In order to find out what the extra thing was, Loen submitted reports on all abnormal situations within two months. It was obvious that the unknown object had appeared before Salshi II and his party arrived in Loen.

Although the focus of the world has been on Nolan in the past two months, in fact, frequent abnormal events have occurred everywhere. The pile of reports delivered through special means can easily fill an entire room. After all, there are many more churches in Loen than in Nolan.

The most important thing Nolan lacks now is the clerical staff who can look through the documents. With the efforts of the Sage Church, he was able to pinpoint the suspicious points in the documents within two hours. After comparing it with more large and complex data on strange objects, the truth of this incident was basically determined.

Although there are very few numbered items that involve space, there are many numbered items that have the ability to interfere with space. For example, almost all humanoid numbered items can move in limited space in the material world.

The strange thing that appeared this time was identified as A-06-2-4129 [Blizzard Ghast], which is as famous as A-11-2-3046 [Victim in Blizzard] that Jenkins once encountered. Strange objects in snowfields and snow-capped mountains.

[Blizzard Ghast] will only appear in blizzard weather. After comparing the weather records, the church determined that it appeared around Loen on Tuesday three weeks ago. This kind of strange thing does not have a specific shape, but is similar to the greedy one in "The Battle of the Treasure Hunters". In a way that people cannot identify, it transforms into a physical human individual and appears in human settlements.

The initial evil spirit will enter the settlement along with the travelers who have experienced the snowstorm, and then live with the travelers, and gradually improve the memory image in the minds of everyone around them.

It will subtly become a part of this settlement, and after it is sure that it is completely stable, it will bring back more evil spirits from the wild in blizzard weather. Of course, these weird things will not live peacefully with people. Their appearance will change the climate of the entire settlement in the next ten years to a certain extent.

At the same time, due to the emergence of evil spirits, the stability and prosperity of the settlement and even the mental state of the people living there will be greatly affected, and the impact is subtle and difficult to detect. [Blizzard Ghasts] will not directly kill people, but they can cause imperceptible changes in the settlement, until over time, a complete human settlement will completely decline.

This usually takes many years, so in an area with a church, it is difficult for the evil spirits to go undetected before accomplishing their ultimate goal.

When the number of evil spirits in a settlement exceeds a certain limit, some of them will migrate with travelers. Roen is currently conducting a self-examination. Since something followed Sarsi II and his party, it means that there are already many evil spirits in Roen.

This kind of evil spirit is extremely sensitive to space fluctuations. Any special space force will cause the evil spirit to counterattack in self-defense.

This manifests itself in letting a cold snowfield that does not exist in the material world overlap with the material world, causing everything around it to fall into the snowfield. The area cannot be opened until all living creatures pulled into the snowfield have turned into [Blizzard Ghasts].

Reacting with specific spatial forces can only be regarded as a very inconspicuous characteristic of [Blizzard Ghast]. The church's research on this kind of strange thing mainly focuses on how to identify and prevent it.

Therefore, even though the general situation is now known, there are still no good countermeasures for rescue. The church can use some special means to open spaces that cannot be opened, but no one knows what is going on inside.

Jenkins read the information carefully, then put the documents on the table, raised his head and said to Miss Strace who was standing on the other side of the table:

"Since it is ice and snow... I think this is probably fate hinting to me... You are responsible for opening a temporary gap, and I will enter it to carry out the rescue."

No one considers believers of lies to be saints who risk their own death to rescue people they don't even know. But they also did not link him to Jenkins, but believed that the believers of the lie wanted to rely on this to gain access to Salhi II.

"Don't be stupid. I don't know what's going on inside. Risking your life to bet on the odds? Oh, I'm not that kind of person."

He retorted, and then asked directly if the church agreed to this cooperation.

Even if the church scratches its head, it will definitely not be able to figure out what this strange man wants to do. The church originally wanted to discuss it and at least clarify the purpose of lying to believers, but Jenkins spoke very loudly, and Alexia in the other tent heard his request, so she exposed the matter in front of everyone in the church. He told Dolores:

"The believer in lies wants to save your father."

