own, and it couldn't last too long."

"I understand."

Jenkins said, and then told the coachman to move forward. It doesn't matter where you go, just don't stop at the church entrance.

"When was the last time you saw Miss Windsor?"

"Before I left at nine in the morning, we talked about the recent weather. She must have been real at that time."

"Do you know what Miss Windsor's schedule is today?"


Miss Silver Flute and Miss Magic are both close protectors of Miss Windsor, so they naturally know her daily schedule. There is nothing special about today's schedule. In the morning, she will meet with several important guests at the house where she lives, have lunch with her father, the Grand Duke of Windsor, and her mother at noon, and meet with several barons in the city to go to the horse farm outside the city in the afternoon.

PS: So far, only Miss Magic knows very clearly that Jenkins is Mr. Candle, and Miss Silver Flute only has preliminary suspicions. She knows about the relationship between Jenkins and Hathaway from the last dice game, and her employer Miss Windsor has also confirmed this. So it is very reasonable that she doesn't know that Jenkins is Mr. Candle, but can use the excuse that Hathaway ordered Silver Flute.

Section 1902 Chapter 1873 Missing clues

From the current situation, Miss Windsor did not carry out the day's activities according to the schedule at all.

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