The cannon light was like the sunlight radiating at noon, and it could be seen clearly even from hundreds of miles away. There was a scorching breath in the air. The rain did not even have time to fall to the ground, but was evaporated into water vapor in the air, making the white smoke mixed with the steam flow just now, making the ground look like it was covered by a layer of lingering clouds.

The cage composed of chains and skeleton mechanical birds in the sky still made regular and rhythmic sounds in the dynamic flow. Runes were transferred between the chains and the flying birds, forming them into a perfect whole.

The raindrops fell on the black metal barrel, stirring up bursts of green smoke. The smoking barrel slowly retracted into the gate, not as fast as when it was extended.

The seam of the door closed, leaving only a gap. From the billowing black smoke that seeped out of the door, another chain stretched out, like a frog's tongue, shooting at the bronze box that flew out of Jenkins' hand before he was blasted to the ground.

PS: Add one more chapter, ask for everything at the end of the month, and ask for everything at the beginning of tomorrow. The subscription is really low recently. I don't know if it's because the plot is not good recently or I'm trying to fatten it up. I beg readers who can read this. It would be great if you can subscribe every day. The current results have a great impact on my mentality.

Section 1944 Chapter 1915 The God of Lies and the Difference Engine


When the chain shot at the flying bronze box, it was as if a bad musician was plucking the strings at random. The harsh noise suddenly changed the wind direction and prevented the extended chain from catching the box.

A figure quickly rose into the air. Hathaway, who flew into the sky, grabbed the bronze box and flew (note: Hathaway can fly) away.

But she was no match for the mechanical creature behind her. She was clearly flying forward, but Hathaway only felt dizzy. After a brief second of coming to her senses, she actually saw herself flying straight towards the weird door.

Looking directly at the crack of the door where black smoke was coming out, her eyes and nose were bleeding, but she still tried to control her nervousness and turned around with the greatest strength to escape from here.

However, four chains flew out of the door and tied her hands and feet faster.

In the following struggle, Hathaway undoubtedly lost to the door behind her. She was forced to turn around and face the thing, and then saw the door opening in front of her little by little.

Black light appeared on her face, and the darkness in the crack of the door was projected, covering Hathaway, and also leaving huge black bars like parallelograms in the air and on the ground.

She was dizzy and saw something incomprehensible. She saw the wriggling body hidden in the depths of the black fog. She thought she saw everything, saw everything, and the indescribable appearance was completely revealed in front of her at this moment. The clicking sound was only in her ears at first, but soon it became a sound from her head.

The cold feeling spread from the heart to the whole body. Even though the inexplicable golden light delayed the mechanization, Hathaway was still about to lose consciousness in an instant.

The differential engine did not persuade Hathaway to let go of the hand holding the box, and then let the chain take her along, trying to "swallow" her directly into the door.

At this moment, in the deep pit below, the wood used for the construction of the mansion had long been evaporated by the cannon, and only a few stone particles were left mixed in the severely carbonized soil.

The soil was smoking, and the smoke was swirling in the sky, spectacular and weird.

An arm stretched vertically from the soil like a grave mound to the sky, and the thunder struck, illuminating the arm without sleeves, covered with scars and bloodstains. In the dark hand, there was a ring pointing to the sky. In the lightning, the ring was covered with fine golden cracks.


The ring broke, and a white beam of light fell from the sky.

The wind stopped.

Not only did the wind stop, but the rain also stopped at this moment.

The chain pulling Hathaway stopped for a moment, and then the four chains extending from the gate were directly cut off from the door.

The door was closing, and the chains in the air and the skeleton bird all returned to the gap on the ground.

With a loud rumbling sound, the door closed and retreated underground. But at this moment, a loud but completely incomprehensible hymn has sounded, accompanied by the golden divine light sweeping across, and time seems to have completely stopped at this moment.

A repressive and terrifying force came from the deep pit that was just bombarded by the energy cannon. Hathaway, who was falling naturally in the air, almost lost consciousness because she had just faced the main body of the differential machine, so she struggled back and forth between wakefulness and coma. The breath at this moment swept over her, making her already fragile consciousness on the verge of collapse. She knew that she must not faint, and once she fell from this height, she would almost be dead.

Hathaway did not faint, because a figure with golden light hugged her from behind before she landed. She felt the broad breath, and her constant trembling also made her understand who was holding her from behind.