So Dolores also expressed her views to the church:

"Agree to the stranger's request. If I can't see my father, then you won't see any members of Hampavo around the negotiating table."

Originally, you could agree or refuse. After Dolores added a small weight, this issue no longer needed to be discussed. The church agreed to let Mr. Candle enter that specific area of ​​space. Considering that the situation inside was unknown and it was likely that he would never come out after entering, the church did not arrange for his companions.

But the church also promised that if Mr. Candle does not come back, the church will do its best to rescue him.

"I just hope that when I get out, you can bring a reply from Mr. Oliver."

He said, taking the cat off his shoulder. His eyes scanned the busy people in the camp, and finally he chose to stuff the cat into his arms instead of leaving it behind. Leaving the cat behind was something that only Jenkins would do, and he didn't want to blow his cover by doing the same thing.

Of course, what comes next will be very dangerous, but Jenkins is also confident that he can protect his cat from harm.

Soon, a strange man with scorched complexion and sunken eyes came to the camp, escorted by a team of night watchmen, holding a slender wooden box that was half a person's height.

He and Jenkins came to the outskirts of the smoke group. After Jenkins' eyes caught the black light at the edge of the snowfield, the group stopped. The stranger took out a golden scimitar with a desert style from the wooden box:

"Only 3 seconds."

He spoke in Fidictri with a very unrecognizable accent. After seeing Jenkins nod, he held the knife in his right hand and slashed as if he was about to split the space in an astonishing way - no, he really split the space. , with the help of the weapon with extremely strong red aura, the continuous sound of glass breaking rang in the ears with one blow.

An unnatural hole suddenly appeared in the fog in front of me, like oil paint peeling off an oil painting. An extremely strong cold wind blew from the entrance of the cave, causing Jenkins to shiver violently:

"What kind of knife is this so powerful?"

Without any time to think, he rushed forward and fell in with his cat as the hole kept shrinking.

Passing through a blocked space in this way is different from moving through a strange realm. The current situation is just passing through a layer of barriers, so it is not considered a space transfer. Naturally, Jenkins will not feel serious discomfort caused by the space transfer.

But it was still not a good experience for me to suddenly fall into two feet (about 0.6m) of snow on a warm summer night. His body had not yet adapted to the temperature. After falling to the ground, he immediately jumped up like a spring:

"It's so cold~"

The coat given by the sage was summoned from his spirit. It was as if warm water was poured from his head. Even his face and hands that were not covered by clothing became warm.


While Jenkins was fastening the button from bottom to top, Chocolate poked its furry little head out from the collar. The ridged little ears pressed against Jenkins' chin, but Chocolate didn't pay attention. Instead, he stared at the snowy field in front of him with wide eyes.

"You have to be careful not to take off your clothes, otherwise a gust of wind can freeze you into a small lump of ice."

This was no joke to scare the cat. The temperature in this snowfield must have been below minus 30 degrees. Just the low temperature is enough to be fatal, not to mention the inexplicable spirit that spreads everywhere in the space, sending the chill deep into the bone marrow and soul directly into the living body.

This coat given by the sage has been of great help. Otherwise, just using fire and spirit to resist the cold would be strenuous enough, not to mention that once a battle breaks out, even a hint of coldness that makes the joints sluggish may lead to more serious consequences.


The cat rubbed Jenkins' chin with its little ears, and then, as if it was bored by the white scenery in front of it, it retracted its head, curled up on Jenkins' chest and stopped moving.

Jenkins looked at the place in front of him. There was such a strange environment, and it was a space "beyond the material world." It made him unconsciously think of the "Kingdom of Shadows" he went to last fall.

