"Yes, I've been out collecting herbs for years, and I know a lot about the strange things in the snow. But don't be afraid of that thing, this kind of thing dare not kill people directly in the snow, it will only lure you into a trap or a dangerous situation where you can't save yourself."

"Then do you know this?"

Then he took out the golden dagger again, and nodded with a wry smile:

"It's this thing, the old sacrificial tool, and also the tool used by the Blizzard Evil Spirit. This is an item with a curse, but it can also prevent people from freezing to death in the snow. It's best not to use it, using it will bring disaster."

"Do you know how to deal with the Blizzard Evil Spirit?"

"Destroy all the weapons of the evil spirit to permanently eliminate it, usually four pieces of gold, silver, copper and iron. This is not easy to do in your world, but here, in the hiding place of the weapons, it's easy."

The church's records only have ways to expel [Blizzard Evil Spirits], but no way to permanently eliminate them. It turns out that this is the reason. Perhaps most of the weird things are immortal because their weaknesses are not in the material world at all.

"So is there anything else we need to pay attention to for this kind of thing?"

"Sometimes it's really hard to distinguish them from ordinary people, but as long as you pay attention, you can easily find the flaws. Throw silver, which must be high-purity silver metal, onto the shadows of these things, and their shadows will subconsciously avoid it."

Jenkins showed a look of realization. As a gifter, he had all kinds of ritual items that looked like rags, including high-purity silver, which was required for most divine rituals.

"I understand, thank you for your help."

"No, I should thank you for your help. After finding all the companions, go back through the temple as soon as possible. If you leave, we can leave too."

So Jenkins and the other two did not stay for long and separated from the old man and his family. The old man and his family of three huddled together behind the huge stone, and only when they walked far enough away did Salhi II whisper to Jenkins:

"Although I am not a gift giver, the person I met by chance happens to know everything we need to know. This is not normal no matter how you think about it, right?"

"Of course it is not normal, but there is no need to think too much. Maybe someone is helping us."

"Who is it?"

He looked around with the royal guards who heard this conversation, and even looked up at the sky, as if expecting to see a figure.

"I don't know, but I heard that the ancestors of the Stuart family have a deep connection with the power of ice and snow? Maybe your ancestors are helping you."

"No, how is this possible."

Although he denied it, the old king still had a red face:

"How can we always rely on the power of our ancestors? Speaking of which, I met the ancestor some time ago. He warned me through the mirror that the family should take the right path."

It seems that he really believed what Jenkins said.

Although destroying the four items of iron, copper, gold and silver can defeat the [Blizzard Evil Spirit], it also means that ordinary people in this line will lose their shelter. So Jenkins decided to find the temple that left here first, and after sending the people around him away, he would slowly deal with the evil spirit that ran away to an unknown place.

He summoned the metal book and let the bronze mechanical bird that could barely share vision with him fly high into the sky. While the three of them were going down the mountain, the bird had left the range of the hill and was hovering over the snowfield.

Interestingly, the location of the temple was not far from where Jenkins and Chocolate "landed" in this world. To be precise, if he did not choose to move towards the hill, but went in the opposite direction, he would be able to see the shadow of the temple complex in about five minutes.

The temple seemed to still be used by people, not dilapidated, but shining in the snowfield in the sun. But there was a force near the temple that Jenkins could not figure out that was automatically defending, so as soon as the bronze bird approached, it was automatically dispelled into metal pieces and disappeared before landing.

But fortunately, the target was found smoothly. Jenkins summoned his high stool and let the old king sit on it. He and the guard grabbed the crossbar on the side of the high stool and flew to the destination at a very high speed.

The middle-aged guard's arm strength was obviously not as good as Jenkins'. Less than five minutes after takeoff, he was exhausted and let go of his hand. In the end, Jenkins had to hold on, and finally the three of them could land safely near the temple.

"I don't know whose temple this is, but it is likely to be the master of this world. You will follow me in a while. Don't ask too much, don't look too much, don't say too much, don't think too much, it's best to close your eyes and ears and pretend to be a fool. In short, don't do anything for a while, let alone try to check the decoration inside the temple."

There is a clear difference between temples and churches. Jenkins has heard this many times in his father's popular science of mystical knowledge. Compared with the churches in the material world, the decoration style here is more gorgeous and exaggerated. The deeper you go inside, the more you can feel the decoration style here, just to make the entrants feel awe and keep awe.

