It just took off and then landed, letting the little beast leave temporarily. He picked up his sword from the air, and then walked quietly along the alley. At the other end of the alley, he saw a gray, indescribable four-legged monster, crawling on the ground, planning to bite the man who fell to the ground in panic not far away.

"Creepers in the fog?"

These are strange creatures that appeared in the fog after the first mutation of the gray fog. They are integrated with the fog, and even if they are destroyed, they will be reborn after a certain period of time. Theoretically, wherever there is gray fog, such monsters may appear. Therefore, the church has increased the frequency and intensity of night patrols, but there will always be some unlucky guys.

Swinging out his sword, the sword light split the monster in half and left a deep mark on the ground. No corpse appeared, and the monster slowly turned into gray mist, integrating with the environment again, as if it had never appeared before.

He snorted and took back his sword and was about to leave, but the fallen man stopped him:

"Please wait a moment sir, can you... help me up... my legs are a little weak."

This was an ordinary person. Judging from his appearance, he was probably a businessman who had negotiated business at night. He just didn't know why he was walking on the street instead of riding in a carriage.

Jenkins glanced at the time on his pocket watch and reached out to pull the other person up. After the man straightened up, he bowed and thanked her quietly, and then asked in a trembling voice if he could leave.

"Yes, but you can go to the church after dawn, any church, and report what happened just now."

"Yes sir."

After saying that, he limped away.

Jenkins turned around and wanted to leave, but the cat on his shoulder suddenly meowed.

"What's wrong? We'll go back right away, don't worry."


Chocolate jumped off Jenkins' shoulder. Jenkins hadn't seen the cat standing on the street for an unknown amount of time.

The cat lowered its head and sniffed at the mark left by Jenkins on the ground. Jenkins also squatted down and wiped it on the ground, and actually found some black ash in the indentation.


This is undoubtedly the product of the black smoke in the cracks in the ground that appeared as the seventh floor tower rose. Jenkins thought that after the cracks in the ground were sealed by the church, the black smoke would slowly disappear, but he did not expect that it had completely merged with the gray fog. as one, even appearing among the remains of the body of the "Creeper in the Mist".

"That's not a good sign."

He looked at the black tower in the distance, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Perhaps stimulated by the "high efficiency" of believers in lies, Miss Bronyance's large-scale divination ceremony was prepared in advance on Thursday.

In the morning, I woke up very early on purpose to welcome St. Ponteff, the Pope of the Church of the Sages, who came in a steam airship. He was here to participate in tomorrow's negotiations. After exchanging greetings, Jenkins went home for breakfast without staying long, so he did not go out the whole morning. Instead, he played card games with Hathaway and the others at home. Only at noon did he know that Miss Bronyance was ready, so he showed up in the afternoon. Under the tower.

"Are you already playing cards at home?"

Dad, who appeared in Civic Square with Jenkins, asked.

"I suddenly realized that I seemed to have nothing to do."

He was too lazy to take care of the common things after becoming king, and even turned down the etiquette teacher hired by Queen Isabella. When I woke up in the morning, I planned to read the fortune-telling girl's notes I got from the adventure in Blacktown, but I found that I couldn't calm down, so I started playing cards.

"You just don't want to do it. Whether it's secular politics or our church's activities, you are actually needed everywhere. When the old pope from the Church of Nature arrived by train in the morning, why didn't you go to greet him? Even if this is not important , then I saw you this morning, why didn’t you stay in the church to talk to Saint Ponteff?”

"Isn't he busy visiting delegations from other churches that have arrived in Nolan, and is he planning to meet with the kings before negotiations? How can he have time to talk to me?"

"Have you forgotten that you have become a king...Forget it, it's okay to take a rest, but don't forget the business."

Dad said, Jenkins smiled and scratched his hair:

"Before something big happens, I should have some time to rest. There will be negotiations tomorrow. I originally planned to have the whole family take a family photo together, but now it seems I don't have time."

"With Robert, Mary, and your brothers?"

"No, it's just me and them."

"The church can arrange it. Let's set a time."

"Okay, how about Saturday?"

Although it was two o'clock in the afternoon, the visibility in the open-air square was not very good because the gray fog covered the sky. Neither Jenkins nor his father were participants in the ceremony. They chatted and stood on the edge of the square, watching the ceremony take place step by step.

Jenkins once again thought about Miss Audrey's water fortune-telling ceremony half a month ago. He still didn't understand who the woman behind him was who warned him not to open the epic of time.

"I spoke to Miss Miller not long ago, and we happened to meet in Evergreen Forest."

