The other two tricksters did the same with their hair, but considering that their curses were too powerful, they had not committed a crime that required Jenkins to kill them. So Jenkins planned to put the flower pot here for one night, and end the curse on the two when he woke up tomorrow morning.

Doing this would be enough for them to get seriously ill and rest in bed for several months.

There are many strange objects related to curses, and [Disease Curse] can work with most of them to produce terrible effects. For example, A-12-3-0993, a human bone arrow, can trigger all the hidden diseases in the victim's body that exist but have not yet occurred when it is shot into the human body. A cursed human who is trapped in the [Disease Curse] and is shot by an arrow again, no matter what disease it is at the moment, it will turn into an acute disease, and then multiple complications will occur, and then die in a short time.

But Jenkins couldn't find those terrible objects at all.

Until the weekend, the days were very peaceful. Jenkins cherished this time, and his father's courses gradually became difficult. Now he began to learn some complex ancient languages, which is of great help to the appreciation of antiques and the improvement of mystical knowledge.

Many spells used in the spell abilities that are still circulating now have meanings in themselves, but most of the benefactors do not know the corresponding texts. The ancient languages ​​Jenkins has been exposed to have already touched on this aspect superficially, but there is still a long way to go to analyze the meaning of the spells.

He found time to meet with Mr. Bro again. As the bishop said, the cooperation between Mr. Bro and the church was very successful. He planned to unite with major foreign publishers to thoroughly promote "The Stranger's Tales" to the entire continent, and he himself was very confident in this plan.

This gentleman was also very concerned about Jenkins' next book. At first, he suspected that Jenkins had not started writing, until Jenkins took out the manuscript, he showed a warm and satisfied smile.

"Williamette never lies."

Jenkins sat opposite Mr. Bro with tea and promised.

Since he talked about the new book, he still needed the businessman's help with something.

"That's right. Since Frozen involves the description of the ice and snow kingdom, it must be more realistic to be credible. But I have never been to the far northern kingdom of Hampavo, and Nolan's snow scene is not enough to help me describe that kind of scene. I wonder if you have been there?"

Chapter 170 Chapter 166 Investment

"I have been to Loen, the capital of the Kingdom of Hampavo, but it was summer. To be honest, I have only heard about the ice and snow kingdom."

The wealthy publisher rubbed the ring on his index finger with his thumb, "Do you need me to help you find a few people who have been there? Some young people in my caravan have run through the trade route there. They are all brave young men. There are not many young people who dare to fight now!"

"Thank you very much, but I don't need it for the time being."

Jenkins declined politely, because he remembered that according to the first letter from his pen pal Miss Mary, she was a resident of Loen. Loen is the capital of the Kingdom of Hampavo, located in the north of the entire continent, and winter occupies half of the year.

Jenkins's knowledge of Loen City is limited to the fact that there is an extremely strange object there: A-01-2-3000, the Fountain of Youth. This is a spring that only appears in the snow. After taking it, the appearance will be frozen forever. But no one who takes it has ever lived for more than ten years. They are very afraid of the cold, and in the rest of their lives, they can never get rid of the strange whispers in their ears and the accompanying severe headaches.

"Maybe I can ask Mary for help in the next letter. The girl who has lived there since childhood should know more about the so-called ice and snow country."

A successful book usually takes a lot of time to write. Excellent authors all write books in "years", so there is no rush now, and readers will also understand this behavior.

Before leaving, Mr. Bro left a share of the sales of this issue of the story collection, which is about 300 pounds. Jenkins has recently spent a lot of money on learning rituals and buying materials. He sits alone at his desk at night, stacking stacks of banknotes. He stretched out his right hand and licked his index and middle fingers, then skillfully counted the banknotes, putting 10 100-pound notes together, and 10-pound notes together for every 100 pounds, and finally stacked 81 stacks of 10 pounds and 70 stacks of 100 pounds. In addition, there are some scattered small bills. Although there are 100-pound notes, it is difficult to spend such notes in daily activities, so 10 pounds is the largest denomination that can be circulated. Jenkins usually puts coins and 10-pound notes in his wallet.

