"So, you already have the answer?"

"Of course not, and I don't plan to. What if I know the answer? It will only make me think wildly, so I don't plan to find the answer. But you..."

"Do you think I might have doubts about myself because I learned that I am on this path because of the guidance of God? Jenkins, don't be stupid, do you think I am that kind of person? I am walking here It’s because I chose this path. Teacher Ovia gave me a choice when I was young, rather than helping me make a decision.

I have never doubted myself in the past or present, and I will never doubt myself in the future. Without such a firm idea, I wouldn't be able to get where I am now. "

The determined expression on her face made Jenkins feel a little dazed, so that he suddenly kissed Alexia on the cheek.

"What are you going to do?"

the short lady asked, blushing.

"Tonight, don't close the bedroom window."

He leaned forward and whispered, then brushed away the cat's tail dangling in front of his eyes, and saw Alexia nodding her head pretending to be nonchalant.

Miss Audrey did not participate in the ceremony, but acted as a "firefighter" outside the square in case of problems at the request of Miss Bronyance. Jenkins asked her how long it would take for the ceremony to end, but Miss Audrey didn't know either:

"The time of this ritual is not fixed, it mainly depends on the effect. Theoretically, the longer it lasts, the greater the possibility of obtaining clear results."

The big bonfire in the center of the square suddenly exploded, causing people to scream. Above the flames, an indistinct shadow flashed past. This was the third time this had happened since Jenkins arrived.

"So it's not over yet, so it should be considered a good thing."

"But there will be negotiations with the believers of lies tomorrow. Will Miss Bronyance not participate?"

"The teacher is not the main force in the negotiation. I can also be present on her behalf. But you, Jenkins, will the Sage Church tell you what to do tomorrow?"

Miss Bevanna did say this. Knowing that Jenkins was very busy due to the succession, she specially wrote all the key points into a document so that he could have time to read it carefully. The documents now lie on the coffee table in the living room at home, and Jenkins plans to read them in the evening.

"But I'm going to go tonight... Speaking of which, the speed of time in the astral world seems to be different from that in the material world."

He nodded, finding a suitable time for himself to read.

"Miss Audrey, I have something to ask you."

Jenkins said again.

"I am your teacher, isn't it normal for you to ask me for advice?"

Miss Audrey said.

"Oh, no, it's not a question about divination. I want to ask, the True God [Hermit of Destiny]... It's a bit hard to talk about it, but I'm very curious about it... "

He kept his voice as low as possible, not wanting others to hear the conversation:

"Do you know when...the God of Destiny got the title of 'Hermit'?"

Chapter 2022 Chapter 1992 The Gathering of Two Families

Jenkins tried to be as vague as possible, but Miss Audrey still looked offended:

"Why are you asking this?"

"This... I'm just curious."

"There are specific explanations in the church's internal books. Those are public books and you should be able to check them."

But Jenkins doesn’t believe the contents of public religious texts. Those stories cannot be believed in full, so it is equivalent to not believing them all:

"Then let me put it another way. Do you know a lady named 'Ovia'?"

"I know a lot of people, who are you talking about?"

Jenkins was at a loss for words again. This was indeed not a very uncommon name:

"The most special one."

"my mother."

"Um, what? Oh no, then the second special one."

"Probably Ovia, the diviner who was trained at the same time as me. Of course, you know that these are just the names of the diviners, not their real names."

"Yes yes, so where is that lady now?"

"Jenkins, if you were expecting that to be a pretty girl, I'm afraid your hopes are in vain. There she is."

As she said that, Miss Audrey raised her hand and pointed to the middle-aged woman dressed as a nun not far away. She was standing with other people from the Hermit Church, discussing in a low voice the vision that had just appeared in the divination ceremony, but this was definitely Not who Jenkins was looking for.

"Why does she look... so old? Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't say this, but she's not..."

He waved his hand:

"Did he train at the same time as you?"

"Yes, but her talents are very limited, so..."

Miss Audrey shrugged, and Jenkins showed a clear expression:

"So how old are you now?"

He was then driven away.

