Even though Jenkins and Jessica didn't reveal the news, sensitive politicians also sensed the signs of impending storms. Queen Isabella specially summoned Jenkins on Thursday evening and invited him to dinner.

Something bad happened when the two had dinner together last time, so Jenkins made sure that there were no signs of ceremony in the house before going to the banquet.

The conversation began with boring comments about the weather, and no one led to the issue of the throne and the heir. Then Queen Isabella talked about Jessica:

"I heard that she stayed overnight at your house on Tuesday?"

"There are not only me in the house, but also others."

Jenkins knew what she was thinking.

"But they are all your family. Jenkins, if you are interested in Jessica, you must take responsibility. I think you should not be that kind of playboy, otherwise, the anger of the Grand Duke of Windsor is not something you can easily bear."

"I understand this."

"Also, why didn't Jessica come to see me in the past two days? In the past, she came every day."

Queen Isabella asked again.

"You'd better ask Jessica herself about this question. I can't answer it for her."

In fact, it was what happened in the strange world that hurt her.

Queen Isabella put down her knife and fork and looked at Jenkins, while Jenkins continued to lower his head to deal with the food on the plate. The chocolate on the side couldn't wait any longer.

"Did you say bad things about me to her?"

"Why do you think so?"

Jenkins laughed and transferred the sliced ​​vegetables to the small plate of chocolate:

"Besides, even if I want to say bad things about you behind your back, I have to have solid evidence to say it. Could it be that you really have an illegitimate daughter of the same age as Jessica?"

This is an unreliable gossip in the market, which is the imagination of ordinary people about the royal family, so Jenkins's words are not abrupt, but it seems to be a satire on Queen Isabella's speculation about him.

"I don't have an illegitimate daughter, but I have done many things that are inconsistent with her ideas."

She sighed and talked to Jenkins about the meeting of the three kings. After Tarquin's death, the prince representing the Kingdom of Chesilan did not make any harsh demands in the negotiations because he still had to rely on the other two countries to "restore his country". He also tried his best to meet the deals and treaties proposed by Salhi II and Queen Isabella.

The news of the fire in the Southern Kingdom is now known to everyone. Coupled with the tension on the border, Chesilan has long been in chaos. The main content of the recent three-king talks is about disaster relief and sending troops. After a month, other topics have finally been basically agreed upon.

Among them, Chesilan made important concessions, while Isabella of Fidictli and Salhi II of Hampavuo reached a certain tacit understanding on the issue of the two countries. According to Dolores' report, it was the church that exerted a certain influence in it, and her and Jessica's words to the elders also played a certain role.

In short, the three-king talks are coming to an end, and Queen Isabella has received a formal letter from the church, inviting her to participate in another important negotiation.

In fact, it is a negotiation with the believers of the God of Lies.

The church will have the cardinal of the Holy See explain to her in person the end of the era and the position of the believers of lies later this week, so that the secular regime can understand the importance of the last negotiation to the world.

But she wanted to learn the whole story from Jenkins in advance, and Jenkins thought about it and revealed some details about the end of the world.

He had a deep understanding of the end of the era, so he could vividly describe the terrifying horror and terrible disaster without making it up. Jenkins tried to make things as bad as possible to let Queen Isabella understand what the next negotiation meant.

But he soon found that he could not imagine anything more terrible than the known end of the world, but fortunately, this was enough. The old man sitting at the other end of the long table had fully understood the horror contained in his words.

He nodded secretly in his heart. No matter how he felt about Queen Isabella, she was indeed a qualified king. Even if he successfully forced her to abdicate at the weekend, he had to let her know the importance of the negotiations with the believers of lies. The transfer of power cannot be completed in one or two days, but the final negotiations will most likely begin immediately.

Jenkins needs to prepare for both situations.

"Also, what are you and Jessica doing recently? I heard that you visited many people yesterday."

I didn't deliberately hide my whereabouts these days, so of course she would know.

"I plan to give a speech at the City Hall on the weekend, a speech about financial reform. The cases involved may be sensitive, so I need someone to support me."

He said half-truthfully.

"What case?"

While asking, he asked the maid waiting at the door to bring the dessert.

"Keep it secret for now, you will know when the time comes."

Jenkins asked the maid behind him to bring a new plate, and then he also distributed dessert to the cat.

"Regarding the proposal I made last time..."

"Sorry, I thought about it after I went home, and I still think it is most appropriate for me to become the king. Oh, by the way, Jessica also agrees with this idea."

He thanked the maid behind him, who blushed slightly, which made Chocolate a little unhappy. But considering that Jenkins was talking to others about important things while "serving" it for food, the cat would not lose its temper with Jenkins. It is a very well-behaved and sensible cat.

Chapter 1957 Chapter 1928 Final Preparation

"What if I take another step back?"