After passing through two ice arches, a person wearing a white hooded cloak came up. Because the whole person was in the clothes, it was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman. The cloak was outlined with thin ice blue lines, and the bottom of the cloak was a darker blue, forming a water pattern on the edge of the cloth.

This was probably a sacrifice from the temple, Jenkins guessed.

"Please follow me and move on. These two will wait here for a moment."

He used the lingua franca of the material world, and his words were clear and pronunciated, so all three of them could understand him. Salshi II looked a little worried, but Jenkins still followed the cloaked man's request, leaving his companions where they were, and then followed the cloaked man deeper.

Chapter 2005 Chapter 1975 [The Meaning of Dominance]

Along the sermon paved with square ice stones, Jenkins followed the cloaked stranger into the deepest part of the temple. The temperature here is even colder and the decorations are all made of ice.

Beneath a large holy symbol that Jenkins could not identify, he saw a woman. Just by looking at his back, Jenkins felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He had this feeling twice in total. The first time was when he was talking with "Mr. Augustus" in a strange situation, and the second time was with "Sig." Lid"'s conversation in the strange place.

This time it was finally no longer a strange place, but the personality of the person he was talking to seemed to be the same. The thing in front of me is definitely not the real body, it should be a "possession" similar to the previous two times.

"But that's not right. I have a deep connection with life and death, so that's why I was approached by those two. But I don't seem to have much to do with the power of ice."

He thought about it carefully, recalling in his memory all the things he had encountered in the past year that had no follow-up.

"The soothsayer girl Ovia I met in the dream in Black Town... later received her help in [Night Manor], and knew that she was still alive, and she also wrote " "Dead Sin: The Beast of Disaster" but she has nothing to do with the power of ice and snow."

While thinking about it, the white-robed priest who led Jenkins here had disappeared. Standing in the center of the huge and empty temple, Jenkins looked at the woman in front of him with her back to him, at least judging from her figure, she was a woman at a loss.

"Are you wondering?"

The sound seemed to appear from above the head, but when I looked up, I could only see the magnificent temple dome made of ice crystals flashing, which was the color of the sunlight transmitted through it, but no one could be seen above.

"Yes, very confused. I probably know who you are, but I didn't expect you to come to see me in person. Oh, I haven't said hello yet. Ahem, it's an honor to meet you, the controller of ice and snow."

He bowed slightly and pressed down the little kitten's head that was sticking out of his chest again.

"Hello, young new god."

The other party said:

"It is true that you and I are not deeply involved in fate, but maybe you still remember that I once asked the souls in my kingdom to remind you of your essence."

In other words, what the ancestor of the Stuart family said, "Your essence is your original posture," was actually a hint given by the master of ice and snow.

"Thanks you."

he said.

"No need, even if I don't say it, someone will definitely say it. I came to see you just for one thing."

The golden stream of light drifted from the woman with her back to Jenkins to the front of Jenkins. A round table made of ice was formed in front of him from top to bottom. On the round table were placed silver cups, round emblems and a crystal-clear ice bracelet.

"I need you to do something for me, and you can make this a deal."

"Please say."

"Whether or not you can handle the disasters of the 18th century in the material world, the smoke covering the sky will definitely bring about a long winter."

The savior only determines the intensity of the disaster, and the disaster is bound to happen. As for whether it is the end of civilization or just an abnormal weather change that lasts for several years, it depends on the final decisive battle. Therefore, even if Jenkins defeats the difference engine, it is impossible to make the abnormal gray fog disappear immediately.

"The arrival of cold winter will determine the beginning of the nineteenth century, which is closely related to my power. If you are willing to give the round emblem in front of you to the [Church of All Things and Nature] in the material world after you leave here, Then not only can you gain my friendship, but the bracelet on the table can also be yours."

"Sorry, I was wondering, if I agreed to do this, what would this lead to?"

"This will lead to an event a thousand years from now, and you could think of me as preparing for the nineteenth century, or even the twentieth century."

"Will it lead to very serious consequences? In other words, this will lead to very beneficial consequences in the material world."

"It's hard to say, after all, fate is never clear. And it's not just me who does this, and it's not just me who likes to place chess pieces in advance."

Jenkins was silent for a while:

"Then the ancestor of the Stuart family received one of the [White Ice Five] in the long-ago era. Was it because you foresaw my appearance in advance?"

"It's up to you to understand this."

"Okay, I agree."