A slight smile appeared on his face. Even though the recent learning of the [Astral Perception] ritual has not been small, this amount is enough for an ordinary person to enter the upper class. If you know how to invest, it is not difficult to live a chic life. But for the gifter, this is just the beginning.

Jenkins has very few social activities. He enjoys this kind of life of working and studying during the day and writing books and studying at night. An excellent gentleman should be able to endure loneliness, and a qualified adult man should always improve his abilities.

During rest time, playing with cats can relieve physical and mental stress. It has been two months since I adopted Chocolate. Although it has not grown much, it is very healthy, which is enough.

Dad once again suggested that Jenkins pay more attention to the social interaction of young people, take more time off, and do not go directly to church or go home after work. There are many interesting places in Nolan City.

He recommended several bars to Jenkins and told him that operas, concerts, or charity events were all ways to meet people. But Jenkins never drank, and he was not interested in operas he didn’t understand. He made donations directly to the church, which was more reassuring.

"Why can't you be like those young people today? How should I say that? Well, indulgence? No, pursue the quality of life more?"

It was early Saturday morning. Jenkins simply packed up the shelves and began today's tadpole writing.

Dad held a golden wine glass in his left hand, and carefully wiped it with a clean cotton cloth dipped in alcohol in his right hand. This is what Jenkins collected from a customer after he left yesterday. It is an antique of genuine value.

"I think the quality of life now is pretty good."

He lowered his head and said, flicking his wrist. He originally thought about using [reading and writing] to copy, but he got a splitting headache just after using the ability.

Dad was not surprised. It was not that no one had tried this before, but they all failed. He attributed this to "the punishment of the wise to the lazy."

"You are fit to be an ascetic. I mean it, don't laugh."

Dad put the cleaned cup in a wooden box, fiddled with it a few times, and locked the box on the counter with a small lock.

While wiping his hands with a towel, he continued the topic just now.

"I appreciate a young man of your character who is diligent, humble and talented. But if you don't get married because you study with me, Mr. Bishop will curse me even if he dies!"

Jenkins laughed again:

"Marriage is a must. I now have my own house, a lot of savings, a decent job, and I am an honorary baronet. I think there are not many unmarried adult men in this city with my conditions."

"That's right."

Dad pushed up his glasses: "But what's the use of knowing only you? If you don't get in touch with those young girls, even if you are a king, it will be of no use..."

"It's time to start the usual persuasion again!"

Jenkins thought, trying to change the subject. He is not in a hurry about getting married. Now it is time to improve his strength, find divinity, and explore strange places. This dangerous and strange world is not suitable for old age. Before the power is restored to oneself, other things can be put aside.

There is no clue about divinity, and the last time may have used up all the luck that Jenkins had accumulated since traveling through time. He also knew that this kind of thing wouldn't happen often, but he always had to work hard.

The power of thermal weapons in the steam age is far from comparable to those in memory, not to mention that people in this world are too obsessed with the power of steam, and some people have even proposed to develop steam-powered rifles.

What consequences this will lead to, Jenkins cannot yet guess, but the development direction of technology has shifted subtly. In a few decades, steam pipelines spanning the entire continent, steam airships cutting the sky, and factories spewing white mist may really appear.

"Speaking of which, it's not safe for me to have so much cash on me, and I'm also considering investing. Do you have any suggestions?"

He found that he was a little distracted, shook his head, and asked again.

"Changing the topic again?" Dad curled his lips, "Huh, the safest way is to exist in the church, but you need to pay a certain amount of storage fees every year. I don't think you have this plan, right?"


Chapter 171 Chapter 167 Winter Plans

Jenkins believes that keeping gold pounds in the church is equivalent to renting a safe for a fee. Although it is safe, money cannot make money. Although the current inflation rate is still acceptable, the rising trend of prices will never stop. It is absolutely wrong to put it in a safe or Mr. Traveler's bank and wait for the gold pound to depreciate.

"What do you want to invest in? Maybe you can consider an adventurous fleet. They can find precious spices on the sea. Those things are equivalent to gold."

Dad suggested.

"The risk is too great."

