This time there was no wanted criminal suddenly bursting into the door, but before Jenkins said he wanted to buy his father's newspaper, a carriage actually stopped in front of the antique store.

Jenkins turned his head to see Hathaway and Britney getting off the carriage, and immediately turned to look at the antique shelf holding the vases. Of course he knew these were fakes, but staring at them was better than staring at familiar strangers.

"Oh, you're here."

Seeing that the three customers who came in first were still looking around at the goods, Dad greeted the other two ladies familiarly. Hathaway and Britney also greeted their father politely. Then Hathaway whispered something, and his father opened the door to the backyard and let the two of them enter the backyard. He greeted the other three people here. .

"Let's buy this."

Jenkins picked up an enamel doll and signaled his companions with his eyes to stop wandering around. After paying, they left like normal guests, but then turned and walked back into the alley.

"You guys wait for me here while I go to dad's backyard to see what they are here for."

He said to Miss Magic and Miss Windsor, and the two ladies would naturally not object.

So Jenkins climbed from the alley to the roof of the building next door with ease, and then used a roundabout way to reach the top of the antique store. When he jumped down, he could easily transform into a mouse and run into the backyard, but because he had already used his transformation ability when dealing with the big snake.

Therefore, at this moment, we can only risk approaching the warehouse from the side wall, put our ears against the wall, close off other senses, and let our hearing reach its fullest. In this way, you can barely listen to the conversation that follows.

Britney was not indoors. She had returned to the antique shop, as if on the lookout. Only Hathaway and his father were talking in the warehouse. Although the content of the conversation was unexpected, after the previous two incidents, Jenkins had adapted to various things happening.

"You refused?"

"Yes, although our Majesty the Queen really likes me, I can't do anything to regret Brienne... I'm sorry, dad, I didn't complete the task assigned by the church."

Hathaway said guiltily. Jenkins, who was trying hard to eavesdrop, had no intention of showing surprise, but Jenkins actually thought he understood what he just said.

"Jessica Windsor is very kind to me and really likes me from the bottom of her heart. Placing me next to her will indeed allow me to better spy on the news about 'Great Wisdom', but I can't do that, sorry. "

She said again, although she looked a little ashamed, but Jenkins, who knew Hathaway well, understood that she actually firmly believed that she was doing the right thing.

"Hathaway, my apprentice, you don't have to say this. I knew from the beginning that you couldn't do this kind of thing, otherwise you wouldn't be you."

Dad comforted.

In this world without Jenkins, it seems that the role played by Jenkins has been divided among some people he is familiar with. But Jenkins really didn't see that Miss Windsor also had that tendency.

Chapter 1917 Chapter 1888 The World Without Jenkins

"But, since I rejected Jessica, what should I do next? His Majesty Windsor is the most reliable way for us to understand the 'Great Wisdom'. Without this way..."

Hathaway said with some embarrassment that in order to remain loyal to her love, she refused to accept the tasks assigned by the church. Although this is not a bad thing for her, it will be very harmful to her next actions.

"It doesn't matter, there will always be a way. And the 'Great Wisdom' is not important at all, what is important is Windsor. As long as you maintain a friendly relationship with her, it will actually be very beneficial to the church, so don't worry."


Jenkins, who was eavesdropping, was surprised. The difference engine was obviously the most important thing.

Dad and Hathaway didn't know that the despicable God of Lies was eavesdropping, and the conversation didn't stop:

“Let’s not explore this matter anymore, let’s change the topic.

Among the nine savior emblems now, we know that [Twin Demons] are the Coward brothers (Chapter 105-106), [Immortal] is the son of the evil god who was defeated by the 'Great Wisdom' and fled, and [Real Phantom] is the code name The unregistered benefactor of Mr. Birchwood, you are [Stage of Destiny], [Stranger] is your friend Mr. Hood, [Hero] is Miss Natasha, the nun of Ocean Church (Chapter 49), Jessica Windsor Claiming to possess the Dark Soul, he is the leader of the [Uncrowned King] represented by the Four Soul Kings.

The purple destiny has appeared, but the holder is hiding it deeply. Apart from these, the only variable is the [World Tree Seedling]. So, has there been any result about the [World Tree Seedlings] I asked you to investigate? "

"Dad, I have done research among people with Middleton family blood through Jessica's relationship, but none of them have shown anything to do with the savior."

Hathaway continued to report.

"Is it really Capet of the Church of Nature?"

