But the current job is to escort the goods to the manor of Viscount Augustus.

It was a rundown estate, nothing like what Jenkins had imagined. Because it was already autumn, the old housekeeper stepped on the fallen leaves in the yard to open the door to the carriage.

The two iron fence doors pushed outward were completely rusted into black and yellow, and a broken iron chain was thrown aside, like a black snake coiled in the fallen leaves.

The yard of the manor is very large, but the place where the gardening plants were originally placed has become a gathering place for wildly growing weeds and vines. On both sides of the crosswalk leading to the main hall of the manor, neatly arranged trees stretched out their branches, like the fingers of the old witch in the ancient story, winding into a terrifying image.

"The Viscount just moved here, and the manor hasn't had time to be tidied up."

The old butler explained and directed the two thin male servants to move the two large boxes from the carriage. He counted out a few crumpled banknotes with trembling hands and sent the coachman away before taking the lead to step up the steps.


The door to the front hall was pushed open with great effort by the old butler. The first thing Jenkins noticed was a huge oil painting facing the door. There was enough dust on it that it was impossible to tell the color of the clothes on the spirited old gentleman with the cane in the painting.

There is a damp smell unique to old houses in the air, probably because the servants are busy cleaning, but it doesn't seem deserted.

The only good thing is that the empty front hall has been cleared, the old tables and chairs have been moved to the wall, the damp and rotten carpets have also been removed, and a clean space has been cleared on the ground. The butler directed Here the footmen inspect the goods.

"I'm sorry for you to see this, Mr. Willamt. Viscount Augustus is in poor health and has been recuperating in the country. He recently moved back to Nolan."

There was some shame on the old butler's face. If the guests saw this, no matter who they were, they would feel embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. I've heard of this manor before. It seems to be the ancestral property of the Augustus family?"

It's not that I heard about it, but my father did a little research on the buyer of this batch of goods. After all, not everyone can come up with a large amount of money at once. The investigation results show that everything is normal with Viscount Augustus. He lives alone. He is 42 years old this year. He has not remarried since his wife died when he was 30 years old. This manor was built more than 200 years ago and was the summer residence of Viscount Augustus of that generation, no, Marquis Augustus.

With the decline of the Augustus family, the number of family members decreased, and the title fell to the viscount for various reasons. All of this information can be easily retrieved without any problems. There are many ancient families like this, such as the famous demon summoner family, the Asyash family, which is now the first target of investigation.

"Yes, the master missed the place where he grew up, so he came back. Please take a rest here and I will let them open the box."

The old man nodded, but had no intention of continuing the topic.

It was not a simple matter to check the contents of the two boxes. The old butler prepared some tea and snacks for Jenkins, and Viscount Augustus also came here later.

This is a frail middle-aged man with a haggard look, wearing a heavy cotton coat.

It was obvious to Jenkins that he was not in good spirits, but the Viscount persisted in talking to Jenkins for a while.

"Baron Williamt, it's our first meeting. It's an honor."

He stretched out his hand and shook it with Jenkins. Jenkins took the opportunity to observe that he was an ordinary person.

"Viscount Augustus, good morning. Oh, you know I'm an honorary baronet?"

He specifically bit the word "honor", and Mr. Viscount smiled gently.

"Yes. Since I don't like this title, I'll use the term 'Mr. Willamette'. You may not know yet, but the nobles in Nolan City have heard that Duke Douglas Jerod personally The king came and awarded a great writer the title of baron."

"Honorary Baron."

Jenkins reiterated.

"Okay, Honorable, ahem, ahem, Honorable Baron. Sorry, I'm not feeling well."

He coughed into his mouth with a white handkerchief and waved to Jenkins.

This shouldn't be a simple flu or cold. From the sound, there should be something wrong with the lungs.

"It's not pneumonia, is it?"

Jenkins picked up the tea cup to hide his nervous expression, thinking that he must find some rituals to expel the disease when he returned.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The Viscount balled up the handkerchief and stuffed it into the breast pocket of his coat, and Jenkins seemed to catch a glimpse of blood.

"I have been in poor health since I was a child, and I am a little surprised that I can survive to this day. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

He looked at the busy figures of the servants, watching the ancient objects being taken out from the boxes stuffed with straw, and smiled.

"I have liked the antiques of the ancient Hikali Kingdom since a long time ago, but the things that are truly handed down from that disappeared country are not something that a shabby viscount like me can afford."

"Actually, the difference between these imitations and genuine products is not big. It's just a matter of year. The artistic style and talent are the same."

Chapter 178 Chapter 174 Family

The Kingdom of Ancient Hikari was the most recent country to unify the continent, and the three major kingdoms grew up from its corpse. Although the Kingdom of Hikali has been dead for a long time, the three kingdoms that inherited most of its heritage have passed down art and culture very well.