"What about investing in minerals? It's a popular business now. A small gold mine doesn't require much capital, and it won't be a pity even if you lose it. I have some opportunities here, you can consider them."

he suggested again.

"It's too troublesome. To invest in minerals legally, you need to go to Beldiland to issue complicated certification qualification materials to prove that you are not a scammer. There are so many scammers now... Although I am still young, it is better to invest more steadily. ”

"Then you have to figure it out on your own. There may be safe investments, but it's better to deposit money in a traveler's bank. In my opinion, those who play numbers games (referring to early bankers and financiers) who borrow money to make money, That’s the real liar.”

"...I see. Maybe I can find some industrial companies that attract cash, or read the newspapers. Maybe there are inventors who need the support of gold pounds."

From Jenkins' point of view, the laws of the Kingdom of Fidictri were not sound. Before time travel, he knew many legal but immoral ways to make money in this era.

He could have run the simplest Ponzi scheme by himself, but now he has a legal identity and a bright future. After thinking about it, there is no need to defraud others out of greed.

No, Ponzi schemes cannot be defined as fraud in this world, because the law does not say so.

"Good times."

He continued his work while muttering softly. Chocolate, who was curled up into a fur ball, raised his head slightly, shook his small cat ears, and then lay down again.

The weather is getting colder, and even cats don't like to exercise. On Wednesday of this week, the Steam Pipe Company published this year's winter heating notice in the "Nolan Daily", calling on citizens to open heating pipes for their houses.

As for the pipes used in daily life, because the pressure and heat in the pipes need to be maintained, they do not have a heat dissipation effect.

Dad's shop is not heated, but a fireplace is lit on the side.

Now entering the antique shop, the warm fire illuminates the rows of metallic utensils on the shelves, and the scattered porcelain, lacquerware, etc. exude an attractive luster. The swords, animal heads, and badges hanging on the wall cast long shadows under the light of the fire, and sway gently with the crackling sound of burning wood.

"This is the environment that a professional antique shop should have."

The old man was very satisfied with this, and he didn't know whether he was proud of his own arrangement or proud of saving a huge amount of heating costs.

Yes, the heating cost in winter is very expensive, and even Jenkins is reluctant to use it.

Because he lives alone, he has planned to sleep on the sofa in the living room in winter. There is a fireplace and a wool carpet there. It is quite close to the bathroom, kitchen, first-floor study, and door, which is extremely suitable for winter.

When there is nothing to do at night, curl up alone in the quilt on the carpet, and the firelight illuminates the book in front of him. If he is tired, he touches the chocolate, which makes it shrink into the quilt unhappily when it is sleeping.

This is the life that a decent time traveler deserves.

As for when guests visit, you can clean up in advance and recover after the guests leave, so that you can maintain your dignity and meet general social needs.

And, most likely, no guests will visit Jenkins.

Jenkins is also reading the two books sent by Miss Mary, and he has a preliminary understanding of the level of development of mathematics in this world. To be more specific, the book "Probability and Mathematical Statistics" is much simpler than the probability theory learned in the science and engineering department of the college before the time travel, because the development of integral is not enough and many tools cannot be used; while "A Brief Introduction to Advanced Mathematics" has reached the level of the first half of Mathematics (I), which is the most difficult university mathematics learned by non-mathematical subjects. There are still some problems with some details, and Jenkins patiently corrects them directly on the book with a pen.

The development of integral calculus has also taken shape, but multi-dimensional space calculations are only mentioned briefly, and those contents are still what Jenkins wrote in the last letter.

He originally planned to add some more, but thought it was unnecessary, so let the mathematicians of this world explore slowly.

Sometimes when he was free to play with cats, Jenkins would think about the meaning of doing so, but later he felt that not everything had to be meaningful - it was enough to be interesting.

The plan to increase the spirit through [Astral Perception] has not yet started, because the materials for the ritual of increasing perception taught to Jenkins by his father are not so easy to gather.

When leaving his father's antique shop on Saturday night, he informed Jenkins to go out with him the next day.

So, that night, Jenkins counted his belongings and put on his weapons and materials that might be used. He took the auxiliary items such as [Star Sea Badge] and [Magic Conch], and left the ones that he couldn't bring, such as the larger [Mr. Hunter's Fruit Plate] at home.

