Dad said.

"If those cultists want to prevent us from participating in negotiations, will they release monsters... It seems that it is really possible."

The carriage left the bridge, changed direction, and drove north along Piesman Commercial Street for a distance, then turned east under the big sign with "Mr. Lowry's Jewelry Store" and entered the straight road diagonally to the northeast.

Then we drove on the stone road and continued north. After turning east at the second intersection, we could see the river bank again.

No one was protesting at the bridge here, and the carriage with Jenkins and his father drove onto the bridge smoothly. Immediately behind them, another four-wheeled carriage came over and accelerated on the bridge, making the two carriages go hand in hand.

At the moment when the two car windows were extremely close, the other's car window was pushed open violently, and then a metal cane stretched out, destroying the wooden car window on Jenkins' side with one blow. Before he and his father could Taking action, a steam bomb releasing hot steam was thrown in.

"Steam bomb!"

Dad yelled and saw Jenkins take the bomb. As the cold air bubbled out from his hands, the bomb was covered with a layer of ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The moisture in the hot steam speeds up the freezing of the entire bomb.

After confirming that the bomb would not explode, Jenkins stopped the carriage, and then he and his father came to the bridge holding an umbrella.

The carriage that attacked them did not leave, but stopped at the bridge not far away. Standing in front of the carriage were two men wearing black coats of the same style. Neither of them had umbrellas, and they were just standing in the rain.

"do you know?"

Jenkins asked Dad.

"How do I know you?"

Dad asked rhetorically.

Before the two people spoke to each other, the two people spoke first:

"We can actually resolve the dispute in a more peaceful way."

The sound was very muffled in the rain.

"Your peace is just throwing steam bombs?"

Jenkins dropped the big lump of ice in his hand to the ground. It rolled twice and then stayed still in the rain.

"To be fair, everyone knows that throwing steam bombs at high-level benefactors is no different from throwing melons of the same size. We don't want to hurt you. Our mission is just to force you to stay for two hours. If you two are willing, there is a bar over there and we can pay for it.”

"Who are you? Gearsmith Guild or Tree House?"

Jenkins asked.

"Sorry sir, we don't understand what you are talking about."

The chill spread outward from Jenkins' feet, and layers of ice slowly grew on the rain-covered bridge deck. Dad whispered a curse word that Jenkins could not understand. At the same time as the spell was spoken, the fluctuation of the spirit meant that the battle had begun.

The two sides were in the middle of the bridge and one end of the bridge. Before the close contact, Dad's spell first took effect. There is no teammate protection mechanism in this world, and the ability to have a range effect also works for Jenkins. But he was very little affected, and could barely tell that it was a spell that disturbed people's spirits.

He threw down his umbrella and rushed forward through the rain. The ice came into contact with the two enemies before him. The moment the puddle under his feet froze, his shoes were actually frozen to the ground. But the two men didn't want to move. Instead, they took out glass bottles and threw them at Jenkins.

Both bottles looked empty, but Jenkins wasn't careless.

He touched the air with his right hand, and a series of raindrops formed a large ice slab under the action of ice condensation. The ice plate was thrown by Jenkins, and after hitting the two glass bottles, the glass bottles flew back.

The bottle fell at the feet of the two strangers. At the moment it burst, the dazzling white flash was like a high-power gas lamp suddenly turning on in the dark night, making people subconsciously close their eyes.

When Dad and Jenkins opened their eyes again, the stranger had disappeared, leaving behind two pairs of shoes and ice debris on the ground.

"That was an alchemy prop used only by the cultists of the [Light Chaser Club]. They called it flash bombs. With their unique magical abilities, people who come into contact with those lights will be unable to do so for a period of time. See people using their abilities.”

"Is it equivalent to being invisible?"

"Yes, this is the most effective method of invisibility known so far. Most detection spells and abilities cannot be recognized."

Jenkins blinked. His normal vision could not capture the two high-level benefactors, but the aura in the Eye of Truth could not be hidden.

"But why [Light Chaser Club]? They also cooperate with the Difference Engine?"

Jenkins asked again.

"No, I think it's just some cooperation with the tree house. Don't forget the purpose of today's negotiation."

Dad warned, looking around vigilantly, trying to find the enemy through the abnormal falling of the rain.