He knocked on the table with his fingers and looked at Jenkins sitting opposite: "That makes sense. Well, I heard that Mr. Williamte now works in an antique store."

"It doesn't seem like you need to hear about it, right?"

Jenkins pointed to the two boxes beside him, and the Viscount shook his head apologetically.

"Sorry, I just wanted to find a suitable question to start this topic. In fact, I am really curious, are you really loved by the [Knowledge and Books] Church and become a candidate for the bishop of the Nolan Diocese, as rumored? I heard that this job was introduced by the current bishop.”

This issue is a bit sensitive, at least for the two people meeting for the first time, it is very sensitive.

Jenkins didn't answer, but picked up the cup again.

"Sorry, just curious."

The Viscount shrugged, "But don't worry, I'm just a run-down old nobleman. I don't have any bad intentions. Being sick in bed for too long has degraded my social skills."

Jenkins could clearly see that the old butler, who was checking the goods list, turned around and glanced regretfully at the pale Viscount Augustus, who smiled and nodded in response.

"This is not something to discredit the honor of the Augustus family. I have had physical problems since I was a child."

"Then I wish you good health."

Jenkins responded, not wanting to continue the conversation. But it was obvious that His Excellency the Viscount was very interested in talking.

"Were you also invited to the dance at the weekend? The one at the sanatorium not far from here?"

"Yes, Miss Michael invited me."

Jenkins nodded, suspecting that the body of the middle-aged man opposite him was not strong enough to support him in participating in social activities at night.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

"Miss Michael told me that the people attending the ball seem to be young people?"


Mr. Viscount's face with a gentle smile showed some interesting smiles:

"If Miss Michael refers to the young lady from Marquis Michael's family, then we should be talking about the same ball. I heard that originally this was an ordinary party with a social nature, but the people in the city Some big shots seem to be interested in the rumored new writer from the [Knowledge and Books] Church, so the number of participants in the ball is increasing, and the young writer should encounter some interesting things."

"Your Excellency, do you know something?"

The corner of Jenkins' mouth trembled. He first turned to look at the valets who were carefully carrying the antiques, and then asked the question with the viscount's expectant expression.

Augustus immediately showed a satisfied expression. He was almost forty years old, but he still looked like a child.

"I don't know anything, cough, sorry. We were just chatting... The rights possessed by the diocesan bishop of the Orthodox Church are definitely not inferior to those of ordinary nobles or officials, especially with a population like Nolan City Many dioceses. It has always been a common practice to contact certain potential young people many years in advance. I heard that the writer is very good at writing books, and I think he should also understand this. "

"should be."

Jenkins laughed dryly, wondering what Viscount Augustus was trying to tell him.

According to Jenkins' background check on the Viscount, he should be exactly what he said when he introduced himself - a rundown old aristocrat, so he shouldn't be someone's talker or white glove. If we exclude the premise that this person is mentally ill, then maybe he really just finds it interesting.

You should not speak freely or express your feelings to those people with whom you have only a superficial relationship and do not know each other well. Otherwise, you will bring trouble or even disaster to yourself. Even Jenkins understands this truth, but he did not go further on this topic.

The Viscount raised several more topics - the re-election of the Kingdom's Parliament, the scandal of Marquis Michael, and the progress of the murder of Duke Francis. However, he found that Jenkins had been listening to him without expressing an opinion, so he stopped in disinterest.

He looked a little disappointed. This patient who had been bedridden for a long time might really be depressed, or he might have a deeper meaning.

The two boxes of goods were quickly counted. Jenkins and the old housekeeper finally confirmed the items on the manifest and signed his name at the bottom.

He originally wanted to leave immediately, but was stopped by the Viscount.

"Dad's antique shop should also collect antiques, right? We found some copperware when we were cleaning up the house. If Mr. Oliver has time, please ask him to come over and take a look."


Jenkins cautiously agreed. Although he bought a large number of antiques, the Viscount's financial situation is probably not as good as that of him who has 8,000 pounds in cash. Selling some utensils left behind by ancestors to make a living can be regarded as a way for "broken nobles" to maintain their dignity. People who are unable to expand their family business and cannot be popular in social situations are destined to be eliminated by the times. The discerning nobles have already seen the changes that the power of steam has brought to mortals.

In an era of change, there are always people who will be crushed into meat patties by the wheels.

"Why don't I go take a look with you first, so that I can tell my dad when I get back."

The Viscount thought for a while and thought it was okay, so he nodded and asked the old butler to take Jenkins to take a look. His physical condition is not good and he needs to go back to rest.

"Please come this way."

The old housekeeper and Jenkins walked in front, and the male servants followed behind carrying two wooden boxes that had been resealed. They walked around the stairs into the corridor, and then opened the door to an empty room.

The door that was being scrubbed by the maid was covered in dust, but the original golden color could still be vaguely detected. Judging from the area of ​​the estate, we can also tell how powerful the original Augustus family was. Unfortunately, in this generation, there is only one heir left who is in poor health.

