The only way to get clues from this group of people is to trade.

For treasure hunters who gather in this area, the most important task is to find greedy people from nearby towns and villages and distinguish them from ordinary people. But for Jenkins, he can get the conclusion by just opening his eyes and taking a look.

So after making sure that there was no one nearby, he put on a black robe and turned back to the town of Bekto. He believed that there would be gains here.

Although a mess of gifters poured into this area in a short period of time, life in the town was still peaceful and peaceful. This was an ordinary Tuesday, and the townspeople continued their lives in an orderly manner.

It was normal for a small town to see strange faces in the town. The next season is the fruit harvest season, and the timber business has reached its peak season in a year. Therefore, when the midsummer is about to end, there will indeed be many outsiders pouring into the town.

Although there are more this year than in previous years, it is not surprising.

When Jenkins returned to the town again with the white cat Vanilla, the originally good weather changed. The southwest wind from the ocean blew the gray fog in the city, and even the town located at a high altitude was inevitably affected.

He walked on the streets of the town while sniffing the smell in the air. The permanent population of Bekto Town is not large, and the entire town has only two horizontal and three vertical roads. Beyond this is the outside of the town.

Although the sparrow is small, it has everything, and the infrastructure is quite complete. There is even a primary school in the east of the town. But Jenkins did not stop at any place, but relied on the vague aura he saw with his eyes and returned all the way to the outside of the Sage Church.

After all, there are less than a thousand permanent residents. Therefore, there is only the Sage Church in Bekto Town. Jenkins is very sure that when he left just now, there was no suspicious aura in the church, but now, an abnormally dim blue aura appeared inside the church.

"Why is it a blue aura? Greedy people are alien creatures?"

He thought to himself, passing by the gate of the church fence, but did not stop. A stranger rashly visiting at this time will definitely attract unnecessary attention, but Jenkins himself suddenly turned back, which might also attract the attention of Mr. Bernoulli, the demigod who may have problems.


He turned into the alley, and seeing that the wall was relatively clean, he leaned against it, pinched Chocolate's waist, and lifted the cat on his shoulder to face him:

"I will turn into a mouse and sneak in, and I will be back soon."


Jenkins knew for the first time that cats could also make "bright eyes" expressions.

"I knew that once I turned into a mouse, would you use your claws to hold me down and prevent me from running around?"

He asked again, and then saw his cat nodded.


The corners of his mouth trembled:

"Be obedient this time, I will be back soon."

Seeing that Jenkins was serious, the cat's head drooped slightly, his eyes looked down, and his two little ears drooped, looking sad.

"Are you sad because you left me, or because you can't play 'mouse'?"

He asked angrily and amusedly, and Chocolate meowed softly, struggling in Jenkins' palm, then jumped onto his shoulder and rubbed his face with his furry face.

Then he said goodbye to his obedient cat temporarily, and Jenkins turned into a gray little mouse and entered the church through the main gate. If a non-believer did this, the divine power attached to the church would respond to the ability to transform, or even directly reveal his original form.

But Jenkins is the son of the church. No one would stop him even if he wanted to enter the church without clothes, let alone turning into a mouse. Of course, he would never do that.

The abnormal aura is located behind the church. The church in the town is very small, which is actually equivalent to the location of the small garden behind the building. There is only one person there now, a fat and short square-faced old man wearing a black priest uniform, standing in front of the flowerbed with drooping eyelids and holding a watering can to water the flowers.

This looks very normal, whether it is clothing, movements or even temperament, there is no doubt, even if the real priest in the church sees him, he will subconsciously think that this is the priest of the Sage Church in the town of Bekto.

But in fact, this is the greedy, they are very good at disguise.

The mouse came from the bushes to the old man watering the flowers. After observing that no one in the building or on the street had seen this place for the time being, it jumped into the air and turned into a rotating purple-gold ball of light.

While changing back to human form, he put on the clothes given by the sage and the black robe to prevent himself from really breaking into the church naked.

"I want clues, what do you want?"

He asked straight to the point.

The old priest watering the flowers replied without raising his head:

"Flowers, flowers with power."

"No problem."

He nodded, ended this brief conversation, quickly retreated to the shadow of the building and dropped the spiritual magnet, then projected to Alexia, then left a real phantom next to Alexia, and finally pulled his real body over, leaving only the spiritual magnet lying in the corner of the church yard.


Yesterday, I heard Alexia say that she would not go out all day today, so I dared to project over rashly. It's just that there were too many operations just now, and he didn't have time to observe the situation on Alexia's side.