"Oh, I understand. The negotiated agreement will definitely impose stricter restrictions on the preaching and activities of these cultists like the "Tower Agreement" at the end of the last era. Therefore, even if there are no common interests, as long as there is The cultists will definitely not be happy for our negotiations to proceed normally."

His fist suddenly swung to the right, and then hit the chest of the humanoid figure that was invisible to the naked eye. The invisible man originally had a way to let the rain fall naturally in his body, but his heart was suddenly hit hard, and he couldn't control his ability, so his body knocked out a human-shaped water screen in the rain.

He flew backwards and almost fell off the bridge. When he wanted to get up, Jenkins had already come to him, holding an ice spear made of rainwater and pointing a sharp ice spike at his throat:

"You can try to see if I can kill people."

"That's not right. Didn't the intelligence say that you are a level 7 gifter who is proficient in manipulating vitality?"

The man looked up in astonishment and asked, not expecting failure to come so easily.

"The intelligence is correct, but it's just incomplete."

Chapter 2026 Chapter 1996 Urban Turmoil

When Jenkins ended the battle, the old man's side was also over. The old man didn't catch the trace of the invisible guy until the end. It was just that when the other party tried to attack with a spell, a layer of elastic air film that was also invisible suddenly appeared in front of the old man.

The spell ability originally had no entity, and was essentially a way of action of the spirit. But after the fluctuation of the spirit approached the membrane, the enemy's spell was actually rebounded.

The old man stood there without moving, letting the enemy be attacked by his own ability. The cultist's spell is a kind of ability that can make a person's body irreversibly light-transformed, but the rebounded spell did not hit the vital point, but only eliminated the user's right arm and a layer of skin on his body, but it also made him lose the ability to fight with his father.

After capturing two captives, they knew without much interrogation that they were indeed members of the [Light Chasers Club], and before going out to perform the mission, they had already prepared to go without return.

"We have received accurate information, William, we know that you are the candidate for the savior. This time, we have no intention of returning alive. But what does it matter? It's not just the two of us who are here to intercept you, nor is it just our organization. There is still a long way to go, I wish you a good time."

Although they had already sensed from their words that the two were determined to die, before they turned into light with a smile, Jenkins and Dad did not have time to stop them. The pursuit of the [Light Chasers Club] itself is to transform from the physical state into complete light like the gods they believe in, although their methods are often irreversible, and they do not exist in the form of light but are really decomposed. But it is really hard to prevent this method from being used for suicide.

"How many things will happen next? I think the church is right. This journey will not be peaceful."

After confirming that the cultists had really committed suicide, Jenkins asked while walking towards the carriage with his father.

"Of course, more and more dangerous things are happening in places we can't see now. We are just bait in the open. And, I don't know if you noticed that they actually know that you are the seedling of the world tree, which is only known by the Tree House and the Gear Craftsmen Association."

"Are you saying that those two organizations are behind today's action?"

As the two were talking, they heard a loud rumble in the distance before they even got back on the carriage.

Turning around, the four-story gray-black building standing in the distance on the other side of the river collapsed to one side amid the fire and people's exclamations. Even such a heavy rain did not completely suppress the smoke and dust generated by the collapse of the building.

"You see, that's what I mean."

As the father said, he prepared a ceremony and used a triangular spell to inform the church of what had just happened here.

Jenkins dried his whole body with the flame, and touched the cat that had been left on the carriage just now:

"It's terrible. I don't know who was attacked this time, but it seems that this is not the route we are going to take. Britney and Julia will also go to the church soon, so why don't we go back and pick them up?"

He was particularly worried about the girls at home.

"The church knows that you are the focus of the attack, so they deliberately arranged for them not to go with you. Don't worry, Jenkins, Miss Bevanna will pick them up in person later. They are much safer than us."

"That's good... The church arranged for the demigod to pick them up, so why did they arrange for you to pick me up?"

"Are you disgusted with me?"

Dad asked.

"No, oh, dad, how could I have such a terrible idea?"

Jenkins immediately denied.

"And do you need the protection of the church's demigod?"

Dad asked again, and this time Jenkins shook his head decisively to deny it again.

