As the heir to the North Kingdom, Dolores originally sat next to Sarsi II. Now that she is gone, the seat is vacant. Jenkins asked Salshi II to move to Dolores's position, while he lay down and sat next to Queen Isabella without disturbing others.

The old man tilted his head, his eyes still looking at the energetic foreign princess in front of him, and asked in a low voice with his dry mouth:

"You didn't leave City Hall."

"Why should I leave?"

"The explosion just now..."

"About you?"

"How is this possible? Of course it has nothing to do with me. This is my kingdom."

This is the truth and it really has nothing to do with her.

"Did you expect something to happen today?"

Jenkins asked again.

"How is this possible? Of course not."

This time it was a lie, that is, Queen Isabella did not plan this incident, and the occurrence of this incident was not directly related to her, but she knew about it.

To put it another way, Queen Isabella knew that an accident would happen today that must be solved by Jenkins, so she still sat here calmly even after learning about the rumors of Jenkins' "conspiracy".

"You seem to be able to identify lies?"

She suddenly said again, and Jenkins raised his eyelids:

"This is not difficult for the Giver."

So the old man nodded, but said nothing. He seemed to be sure that Jenkins would not stay here for a long time.

She was indeed correct, and Jenkins quickly stood up and left. And Dolores finally ended her narration about the "Fabry Scam". After she walked off the stage, the podium was empty for a while.

Jessica, who was sitting with Bryony in the back row, saw that Jenkins didn't come back, so she got up and walked up. She had read the transcript of Jenkins' speech and knew what to do next. Next is the core interpretation of "Tulip Mania". Jenkins has used data to illustrate the abnormal increase in tulip prices, and Dolores has also compared the two, so continuing on is to talk about the harm of tulip mania.

The expression on the face of Queen Isabella in the first row changed for a moment, but soon returned to normal. Jessica, who was supposed to be sleeping in the mansion, appeared here. She knew it, but she didn't expect Jessica to take the stage so decisively. But even if it happens now, it will not have any impact on what happens next.

"The dangers of tulip mania" is a very complex topic, ranging from people's livelihood to urban stability, from the impact on future industries to the warnings caused by the success of the scam, all have to be explained. Jessica only hopes that Jenkins can come back as soon as possible. Although she can also speak, she thinks it is impossible for Jenkins to speak well.

In the audience, Queen Isabella turned around and said something to the old Duke Douglas behind her. The Duke hesitated and nodded.

Salshi II next to Queen Isabella had a smile on his face. The Duke of Windsor, who was sitting one seat away from the Duke of Douglas, tapped his knees with his fingers, an unpredictable calmness on his face.

At the same time, Sigrid, who accepted Jenkins' mission, had left the city hall. Among the ladies who were assigned tasks by Jenkins, her destination was the closest. After all, the apartment rented by the old elf Siam Nord was right next to the city hall.

She found the apartment at the address Jenkins provided, hesitated a little, and knocked on the door downstairs. The landlady who opened the door was puzzled by the appearance of the strange young lady, but Sigrid gained access to the house after telling her the false name Jenkins used every time he came to visit the elves.

She climbed up the stairs and knocked on the door of the old elf's house. I was originally worried that no one would be at home, but soon I heard the sound of slippers walking inside the door.

The door was opened, but there was only a gap, and the anti-theft chain was still hanging inside. The old elf looked out cautiously and saw a young girl he had never seen before.

"Sorry, are you..."

Chapter 1968 Chapter 1939 Elf’s Arrow

The old elf had heard of Sigrid from Jenkins, but had never seen her. Although Sigrid and Jenkins are both mixed-blood elves who have awakened the sacrificial lineage of the World Tree, the old elf has no intention of contacting Sigrid.

Jenkins also asked the reason, and the old elf's answer at that time was this:

[No one can guide you further on the path of nature and life, so you need me to be your temporary guide. But she is a member of the Church of Nature God, and I think there must be a more suitable teacher in the Church of Nature than me. Moreover, I am old and not as energetic as you young people. Guiding you alone is enough to give me a headache. 】

In short, the old elf had only seen Sigrid's photo from the news when Sigrid first met Queen Isabella. But the black and white photos of this era were not very accurate, so he did not immediately connect the girl in front of him with another descendant of the sacrifice.