Dad said:

"That is a really knowledgeable girl. You are really lucky to meet such a lady."

"I also feel like I'm very lucky."

"I heard that she is a faithless person?"

"'re going to let me persuade her to join the church? Oh, Dad, regarding religion, this is..."

"I don't mean that. As long as you don't believe in evil gods, it doesn't matter if you have no faith. I'm a very open-minded person."

Dad nodded, still looking at the ceremony. Everyone is now in place and doing the final inspection of materials.

"I found that her research and the core of her abilities seem to be very close to our church? The pursuit of mathematics is also the pursuit of knowledge. Her philosophy is actually very similar to ours."

Dad asked.

Jenkins thought for a while:

"It seems so. It is indeed related to knowledge, but Alexia specializes in mathematics."

"Someone once conceived the idea of ​​studying with the power of mathematics as the core. Unfortunately, it is difficult to cultivate scholars and gifters at the same time, because either one is quite time-consuming and talented. Miss Miller is quite good, if not Knowing that she is an unbeliever, I would even think that she is an heir secretly cultivated by the church..."

PS: Ask for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 2019 Chapter 1989 Ovia

Regarding Alexia’s father’s comment being completely casual and not really thinking that the other party was a successor secretly cultivated by the church, Jenkins smiled:

"Listening to what you said, I also feel that Alexia does look like someone from our church."

"Do you know why she is a faithless person?"

Dad asked again, in this world, there must be a reason for becoming an unbeliever, because belief in a certain god is the habit of this world.

"I've asked this once before, but as you know, this is a very sensitive subject."

"Yes, very sensitive."

Dad admitted.

"Alexia said it was because of her family. It happened a long time before I met her. She was very vague, so I didn't ask any more questions."

"Then who did she learn these skills from? I think no matter how high the talent is, it is impossible to become a demigod just by self-taught."

"She has traveled in the material world, learned different knowledge from different people, and seen various aspects of this world. I remember that she mentioned the reason why she embarked on the path of mathematics and knowledge... ..”

Miss Bronyance raised her hand in the middle of the square, and the choir immediately began to sing. The choir of Destiny Church is composed of young girls and boys just like the Church of Sage, but the singing melody style is very different.

Both Jenkins and Dad kept their mouths shut, worried about disturbing the ceremony. Jenkins also recalled the conversation with Alexia in his mind. The short lady did mention the person who put her on this path. That was her tutor when she was a girl. Although she was just an ordinary person, she had great knowledge about knowledge. The desire ignited Alexia's motivation to move forward.

When the singing ended temporarily and the nine blazing bonfires began to burn the bone fragments, Jenkins tilted his head and said to his father:

"I remember, Alexia said, she started on this path because her former tutor taught her grammar and music. Alexia's background seemed to be quite good. That lady was very early. He passed away due to illness before, and his name seemed to be... Ovia... huh? "

As if a hammer had hit him on the head, he suddenly woke up:


In addition to what Jenkins needs to know, such as that she has never had an intimate relationship with anyone of the opposite sex or the same sex, that she once changed her middle name, that she also had a cat but that cat ran away on its own, Alexi Ya rarely talked to Jenkins about her past, seemingly because she didn't want him to infer her age. In fact, Jenkins didn't know much. He probably knew that she had traveled around the world and knew some things about her childhood.

The name "Ovia" is not special. Although it is not as common as names like "Mary", it is not unimaginable to have the same name.

So far, Jenkins has had a very deep impression on the two "Ovias" in this world. One is a soothsayer girl from the distant past, and the founder of the modern Jenkins school of divination, Miss Bronyance, Miss Audrey and His common ancestor, Jenkins, only knew her name in Night Manor; the other just realized it, giving Alexia the initial enlightenment and allowing her to become the tutor she is now. .

"What's wrong? What did you think of?"

Seeing Jenkins suddenly stop when he said this, Dad asked.

"Dad, do you believe there are coincidences in this world?"

"Coincidence? No, in my eyes, coincidence is another inevitability pieced together by countless inevitabilities. It seems that you have gained something important?"

Miss Bronyance's large-scale divination ceremony took a long time to perform, so Jenkins temporarily left the Civic Square and went to the City Hall alone to look for Alexia.

But now the meeting of the three kings is coming to an end. There have been no important meetings recently. Dolores did not come to the meeting today. It was Salsi II's valet who told Jenkins that Her Royal Highness and her sisters had gone to the opera.