Dad murmured to himself:

"If that's the case, that would be terrible. This is equivalent to giving the Church of Nature an extra bargaining chip. This is really not good."

Without the Strangers, the end of the era will indeed be like the past eras, with many forces involved in the struggle for the identity of the savior. Even the Zhengshen Church will never let go of such an opportunity easily, and it will never be like after the arrival of the Strangers. Such an unusually harmonious cooperation.

Mentioning the surname "Cape", something was obviously wrong with Hathaway's expression:

"You mean Sigrid?"

she asked cautiously.

"Who else? She comes to the antique store almost every day to look for you. Do we know any other Capes?"

Dad said angrily, and then asked:

"When you were away this morning, she came again and wanted to invite you to watch a performance by the Silver Jasmine Opera Troupe. She left all the tickets with me."

"So, do I need to go?"

Hathaway asked a little guilty.

"You have to decide this for yourself. Young man, you have to learn to deal with the relationship between yourself and the 'friends' around you. As an elder, I shouldn't say much about this kind of thing, but you should always understand that as a savior, you Candidates will definitely..."

An explosion disturbed the conversation between the two, and also brought Jenkins back from his thoughts, who was so shocked by the conversation that he didn't know what to say.

"Oops, the direction of the explosion seems to be that alley!"

He didn't care to continue listening to the increasingly outrageous conversation, climbed the wall, and quickly escaped from his father's antique store from above. He has always used "his" face in this world, so when he appears in a deserted alley again, it is his original appearance, that is, the appearance of Jenkins. After all, in this possibility, no one has ever seen him.

But at this time, Miss Magic and Miss Windsor were gone.

The location of the explosion was obviously the alley where they were hiding just now, but it was not an explosion of a steam bomb, but an explosion caused by a battle between the Givers. Jenkins looked at the depression on the ground where black smoke was floating, the corner of his mouth trembled, and then left before more people arrived.

The auras in the treacherous world are mixed and cannot affect the Eye of Reality at close range, but if you want to search for auras from a distance like in the real world, it is basically impossible to do so.

The battle between Miss Magic and the enemy only lasted a short time, but Jenkins did not think that someone had kidnapped them. He still had considerable trust in Miss Magic's abilities.

"Did they discover something, so they took the initiative to pursue them?"

With this idea in mind, he disguised himself as a spectator and returned to the alley before the police and the church arrived. After searching carefully, I actually found the traces left by Miss Magic.

It's still her eyeshadow, but this time the amount is very small. With great effort, Jenkins followed the faint trace away from Fifth Queen's Avenue under the strange light, and then actually walked all the way to St. George Street.

The trail went very straight into his home, and of course there was no Jenkins here, so I didn't know whose home it was. But no matter what, this location is definitely not a coincidence. It seems that Miss Magic and Miss Windsor have really discovered something very important.

Still unable to use his polymorph powers, Jenkins is unable to enter his home in his rat form. The three possibilities in the realm are integrated, and each ability can only be used once.

So he could only take a risk and jump from the fence behind the house into the backyard. Then he saw the traces of eye shadow disappearing at the back door of the house, and Jenkins planned to sneak in through the back door.

But unfortunately, he met the pet cat raised by his neighbor Mr. Goodman there. The cat, which was much bigger than chocolate, was originally squatting on the fence and didn't know what it was looking at. After catching the stranger Jenkins with its eyes, it immediately jumped into the yard, then intimately stood at his feet and rubbed its face against his trousers. .

"Don't scream!"

Jenkins was shocked, bent down and petted the cat, thinking in his mind. Fortunately, the cat was very well-behaved, much more well-behaved than Chocolate, and did not make any noise to reveal Jenkins' whereabouts. Jenkins was also glad that he did not bring the chocolate into the strange situation, otherwise the black and white kitten would definitely not give up after seeing this scene.

He worries that when he returns to reality, Chocolate will have a fight with Mr. Goodman's pet cat.

"Don't just run into other people's homes in the future."

He whispered to the neighbor's cat that it would be dangerous next time, so he petted it a few times and let it leave.

It was too dangerous to open the back door and enter, so Jenkins finally chose to climb the pipe on the wall and enter the room from the second floor.

The decoration and decorative style of the corridors remain the same as they were in the early days when Jenkins moved in, and are generally similar to the original haunted house. And because there was no chance of annexing the widow's house next door, the corridor looked a lot shorter.