I never thought that such a thing would happen. Close contact with God made my body shake unconsciously. The panic and surprise in her heart reached the peak in an instant. With all kinds of emotions intertwined, the courage that suddenly surged up made her consciousness clearer.

Because the other party appeared from behind, Hathaway could not see the specific appearance. She only saw a hand emitting warm and soft golden light from the corner of her vision, stopping her from the waist.

Although she was conscious at the moment, she would rather pass out. Fortunately, this anxious scene for Hathaway did not last long, less than a second to be precise.

God didn't say anything, and lightly patted the black cat on his shoulder. A little divine power entered the body, and the black cat reluctantly jumped down from the body of lie's shoulder, put its two small paws together, pulled Hathaway's collar, and slowly flew her down. of ground.

Jenkins gathered the strength of his body and felt the radiance of divinity covering his whole body. At this moment, the brass door hiding the core of the differential engine has only retreated halfway, and there is even a gap left that has not been closed.

"Although I am the God of Lies,... my heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is righteous."

There is no more appropriate time than this moment when your heart is enlightened and your divine power returns to you.

Hathaway and Chocolate, who landed on the ground, saw a dazzling golden light flash across the sky, crashing into the door like a falling meteorite. The black mist that emerged from the crack in the door instantly spurted out and engulfed everything.

Hathaway subconsciously held the cat that had just helped her in her arms and huddled behind the big rock. In fact, chocolate is not willing to be touched by anyone other than Jenkins, but now it must protect Jenkins' "little toy" from harm, and the other party's instinctive reaction is very much appreciated by the cat, so it will make an exception this time and will not make an exception next time.

The sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the sun and moon have no light. Curling up, Hathaway felt the earthquake, the storm, the lightning strike, and the tsunami. In just three minutes, it seemed as if all the disasters in the world had happened here.

She had never thought three minutes was a long time, but this time she really understood what Jenkins meant when he said "time is relative."

Because I encountered so many things in a short period of time, my mind went blank. When he escaped separately with Mr. Hood and Mr. Black Cat just now, he was unable to leave in time due to an accident, so he hid nearby and waited for the battle to end.

When he saw Mr. Candle being defeated by a cannon and not knowing whether he was alive or dead, he subconsciously felt that the box must not be obtained by that door, so he rushed out to snatch it, but he did not expect that things would turn out like this.

She hugged the black cat tightly to her chest, regretting for the first time that she was not as petite as Alexia and could make herself smaller when curled up.

The tide of chaotic spirits outside and the strange light forced her to close her eyes and rest her face on the back of the black cat:

"Is it going to end like this?"

She was thinking that Chocolate was very dissatisfied with the other party's "advancing" and getting so close to her. But for her safety, the cat cannot leave. I can only protect this fragile human woman with anger in the aftermath of the full-scale confrontation between the God of Lies and the Difference Engine. While thinking about asking Jenkins to compensate with a big meal that night, he also praised himself for being the real protector of this family.

PS: This is not a decisive battle, it won’t end like this, don’t worry. Ask for everything at the end of the month.

Chapter 1945 Chapter 1916 Jenkins’ Identity

In fact, Hathaway, who was at the center of the battlefield, was protected by chocolate and did not see how tragic the battle was in just three minutes.

At this time, the entire west coast of the continent can see a strange celestial phenomenon of black light and golden light intertwined. The fog that diffused in the sky showed an unstable trend, and the fires in the southern forests burst violently, but came and went between advancing and retreating.

Countless steam machinery developed various problems that should not occur in principle during this period. Even the animals crawling in the evergreen forest gathered under the central tree as if they were looking for shelter.

When it was all over, Hathaway felt the light, and felt the light shining on her face. She suppressed the instinctive urge to tremble and slowly raised her head to look at the sky.

A hole seemed to have been poked in the sky. Behind the hole, the sky was blue, the sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear, and the wind was gentle and gentle. The large white clouds were as white as the marshmallows that Jenkins got from nowhere to feed the cat.

She didn't understand the significance of the battle just now, but she was still grateful from the bottom of her heart:

"it's over?"

Of course it was not over, and soon dark clouds came from the sky to fill the holes in the sky. Due to the influence of the spirit that broke out in the battle, the gray mist that had been temporarily expelled also flooded back into this area. The raindrops fell little by little, and everything seemed to be back to before the battle began.

Hathaway held the cat in her arms and stood up on the hot, sandy ground to look around. Chocolate struggled to "escape" from her arms, and then jumped up and down in the rain, running towards the man approaching with a black umbrella in the distance.

