Chapter 1904 Chapter 1875 Big Snake and Rat

"Even within our organization, the Gear Craftsmen Guild, there are different factions. Although the different factions all believe in our Lord, the great one in the void [Gear King], they have different opinions on whether to cooperate with the tree house and whether to help the underground. We hold different views on the depths of 'Great Wisdom'."

"Are you opposed to helping them?"

Jenkins frowned, wondering if this was a trick by the other party to escape from him. But it doesn't matter, lies won't work in front of him.

"It's not completely opposed, but I and some people believe that we must be prepared for everything we do. I feel relieved when I see you. Even if we fail completely, the power of the machine will not be the same as the ancient undead spell. It is regarded as a complete heresy. I think, even if you don’t admit it, Viscount, deep down in your heart, you probably agree that machinery is the direction of the world’s development, right?”

Even when completely trapped by Jenkins, he showed no signs of panic. He asked Jenkins seriously, and Jenkins answered his question:

"There's nothing wrong with the power of machinery, it's the way you use it that's wrong."

"I see."

The man said again, summarizing his views:

“Heretics are more hateful than heretics.”

"Profane production."

The vines hanging down from the void gave the two of them eternal tranquility.

Jenkins picked up two illusory coins and slapped them together with one in each hand. He sighed and put aside his thoughts about machinery for the time being.

Quickly walk to the strange door located in the center of the alley, against the wall on the right, take off the cat from your shoulder and put it on the lid of the trash can nearby. Although this place is not clean, it is already the neatest location among all the nearby areas:

"Wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

As he spoke, he let go of the hand holding the cat, but the kitten immediately raised its head, maintained a squatting posture, and hooked Jenkins' sleeves with its front paws:


cried the cat.

"If I don't come back, you go to the church to find Miss Bevanna. This shouldn't be difficult for you. Don't worry, I will come back safely. I will go to Privet Drive for dinner in the evening. I will be back."

The cat then retracted its paws, stared with amber eyes, and watched with some displeasure as Jenkins stepped into the white light door.

No matter how many times he has experienced strange situations, Jenkins is still very unaccustomed to space transfer. But this time he didn't have time to adapt to the dizziness caused by the space shift. The moment his feet touched the ground, he immediately moved towards the big black snake that seemed to be emitting black light and was as thick as his waist. Pounced.

The mystery has the unity of time, which means that no matter when you pass through the door of the mystery from the material world, as long as you enter the same mystery, the time you appear in the mystery will be the same. This resulted in that, although Jenkins was almost half a day later than Miss Windsor and Miss Magic, he still arrived at the strange place with the two of them, and at the same time saw the big snake chasing them.

"I've never seen a monster take the initiative to enter a strange place! Oh, except for the guy who wanted to gamble with me!"

As he spoke, he hugged the snake's waist. It felt slippery in his hands, but then a strong whip hit Jenkins' waist. The snake's tail soon wrapped around Jenkins, and they both fell to the ground at the same time during the struggle. Rolling into a ball, Jenkins didn't even have time to observe what was happening in this strange situation. He could only initially judge that three people and one snake were in a dark corridor with closed doors on both sides.


Jenkins heard Miss Windsor's voice, but he was not worried that Miss Windsor would rush over, because Miss Magic would definitely stop her.

He was squirming on the ground like an earthworm, trying to break free from the snake's entanglement. Now it was this damn snake that took advantage of his weakness due to the space transfer and gained the upper hand. Jenkins believed that his own strength should be greater than that snake.

The black snake's body is covered with invisible transparent scales, and its skin is extremely slippery. From the point of contact with Jenkins' body, black smoke continued to pour into the sky, accompanied by a sizzling sound.

The snake turned back to look at the prey it had "captured", and Jenkins saw the blood-red snake eyes and the nobuko that was constantly being swallowed. The appearance of this snake alone is very intimidating, coupled with the weird black light all over its body, it is normal for ordinary people to be scared crazy when they meet it.

Those black lights were not just light and shadow effects. Jenkins, who was almost entangled with the snake, could clearly feel the impact of those lights on himself. It is not a direct injury, but an overall impact on the body's condition, with additional effects such as disease, weakness, etc.

Of course, these effects are completely useless to Jenkins. The priority of the World Tree seedling's physical immunity to the negative state is higher than the priority of the serpent's black light additional state.