In the evening, he took his family to have dinner with the Silver Dragon and Princess Sophia. In order not to cause panic among the family, Jenkins did not say that Anastasia was the Silver Dragon, but only hinted that she was a demigod-level powerhouse and came to Nolan specifically to help. Jenkins's.

Anastasia's human form and Princess Sofia are both rare and beautiful ladies. Jenkins explained their relationship very straightforwardly at the dinner table. This was blessed by Hathaway and Britney. Britney said sadly that if Jenkins had not appeared, she and Hathaway might have reached this point.

Jenkins agreed with this point, but without him, at that time, although Britney did not have to endure Jenkins' "love affairs", she had to endure Hathaway's "love affairs".

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Britney will have to endure the future of her partner's "infidelity" no matter what.

The two families got along very harmoniously, and after dinner they went to the Royal Opera House to watch a performance by the famous opera company Silver Jasmine. Aside from the fact that Jenkins took a nap during the opera and nearly slumped over on the couch and into the chocolate, it was a pretty good night.

The silver dragon and the princess also heard more about this era from Jenkins. The silver dragon asked curiously:

"Since you believe that that machine will definitely push the end of the world to come earlier, and something will happen that will affect the entire material world, then are you prepared? Is the church prepared?"

"We are all unprepared. It should be said that we all foreseen this, but no one can stop it. After all, the disaster is bound to come. Our current preparations are not to prevent the disaster, but to prevent the Difference Engine. is the point.”

"That's right."

Yinlong nodded and asked confusedly:

"So, your current idea is to defeat the beast of disaster, the Difference Engine, and then use mortal means to try your best to resist the coming of the doomsday?"

"Yes, without the Difference Engine, although disasters will come, the doomsday will not immediately envelope the world. After defeating it, we will have time to control these thick fogs through mortal means. Although it is a little more difficult, at least it will not let Our civilization is lost."

"This sounds very reasonable, but when Sophia and I were operating outside Nolan, we have noticed that the changes in the world are just the last step away from a 'world-scale disaster'. Any action of the Difference Engine may lead to , the world has become even more different. If you don't find it then, do you still have to wait for it to come to you? "

"It will definitely come to me."


"Because it wants to become a beast of disaster by promoting the apocalypse, rather than letting the world catalyze something like a 'steam beast' from the thick fog to become a beast of disaster. Therefore, this is a duel, a destined one The showdown happened. I could delay it, but it couldn't because the disaster had already begun.

If it wins, it will advance itself and transform into an immortal beast of disaster, letting the doomsday come and thick fog covering the world for thousands of years; if I win, I will be the real savior, completing the final upgrade and guiding the world. The world continues to advance towards the nineteenth century, continuing our civilization under thick fog and steam. "

"It seems that at the end of every era, it becomes a situation where the savior has to complete some kind of challenge. It's really interesting."

Princess Sophia said softly. She rarely interrupted when Jenkins and Anastasia were talking about serious things.

"Sophia, there really is a destiny in our world, and the destiny of an entire era needs to be gathered at the end of this era. To express it is to let people who are burdened with destiny fight against the power of sin. This is very reasonable. . You can think of this as a natural phenomenon... It sounds really interesting."

Silver Dragon said, hugging the blushing Princess Sophia, leaning back on the sofa in the opera house box, and said to Jenkins with a relaxed smile:

"So, Redanput (Savior), do you have faith?"

Jenkins put down the teacup in his hand:

"I will definitely win."

The party between the two families did not end until almost midnight. At twelve o'clock that night, after everyone returned to their residences, Jenkins slipped out of the house and went to the mansion where Salshi II was staying, and jumped into Yali from the window. Kshia's room.

After he landed on the soft carpet, he turned around to close the window and draw the curtains. In the dim light, he saw a short lady combing her hair in front of the dressing table in pajamas. She had just finished taking a shower.

Alexia opened her mouth to speak, but Jenkins made a silencing gesture. He first threw the cat on the bed, then tiptoed to the closet and pulled it open:

"Do you want to help me pick out my clothes?"

Alexia held her face up and looked at Jenkins in the mirror and asked, her long brown hair hanging behind her:

"I don't have a maid costume like Julia here."

"No, I thought Dolores would be in there."

He closed the closet door gently.