The old man across the table suddenly asked.

"Back off again?"

Jenkins hesitated for a moment, thinking about the last condition:

"How else can I back off?"

"I can take the initiative to abdicate and let you ascend the throne directly."


He put down the silver knife that he was going to use to cut food for Chocolate, and leaned forward slightly in Chocolate's somewhat dissatisfied eyes:

"This is really a big step back~"

"Yes, and the previous conditions remain unchanged. My private property can also be all yours after I die."

"Then what are the conditions? You insisted on letting Jessica succeed to the throne, and suddenly changed your mind. There must be a reason."

Although he looked calm on the surface, Jenkins' heart was actually in turmoil. If the other party abdicated directly, it would really save a lot of trouble.

"She has already moved into your house, what else can I do? If I continue to insist, Jessica will only continue to hate me. There are not many young people around me at my age, and I don't want to be surrounded by only these servants when I can't move."

If an ordinary old man said this, Jenkins would definitely believe it, but he didn't believe it at all:

"Okay, okay, just tell me the conditions. If I want to succeed to the throne, what do I need to do?"

"Wait for two years. Two years from now, I will take the initiative to give up the throne to you. During this period, if I die unnaturally, the throne will automatically belong to Jessica. Of course, you shouldn't worry that I will commit suicide. Since I promised to give the throne to you in two years, I will naturally not break my promise."

In the past, Jenkins might not understand this condition, but after going through the realm of possibility, he already understood that Queen Isabella liked Jessica not only because she treated her like a daughter, but also because she wanted the entire kingdom to continue to move forward along her path after her death.

She was very accurate in judging people, and she saw at once that if the heir was directly Jenkins, then the future Fidictli would definitely change greatly. But if it was Jessica who grew up beside her, those old order and regulations with clear Isabella's imprint could still survive for a long time.

Now Jessica took the initiative to stay overnight at Jenkins' house, and she didn't come to see her for two or three days, which made Queen Isabella confirm that Jessica was now completely on Jenkins' side. Even if she succeeded to the throne, the actual manipulator was Jenkins.

Therefore, the two-year deadline was proposed. On the one hand, it greatly eased the relationship with Jessica, and on the other hand, it gave her enough time to ensure that her political assets would not be easily liquidated.

"Two years? Sorry, I can't wait that long."

"I have calculated this time. You once said that you would marry the heir to the North Kingdom in two years. Wouldn't it be good to inherit my throne by then?"


Jenkins shook his head and didn't intend to further explain his motives, because there was no need at all. The other party's spirit was not enough to accept the fact that he was the savior of the end of the world. Now he was racing against time. If the other party proposed to wait for two days, he would agree, but let alone two years, he couldn't wait even for two weeks.

"What are you anxious about?"

Queen Isabella asked, not continuing to dwell on the topic of concession:

"I noticed that you are a little impatient today?"


"Of course, for the elderly, it is easy to understand the psychological activities of the young, which is probably why young people like you hate the elderly. You are unwilling to wait for two years, which means that you plan to force me to abdicate in the near future? I heard that Marquis Michael secretly dispatched some ships sent to the north back to the port outside Norland."

Jenkins did not speak, concentrating on preparing meals for Chocolate.

"I know you have never liked me, maybe because my way of doing things is very different from yours. I have investigated you, and I have also learned about your family and friends around you. In short, you are a... good person? But a good person cannot be a qualified king."

Another reason for opposing Jenkins' succession and preferring Jessica is that she believes that Jenkins cannot be a good king. There is no selfishness in this, and sometimes even Jenkins himself thinks so, so he needs the help of the three Jessica Windsors.

"Are you trying to persuade me to give up?"

"No, I can see your determination, and I don't want to cause unrest in the country at this time because of the dispute over the throne. Are you trying to force me to abdicate?"


Jenkins didn't intend to object.

"Then I hope it will be at least peaceful."

"That's what I hope for, too."

After that, the two of them didn't continue talking. After finishing their meals, Jenkins stood up and said goodbye.

Queen Isabella knew that Jenkins had made up his mind, and Jenkins also knew that he would never give up the crown easily. Maybe what will happen at the weekend will be more troublesome than he thought, but things are already in front of him, and Jenkins will not back down easily.

Because among the four king souls, except for Dolores's ice soul, the other three souls have all completed the awakening process. Therefore, Jenkins hopes to awaken the ice soul before the king soul is transferred, so that he can directly merge after he becomes king.

But the awakening of the king soul is very dependent on luck. The dragon soul is encountered by the giant dragon hunting, the tree soul is Jenkins closing the world tree seeds, and the dark soul is the catalysis of three superpositions plus three soul darkness.

Jenkins' speech is tentatively scheduled for Sunday morning, so there are still two days before that. In the remaining two days, Jenkins did not wander around the city, but searched for information about special items related to [Ice] in the church library.