This is probably the country of the Lord of Winter [Lord of Winter]. He had dealt with this Lord once. It was in Loen this winter. He took a train to the northern continent with the support troops of Loen. Ice Cap, fight together against the "Snowman Legion" that has become a disaster. On the way, I encountered the ice and snow palace, learned about the past of the Stuart family, and obtained all the five pieces of white ice.

"I don't know what I will encounter this time... In such cold weather, Salsi II won't be frozen to death, right?"

This is not impossible, but highly probable. No matter what the reason was, Jenkins wanted to save him, so he planned to call out the unicorn and fly to high altitude to take a look at the nearby terrain.

However, the ability has no effect after use. The special space environment prevents the unicorn from breaking through the space wall and appearing.

So I could only summon the high stool, then sit on the stool and fly up. It was a pretty undignified way to fly, but luckily no one saw it.

Chapter 2000 Chapter 1970 The Smoking Old Man

This world that is extremely unfriendly to life is not known to be a projection of the world dominated by the master, or a part of the world dominated by the master directly coincides with reality.

Because of the uncertainty, and in order not to cause more trouble, Jenkins did not choose to use seeds to forcibly transform the snowy landscape.

Sitting on a high stool and flying into the sky, snowflakes actually started to fall in the clear sky, and as Jenkins flew higher and higher, the snow became heavier and heavier. This is certainly not weather that the real world can have. Jenkins believes that this is the rule of the dominant world.

Mr. Augustus, who transformed into the messenger of death, once said that the world of the Lord has strange rules that are completely different from the material world and is not suitable for living people to survive at all. As far as the current environment is concerned, except for guys like Jenkins, gifters below demigods would probably freeze to death if they came in.

I was worried that I was looking for a needle in a haystack, but I didn't expect to see a series of low hills standing in the distance soon after taking off. After flying closer, I could clearly see a series of messy footprints on the ground.

Those hills blocked the edge of the snowfield like a barrier. After Jenkins flew high against the snow, as the hills got lower in front of him, he actually saw that there was still a plain behind the hills, a plain sandwiched between four mountain ranges.

On that plain, facing the shining sunshine, stood a prosperous huge kingdom made of ice and snow.

This was a scene seen at a very high altitude, so he couldn't see the details of the building and the appearance of the creatures living in this kingdom clearly.

He wanted to fly over the hills and fly closer to observe, but at the top of the mountain, with a "bang~", Jenkins, who was flying quickly, realized that he seemed to have hit an invisible barrier, and then fell down in the wind and snow with the high stool.

Because the distance to the top of the hill below was very close at this moment, he just retrieved the high stool and let himself fall into the snow.

The snow layer above the hill was much thicker than that in the plain. Jenkins fell directly into the snow layer. When he stood up, the snow surface was actually above his waist.

"What's the situation?"

He struggled to move in the snow, relying on the gift of fire to clear the road in front of him, and finally touched the invisible barrier:

"Is this the barrier of this space?"

He guessed, but since he couldn't see the kingdom with his own eyes, he turned around and continued to look for the missing group. The footprints of the group were still fresh and not covered by the wind and snow. If you count carefully, everyone should be in the team.

Just advance to the middle of the mountain, you will see a temporary camp with no one in it. In the camp, the team is divided into two, and Jenkins randomly chooses one of them.

Going up again, soon this road is actually divided into two again, one part continues to go up, and the other part chooses another road to go down the mountain.

Jenkins stared at the two parts of the footprints for a while, and the cat on his chest happened to stick its head out to breathe, so he asked Chocolate:

"Which way should we go?"

Chocolate looked up without hesitation, so Jenkins continued to move forward with the footprints.

The footprints along the way belonged to 13 different people. Jenkins did not have the ability to distinguish the details of the human body through the footprints, so he could not guess whether he had found the right person. But he was surprised that everyone was still alive after walking for so long.

But then he thought that those who could walk and leave footprints were not necessarily alive, so his mood suddenly became bad.

Jenkins did not find the group first, but on the way up, he actually met a stranger.