"A-01-1-2839 [Morpheus, the greedy snake that swallows darkness], is said to be related to the legendary Ouroboros. You have to be careful, as long as it opens its mouth, it can swallow almost any volume 1000 times its size. Objects within!”

While Miss Magic reminded Jenkins, the snake head facing Jenkins opened its mouth. The mouth did not open to a very large extent, and overall it was still within the range allowed by the physiological structure of snakes.

Just as the mouth opened, the black light enveloped Jenkins' body, and a huge suction force brought Jenkins closer and closer to the dangerous snake's mouth.

This was a very strange thing, because Jenkins was sure that he was still entangled by the big snake, and he didn't move at all in the same place, and the snake's head didn't move, but the distance between the two was inexplicably reduced. Therefore, it can be concluded that the snake's mouth still has space-related abilities.

It seems dangerous now, but he is not panicked. The fiery red gift fire flowed out from the pores, and the flames also entangled the snake while the giant snake was entangled on Jenkins' body. The gift fire immediately took effect, but it only suppressed the inexplicable black light and did not cause much damage to the snake's skin.

Jenkins didn't dare to send the flame directly into the snake's mouth, fearing that his flame would be gone forever. He shouted loudly, telling the other two ladies not to worry, and then suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The big snake originally entangled Jenkins with force, trying to crush him before swallowing him. Suddenly losing its target, the snake's body rolled into a ball on the ground.

At this moment, the gray little mouse quickly escaped from the snake's body and rushed directly to the feet of Miss Magic. The latter immediately held her skirt and looked at the mouse vigilantly. Fortunately, the mouse did not go further under her skirt, but jumped into the air.

Chapter 1905 Chapter 1876 Miss Windsor, the Gifter

The gray little mouse jumped up and turned into a purple-gold ball of light spinning in the air, and it became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into Jenkins wearing only a top.

Fortunately, the hem of the coat given by the sage was long enough for Jenkins to use the enhanced [Creation Pencil] to instantly "draw" the rest of the clothes for himself, otherwise he would not have the face to appear in front of Miss Windsor and Miss Magic in the future.

"Do you think I'm really afraid of you?"

He stood in front of the two ladies, turned his back to them and said to the snake, deliberately not looking at the ladies' expressions.

"Miss Magic, does this snake have a weakness? Why would it follow you into the strange world? This kind of thing finally left the strange world, and it should not enter again."

The only exception is A-05-1-4490 [Lucky Doom], who played a second gambling game with Jenkins earlier this spring. He was the guy who violated the rules and used the Doomsday Strange World and was finally captured by the master [Mr. Mischief].

So, there must be a reason why this snake followed them into the strange world at the risk of not being able to return to the material world.

"The greedy snake that devours darkness has an extraordinary appetite for substances with [darkness] properties. I can guarantee that I don't have it, Miss Windsor..."

"No need to say, I understand."

Jenkins said, watching the snake unfold its curled body, raise its head facing Jenkins, and pretend to attack again.

"How to exile this thing, do you know the specific information?"

"Although this snake is a physical entity, it is actually a conceptual product. In theory, as long as it is fed, that is, given enough spiritual entities, it will be fine. But it cannot be fed with strange things, because it has the characteristic of devouring all strange things and transforming their characteristics into its own abilities."

"This is a strange land, where can we find items with huge spirits?"

Jenkins said as he took out a blasphemous seed from his pocket. After returning from the underground last time, he only had two blasphemous seeds and a gem of time in his hand. A part of it had to be reserved to pay Alexia's fare for the next time she went underground and asked the [A4 type arithmetic auxiliary external machine] to calculate the divination results.

But now he couldn't care so much. After taking out the sin coin, he looked around and found that this was a narrow corridor. The long wooden floor under his feet was spliced ​​together, and the walls and ceiling were also made of the same material wood. The corridor was straight, extending to the front and back directions into the dark, and on both sides of the corridor were scattered and evenly distributed silver-white metal doors.

Only the nearby corridor was bright, but there were no lamps inside the corridor. The light seemed to be emitted from the wood itself.

Sitting on a three-legged wooden stool, the bald old man was not far from the three people and the snake. He had droopy eyelids and wore a gray coat that looked washed out. Because the stool was too high, even his worn-out shoes could not touch the floor when he sat.