During this period, Miss Befanna talked to Jenkins about the king soul. The church knew that Jenkins had the tree soul and the lie believers had the dragon soul. Taking advantage of Miss Befanna's questioning, Jenkins directly told the exact clues of the ice soul and the dark soul.

The latter showed an amazed expression:

"As expected of you, you can complete such a difficult task when we don't know. I know that you don't know where to go every day instead of attending meetings, there must be something important to do."

"The current difficulty is that the transfer of the king's soul has encountered problems. I asked the star spirit, and the star spirit said that I must become a king in the true sense to suppress the two possible heirs in terms of identity and complete the transfer of the king's soul... Otherwise, I can only extract the soul and forcibly seize it, but this is what those cultists will do."

"So, the weekend must succeed?"

She heard about this from Bishop Palod.

"Yes, it must succeed."

"Well, the church will fully cooperate with you, and the throne will definitely succeed. And if you can really get three king souls, we have sufficient reasons to borrow the flames you need from the Sun Church, and there is a certain possibility that we can ask for the dragon soul of the lie believers through transactions. In this way, the four king souls will gather, and the Sage Church will be among the twelve churches..."

The more she thought about it, the happier she became, as if she had seen a bright future.

Although Jenkins was also infected by this happy mood, the awakening of the ice soul was not completed before Sunday. Even with the help of the church, this kind of thing that relies on probability is not easy to solve.

Jenkins even went to consult Miss Audrey, but Miss Audrey's divination did not give a particularly clear direction, just saying that the subsequent development of things will be smoother, just need to wait patiently.

But Jenkins just didn't have the time to wait.

The time came to Saturday, and there was still one day before the speech at the City Hall. Early in the morning of this day, Jenkins rushed to the mansion where Salshi II was staying with chocolate in the drizzling morning.

After greeting the old king, he went to the basement with Alexia. Today is the day to return to the underground to ask [A4 type arithmetic auxiliary external machine] to calculate the divination results.

Jenkins has prepared sin coins for Alexia as the fare, but in the end Alexia paid for it out of her own pocket. She still had the last few coins left in her hand. It was just right to spend them this time, so that Jenkins could still keep some for emergencies.

Waiting in the basement is very anxious, especially the next intelligence will affect the next action plan. Jenkins wanted to go to the first floor to talk to Dolores, who had not yet left the house, but he was worried that Alexia might come back at any time.

Chocolate squatted on the steps of the basement, his head swaying as Jenkins stepped back and forth. The tail behind him swayed back and forth to lightly sweep the dust on the ground, but the dust did not stick to the tail. Chocolate was a very clean cat. Jenkins didn't even need to wipe its paws after taking it out and coming home - this was also because the cat didn't walk on the ground at all.

In short, waiting is a very anxious process. Jenkins paced back and forth while thinking about today's schedule.

Tomorrow is the day to publicly expose the tulip scam. Everything is ready, but he still decided to confirm today that the key figures and witnesses can appear on time.

The bigwigs of the church will also arrive at the city hall tomorrow to listen to Jenkins' speech. For this reason, the original date of the one-day recess was specially moved to tomorrow. Jenkins will also visit the other eleven churches one by one today to reveal some of his own ideas.

At present, the church only knows that Jenkins wants to force Queen Isabella to abdicate and use his speech as an excuse to gather people. But Jenkins takes the speech more seriously. After all, the throne is not just this one chance, but once the divinity is missed, it will be impossible for even the God of Lies to plan another big scam in a week or two.

Chapter 1958 Chapter 1929 The Difference Engine and the Strange Realm

He lowered his head and looked at his feet, because this is a house specially arranged for foreign kings. Even the basement is paved with floors. Jenkins stepped on it with his feet. The warm yellow wooden floor that was wiped too brightly could even vaguely reflect his appearance.

"No problem, I will succeed."

He whispered, and then heard an explosion from above.


The cat, whose head turned with Jenkins' movement, turned his head and then rushed to Jenkins' feet to prevent Jenkins from running too fast and dropping it here.

Jenkins' mouth twitched, and he was a little angry about the explosion that occurred at an inopportune time. But he failed to see the aura of the gifter, and it seemed that the explosion just now was not caused by the gifter.

When he returned to the first floor from the basement, he met a team of guards who wanted to go out in a hurry. The guards immediately escorted Jenkins and the three royal family members who stayed in the house into the basement for refuge, that is, Dolores and her two sisters.

There were not many Stuarts living in the mansion with Salhi II. After all, it was rare to go abroad, and no one wanted to be unable to enjoy themselves under the care of their father, especially when they were sure that they would not be the heir. Now Salhi II took the eldest princess to the city hall, leaving only Dolores and the other two princesses who had nothing to do.

"What's wrong?"

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