Because her eyes were stimulated by the bright light just now, even though the man was getting closer and closer, Hathaway still couldn't see the man's face clearly. But at least she saw that the black cat belonging to the God of Lies immediately turned black and white after jumping on the man's shoulder.

She saw Jenkins approaching, and she saw the unicorn in the sky descend with some concern, rubbing the back of its owner's hand. She saw Chocolate lying on Jenkins' shoulders, and then half-circling the man's neck with its tail. I also saw the last ray of golden brilliance from Jenkins' body melting into the air. His right hand was dripping with blood. The blood slipped out of his sleeve and fell into the puddle that appeared on the bumpy ground at an unknown time, causing ripples in circles. .

She saw Jenkins with a serious look on his face, and when he came closer, he let the umbrella protect both of them from the rain at the same time.

He looked at Hathaway, and Hathaway looked at him, while the cat on his shoulder yawned.

"I was careless and failed to seize this opportunity. It does have fatal structural defects, but I didn't expect that although it cannot be repaired, it can be transformed into a trap to lure the enemy. That door is part of the trap, but fortunately, I stepped on the trap before the final battle.

This is not the end, I still have a second chance. I severely damaged it, and it also knew my identity. The next time it appears in front of me, it must be determined to succeed and come to the final battle."

He smiled a little:

"There is still time, I will succeed."

She saw that Jenkins' forehead was also bleeding, but it was not serious. She saw her own figure reflected in Jenkins' charming eyes, so small.

"Who...are you?"

She asked, her voice was so hoarse when she spoke, and the whole person finally couldn't help shaking. Only then did she feel the weakness of her whole body, but before she fell, she was supported by the man in front of her.

Opening her eyes, she saw the cat on Jenkins' shoulder, getting angry in vain.

"Hathaway, who do you think I am?"


Although there was an umbrella above her head, she had just stood in the rain for a while. The raindrops with some body temperature dripped down along the long hair against her cheeks.

She hugged Jenkins tightly, as if she was afraid that he would run away, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear, as if she was afraid that he would become someone else. The red hair pressed against his chest, and she asked after a long time:

"Will you explain all this?"

"Of course, you will know everything you want to know. You don't need to wait until everything is over. I think it's clear that there are some things you are qualified to know."

The battle does not necessarily have a win or lose outcome, just like when Jenkins in the deified state rushed directly into the door, there was actually no win or lose.

Because what he saw was not the complete core of the differential engine, but only a part of the core.

It was a half-sphere with incomplete beauty, with exposed gears, levers and bearings all over the uneven cross-section. The beauty it possessed was absolutely beyond human imagination. That kind of exquisite and trembling perfect incompleteness has a maddening charm that is stronger than the broken-armed Venus.

Half of the sphere has what Queen Windsor called "structural defects", but at the same time, this brass door is also a trap created by the differential engine.

Jenkins didn't expect that the other party would have the courage to split the core and only let the defective part emerge from the ground alone. This is crazier than normal people splitting their souls to avoid death. Therefore, he was caught off guard and did not completely leave the other party behind before the divinity burned out. The door was the other party's home court. He had to consider his retreat after the end of his divinity state, so he couldn't go all out.

The differential engine didn't expect that the first action to emerge from the ground would actually run into a real god with murderous intentions.

Even if the defense measures are superb, even if the traps are sophisticated, under the power of the gods, a quarter of its core is still permanently scrapped. If the gods hadn't suddenly retreated, I'm afraid that half of the core that emerged from the ground would be destroyed.

It is hard to say which side wins and which side loses. Jenkins's sudden action this time exposed the secret of the God of Lies. Although it did not let the other party know that God has always been in the material world, nor did it let the other party connect Jenkins with the believers of lies. But the difference machine must know that the believers of lies can summon the gods at any time.

From now on, it will never appear above the ground as easily as this time. Jenkins wants to encounter such a good opportunity before the final battle, but the probability is zero.

Just as he said to Hathaway, he has already alerted the snake, and the next time he encounters the difference machine, it must be the final day.

The difference machine paid the price of a quarter of the core being damaged, and Jenkins paid the price of the hard-earned divinity being consumed.

At the same time, when he and Hathaway were in the rain, the blood flowing from his arm was not deliberately not treated to win sympathy. But the body was really injured and could not be treated temporarily.