The most notable feature of the bald old man was that he had three arms. The last arm grew out of his back and was at least twice as long as a normal arm. It was pitch black and had a jade-like luster. It rose from his back to the sky like a tail and swayed behind the old man.

The old man also had the unique mental pollution ability of the creatures in the strange world, so the black hand looked particularly scary.

When Jenkins threw the sin coin to him, the hairless old man caught the coin with his third hand.

The snake's red eyes stared at Jenkins. Even if the [Profane Seed] flew past its head, it had no intention of catching the coin with its letter.

"This snake shouldn't be here. I'll pay you a sin coin to exile it."

In fact, [Profane Production] might also work on this snake, but after Jenkins knew the significance of the existence of the weird creature, he didn't like to use the ability to make sin coins on the weird creature. He was worried that this would cause further problems.

"No, you don't need to give me sin coins."

The old man threw the sin coin back to Jenkins, and he jumped off his high stool and clapped his hands at the snake:

"Hey, you probably came to the wrong place, this is my territory."

The big snake turned its head and made a threatening gesture of spitting out its tongue at the bald old man. But this time the person on the other side was not as good-tempered as Jenkins. While the snake was eager to try to attack, the door closest to the snake suddenly opened, and then a giant green hand covered with terrible cracks broke through the door frame and squeezed into the corridor, holding the snake like a worm, and then forcibly dragged it into the door. The door closed with a bang, and the broken door frame slowly recovered as if time was reversed. Unfortunately, when the door opened, the open door blocked the sight of the three people, and no one saw what was inside the door.

"Welcome to you."

The old man said to the three people when everything calmed down. Turning around and tremblingly returning to the high stool, he almost crawled back to the overly high stool.

Jenkins ignored him and turned back to look at the two ladies. Miss Magic was fine. She was also a gifter with rich experience. Although she did not enter and exit the strange world as frequently as Jenkins, she was not unfamiliar with this kind of thing.

Miss Windsor was just the opposite. For her, she was just an ordinary person a few minutes ago.

"We will talk about the specific things after we go out. Now we are in the strange world. You can regard this place as a fragment of space outside the material world, carrying a series of malicious games and challenges. The consequence of losing the challenge is to let the malice in the strange world invade the material world."

Miss Windsor looked a little weak. It was not that she reacted strongly to the space transfer like Jenkins, but after encountering strange things and strange worlds one after another, her relatively fragile mental state was on the verge of madness and confusion.

Speaking of which, the original Jenkins also entered the strange world after being chased by strange things. At that time, he was able to follow Mr. Barnard calmly, but the price was the complete death of the original owner and the arrival of the stranger who occupied the magpie's nest.

"Is she okay?"

Jenkins asked Miss Magic, who supported her pale employer:

"No matter how you think about it, it's impossible that she's okay... Did Miss Silver Flute ask you to come?"

"Yes, the clues you left are quite obvious, but it was already dusk when I found this place. Let's solve the problem here quickly, I have important things to do at night. I will take you out safely."

He held Miss Windsor's other hand. Even though Miss Windsor's face was soaked with cold sweat and her golden hair was scattered on her pale cheeks, she still raised her head because of Jenkins's action.

"Relax and feel my guidance."

The spirit of nature slowly penetrated into Miss Windsor's body. Although the life force does not include the effects of spiritual guidance and psychotherapy, the ability of the [World Tree Seedling] that was finally sublimated has the function of stabilizing emotions in a certain sense and guiding people's spirits to nature, so it can be considered to be able to play a role at this time.

Of course, this is not the active use of [World Tree Seedling]. According to the rules of the strange realm, the opportunity to use the ability once has not been used up.

"What's the matter with your ability to turn into a mouse just now? Did you find the information of the ancient druids?"

While Jenkins was treating, Miss Magic asked. This lady was well-informed and saw the truth of the mouse at a glance, so she quickly covered her skirt.

Because she saw things too clearly, after Jenkins came over, the strength of supporting Miss Windsor was slightly reduced, giving Miss Windsor the opportunity to lean on Jenkins. Miss Magic wanted to praise herself for being so understanding.

"This is a very complicated story, and it also involves my cat. Let's talk about it after we go out."

Jenkins said perfunctorily, not wanting to dwell on the matter of turning into a mouse for too long. I was very glad that Chocolate didn't come with me, otherwise I might not know what happened just now.