"There is no need to feel any pressure. This may not affect anything. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future?"

Jenkins thinks the hosts must be right.

"The bracelet is yours. This can probably be regarded as a numbered item in human cognition in the material world. Its function is to allow the wearer's body to turn into ice and snow in a short period of time. During this period, the wearer can fly and pass through narrow areas. seam, climate change..."

Jenkins was overjoyed. Although the bracelet was only Class B extraordinary, it was already very useful.

"But only for women."

"This...I don't believe this is a coincidence."

Since the other party gave something to Jenkins, there was no need to limit its use.

"Theoretically speaking, beings outside the material world should not interfere with the changes at the end of the era. Helping you is actually interfering. I have no intention of changing the cycle that has existed since the birth of the world, so I added this restriction "

Jenkins picked up the bracelet, thought about it, and looked down at the cat that poked its head out of his chest again. Vanilla happened to look up at this moment, and after meeting Jenkins' eyes in an awkward posture, she understood what he was thinking, and immediately shrank her head back in panic.

"I can't help you directly."

So it can indirectly help Jenkins, that is, just give this bracelet to other people. Considering that the task entrusted to Jenkins by the other party was to deliver a round emblem, this transaction was quite reasonable.

"New God, this bracelet can only be regarded as a small gift. The silver cup next to it is also a gift. After drinking it, the ice soul will awaken. Don't be surprised, the awakening of the ice soul is destined, so this does not count. Helping you is just pushing your destiny forward.”

After hearing what she said, Jenkins picked up the cup and drank the transparent liquid inside. At first it felt like cold mountain spring water, but soon I felt that the water was flowing down my throat, freezing my mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach.

Subconsciously, he wanted to touch his throat, but what he touched was still warm skin. When I felt it again, the freezing feeling had disappeared, and the slender blue flames on my chest were burning brightly.

The ice soul awakens.

"So simple?"

"Do you think it'll be troublesome?"

The woman smiled and then said:

"This thing was created by me just to make you appear here. After that, I will send you and your group back to the material world. But the evil spirit will also follow you back. How to distinguish it requires You figure it out yourself.”

Jenkins already knew the solution, and he seriously suspected that the person in front of him was the one who sent the information to him. Otherwise, it would make no sense that the family of three would meet everyone on such a large snowfield.

"Before you leave, you may ask me a question as my apology for getting you involved with these mortals."

"Can I ask any questions?"

"You can ask, but I may not answer."

Jenkins thought for a while, and there was a high probability that the other party would not answer the topic of how to defeat the Difference Engine and the end of the era. Since I just thought of the soothsayer girl I met in a long time ago, it is better to ask about her current situation. This must have nothing to do with the disaster in the 18th century, so I can get the answer:

"Do you know about a book called "Criminal Sin: The Beast of Disaster"? I want to know how the author of this book is doing now."


He did not refuse to answer the question directly, but hesitated, which showed that the other party had nothing to do with the end of the era.

"Actually, she is a friend of mine. We haven't seen each other for a long time... really long time. She has helped me more than once. I still use her notes to study, although the effect is not very good. , but I can feel the effort she put into writing that note for me in the cold winter when vampires were infested.

Since she has survived until now, she must no longer be a mortal. You don't need to be embarrassed, I don't want to know who she is, I just want to know, how is she doing now? "

"Are you sure you just want to know this? Maybe you can ask a more valuable question."

"No, I just want to know this."

"Well, young god, your friend is doing well now, and she has looked at you more than once."

"Is that so? That's great."

A pleased smile appeared on Jenkins' face, and Chocolate took the opportunity to poke her head out again. After confirming that Jenkins didn't want to put the bracelet on her head, she retracted with peace of mind.

"I am not completely answering this question for you, so you can ask another question."

The woman said again.

"No, I'm not that greedy. This is enough. Please send us away now."

"In that case, let me reveal some information. You will know it sooner or later."

"Thank you for your generosity."

"Do you know the meaning of the Lord's existence?"

“Separate the world tainted by sin so that the material world can reenter the next cycle to accumulate sin?”

"This only means something to the world, but what about the meaning to the masters?"

"God was promoted to Lord and received the honor of saving the world."

"Just honor?"

Jenkins blinked:

"Sorry, I don't know."

"Then, you can get the answer from the [Creation Slate]."


He hesitated and said:

"Why should I know the answer to this question?"

"Young new god, I can only answer one question."

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