"Jenkins asked me to come. Hello, I'm Sigrid Cape. Jenkins was in some trouble. He said..."

"Cape...oh~ yes, I understand, please come in."

He immediately opened the door and let Sigrid in. He wanted to go to the kitchen to prepare tea, but was stopped by Sigrid:

"Time is a bit tight now, so I'll just tell you the purpose of my visit."

She was also sizing up the old elf. When she accepted Jenkins' mission, she already knew that she was going to meet a pure-blood elf. She also knew that the old elf refused to reveal himself to the Zhengshen Church because he did not want to get involved in troublesome things. identity of.

For people living in the material world of this era, pure-blooded elves, like legendary dragons and demons, all live in stories and legends. No one can refuse to meet and talk with an elf, but after meeting, Sigrid found that the other person did not seem to be as elegant and charming as imagined, and was cast in a fairy tale color.

If we want to describe the first impression, the old man in front of him who has disguised his facial features is the same as an ordinary human old man. But he looked more energetic, as if he could live for a long time.

Of course, she concealed her views on the elves very well and told what Jenkins had arranged:

"Jenkins wants to know, do you still have [Elven's Arrow of Destruction] here?"

In the "Angel Falls" incident earlier this year, Jenkins used the Elf's Sword of Destruction to sacrifice Mr. Hood's father, the descendant of the cursed Kamel family, and combined it with the remaining power in the umbilical cord of the evil god's son, bending Shooting an arrow with a bow will damage one to four, directly changing the outcome of the battle with the fallen angels.

The conditions for using this arrow are very strict. It was barely used when defeating [Human Jigsaw] in the last era, but now in this era, he is not the only one who meets the conditions for use.

The problem is, the church doesn’t have such arrows right now.

"Arrow of Destruction? Oh, no, no, the last one was already the last one."

In the eyes of people other than Jenkins and the old elf, the arrow when the angel fell must have been shot by a believer in lies or by the little angel. Sigrid didn't know the truth originally, and Jenkins didn't tell her before coming. When I heard the word "last time" at this moment, my mind just turned around and I understood which time the so-called "last time" was.

"So Jenkins..."

She blinked. Although the emotions in her heart were like a tsunami, she still decided not to know what to do.

"Why do you use the term 'the last one'? The meaning of the last one shows that it was originally more than one. But I remember that the last time Jenkins used it, he only used one. What are the other arrows? In what circumstances is it used?”

Sigrid said that a few months ago everyone saw that although four angels were killed and wounded, it was actually an arrow that split apart.

The old elf was immediately at a loss for words, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

"Jenkins knows I still have arrows here?"

It took a long time to ask.

"No, he just asked me to try my luck. If you don't have one here, he planned to ask me to go to the altar under the old world tree to ask for help. Although it is a place used to make walking sticks for the descendants of elves, he Thought maybe arrows would work too (Chapter 1294).”

"Okay, no need to bother."

The elf shook his head, looking a little frustrated:

"I heard from Jenkins that the steps to go to that location are very troublesome, so there is no need. Yes, I still have an arrow here. I bought two at the beginning. Because of this, I missed the ruins expedition organized by Kamel. Avoiding the danger of death... You may know that this kind of arrow is forbidden even among elves. In addition to being dedicated to the great as a sacrifice, under normal circumstances, any elves use such arrows without authorization. The human equivalent of throwing a steam bomb at City Hall. I didn't want Jenkins to violate the archery rule twice, so I tricked him into only having one."

After saying that, he turned around and walked into the bedroom, opened the closet door and entered his "greenhouse". After a while, he walked out holding an exquisite wooden box:

"Since Jenkins specifically pointed out this kind of arrow, I think he must be in trouble. Take it away. You also need to find a bow. An ordinary bow cannot shoot this arrow. My bow was already damaged last time. Destroyed, but I think the Orthodox Church can solve this problem. Oh, and the arrow of destruction cannot touch metal, so you must use a wooden bow."