Being able to successfully enter the strange world means that you will definitely become a gifter. This is the easiest way to become a gifter, but whether you can return to the material world is another matter. Therefore, no organization has ever used this method to cultivate its extraordinary power.

Miss Windsor is now safe and sound, and naturally she has also stepped into the mystery from an ordinary person, from the safe island in the eyes of ordinary people to the world of mysticism full of storms. According to the rules of the power system of this era, she immediately gained two abilities. After Jenkins asked, she did not hide it.

Among them, the world gift ability is the white basic type [Heart Sound], which is a spiritual ability that has the function of perceiving the vague thoughts of an individual. As for how vague it is, it depends on the mental state of the user and the user, as well as the level difference between the two. But in general, the effect is not great, and the perception that is almost a flash of inspiration can only be used as a reference.

As for the soul origin ability, it is the red fighting ability [Power of Oppression]. The function of the ability is quite simple. As long as you hold an item that can be used as a weapon in your hand, it will produce mental pressure on all individuals who see you. This kind of oppression is certainly not comparable to Jenkins' [Fear Aura], but the advantage is that this ability does not consume spirits, which is equivalent to a permanent passive ability.

Miss Windsor's identity is somewhat different, and how she will treat her identity as a gifter in the future remains to be discussed. Now the important thing is to pass this strange realm, and other things can be discussed later.

While Jenkins was calming her restless spirit, Miss Windsor also asked some common sense about the gifter. According to what Jenkins said last time, she had an important item on her body, and even guessed that the snake's pursuit this time was because of the thing on her chest.

Section 1906 Chapter 1877 The World of Possibilities

When explaining the reason for the snake's pursuit, Jenkins did not hide the matter of the dark soul from Miss Magic, and Miss Magic was not very concerned about it. Of course, she had heard of the legend of the Four Kings' Souls. If it had nothing to do with the ability of the savior of this era, she might still be interested, but since it was implicated with the unpredictable fate, Miss Magic would not easily let herself be involved.

After dealing with Miss Windsor's affairs, Jenkins comforted her again and promised to take her out of here, and then turned to face the bald old man.

He had been curled up on the high stool, and did not disturb them during the few minutes of the three people's communication.

"Thank you for the snake."

"No need to thank me, it invaded my territory, so I have to exile it."

The bald three-handed old man said, Jenkins did not continue to ask about the whereabouts of the snake, it is obvious that it should not be seen for hundreds of years.

"Then let's start? What are the rules here? How do we leave?"

"It's very simple. Outside the world, there are countless such corridors, symbolizing countless possible futures. But the timeline of the material world is unique, and there is no possibility of splitting into parallel worlds. Therefore, the infinite and impossible futures are transformed into illusions and exist in different corridors. Each corridor represents a variable, and the variable here is 'if there is no you'."

"What do you mean?"

Miss Magic asked, but did not look up and look at each other like Jenkins did. Although Jenkins acted indifferent, the oppression of the creatures in the strange world on the living is real.

The strange world involving time and fate is usually not dangerous, but it is particularly puzzling. She knew that her companions had powerful force, but force was useless against such a strange world.

"It's very simple. Each fantasy world behind a door is missing a corresponding person. Since there are three of you, you need to enter the world behind three doors. Behind each door, there is a story that is missing one of you... yes, a story. When you go through these three doors, you can naturally find a way back."

"What does it mean to go through three doors? How do we get out of the door?"

"Inside the door is a story segment. Although it represents infinite possibilities, it is very short. I can guarantee that the longest time is no more than a whole day. As long as you find enough differences between the possible world and the real material world in this short time, you can naturally get out. As for how much you need to find... please experience it yourself."

As he said, the dark hand behind him became longer, like a snake that was just caught, wandering to the door on the left of the three people, holding the door handle and twisting it hard, opening it with a tooth-grinding sound.

Jenkins narrowed his eyes. Inside the door was the familiar Nolan Street, or more precisely, Fifth Queen Avenue. He even saw Dad's antique shop. It was obviously raining there, but the rain was just a drizzle, so there weren't many pedestrians on the street. It seemed like an ordinary day.

"Do we all have to go in? Or can one person go into a story?"

He asked.

"Everyone has to go through three doors."

The old man curled up on the high stool answered.

Jenkins nodded and looked at his companions. Miss Magic immediately said:

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