But what he saw was in Alexia's room, a short lady dressed normally, hugging Dolores who was only wearing underwear. Seeing Jenkins looking at the two of them, Dolores's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, but she did not scream because of it.

"Are you...measuring your waist?"

He did not have any random thoughts, nor did he doubt that the two ladies in front of him had the hobbies of Hathaway and Britney. If Dolores might be leaning in that direction due to her complicated growing environment and the many maids around her, then Ya There was absolutely no way Lyxia would have that kind of hobby, Jenkins was sure of it.

Chapter 1934 Chapter 1905 The Greedy One and the Reflection

"Jenkins, what's going on?"

Seeing Jenkins appear out of thin air, Alexia let go of Dolores and came over. Dolores, who was only wearing underwear, threw herself at the closet, and then closed the door from the inside with a bang.

"Why do you always like to hide in the closet?"


Alexia heard Jenkins' unconscious muttering.

"Oh, it's nothing. What I want to say is that we once experienced a strange situation related to flowers in Loen during the winter, that is, the time when flowers were nurtured with blood. Do you have any remaining flowers that have not been traded? ?”

Those belonging to Jenkins were exchanged for money on the black market, leaving only some specimens made of petals as souvenirs. In the winter, his economic conditions were not as favorable as they are now.

"Yes, they are all left in Loen and are being kept by the little princess Agelina Stuart."

Alexia said.

"Okay, I'll go to Loen. I'll say hello to Agelina for you."

In fact, with the ability of [World Tree Seedling], it is possible to grow petal specimens into plants. But most of those plants are special and are not ordinary plants. Jenkins could grow the few strains with slightly weaker extraordinary properties perfectly, but he was worried that they would not meet the requirements of the greedy ones.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to go to Lunen to hold a pot.

As he spoke, he hugged Alexia in a hurry and was about to leave, but he thought of one more thing:

"And...I'm inviting Jessica to my house spend the night."

"is that so?"

The short lady raised her eyebrows:

"Why are you telling me this?"

It was obviously an angry tone.

"I think I still have to tell you this kind of thing, otherwise I will have the illusion that I am cheating... It's not an illusion."

He hugged Alexia and said. The short lady was still a little angry, but she also knew that this would happen sooner or later:

"I chose you myself, and there is nothing I can do about it."

As he spoke, he hugged Jenkins and kissed him. Before he left, he did not forget to remind him:

"Are you in the eastern suburbs now? You must be, otherwise why would you suddenly ask me for flowers? I've heard about what happened over there, so be careful."


He kissed Alexia on the forehead for the last time, and then the projection went to Rune. A few seconds later, the body was also pulled away by the real phantom.

"You can come out now."

Alexia touched the forehead kissed by Jenkins with a gentle smile, and then said to the closet. Dolores, who had already changed her clothes, walked out. When she stepped out of the closet, she was almost Tripped over the nightgown under the cupboard.

"Why did you hide in the closet just now? You are not bold when you should be bold, but you are very brave when you shouldn't be bold."

Alexia said, she said it with a sigh, so it was not a criticism.

"But...when should you be brave? I just wanted to be reserved."

Her Royal Highness the Princess asked the teacher for advice.

"It's hard to explain this issue. You have to experience it yourself."

Even the knowledgeable Alexia couldn't help at this point.

After the heir to the crown of the North Kingdom was finally determined, Jenkins stopped visiting Loen frequently. After all, his job in Nolan was not easy either. But this does not mean that he has never visited since then. He had promised the little princess Agelina to visit her from time to time, so he came to visit once a week, usually just to say a few words. Walk.

Now there are more and more abnormal space zones near Nolan, one of which is connected to the vicinity of Roen. After hearing about it, Salsi II suggested to the church to open a new trade route based on the abnormal space zone. He himself also had the intention to return to Loen for inspection.

But the church believed that the abnormal space zone was too dangerous and gave no room for concessions.

Anyway, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon when Jenkins came to Ruen. Agelina was currently drinking afternoon tea in the royal palace, being served by several maids.

Seeing Jenkins appear, the maids put down their work and quickly left the room, not forgetting to close the door. Agelina put down her tea cup and stood up and gave Jenkins a hug:

"Why did it take you so long to come see me?"

It sounds like there is some special meaning, but compared to Dolores, Agelina is a real little girl, and Jenkins doesn't think much about it.

"There are too many things going on over there Nolan, Dolores asked me to say hello to you."

After saying that, he sat down and Agelina poured tea for him.

"How is Luen's situation lately?"