It was not that he was injured in the state of God. In the state of God, his soul turned into God, and his body was still under the ruins. The head-on fight with the difference machine did not hurt this body. The injury to his arm was caused by the cannon in the door. He never expected to face such an attack.

In order to protect the unicorn and his cat, he did not protect himself when facing the impact of the spirit, but threw the cat far away and canceled the summoning of the unicorn.

As a result, he was almost hit head-on by the cannon and fell to the mansion on the ground. The physical damage caused by the bombardment and fall can be easily healed, but the power injected by the differential machine in that cannon is completely different from the human body, that is, the spirit representing the ultimate mechanical power, but stubbornly hinders the healing of the spirit of life.

Hathaway accepted Jenkins' request to confess after returning home, and the two hurriedly said goodbye on the battlefield outside the town of Honeywood, which had turned into scorched earth.

Although the True Eye confirmed that the differential machine had completely fled underground, he was still worried that the enemy had not actually left and would attack Hathaway after the two separated. Therefore, when Hathaway left, he let Chocolate stay with her and go home with her.

This doesn't mean that Jenkins thinks his cat is stronger than the red-haired lady, he just thinks that even if something goes wrong, at least he can get the information first.


Chocolate looked a little reluctant, but seeing Jenkins' miserable appearance, he reluctantly jumped off his shoulder. He flicked his tail, turned his head and meowed at Jenkins on the waterlogged ground, as if to reassure him.

"Come back as soon as possible."

Hathaway just left this sentence and left.

Jenkins held an umbrella and watched her and the cat go away, then turned to look at the area affected by the battle, and the nearby Honeywood Town, which seemed to be hit by a magnitude 10 earthquake and a typhoon, and then used [Real Phantom] to return to the quiet room in the town of Bekto.

The battle between the God of Lies and the Differential Engine not only affected the nearby Honeywood Town, but also the entire west coast of the continent. The earthquake spread to the entire continental shelf with the battle between the two as the center. In addition, the abnormal spiritual fluctuations also made the entire Nolan and the surrounding areas of the gift extremely uncomfortable.

After Jenkins returned to the quiet room, he first drew some bandages to bandage the bleeding part of his arm so as not to arouse other people's suspicion. Then he left the room and joined the church members, and then went to the abnormal town of Honeywood to investigate.

Of course, there were no clues left there. The impact of the battle directly destroyed the hill where the mansion was located. Except for Jenkins, no one could restore what happened here this afternoon, and even the differential machine could not know all the situations that happened in the mansion.

But based on the remnants of the spirit, the church still deduced that the God of Lies had appeared. They found the remnants of mechanical birds and chains near the closed cracks in the ground, and even found some metal fragments from the cracks of the brass door.

Under the guidance of a caring person, that is, Jenkins, the church deduced that the battle with the God of Lies was the differential machine hidden deep underground in Nolan.

But no one could tell why it appeared on the ground, let alone why the God of Lies was so lucky to be able to stop it.

PS: Ask for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 1946 Chapter 1917 The Last Confession (Part 1) (Updated)

In order to answer the church's questions about the incident in Honeywood Town, Jenkins plans to visit the church later today as a believer of lies and formally discuss the time for negotiations with the church.

He can't wait any longer. After forcing Queen Isabella to abdicate at the weekend, he will realize the union of the true gods and false gods. Otherwise, it will be too late when the last emblem representing fate really appears.

The only good news today is that the cloud whale beast was successfully sealed again. During the battle between Jenkins and the differential machine, all the chains that attempted to pull the cloud whale beast underground were retracted underground.

At that time, the ugly and weird cat-shaped monster was exhausted, and the church took advantage of the situation. Although it was a bit unethical, the righteous side did not need to consider such things when doing things.

The eastern suburbs no longer needed Jenkins, so Jenkins took the opportunity to apply to return to the city and soon received a confirmed reply.

When he returned to Nolan, the lights were already on, but he was exhausted and went back to the church first to give an oral report of the afternoon's events to Miss Bevanna.

He found Finnie again and talked about meeting her friends in the morning and the establishment of a unified union funded by Jenkins. Then he said goodbye to his father who happened to be working in the church and returned to St. George Street hungry and tired.

When he greeted his father, he was very surprised that there was no chocolate around Jenkins. In fact, after returning from the eastern suburbs, Miss Bevanna, Finnie and every acquaintance they met on the road had such questions.

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