"Okay, I'll take the arrow back right away. Thank you for your help. Jenkins will come to thank you later."

"You don't have to be so polite. If you have time, you can come here. I think as a descendant of the elf priest, I can also teach you some knowledge."

Seeing Sigrid getting up after checking the arrows in the box, the elf also got up to say goodbye. Unexpectedly, Sigrid asked another question:

"Sorry, is this really the last arrow?"

The elf paused and looked at her, blinking unnaturally:

"Yes, the last one."

Without Jenkins present, no one could tell whether this was the truth or a lie. But that doesn't matter, at least not today.

In the city hall, Jessica already felt like she couldn't hold on any longer. Although she had read Jenkins' speech, she had not studied under Jenkins like Dolores, and she had personally presided over the kingdom's financial reform.

After removing the content of Jenkins' speech, Jessica actually had a very low level of understanding of the Tulip incident, which was entirely carried out by her.

Fortunately, the time came to half past ten, and the next break time came again. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and walked off the stage, wanting to join Bryony and ask where Jenkins had gone. But as soon as she reached the first row, she saw Queen Isabella clutching her chest and being helped out of the side door of the lecture hall.

After much hesitation, she followed him. As she disappeared outside the door, no one saw Jessica again until the break was over.

Queen Isabella came back before the break was over. The reporters who participated in the speech noticed her physical discomfort just now, but they only got a perfunctory reply of "It's a small matter, don't worry about it."

Only Jenkins and his cat knew the full content of Jenkins' speech. In addition, Jessica and Dolores only knew part of it.

Alexia should have known it, but she was busy with her own steps forward recently, so Jenkins didn't disturb her.

Now that Jenkins and Jessica were gone, Dolores wanted to get up and go on stage again. But Alexia held her shoulders and shook her head at her:

"Jenkins has been preparing for this for so long, do you think he would not expect this to happen? Not to mention, he did not arrange the next speech before leaving, which in itself shows that this guy has his own plan."

No one came on stage for a long time, and the mayor, Mr. Sax Ruto, who was the host of the city hall, could only announce that the break time would be extended by half an hour and promised that Jenkins would be back soon.

Now that Jenkins and Jessica were not there, he was not suitable to talk directly with the people of the Sage Church to inquire about the situation in public. Seeing that the princess of the North Kingdom was sitting still, he could only ask Queen Isabella:

"Your Majesty, now... do you know where the viscount is now?"

Mr. Ruto, who had a problem with his figure, asked in embarrassment.

"He probably has something important to do. We can wait for a while. I think he will be back soon. But if he is not back by twelve o'clock, today can only end regretfully for the time being."

He had no way to refute Queen Isabella, so he could only reluctantly nod his head. Sax Ruto has already stood on Jenkins' side, but under the current circumstances, it is really difficult to continue to let...

The main door of the lecture hall was pushed open, and Jessica walked in with Finnie and her friends.

Queen Isabella sat up straight, and the change in her pupils showed her inner surprise. Her eyes were fixed on Jessica, and she couldn't believe that she was here.

If Jessica, who was trapped in the mansion by her in the morning, had a chance to escape after she left the mansion, after all, after she left, no one in the mansion could stop Jenkins.

But just now, she witnessed Jessica swearing with her feelings for Jenkins that she would definitely return to the lecture hall before two o'clock in the afternoon. The handle of the Grand Duke of Windsor obtained many years ago was her most powerful weapon against the Windsor family.

But now Jessica appeared, which meant that she broke her oath after a short ten minutes, which was absolutely impossible in the eyes of Queen Isabella.

But in fact, it was not Jessica who came in. Jessica was waiting in the room upstairs. She would not joke about her marriage with Jenkins. It was hard to get it.

The one who walked in was Miss Windsor, the demigod queen in the world of possibilities. Miss J had already played a role once, and Miss J's body was still in the mansion, so of course she had to come on stage at this time.