There was an episode during this. When he was thinking about how to preserve the tube of dragon blood and prevent it from spoiling, Chocolate, who was lying on the bed, suddenly jumped up. He hit Jenkins' wrist with his little head, and the sealed wooden bottle fell straight to the ground-and then was picked up by Jenkins' other hand.

"Good boy, we'll rest soon."

He comforted the black and white kitten rubbing against his trouser legs and carried it to the bed. Then he turned up the copper hanging basket-like table lamp on the table, turned the chair in the direction of the chair, sat down, bent down slightly, held the wooden bottle tightly with his left hand, and pulled the cork out with his right hand. He also wanted to know what dragon blood looked like. The light was too dim in the morgue that day, and he didn't see it carefully.

Obviously, the previous owner of the bottle was very cautious and had plugged the bottle very tightly to prevent the blood from flowing out.

He took a deep breath, pulled hard with his right hand, and the wooden bottle flew out of his left hand. Jenkins subconsciously reached out to grab it, but pushed the bottle further away.


Chocolate jumped up, opened his mouth, and bit the bottle like a dog. He landed safely on the bed, then shook his tail and handed the bottle to Jenkins, with amber vertical pupils showing off.

Chapter 172 Chapter 168 The Grace of Cats

Jenkins' mouth trembled, and he saw that the place where Chocolate bit was exactly the mouth of the bottle that had been uncorked. Because of the tilted angle, the red blood had all flowed into the cat's mouth.

There was a faint fishy smell in the air, and he already knew what was going to happen.

He picked up the bottle and looked in the direction of the light of the desk lamp. It was very clean inside.

He picked up the cat and put it on his lap, carefully letting it open its mouth, revealing its soft pink tongue that had no barbs, unlike other cats. Jenkins licked his lips and put the chocolate back on the bed, which raised its cat face and looked at its owner innocently.

The value of dragon's blood is greater than or equal to 5,000 pounds. Now that Chocolate accidentally drank the dragon's blood, Chocolate is a cat worth at least 5,000 pounds.

"I want to hit you, do you agree?"

he asked the innocent cat.


The kitten meowed softly, trying to jump on its owner again. Jenkins hugged it helplessly, comforting himself that he was now a successful writer with eight thousand pounds, while calling out the golden ring soaked in spirituality.

"Can you change my fortune?"

The ring cannot speak and can only reflect a little light.

He had a very restless sleep that night. Sometimes he dreamed of banknotes flying in the sky, and sometimes he dreamed of chocolate flying away with wings. In the end, I even dreamed of a huge cat opening its mouth, swallowing the stars in the dark night, and finally swallowing a bright yellow moon into its belly.

How ridiculous.

The domestic kitten did not sleep soundly. It raised its head, looked at the bright moon outside the window, and then nuzzled its sleeping owner with its furry cheek. Jenkins looked calm. In his absolutely relaxed sleep, his soul was too close to the world and he saw some strange things.


It was obviously an ordinary childish meow, but it contained some human apology.

Chocolate stood next to Jenkins' pillow, rubbed his cheek sideways, then patted his forehead with his front paws, and a ray of red light emerged from the cat's paws.

Jenkins recently understood that once a cat agrees not to sleep in his bed, it will go to great lengths to get into the bed. Once you agree to let your cat sleep on your bed, he will lie on your belly as hard as you can.

When he woke up the next day, Jenkins picked up the chocolate and stared at the sleepy cat for a long time before finally sweeping away the depression from last night.

"You are now a cat worth 5,000 gold pounds."

I put on my slippers, prepared to go to the bathroom first, then went downstairs to prepare breakfast. I summoned the light spot as usual, and then clicked on the purple one, but there was no response. Subconsciously, I felt that there was something wrong with the light spots. When I counted them carefully, they were still the same ones. The number was correct, but there was something wrong with the color——

The white basic ability [Agile Legs and Feet] is gone, replaced by a brand new red fighting ability [Cat's Elegance].

Stunned for a moment, Jenkins squinted his eyes and looked at the chocolate on the bed.

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