The Viscount doesn't appear to have any children, at least according to Dad's investigation. If there is no accident, this ancient family will soon be destroyed.

The purpose of this room in the past is unknown, but now it is used as a storage room for valuables.

While the butler was instructing the valet to place the boxes, Jenkins looked at the items placed around him. There are indeed many ornaments and ornaments in the style of the ancient Hikali Kingdom. It is true that Augustus loved these items. Therefore, his meeting and talking with Jenkins here was not the result of a deliberate arrangement.

PS: Two important modifications have been made to the previous article: First, I have reduced Barnard’s relic property by half, as the previous number was too large; second, the Arrogance Shield, or the entire set of [Armor of Courage], belongs to [ Sun and Justice] Church, not the previous version of [War and Victory] Church.

Because it involves an important plot later, I am correcting it here, sorry.

Chapter 179 Chapter 175 A gathering in a foreign country

A strange feeling came from his sixth sense, or instinct, and Jenkins looked at eight pots of the same style placed together. These pots are ordinary in shape, with common decorative patterns engraved on the slender body, and patterns on the handles indicating the purpose of casting.

This is not an antique, and although it is well made, it is not a work of art either.

Blinking, a faint yellow spiritual light overflowed from a pot.

"The color is very light. Is this a magical item blessed through a ritual?"

While thinking about it, Jenkins asked the old butler: "Excuse me, is that set of pots also a collection of His Excellency the Viscount?"

The old housekeeper slowly turned around, adjusted his glasses and looked this way:

"Oh, this is the new teapot I bought for the manor. I'll put it here temporarily. What, is Baron Williamt interested?"

The old butler originally called Jenkins Mr. Willamette. But after hearing the conversation between the two men, I consciously changed it to "Baron".

"The style is very exquisite. I have just moved into a new house recently and am still thinking about purchasing home furnishings."

The kind old housekeeper heard about this and proposed to give these pots to Jenkins as a gift for visiting the manor. Jenkins politely declined a few times, but only picked two of them to accept.

As for the antiques mentioned by the old butler, Jenkins believed they should be from before and after the establishment of the Hampavo Kingdom in this century. They are all ordinary items. Let’s ask dad for his opinion when we get back.

Standing at the entrance of the manor, the old butler waved goodbye to the carriage that Jenkins was riding in. When he turned around, he saw the viscount standing not far away.

"Sir, it's windy outside. Go back and rest quickly."

He hurriedly helped Viscount Augustus back. The viscount kept coughing and was forcefully pushed back into the house by the old man.

"It's okay, it's okay. I've been lying in the hospital bed for too long, and it's not easy to meet an interesting gentleman. Please let me take a few more looks."

"Are you talking about Baron Williamt? I really didn't expect that a baron, even though he is only an honorary baron, would actually be an apprentice in an ordinary antique shop."

As the old man spoke, he asked the servants to bring in chairs so that the sick middle-aged man could sit down and rest for a while.

"It is because of this that everyone thinks that the [Knowledge and Books] Church is considering him as a candidate for the next bishop. This is normal. The Orthodox Church always uses these methods to test young people."

The Viscount picked up the cup filled with hot tea and shuddered, then sighed:

"It's great to be young. Even a person like me who is about to die will envy this kind of life. Forget it, let's count the property of the manor again in the afternoon. Before the end, we must also count the assets of the Augustus family. What's left, otherwise those damn blood-sucking bugs will eat all the family's belongings! By the way, where is the key to the underground library?"

(chocolate sleep)

Sitting in the carriage and playing with the pot with yellow aura, Jenkins narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

According to his experience after coming to this world, anything related to the supernatural will cause Jenkins to encounter extremely unfortunate events. Although his fortune seems to have improved due to the golden ring, in other respects, Jenkins is still an unfortunate man.

He did not rashly inject his spirit into it. Randomly testing a spelled item of unknown origin was the most ignorant behavior. Only those ignorant people who became gifted by accident and did not go through systematic study would do this.

Thinking about what to do with this thing, he unconsciously rubbed his fingers on the lid of the pot. After grinding, an inexplicable suction force suddenly appeared from the finger, and a strange man's voice rang in his ears.

Then, his vision went dark, as if he was swallowed by a deep abyss, bells rang in his ears, and several shadows vaguely appeared in the darkness.

After calming down, I was now in a huge enclosed dark room, but my five senses seemed to be weakened.

Hundreds of golden candlesticks were lit and quietly placed at the edge of the dark room to form a largest circle; inside the circle, strange characters written by unknown substances emitted a faint fluorescence, forming a slightly smaller circle; and in the center was a round table, five strangers wearing black robes and masks sat at the table, and the main seat of the round table was a man hanging upside down, he was wearing a burnt yellow robe, but the robe did not hang down due to gravity.


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