Alexia was finally found in the corridor of the opera house. She did not mention the name of the soothsayer girl from the past, but directly asked Alexia if she had any doubts about her enlightenment teacher.

The short lady had no expression on her face:

"Do you think there is something wrong with Teacher Ovia?"

"It's just a guess. You know, I doubt everything. There was even a time when I doubted that Chocolate was not a cat at all."

"So what do you doubt about Teacher Ovia? My teacher only gave me the initial enlightenment of mathematics, which has basically nothing to do with me now. It was not her who guided me, but I chose my favorite from the many options she gave me."

"Yes, I know. Then, can you tell me what Teacher Ovia looks like?"

Alexia nodded and drew in the air with her right index finger, leaving a blue flash. Those lights formed a woman's head. Jenkins squinted and compared it with his memory:

"I don't know this woman at all."

"So this is a coincidence?"

"Yes, coincidence."


Chocolate knew Jenkins was lying.

There was no need to bother Alexia. In her heart, "Teacher Ovia" was a simple passer-by in her past life, just like the various people she passed by during her travels. Alexia did not have deep feelings for this teacher, so Jenkins did not intend to involve her in this matter.

It was only clear that Teacher Ovia was the fortune-teller girl Jenkins had met before, so things became very interesting:

"What does she want to do?"

Leaving the opera house and walking on the street, Jenkins thought about the question and looked around, hoping that the young lady with the crystal ball could come out from the depths of the fog.

The encounter with the fortune-teller girl was less than two months ago. The two did not spend much time together, but because of the notebook that he had put so much effort into, Jenkins thought he knew the girl who had a somewhat eccentric personality but was extremely gentle.

Jenkins' memory had long reached the point of photographic memory, and every detail of the other party was clearly visible in his memory. Not long ago, he even asked the master of ice and snow in the Icefield Temple about the other party's news and learned that the other party was living a good life now:

"But why do you want to be Alexia's teacher?"

He couldn't figure it out, and he didn't even know what attitude he should use to treat the other party at this moment.

He looked forward, and then he really saw familiar old friends appear, but not one, but two:

"Anastacia, Princess Sofia!"

After a pause, his eyes confirmed the aura, and then he smiled and greeted, and the silver dragon and the princess walked over quickly. Their reappearance was just as unexpected as when they left over the Evergreen Forest. The two came to the material world as a result of Jenkins's ritual of using the [Dragon Summoning Flute]. Later, they left Nolan together and said they would be back soon before leaving. :

"Why do you look a little disappointed to see that it's us?"

The silver dragon joked. The girl with silver hair and golden eyes was no longer wearing the white robe she had just appeared in. At this moment, she was wearing an exquisite white women's formal dress. The cuffs, collar, pocket edges and buttons of the clothes were all decorated with pure silver. The silver thread outlined a simple pattern on the surface of the clothes, making her whole "person" look heroic.

The waist-length silver hair behind her did not change, but was simply tied up with a golden headband at the end of the hair, shaking with the movement of the body as she walked.

Princess Sophia was still wearing the dress she wore when they met in Evergreen Forest, except that she had taken off the silver crown on her head, probably to avoid misunderstanding.

"No, how could I be disappointed? I am so happy to see two beautiful ladies. So, is everything done?"

"Yes, we are almost done, and the little trouble left over from many years ago has also been solved. For the next period of time, Sophia and I will stay in Nolan, after all, I promised to help you."

The silver dragon replied, glancing at the cat on Jenkins' shoulder, but still said nothing:

"We heard that you officially became the king? Sophia was anxious for me to rush back to congratulate you."

"Yes, congratulations, Your Majesty William."

Compared to the silver dragon, Princess Sophia is the real perfect lady.

"No, oh, you are so polite. If you want to live in Nolan permanently. Do you need me to find a house for you? What kind of accommodation do the two ladies need?"

Jenkins invited the two friends to get on the church carriage, temporarily putting aside the matter about "Ovia".

The silver dragon was very accustomed to this small space, and did not show the rejection of this kind of environment that large creatures would show. She looked at Jenkins:

"You are so kind, you are not really planning to take advantage of Sophia, are you?"

Before Jenkins could refute this joke, the princess, who was smiling quietly, poked the silver dragon girl's waist with her elbow.

"You can arrange it as you like."

The princess smiled and pursed her lips.

The silver dragon is different from the red dragon. She has adapted to living in a human body, so she also has to live in a human residence instead of a cave. Although Jenkins has not yet held a formal succession ceremony, it is still easy for him to find a house in Nolan for his friends that does not cost money and has servants to serve.

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