The spiritual light in this house became more mixed, and it seemed that someone had arranged a large number of ritual arrays on the walls and outside of the house. Therefore, it was temporarily impossible to judge the location of Miss Magic and Miss Windsor, but because of his confidence in his own power, Jenkins did not waste time to judge the situation here. He went directly to the door of the master bedroom, then turned the door handle and walked in.

The curtains were closed, but a gas lamp above the dresser provided light. The dressed-up Windsor sat in front of the dressing table. A maid was arranging her hair behind her, while another maid was arranging the dresses and complicated clothing accessories spread out on the bed.

Windsor saw someone push the door open and come in from the mirror. She motioned to the surprised maids to continue their work. After saying something softly, they lowered their heads and left the room beside Jenkins.

For a moment, Jenkins almost thought that this was the Miss Windsor he knew, but the inspiration told him that the person in front of him was the Queen of this world, Windsor.

She picked up the comb to straighten her hair, and looked through the mirror at the handsome, strange man standing in front of the door holding the doorknob:


"of course not."

"Mr. Thief?"

"No, not a thief."

"So, you came in for the pretty girl?"

She smiled at Jenkins in the mirror, which made Jenkins a little overwhelmed. This lady didn't look nervous at all, but she had no reason not to be nervous.

"Is there a trump card? Like Jessica Windsor last time? Dad just said that she was related to the underground differential machine. Does that mean she is confident that the differential machine will save her?"

Jenkins thought to himself, and Queen Windsor spoke again:

"Now, come in and close the door."

Jenkins certainly didn't want to do this. His main purpose was to find his missing companion. But before he could speak, the other party said again:

"If you want to find your companion, then come in."

Seeing that Jenkins still didn't move, she added:

"Your companions are two women, I'm not lying to you."

So Jenkins stepped into the bedroom that should have belonged to him, and then closed the door with his backhand.

"Come and help me comb my hair."

She put the ivory comb on the dressing table, still looking at Jenkins and talking to him in the mirror.

"I don't know how to comb my hair."

"It's okay."

She said, and Jenkins also looked at her through the mirror, then walked behind her, picked up the comb, and began to slowly comb her hair up and down. He only knew how to do this.

This was a very strange scene. The strangeness was not only that a dressing table appeared in the bedroom that should have belonged to Jenkins, but also that two people who should not know each other actually maintained such intimate actions. Jenkins believed that no matter in which world, helping a lady of the same age comb her hair was not something that strangers should do.

Neither of them spoke. Jenkins looked down at the beautiful golden hair in his hand, and Queen Windsor looked at him through the mirror.

"Do you know how she would react when you find out that the world she lives in is a completely false world?"

She asked softly.

"You find that you are just a brain placed in a fish tank, and everything now is an illusion?"

Jenkins asked absent-mindedly, thinking about what exactly was going on.

"Of course not."

"So you were infected by A-12-2-4099 [Dream of the Ancient God]?"

"Of course not."

"Then what does this mean?"

"Jenkins, what do you think this means?"

Jenkins paused while combing his hair. The other party should not know his name because he does not exist in this world.

PS: Please vote.

Section 1918 Chapter 1889 All are illusions

"But... in this possibility, is there really no me? Is it possible that the situation in the previous world will appear? The same but different Jenkins lives here, so she can know the name... No, she recognized me as Jenkins from my face, which cannot be the situation in the previous possibility."

He guessed in his heart and continued to help Queen Windsor comb her hair. He had not done similar work in the past, but he often used his fingers to comb the short hair on Chocolate's body. He thought the two should have similarities.

"Jenkins William."

The other party whispered the full name, and when he looked at Jenkins through the mirror, he had a very gentle smile on his face:

"I have known this name for a long time, very long time, but I didn't say it until today."

"Do you know me?"

He asked slowly, carefully and seriously, pulling the comb in his hand from the top of his head to the ends of his hair. This action was not hindered by any tangled hair. The other party's hair quality was excellent and very smooth.

"No, I don't know you."

Queen Windsor denied, and the slight shaking of her head hindered Jenkins' hair combing action, but he was able to continue. Standing behind her so closely, Jenkins could smell the fragrance of the other party.

It was very light, but very soothing.

"What am I thinking?"

He complained to himself in his heart, and then thought that he only paid attention to the hair color of girls in the past, and it seemed that he really didn't care about the specific condition of each person's hair.

"I have most of my memories from the time I can remember until now, and I can clearly recall what I did in the past. Especially after becoming a Gifter, my soul and mental strength are constantly growing, which allows me to have a more detailed understanding of my memories."

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