And only she could come on stage. Without Jessica alone to manipulate the body created by Jenkins, their individual activities were only half an hour. Miss Windsor, as a gifter, had a spirit, so she had about ten minutes longer than Miss J, so she had to come.

Chapter 1969 Chapter 1940 Hathaway's Song

Miss Windsor did not have a good attitude towards Queen Isabella. In her world, both parents were harmed by each other. Therefore, she ignored the shocked old man and took the flower girls to the stage directly.

At this moment, she was in high spirits. After all, she finally found an opportunity to show her value. The former queen and the current Jessica have similar temperaments but also have essential differences, which is caused by the status of the king and the status of a demigod.

She just stood on the podium and looked down, and people instinctively felt the awe-inspiring temperament of this young lady. Temperament is something that cannot be explained, but it does exist:

"Viscount William will be back soon, and I will temporarily replace him now."

Because she was too surprised and noticed the familiar temperament of Jessica, Queen Isabella did not raise any objections at this critical moment. She seemed to see her youth vaguely. At that time, she was a few years older than Jessica. It happened that the previous king suddenly passed away, and Middleton could not find an heir for a while. After a series of discussions and exchanges of interests, she, a woman who was not a descendant of Middleton, became the queen.

At that time, she was probably so high-spirited.

"Please wait, where did Viscount William go?"

The old man did not speak, but the young Duke of Rochester behind her spoke. This young duke is the most loyal person in the Queen's faction. He played the role of inducing Jenkins in the "accidental poisoning" of Queen Isabella some time ago.

Miss Windsor did not answer immediately, but stood on a high place and looked at him. Looking into her eyes, the invisible pressure of being in a higher position made the Duke of Rochester very uncomfortable. He wanted to speak and break the atmosphere created by the young woman on the stage, but Miss Windsor took the lead and spoke first at the right time:

"The Viscount naturally has important things to do. The matter of tulips is not over. The last Fabry scam was dealt with after he exposed it, and this time, it is necessary to deal with it before everything is made public to prevent more serious problems."

It is a very reasonable explanation in itself, coupled with the convincing tough temperament of Miss Windsor, even the Duke of Rochester did not object.

He leaned forward and wanted to talk to Queen Isabella, but saw a surprising emotion from her side face:

"Your Majesty, why are you...crying?"

Queen Isabella trembled after realizing it, and then hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe her eyes:

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Listen to Jessica's speech. She must have a purpose for bringing so many children to the stage, which we don't know..."

Even Salhi II on the side could see how the queen, who had always been calm and steady, was losing her composure at this moment.

Miss Windsor didn't know much about Jenkins' original speech plan. It was Finnie who stopped her on her way and asked to take her friends to the stage.

The roles of Finnie and the flower girls were arranged by Jenkins in advance, so they could go on smoothly even if he was not there.

However, although Miss Windsor relied on her own means to temporarily let the speech continue, she could not always replace it. Jenkins had to appear, otherwise, no matter how successfully the tulip scam was exposed, it would not have any connection with the throne.

On the other hand, Hathaway, who also accepted Jenkins's task, had not arrived at the "Three Violins Club" in the east of Nolan by carriage until now because the destination was far away.

Last time Hathaway brought Jenkins and Britney to listen to the concert here, so Jenkins ran into the music cult meeting. In fact, they did not move their base because of this. Now this club is still the base camp of the music cult in Nolan.

Hathaway rushed into the club in a hurry. Because she was a familiar face, no one stopped her.

She went directly to the club's special member area on the third floor. This time, she did not enter the rehearsal room at the end, but turned into the corridor on the other side and pushed open the double-door golden wooden door behind the stairs.

Behind the door is the largest office in the club, but because the owner of this place has changed the decoration style very casually, it is now more like a musical instrument collection room than an office.

Behind the only brown solid wood desk whose original purpose can be seen, Miss Lydia Bernreiter, who is actually an archbishop, is holding a sheet music.

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