He took a cookie from the silver plate, but when he thought about returning to Nolan, if the waiting chocolate outside the church found out that he had "stolen food", the cat would definitely not let it go, so he put the cookie back.

"Everything is fine, but there are more and more strange things, but the church has handled it very well, so don't worry about this place. I heard from newspapers and letters that the situation in Nolan is very bad, you have to be careful."

Ajelina said with some sorrow, and then added:

"Father and brothers and sisters should also be careful."

"Don't worry, it's not the worst time yet, the church can handle it."

Jenkins comforted, and then talked about the purpose of this visit.

Before she left Rune, Alexia's flowers were originally placed in the basement of Dolores's mansion. But after Jenkins played chess with Salhi II that night, Dolores was declared the heir, and Alexia's flowers were also moved from the flowerpot to the back garden of the royal palace, where special servants took care of them carefully.

Jenkins chose the one that looked the least beautiful and asked the Star Spirit to help transfer it to Nolan. Then he talked to Ajelina about the domestic situation in the North Country and the reaction of the nobles in Loen City after Dolores became the heir to the throne before leaving.

After returning to the town on the eastern outskirts of Nolan, he carefully transported the flower to the garden behind the chapel. After receiving it, the bald priest who was still watering it hid the flower directly in his robe:

"The treasure is not in the wilderness."

This is the clue he got with great effort. After he finished speaking, he put the kettle aside, and then his body faded a little bit until it disappeared completely, as if this person had never appeared.

"I always feel that I suffered a great loss in this transaction."

Jenkins muttered softly, and slipped out of the church again in the appearance of a mouse. The cat, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, jumped down from the fence and caught the gray mouse.

But there was no one nearby. While being held down, Jenkins turned into a ball of purple-gold light and turned back to himself, and then held down the chocolate instead.

"What do you want to do?"

He stroked the cat's head quickly with his hand, but Chocolate didn't feel humiliated, but made a very comfortable meow~ sound.

"I knew you would be like this. If you dare to have bad ideas next time, I won't be so good-tempered."

He pretended to be angry and warned his cat, but Chocolate didn't seem to understand and didn't respond to this sentence at all.

You can't find anything just by relying on the clue that "the treasure is not in the wilderness". Although the eastern suburbs of Nolan, which was classified as this Class B supernatural event, are sparsely populated, there is not only one town.

In addition to the scattered small villages, the single-family country thatched houses in the fields, or the lonely gravekeeper's hut, the area that is "not in the wilderness" is actually very wide.

In this way, if you want to find the treasure, you can only go to the second greedy person to continue looking for clues. Riding the unicorn in the air for a circle, there is no second target with blue aura in the town of Bekto, which means that there is no second greedy person here.

During this period, he discovered another derivative creature of B-06-2-4482 [Treasure Hunters' Battle], which is a monster called "Reflection of Greed". That thing has a strange aura of blue, red and black, lying quietly behind the wooden house outside the town, between the wall and the firewood pile.

It looks like a wooden box, and its shape is quite similar to the traditional impression of a "treasure chest". But when it gets close, the treasure chest immediately pounces on Jenkins, and dozens of tentacles like tree roots appear from the bottom of the treasure chest, giving it the ability to move.

But the monster's power is not strong, Jenkins easily defeated the opponent, and sighed at the monster's malicious shape.

After confirming that there are no other clues in the town, he took the map and let the unicorn carry himself and the cat to the nearest Honeywood Town (Honeywood Town, literally translated as "Honey Wood Town").

Just like the name of this town, the townspeople here make a living by raising bees to produce honey, and the goods are mainly supplied to Nolan City, but it is said that the goods produced in the town can also be found in the North Country.

Jenkins could not have imagined that Chocolate loved sweets. When Jenkins sat on the back of the unicorn and held the map with both hands, the cat grabbed Jenkins' clothes with one paw to fix itself, then leaned out from the shoulder and pointed directly to Honeywood Town on the map with the other furry paw.

It was not that it suddenly recognized the words, but mainly because Jenkins was looking at the tourist map, and there was a honey jar sign next to Honeywood Town. Although the cat could not recognize the words for the time being, it was very sensitive to simple graphics.

"I know, we will go there next stop. You can buy more honey, and it is also good to take it home and store it, but you can't eat too much."

He warned the white cat Vanilla in a low voice, and wanted to talk about some topics about dental health and obesity. Unexpectedly, he only turned his head to talk to the cat with his head drooping, and his hand loosened, and the map in his hand actually flew out.

The unicorn flew very fast, and he just loosened his hand slightly, and the map was behind them like an arrow from a string, and then quickly disappeared in the wind.

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