"You see, so the church only arranged for me to pick you up in the end. To be honest, the most troublesome thing today is not that the cultists will cause riots all over the city, nor that they will attack our participants. The most troublesome thing is whether the believers of lies will come."

"Didn't they agree?"

The carriage started slowly, and Jenkins argued for the believers of lies.

"You want us to believe in a group of liars?"

"But there must be evidence, right?"

"It was Stiver who raised this possibility. She seemed to think...the believers of lies didn't care much about this negotiation, as if it didn't matter whether they participated or not."

Dad touched his chin, wondering if this would be another trap. Jenkins looked at the river view outside the window:

"They will definitely come."

The cultists did not install explosives directly under the bridge to blow Jenkins and the carriage up to the sky, so the group crossed the bridge safely.

After getting off the bridge, since the collapsed building was not on their way forward, there was no need to take a detour.

Jenkins still wondered what kind of accident he would encounter next, but his father had a look of no need to worry. He was concerned about whether Jenkins would perform poorly in the negotiation due to the consumption on the road.

After crossing the bridge, they immediately entered the gently downhill area connected to the bridge deck. This area used to be flooded once every five years during the rainy season. Later, due to municipal planning and water storage upstream, it became flooded only once every ten years due to heavy rain.

Most of the residents nearby are poor people, and the houses are old and dilapidated. The steam pipes on the walls are covered with mottled rust, which is completely different from the prosperous scene a few streets away. In the gloomy weather when it rains, you can feel the taste of "poverty" and "desolation" that seems to permeate the air. This is also one of the portrayals of the lowest level of Nolan, a prosperous industrial and commercial city.

"Now that I am king, maybe I can solve the problem here."

Jenkins looked at the dirty words on the low wall on the side of the street outside the window and suddenly spoke.

Because Jenkins refused to continue talking about the negotiation, the old man who picked up the newspaper said without looking up:

"Oh, Your Majesty William, there will always be poor people in any era, and you can't change that."

The honorific was definitely used for the purpose of irony.

"I know there are always poor people. After all, there would be no rich people without poor people. This is a relative concept. Unless you do it...but poverty can be divided into many levels. I think I can at least let people not live in such places."

"You will be a good king, Jenkins."

This is a sincere compliment. Jenkins smiled and nodded:

"I hope so too. By the way, Dad, are you interested..."

"No interest."

Chapter 2027 Chapter 1997 Cat and Shadow

Unexpectedly, Dad would give an answer so quickly. Jenkins paused before continuing to ask:

"Dad, do you know what I'm going to say?"

"Of course I know - you want to invite me to be a consultant? Oh, no, I'm not interested in that."

Jenkins then stopped talking about this topic. Dad quietly looked down at the newspaper, Jenkins quietly stroked his cat, and Chocolate quietly took a morning nap.

But the carriage stopped again.

"Guess what this time is?"

Dad put the newspaper aside and asked in the sound of rustling.

"It doesn't matter what it is, but I swear no one can stop me from going to the church."

The two of them got off the carriage again with umbrellas, and the coachman fled to the alley beside. Chocolate poked his head out of the carriage and looked out.

This time, the person who blocked the road was a woman dressed up in a gorgeous way. In the rainy weather, she stood on the muddy street in a bright red dress. The woman did not hold an umbrella and let the rain wash over her.

But she was not soaked by the heavy summer rain, and her makeup was not even smudged by the rain. Although she was in the rain, her clothes were still neat and clean. In the dim light, she was as beautiful as if she was glowing.

Everything about this weirdness looked abnormal, so Jenkins blinked:

"Class B supernatural."

He said, and the old man nodded, lowered his head to think for a while, and directly said the other party's name:

"B-09-2-7083 [Bright Red Dancer]."

"It doesn't sound very dangerous."

"The law of nature: small insects with bright skin are the most dangerous. This law actually has a certain value for numbered items. I think we are in trouble."

"What trouble? Isn't the other party a dancer? Could it be that her characteristic is to use dance to kill people?"

"No, no, no, this lady's characteristic is not dangerous, but very troublesome. Simply put, once she is targeted, you must dance with her to make her satisfied, otherwise the unlucky guy who is targeted can't go anywhere. It is indeed not dangerous, but it is very time-consuming."

After hearing what the old man said, Jenkins thought about it and asked the key question:

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