It was an old man wearing a short shirt and shorts, carrying a bamboo basket on his back and a straw hat on his head. When Jenkins saw him, he was curled up behind a huge rock to avoid the wind. But because of the extreme cold, the whole person had fainted, and even curled up into a ball could not save the rapid loss of body temperature.

In this kind of place, it is better to have less trouble than more, but Jenkins walked a few steps and turned back to rescue the other party. The old man just fell into a coma because of a rapid drop in body temperature. It was a piece of cake for Jenkins to treat such injuries.

When the other party opened his eyes and saw Jenkins, he couldn't understand the first sentence:

" @#¥ @%¥ @#"

It was a completely incomprehensible language, and the pronunciation was a bit like the dialect of the Seventh Age, but Jenkins had only heard of this pronunciation and knew nothing about the language of ten thousand years ago.


He tried to communicate in modern common language, but the other party certainly didn't understand it. After thinking about it, he switched to ancient Elvish. This time the other party understood and was able to answer in poor Elvish:

"Oh, look at your ears, you must be a half-elf!"

"Yes, I'm a half-elf."

"My former neighbor was a half-elf, but he wasn't as good-looking as you."

He held Jenkins' hand, used the force to sit up, leaned against a big rock, and took out a small paper box from his arms:

"Do you mind if I smoke?"

Jenkins thought he had heard wrongly. Even if he was rescued, he would definitely pass out in half a minute at the current temperature:

"No mind... Are you sure you want to smoke?"


He took out a very crude hand-rolled cigarette from the paper box, and then took out a match from the folds of his shirt sleeve. He scratched it on the stone behind him, and in this wind and temperature, the ordinary match was actually lit.

The old man held the cigarette in his mouth, holding the match in his right hand tremblingly close to the end of the cigarette, and his left hand covered his mouth to prevent the match from being blown out. Then the match really lit the cigarette. The old man shook his hands, threw the extinguished matchstick into the snow, and then took a deep breath. When he blew out the smoke ring, his face was ruddy and his expression was happy, as if he had just taken a warm bath.

This is not normal in any way.

"I guess you are not from here."

He leaned against a big rock and said, seeing Jenkins staring at his cigarette and nodding, he smiled and coughed a few times:

"Occasionally, people from other places do fall into our place. You are lucky, and I am lucky too. Ahem, come with me later, wait for me to finish this cigarette. Ahem, you really don't want one? Oh, well, what a pity."

"Actually... I didn't fall in. How should I put it... a certain world overlapped with where I live."

Hearing him say this, the old man calmly nodded with a cigarette in his mouth:

"I encountered this when I was young. So this is the case. It seems that I can't leave. I have to wait until you leave before I can leave."

"Do you understand the current situation?"

"I understand. Although it doesn't happen often, it's not new. Young man, I'm afraid your trouble is bigger than mine?"

As the old man spoke, he held the cigarette between his right thumb and middle finger, pointed the cigarette butt at the snow, and tapped it gently with his index finger to let the ash fall.

Chapter 2001 Chapter 1971 People on the Snowy Mountain

"It's okay. It's not hard to leave."

Seeing Jenkins's sad face, the old man who was smoking changed the subject and pointed in the direction from which Jenkins came:

"There is a temple over there. Find the temple and sincerely express your desire to leave. As long as you don't offend this world and your luck is not too bad, you should be able to leave. Remember, it's a temple, not a shrine. This is easy to distinguish. Temples are usually extremely dilapidated and full of dangers. Don't touch any temples in the snowfield. They are remnants of the past."

As he spoke, he even drew a route map on the snow with his fingers:

"It's hard to find a temple if you're not a local. You're really lucky, and of course, I'm also pretty lucky."

As he spoke, he blew out a smoke ring again. His movements were quite skillful. He must be an old smoker.

"I want to ask some questions about this place."

Jenkins said again.

"You ask, but I can't answer everything. You know, it's better not to know some things."

"I understand. May I ask, what are you doing?"

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