"Is this... your new hobby? If you want, I can call Dolores..."

She smiled.

"No, of course not, because... never mind, it doesn't matter."

All in all, it was a pretty good night.

Chapter 2023 Chapter 1993 The Fairy in the Book

The final negotiation with the lie believers had been planned by Jenkins a long time ago. Although it seems a long time ago, it seems that this day has really come in an instant.

If everything goes well, everything before the decisive battle will be arranged on this day. If not, Jenkins may have to use the power of the priesthood on a large scale.

When he woke up in Alexia's bedroom early in the morning, he was still thinking about what he would think in 24 hours. His sleeveless hand gently touched the bedside to find the pocket watch, but he only touched the furry cat.


Chocolate, who was sleepy and curled up into a ball, called impatiently, then stretched out his little paw from under his head and pushed the women's pocket watch to Jenkins. Jenkins took a look and saw that it was still early.

Maybe Chocolate's cry was a little too loud, and Alexia, who was still sleeping, also woke up. She tilted her head to look at Jenkins, then used her arm to push the hair on the side of her face to the side.

"You're not going to say that I pressed your hair, are you? I definitely didn't."

"I mean, I thought you would go back last night, don't you need to prepare in advance this morning?"

The lady who just woke up had a very charming sense of laziness in her words.

"Nothing to prepare."

Thinking that it was still early, he retreated slightly into the quilt, hugged Alexia and kissed her, and Alexia responded enthusiastically. But then the door was pushed open, and Dolores's very energetic voice came from the door:

"Teacher, I received a message, oh, sorry..."

Jenkins heard the sound of the door closing in a hurry.

"Doesn't she ever knock on the door?"

"This floor is the bedroom of Dolores and other princesses. Only the maid will appear, and I usually get up and read at this time. I will tell her next time."

The two sat up from the bed and saw Dolores standing in front of the closed door with a blush.

"Did you expect her to close the door inside?"

Jenkins turned his head and asked again.

"No, I thought Dolores would run away with a blushing face, and after confirming that you left, she would come back with a blushing face and ask me some things that a lady should not ask."

Dolores pretended not to hear anything, and looked at the red carpet on the ground shyly with her head down. This was partly because of the irregularly scattered clothes on the red carpet. She had never seen a woman's nightgown and a man's shirt lying together. On the other hand, it was because in fact, except for her, everyone else in the room was naked.

"Oh, Dolores, can you please go out for a while?"

Seeing that Her Royal Highness was still standing there, Alexia asked with a slightly helpless voice.

"Oh, you still want to... OK, I'll be back in an hour..."

"No, we just want to change clothes. You can come in five to ten minutes. And if it's really what you think, you may not be able to come before breakfast."

Dolores quickly calculated in her mind how long the teacher said, as if she was a student who was completing her homework seriously.

Jenkins pulled the quilt up nervously, and was immediately ridiculed by Alexia as "a ridiculous man who pretends to be pretentious." In the end, Dolores was allowed to leave after she finished her business.

Her Royal Highness brought new intelligence from the North Country. At about two o'clock in the morning, the scholars in the tower sent new results of their research on the "Rebellious Ritual". The report is very long. To summarize it simply, it is completely certain that the tower must have nine floors, and each floor corresponds to a savior qualification.

The information about the strange realm provided by the believers of lies played a very important role. Scholars used the strange realm as a new idea for research. While obtaining the research results of "the nine strange realms are interconnected" with Miss Magic and others, they also believed that although the strange realms are interconnected, there is still only one entrance and exit in the same strange realm, which cannot be changed.

In other words, even if the nine strange realms together constitute a larger strange realm, each strange realm is connected to at most two different strange realms. Once you enter the metal black tower, there is actually only one way forward, that is, to penetrate the nine strange realms.

This is a bit like the challenge of climbing the tower, and confirming this information is actually of great value to Jenkins. The strange realm does restrict the use of abilities, even the savior ability is no exception, but the strange realm does not restrict numbered items.

Especially the gifts, Jenkins can resonate with all the gifts, which is his biggest reliance on the confidence that he can fight back even if he has to face the challenge of climbing the tower.

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